The Dragonkin
It was a night of utter elegance, a cloak of dark beauty surrounded the capital city of Sunaki. Under this mask of blackness, Ria attended the meeting of the New Moon Order.
Like most of the nobility who were involved in this movement, she had donned a simple tunic constructed of cotton. Ria put away the veil she wore at the court and replaced it with a simple hooded robe to shelter her from the cold and hide her identity.
Not that anyone would recognize her. Lady Ariadne Jun, soon to be Lady Ariadne Dashiell. The youngest daughter of a duke whose name was met with blank stares among the highest noble court.
The streets here were safer than Ria's hometown. No one cared about Gallagher Port, but the crime levels were kept under a strict hand for presentation purposes in the capital.
Ria approached the Inam-Itak. The closed tavern appeared to be run down, but Ria knew better. She knocked thrice on the wooden door, before adding two knocks in quick succession.
"Nice to see you, Lady Jun," Lord Dashiell opened the door. If anyone had followed Ria, the court would be buzzing with gossip, but not about a coup. It would just appear two lovers had snuck out for a night on the town.
Even though they would be wed in less than two months' time, neither of them referred to each other on a first name basis. Milena had said that it was the same way when she and Rhett were married, and that Ria and Lord Dashiell would eventually fall for each other.
And that was the one thing Ria despised about Milena. She never put up a fight, never spoke her mind unless asked, and never, ever, disrespected the king.
As she entered the building, a few familiar faces were lit by the candlelight. Lords Duma and Jestin, Knights Harley and Carter, and the only other woman of the group, Sage Tian all sat around the table, sipping cheap wine.
"That makes everyone," Lord Dashiell said. "Milady, please take a seat so we may begin."
Ria slid into the chair next to Tian. Every time she saw the healing mage, Ria envied the woman's vow of celibacy that female healers were mandated to take.
"Twilight has informed the king of the plan of the assassination, just like we planned," Knight Harley said. "Elliot called a meeting with a select few of the Council, and it was all done in secrecy."
"Well done," Dashiell said. "The only contingency now rests in Lady Jun's hands. How is that going, milady?"
"I..." Ria stuttered. "I need more time to gain her trust."
"We are almost out of time," Tian said. "We cannot predict what Lady Sumati will do; none of us have that in our power. You know what you must do."
Ria nodded with the haste of a sloth. "I know, but..."
"The king and the Council meet with the Laiah in the day after tomorrow. You must speak to her by then, or..."
"I understand," Ria said. "I understand what I must do."
After that exact moment, the door slammed open. A boy who could be no older than twelve, and his frame suggested that he was younger, stalked in.
"Midnight," Lord Duma stammered. "What are you doing here?"
This was Midnight? A collective gasp spread through the room. Lord Duma's assassin was known in the Order, but never had he shown his face. And never had the lord hinted that this warrior was a mere boy.
"There's been a change of plans." Midnight was cloaked in a black robe, with a hood covering his eyes, but not hiding the Divine Mark on his cheek. So, he was a mage. Midnight's high pitched voice indicated that he was still a child and had not transitioned into manhood just yet.
"Midnight, I told you not to..." Duma began. The boy abruptly cut him off.
"The King has an alternate plan, Master." Midnight pulled a scroll from his pocket. "The Caspian family has been called forth."
The room went silent at the mention of the name. Caspian.
"Midnight," Dashiell murmured. "How do you know this?"
"That shall remain hidden for now," Duma interrupted before the mysterious boy had time to answer. "But, if Midnight says this is true, then we must assume the worst. But, why now? Why would Elliot call in the Dragonkin now and not to conquer the world?"
"The Dragonkins' services are not free," Ria noted. "Up until now, the king has always been able to intimidate our opponents, and if that fails, then we attack. However, he wants to crush any sign of rebellion before the Laiah get word of insurgence."
"You've been learning from Sumati," Dashiell nodded. "King Elliot cannot afford to go to war with both the Laiah and Halcyon simultaneously."
"Midnight," Duma looked towards his assassin. "The assassination plans are off, for now. The time allotted for this meeting is drawing to a close. Keep an eye on the Dragonkin when they arrive. And most importantly, Lady Jun, you must convince Lady Sumati to join us."
Milena was not looking forward to seeing the Caspian family again. Prince Auberon's eyes taunted her as the King made the announcement.
Everyone knew about the reason for her disdain. It wasn't that big of a secret to the court, but still, the whispers made Milena wince. However, it was the best option to gain a tactical advantage for both the upcoming negotiations with the Laiah and the rising insurgency among the wealthy populace.
No one messed with the Dragonkin. Milena had learned that the hard way.
"'Lena?" Rhett's voice said from behind. He had entered the bedroom without Milena noticing. Most likely, he had ended his night shift.
Milena adjusted her cloaks. "Good morning." She tried to inject as much cheerfulness into her tone.
"The Caspians are arriving tonight," Rhett stated. "Are you okay?"
Milena nodded, turning towards her husband. She kept her gaze low, trying to hide from the memories.
"Are you okay?" Rhett repeated.
"It's just a game," Milena murmured. "When the enemy makes their way across the board, you must remain calm and not fall prey to your emotion's calamities."
Rhett didn't say anything. His eyes glimmered with sympathy, but he would never, never understand.
He finally spoke after a long pause. "Did His Majesty consult you?"
Milena nodded. "It... It has to be done. We need the aid of the Dragonkin."
"This isn't just about the meeting with the Laiah, is it?"
Slowly, Milena shook her head. "But, I... I'm not allowed to say."
"I understand," Rhett said. "The king shall have his privacy." He adjusted Milena's cloak, pulling the hood over her braided locks. "Does His Majesty want you to attend the arrival of the Dragonkin?"
She nodded. Rhett stayed silent. There was nothing he could say to comfort her. He would never understand, that is simply how it was.
"Eowyn!" An angry child's voice yelled from the hall. "Get back here!"
"I should probably go break that up," Milena sighed.
"I'll take care of it," Rhett sighed. "Try not to think about tonight. I'll be there. Nothing bad will happen, okay?" Rhett left the room, shouting the names of their quarrelsome children.
Milena looked into the mirror. She pulled down the neckline, and stared at the pinkish scar blemishing her flesh. This was how the great tactician of King Elliot started out. This was the past no one let her forget. She might be the one who pulls the strings of the puppet king, but what happened years ago with the Dragonkin would always control her.
But, in the end, no status would never be enough, would it? She would always be the serf girl turned royalty. The woman too smart for her own good.
Maybe she did have too much wit for her own good. Maybe she could use that to her advantage.
Milena smiled into the mirror. Her mind began to spin, calculating dozens of scenarios in an instant.
No. She couldn't. What was she thinking? If she stepped out of line, if the king caught her...
Every game, every strategy, every plan had a choice on how much the player would risk. It was rather basic, and common sense to Milena. More risk, more reward, much more to lose.
In her mind, Milena recalled the threat the King gave when she took over this position, when she was pregnant with Lief. At the time, Elliot killing her firstborn for treachery was almost as scary as having a child itself.
Milena pictured Lief's cunning eyes, always buried in a book. She saw Eowyn's mischievous grin, her smile saying what the words her lips could not form.
Milena couldn't risk it. Not now. Not because she was scared on the off chance Duke Cassian might recognize her.
The best thing for her was to wait quietly and see where this game was headed.
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