What the hell? Okay... okay, think... The body he's in must of holed himself in here to escape from those zombies, but one of them managed to bite him and he expected himself to turn. But instead, a soul from another world was reincarnated into his body. Who would expect that? Nobody in their right mind. But if he was bit, wouldn't that make him a zombie? Unless, maybe this body died before he was able to fully turn. Blood loss, perhaps?
He took a closer look at his arm. His veins were dark, and his skin was an unnatural color. From the source of the bite all the way up to his forearm. It's like it just... stopped.
The banging was getting louder. This was no time to think. He had to get out of here-
No, wait. He scoffed. He didn't have to do anything. After all, didn't he want this to end? Remembering back to his first world, the very first thing he learned were the rules. Only two. Don't let anyone know you're in the system. And don't die. Death results in his permanent deletion from existence. How ironic. He didn't plan on dying. And yet, it always ended in death. Either by someone else's hand or the death around him. Death followed him everywhere. And it was real. They were real, living, human beings. And it was all his fault. It might not of been by his own hand but it was because of him.
Lance. Even if it was because they were destined mates. The love he felt for him was real. He wanted to stay by his side forever. Live in that big house and laugh with their friends.
Charlie. His first friend. He should of never gotten him involved. He should of stayed away from him. It would of protected him. Then, he wouldn't care about Lucas. Then, Adonis wouldn't care about Charlie and wouldn't of tried to fucking kill him. Then... then what? Charlie wouldn't of... he wouldn't of... killed himself. Ugh. Even the thought of it made him sick. He didn't want to believe it. But the only way to get into the System was to die unfulfilled. And Charlie... there was no way Charlie would die of natural causes right after Lucas died. He got him into this. Now Charlie was out there somewhere. Going through this hell. Forced to play this sick game.
I'm sorry... Even I broke our promise. But... you, why did you apologize? No, no...
All of it. It was his fault. He could blame it all on Adonis. But he created him. And then Adonis became a psychopath. He pushed Miles' soul out of his own body, in a way, killing him. Who knows how many other people he's murdered for Ethan's sake. Even if it wasn't his intent. He knew deep down it wouldn't end well. He drugged someone for what...? Information? For his own gains. And then it spiraled. It all spiraled. If he continued playing this sick game he would sure lose his mind.
Perhaps it was never meant to be. Perhaps he was never meant for the System. The only way to get out of this... was to die. Simple enough.
The zombies would break in any second now. Ethan struggled to get to his feet, using the shelf as a means to prop himself up. Though the thought of getting eaten alive by zombies wasn't at all appealing, it was definitely a sure of way of dying. This was his way out.
Just like on cue the zombies burst through the doors, knocking over the make-shift barricade. Ethan couldn't help but feel scared. He's seen his fair share of zombies in movies, sure, but in seeing them in person was a whole different story. Because he knew none of it was special effects or makeup. The burnt flesh, the jaw hanging off a single ligament, the missing arm. The blood, the guts, the gore. It was real. And they were once human.
He held his breath as they wandered inside. There were ten - maybe fifteen? It seemed they didn't see him. Were they blind? But, no, that didn't make sense. They were stepping over debris and walking around shelves. They could see; so why wasn't he being mauled right now?
He was as still as a statue when one of them wandered up to him. The stench coming off of that thing was horrific. He was almost inclined to gag when it opened its mouth to reveal a maggot infested cavity. It sniffed around, inches away from his face. And then, it just walked away. Nothing.
What? What just happened? No way... do they not register me as human? Is it because I died mid transformation? Ethan rushes to put a finger to his wrist, hoping for a pulse. But seconds passed and there was nothing. No heartbeat. And his skin - it was freezing.
This was some sick joke. He grabbed the nearest zombie and shoved it to the floor. The zombies reacted to the noise but did nothing in response. He got on top of the zombie and began to beat its face in with his fists.
"Why, why, why!" He sobbed as his fists grew weaker, until eventually he stopped. He stared at his trembling bloody fist. He couldn't even feel pain, and it just made him even more frustrated.
He began to trash the store, more then it already was to begin with. He knocked over shelves and smashed the intact windows. He yelled and screamed saying whatever profanities came to mind.
Ethan stopped when he was out of breath, looking at all the zombies that surrounded him like he was some kind of spectacle. But he knew they were just attracted to all the noise. They looked at him with such dull lifeless eyes. In that moment he felt so small. Like an animal in a cage at a zoo. It was ironic considering his circumstances. He wondered if Cara thought of him like that. If she was watching him right now just as a means of entertainment. He hated all those eyes on him.
Ethan shoved past the zombies and left the store, wandering out onto the street.
This was hell; it had to be. He died over and over, and yet he was brought back to be put in these worlds. Again and again. To suffer. Cara was the devil. How long would this go on for? No, he wasn't going to play by her games anymore. He didn't care anymore. He wouldn't appease her any longer. The next moment he saw her, he was going to wrap his hand around her throat and kill her. But... would he even be able to kill her? He wasn't sure what she was exactly. Whether a god or a devil, it couldn't be that easy.
Ethan examined the street and his surroundings. It looked exactly like you expect a city to look after a war. A war or maybe a nuke? Something of the sort. Buildings were destroyed or collapsed. Cars were flung about and there were large cracks in the streets as if an earthquake had cracked open the earth. Everything was in complete ruin. Whatever happened it looked fairly recent. There was no greenery in sight. No trees not even a single blade of grass. Nature hadn't had time to reclaim the world yet.
