"So, your gut is still telling you to go east?" Rogue asked critically.
"Yep," Sting smiled walking with his hands behind his head.
They had left Erik's swamp with a small communication lacrima through which they could contact him. It was hidden in Rogue's cloak in a secret pocket so that it couldn't be taken by any pickpockets.
Now the two were following a road that led to who knew where with Sting leading the way.
"Well then, who am I to question," Rogue sighed. Frosch was sleeping in his pack while Lector romped ahead of Sting.
"You sound doubtful?" Sting asked sarcastically.
"I am," Rogue shrugged.
"Well then, plan your 'I told you speech out'" Sting smiled, Rogue rolled his eyes.
"Either way, Magnolia is east and they have a larger library there so we are heading in a good direction," Rogue sighed.
"Sting-kun, there's a town up ahead," Lector said running back to the duo.
This awoke Frosch who rubbed his eyes, "Is it eat time yet?" he asked.
Rogue and Sting sighed; they had no money, and no purposeful direction.
"Should we look for a quick job?" Sting asked.
"I suppose so, some money would do us some good," Rogue sighed, "Lets try not to take one that has a possible ally... we do actually need to collect money this time."
They walked into town and began looking for any quick-paying job.
"Want to be a bartender for a few hours?" Sting asked Rogue sarcastically.
"I will not be degraded and humiliated for money again," Rogue growled, "I hated that job."
"Only a joke," Sting chuckled.
Then there was a commotion off to their left. A woman with short light blue hair was being attacked by three figures in plastic masks. One grabbed the woman while the other grabbed her purse and the third grabbed her bag.
Rogue felt a growl rise in his throat, Sting felt the same. They walked up to the figures.
"Hey! Let her go!" Sting yelled.
The three figures stopped.
"Oh look blondy here is trying to be a hero," one jeered.
"Go home lover boy," another sneered.
"Release her or suffer the consequences," Rogue growled his concerns flying out the window.
"Make me," the one holding her said.
"My pleasure!" Sting yelled, he lunged for the first figure and had thrown him into a wall before anyone could blink. Rogue went for the second knocking him to the ground with a broken nose and a black eye. The third figure backed away, the girl still in his hands a knife in his other hand.
"STOP R-RIGHT TH-THERE... OR...I'LL... I'LL KILL HER!" he stuttered. The girl was gasping for air as the man had an arm around her throat.
"That wouldn't be very nice," Frosch said.
The man's mouth hung open as he stared at Frosch in shock, in his moment of surprise the woman slammed her foot down on his toes then elbowed his chest. She whipped her head up and broke his nose and then hit him very hard in a body part that made Sting and Rogue wince slightly as they watched.
The woman stood up strait and smiled, "thank you," she breathed as the man collapsed groaning.
"You're welcome, we did what anyone else would have done," Rogue said. He noticed that she didn't seem to have heard Frosch speak which was a good thing - she must have not heard him over the pounding of the blood in her ears when she was in that headlock. Frosch also seemed to realized that he had made a mistake and gave an innocent "meow".
Sting meant to say something like... Oh wow, that was awesome how you took that one guy out, that was really impressive... but it came out as, "Oh wow, you... you fight good," Sting stuttered.
"Uh... thank you," the woman questioned.
"I'm Rogue and this is Sting, we're traveling," Rogue said politely.
"I'm Yukino," she smiled.
"Do you live here?" Rogue asked.
"No I was... passing through, then these guys stopped me..." Then she seemed to have an idea, "how about I buy you guys lunch, just to repay you," she smiled.
"Oh no... we really couldn't," Rogue began.
"Oh come one, just one meal, it's the least I can do," she pleaded.
"Okay..." Sting agreed happily.
"Hey!" a new voice commanded.
Rogue and Sting stiffened as two soldiers ran up.
"Officers," Yukino greeted, there was a hidden icy tone in her voice.
"Are you alright mam'?" a soldier asked.
"I am," Yukino nodded.
"And you two" the other soldier asked looking to Sting and Rogue.
"We're fine," Rogue answered softly.
"Good, we're sorry we weren't able to be here in time, I'm afraid we only arrived because we heard yelling and I must say I was impressed to see civilians step up to enforce the laws. These thugs have been terrorizing the city so know that these people and the Dragon King himself thanks you. Don't worry, these three will be sent to the capital," a soldier said disdainfully looking to the unconscious thugs.
