The rest of the day passed in a hurry. Lance didn't talk very much. He was still processing what Cyrus had told him - how Charlie's soul was also inside of his body, and that Drake proved a much bigger threat than as once anticipated. Cyrus watched him with concern, second guessing himself.
Should he have told him all of that? Surely he would want to know more about his situation? What exactly could he tell him? Without mentioning the System's existence in some shape or form, he had to stick with his whole "I remember my previous lives every time I reincarnate." Well, at least he didn't have to pretend anymore. In a way, it felt like a burden was lifted off of his chest. At least Lance knew that he was Ethan, not Cyrus, and that was all that mattered to him at that point in time. Lance still probably believed the two would grow old together... and Cyrus was still content living with this lie. He would never tell Lance that his fate was predetermined.
Still, what came after? If Charlie followed him to his next world... could Lance do the same? No, that was selfish of him to even imagine. That would mean Lance would have to die in order to do so. And no matter how much Ethan wanted more time with this man; his life was here. It would certainly hurt, but Ethan wanted Lance to live the rest of his days here. He wanted Lance to move on, to continue being Alpha of this pack, and only on special occasions would Lance remember the two had ever crossed paths. Ethan convinced himself he would be content living in the happy memories they were creating now. He could take care of Charlie, too.
Charlie... Cyrus frowned, playing with the food on his plate. Is this Charlie's first world? What is his mission? If I knew, I could help him.
'Sai, is there any way for me to contact Charlie?'
[Only one soul may be active at a time.]
'Yeah, you told me that...'
Maybe, if he could somehow get into Lance's mind? Like he did with his own, when Etna drugged him with... what was it called again? Dreamslice? No, how would that work? All Ethan knew was that he had to talk to Charlie. He had to know how he got into the System, and most importantly why he died. If he really did... kill himself. Just thinking Charlie could do such a thing... it made him sick to his stomach. He knew Charlie was fragile, but to this extent. Maybe he should of found a different way to complete his mission, a way that wouldn't of traumatized Charlie. But... if he didn't do what he did, Charlie would of died. He had to protect his precious friend, even at the cost of his own life. Even at the cost of failure. It was pure luck that he was even sitting here, in his next world.
After dinner, Cyrus collected all of his things and moved them into Lance's messy bedroom. Now that he thought about it, Lance must of also picked up his messy habits from Charlie. Charlie's old room was a mess, from what he remembered, and this wasn't any better. If only he could of pieced things together sooner.
After Cyrus was done, he found Lance loitering in the doorframe, watching him. Cyrus frowned, "What's wrong?"
Lance strained a smile, "Just a lot on my mind, is all."
Cyrus approached him and took him by the hand, leading him into the room. Cyrus shut the door behind them before turning to embrace Lance in a hug. Lance returned the hug, sighing.
Cyrus rubbed his back, "Sorry, for unleashing all of that on you at once."
"No, don't be. I'm glad you told me. Now I know more about the real you, that's all I wanted."
"You're not alarmed by the fact there are two souls in your body?"
"Alarmed? No... it's more relief? I've always been aware of his presence, but now that I know the truth, that I really wasn't just crazy... it's so relieving." Lance yawned.
"Are you tired?"
Lance hummed. He held tightly onto Cyrus as he fell back onto the bed, cradling his mate as he breathed softly. Cyrus layed there for several minutes, silent in his arms. Was he asleep? Cyrus rested his head on Lance's arm, trying to find comfort in the position he found himself in, but in no way tried to escape.
"Ethan?" Lance whispers.
Cyrus shivers, but responds, "I thought you were asleep."
"Mhm, almost. Could you tell me about you? The real you?"
Cyrus is silent, contemplating the question. He wanted to know more about his true self? His self in his original world? There wasn't much to tell... but Ethan was content sharing the simple facts with Lance,
"Well... I didn’t go out much. I used to stay inside all the time and watch TV, I really loved film. But, to be honest, I didn't really have any friends."
"So... you were lonely?" Lance cradles Cyrus closer.
"Yeah, I was. I was miserable. Depressed, probably... and then I died."
Lance strokes his hair, planting a soft kiss on the top of his head, "I'm sorry. I wish I was there with you."
"That would've been nice," Cyrus smiles painfully, flashes of his death appearing in mind.