What happened here? Why were the worlds he was getting reincarnated becoming more and more obscure. First it was high school, which was plain and simple; even when it went to hell. Then werewolves and packs and whatnot. Now it was the zombie apocalypse. Or nuclear fallout. Either or. What was next, pirates? Aliens? It was strange how familiar these worlds were to him. Werewolves and now zombies? He had read all sorts of comics like those ever since he was a kid. Maybe the system worked off of him somehow. It couldn't be completely random. Just thinking about it gave him a headache.
He came across a fork in the road. Or rather, a huge chasm overlooking a never-ending hole towards the center of the earth. I'm sure I'll die if I throw myself down there, he wondered. But as he stepped forward a rock pummeled down the hole and he was filled with dread. He didn't really wanna find out just how far this hole went.
Wait. It was familiar. Why was this all familiar? More then just the concept of an apocalypse itself it was... He ran to look at the street signs, and then the buildings. He's been here before. This was the city he lived in as Ethan, as his original self. But - how was that possible? Why had he been reincarnated to here of all possible places. Of all possible worlds. And if that was the case, how did this happen? This definitely wasn't the world he remembered. Back then everyone was a living breathing human not a monster. Since he wasn't getting any help from the System, he had to find out for himself exactly what happened.
If I've been reincarnated back to my original world does that mean-? He rushes to a window and looks at his new appearance. No, not Ethan. Figured, he died in the original world. For good. He was an older man. Black hair and a scruffy face. He was pale and his face was covered in blood.
"Ah..." he attempts to wipe the blood off his face but it just smudges even more. His eyes were blood shot. Hah. He really did look half zombie. So ridiculous.
Well, if this is my city, then I should be able to find my apartment. If I figure out where I am exactly I can just follow the subway system. He didn't have to worry about danger, which was a plus. Though he still had to worry about falling through cracks in the earth. Back when he was Ethan, he didn't get out much. He only really went to his college and back. Since he moved here specifically for college he wasn't entirely familiar with the city. It would've helped if he wasn't such an introvert. Whatever, I just need to find a map or something. No, a subway system. That should have a whole layout of the city and I can go from there.
He shouldn't have to look too far. He continued down the street in search of some sign of a subway system. He looked up towards the sky. There was a yellow hue to the horizon, definitely unnatural. Though the sun seemed to be setting. It would be dark soon. He navigated the city the best he could. Even through hoards of zombies they still didn't attack him. He wondered if he was the only person still alive. After all there was no signs of life. No birds or insects. Whatever happened wiped out any and every sign of life. He wondered if the air was toxic considering the color of the sky. That could explain it.
After a few blocks of walking he eventually found a subway system. Unfortunately it had collapsed in on itself. There was still a map that told him where he was. It showed all of the different train routes and he only knew the name of one of the routes that he took regularly when he was a student. He followed it with his finger, finding the station he usually got off at to walk back to his apartment. It wasn't far from where he was. Since taking the subway tunnels wasn't really possible he would have to walk. Plus, how was he supposed to see in those subway tunnels anyway? He didn't have a flashlight. He preferred to stay above ground. Yes, it was partially his fear talking. He sure as hell hoped nothing scarier came out at night and still left him alone. Like giant mutant dogs that would tear him apart despite him being a 'zombie.'
He may as well camp out somewhere for the night. It would be easier navigating in the daylight, anyway. He found somewhere close to the subway station so he could take another look at the map when he set out in the morning. It was a coffee shop. He found a place in the back that he assumed used to be the break room. He dusted off the coach and layed down.
He sighed as he looked at the ceiling. When was the last time he had peace and quiet like this? With no deadline and no threat looming over him, it was nice. Strangely, at the thought of being the last person alive, he didn't mind it. Being alone was something everybody feared. The fact he didn't have to worry about anybody but himself relieved some of the pressure that had been put on his shoulders all this time. He needed a break. Maybe he could stay here for a while. Just maybe...
With that thought Ethan drifted off to sleep without a worry.
"Ethan, how long are you going to stay in your room and do nothing? You need to get out of the house more, it's not healthy. At this rate you'll die alone, do you want that?"
Who's talking? Oh right... Dad... Sixteen year old Ethan Kline sits at his desk while his father scolds him. He continues to play his game pretending to ignore his father who grows more frustrated by his behavior.
"You're pathetic, you know that? Why can't you be more like your brother? He already has two scholarships lined up, what do you have? Nothing. Do you even have any hope for your future? A plan?"
Ethan can feel that knot in his throat as he begins to choke up, but he refuses to let his father see any sort of weakness. Instead he yells back,
"Just leave me alone!"
"Don't raise your voice at me, I'm your father. If your mother could see you now she'd be turning in her grave."
I wish you died. He bit his tongue.
His father rubs his temples, "Whatever, waste your life away I don't care. But you better have a plan when you turn eighteen cause' you better believe I'm kicking your ass out."
He slams the door on the way out. Ethan fists clench as he stares at the door. If you're so disappointed in me why don't you just leave me to rot? It's all I seem to be good for. Ethan feels the tears well up in his eyes. If I'm so useless... I should just die.
That night was the first of many Ethan Kline would think of ending his life. But of course he couldn't. He was scared. Internally he believed himself to be a coward. Instead, he cried himself to sleep on an empty stomach, and prayed to whatever god existed that his suffering would end.
Ethan woke up in a frenzy. He held his head; ugh, why did I have to dream about my dad? I thought I put all that behind me. He must of been reminded of his old life because of this city he used to live in.
Looking around he was reminded of his current predicament. He rubbed his stomach. He didn't seem to be hungry. Did he not get an appetite now that he was technically dead? Oh god, I hope I don't get a taste for flesh. I won't be able to stomach that. Shaking off that disturbing thought Ethan gets up and looks outside. It looked close to dawn, the sun peeking through the skyline.
Right, time to find my old apartment.
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