Now Yukino, Sting, and Rogue looked to the thugs in hidden pity.
"I-Is that required?" Yukino asked.
"Yes," the soldier stated, "Crime... in any form, is dealt strictly, at the capital."
Sting was about to object but Rogue silenced him with a glare, "Very well, we'll get out of your way."
The three walked away,
Yukino's lip was trembling and she glanced back to watch the soldiers call over their comrades and lug the thieves away - most likely never to be seen again.
Guilt settled heavily on Sting and Rogue's shoulders. The thieves could've been stealing to feed their families - perhaps they weren't the villains. Or maybe they were mere greedy jerks who wanted more money. Either way; they didn't deserve to die for it.
"Are you alright?" Rogue asked Sting.
"Yeah," Sting lied.
The way they acted towards it made Yukino feel better; they were just as bothered by the soldiers as she was.
Yukino smiled at the two boys hiding her feelings for blame for the thug's fate, "So... what do you two want for lunch, I do still owe you that."
Yukino bought them both a steak, a drink and two fish for the cats.
"So what brings you two to town?" she asked.
"Just passing through," Rogue said.
"We're looking for some people," Sting said. Rogue elbowed him.
"Oh... who, maybe I've seen them?" Yukino asked.
"... um... you ever heard of someone named Grandeeney?" Sting asked.
"... Huh, nope," she giggled shaking her head.
Rogue shrugged.
"So... Yukino, what brings you to town?" Sting asked.
Yukino seemed reluctant to tell at first, but she hid the feeling with a smile, "I left my guild and wanted a change so I'm heading east," she smiled, "I'm heading home."
"Oh really east huh?" Sting asked excitedly.
"Yes," Yukino nodded, "It's been too long since I've been home," Sting and Rogue sensed that she wasn't telling the whole truth but they said nothing.
"That's good; I hear that east is nice, what brings you that way?" Rogue asked.
Yukino first put on her smile... then tears built up, and before the boys knew it, she was crying.
"ROGUE! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Sting yelled grabbing Rogue and shaking him.
"NOTHING!" Rogue answered in a growl.
"WELL YOU DID SOMETHING!" Sting growled.
"No... no don't fight, I'm sorry," Yukino said trying to wipe away her tears, they kept coming. "It's been so long... since I've met nice people... Oh I'm sorry, I'm a mess," she sniffed.
"Don't be sorry, what's wrong?" Sting asked releasing a frazzled Rogue.
"It doesn't matter, I just met you, you don't need to know my problems," Yukino said, tears still falling, she kept trying to wipe them away.
"Yukino, you can tell us," Sting said concerned.
"Sting we're absolute strangers," Rogue sighed. Sting elbowed his stomach making him double over in pain.
Yukino sniffed and looked up, her eyes were puffy and red, she sniffed again, "I didn't leave my guild... I was kicked out; I lost a fight in the Colosseum, so they kicked me out, after the master humiliated me... I... I "she broke down in tears again.
"That's horrible," Rogue stated slowly recovering from Sting's cheap shot.
"What guild... treats their comrades like that?" Sting asked shaking in rage.
"Sabertooth..." Yukino said, "Sabertooth does."
"... You said the master humiliated you?" Sting asked.
Yukino nodded.
"Do you have a room in town?" Sting asked suddenly making Rogue's mouth hang open.
"What?" Yukino asked.
"Can our cats stay in your hotel room for a while?" Sting asked, Rogue sighed in relief.
"Uh... yeah sure why?" Yukino asked.
"You just reminded me of something... something..." Sting said, "Me and Rogue have to head out for the night and we don't have a place to leave the cats.
"Okay," Yukino said slowly.
"Thank you, Rogue we have to go," Sting said. He grabbed Rogue and went outside. As they were walking Sting grabbed one man by his shirt,
"Where is the Sabertooth Guild Hall?" he asked. The terrified man pointed north-west.
"Sting... what are we doing?" Rogue asked running after him.
"Comrades are like family... and if you mistreat your family, you're scum... these people hurt Yukino... I'm going to make them pay," Sting growled.
"For a girl you met three minutes ago?" Rogue asked.
"Yes," Sting said, his eyes blazing.
"And it doesn't bother you that we left our talking cats with her and she's bound to figure out that they aren't normal and could bring the entire empire down on us in a moment?" Rogue asked.
"Not in the slightest," Sting answered.
Rogue sighed, "great... let's go and get killed."
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