Of him laying on that sidestreet in the middle of a downpour, bleeding out. And then he imagined Lance laying down next to him; and instead of his hand clutching rocks, it was Lance's big warm hand. If Lance was there until the end... maybe he would of died feeling fulfilled. If he had met Lance in his original world; his life would of been very different. But imagining Lance in the human world, he would of no doubt been someone important, someone that wouldn't even glance at someone like Ethan. Ethan finds himself feeling depressed at the thought.
"It doesn't matter, I'd rather not talk about it..." Cyrus sighs. He looks up after receiving no response from Lance; he was fast asleep.
Cyrus smiled ruefully. But, in this world, Lance was his. And that was enough. Cyrus soon fell asleep, not feeling the urge to cry anymore.
Cyrus awoke to the sound of tapping on the window. His eyes pryed themselves open, and he found himself looking around the room, disoriented. The tapping continued, and he discovered it was coming from the window. Oh, right, he remembered, I have training with Carolyn. He sighed. It was still dark outside. Dawn, she said.
He cast a look up at Lance, who was still sound asleep. Cyrus smiled sweetly, planting a soft kiss on Lance's lips which stirred him for a moment, but he continued sleeping. Cyrus carefully squirmed out of the safety of Lance's arms, standing to his feet. He stretched, groaning when he felt a crack in his back. He put a blanket over Lance, casting him a final glance before heading towards the window. He saw Carolyn standing just below it, outside. She was collecting more pebbles to throw but Cyrus quickly opened the window, alerting her of his presence.
She glared when the two locked eyes, dropping the rocks in hand, "Finally!" She whisper shouted.
Cyrus rolled his eyes and climbed out of the window, shutting it behind him. He wanted to make sure he didn't give Lance a cold from leaving the window open. He wasn't making that mistake again. He jumped down onto the ground, Carolyn moving out of the way to give him space.
Cyrus dusted himself off, "Good morning."
"Yeah, morning. C'mon, let's go." She waltzed towards the trees.
"What, no breakfast?"
"Breakfast is earned."
Cyrus sighed, chasing after her, "Aren't we supposed to stay on camp grounds?" He asked after they walked further into the woods.
"Don't worry, we're not going far."
"Okay... what's first on the agenda?"
"You'll see."
Okay... getting very vague answers here. Well, it's not like I expected to have a conversation with her, she isn't the type to talk much.
The pair walked further and further away from the camp. The sun began to peek over the trees, making it easier for Cyrus to see where he was going. But he started to get worried when they continued walking into the woods. They must of been walking for at least twenty minutes. Where was she taking him? He should of worn something warmer, he was freezing.
Carolyn abruptly stopped, and Cyrus stumbled back, nearly bumping into her. He examined his surroundings; they were in the middle of nowhere. He then examined her features, frowning when he saw the anxious look on her face. She was scanning the trees, almost as if she was waiting for something.
"What is it?" Cyrus asked.
She dropped her head, muttering, "I'm sorry."
"What?" Cyrus breathed, barely comprehending her words. Why was she suddenly apologizing?
"I have to do this... I'm sorry."
Cyrus began to back away from the girl, growing cautious. A trap? No way... "What did you do?"
She raised her head, turning to face Cyrus as he began to step back. Her eyes weren't focused on him, however, but rather behind him. They were wide with fear, and her breathing quickened. Cyrus froze in place as he bumped into something solid. He turned his head slowly, gasping when he locked eyes with a pair of dark black eyes. Drake. Cyrus shivered when the man smiled down at him. He stepped away quickly, furrowing his brows. What?! Why is he here? No, this isn't what I wanted to happen... I thought I wouldn't have to face Adonis until... but he's here?!
"W-What is this?!" Cyrus stumbled over his words, not tearing his eyes away from the unusually calm Drake.
Carolyn spoke up, addressing Drake, "I brought him, like you asked."
Drake's smile falls as he directs his gaze over to Carolyn. His eyes darken as he approaches the terrified girl, who barely manages to stay in place, her legs trembling. Drake stops in front of her, raising a hand to wrap a curl around his finger, "Yes, you did. You've been a good little puppy."
She swallows the lump in her throat, "So... that means, you'll do it? You'll get rid of him?"
Cyrus furrows his brows. What? Get rid of who? Me? That's why she brought me here? Ugh, this whole time she wanted me dead! I can only assume because of Lance. She's still in love with him. But... really? You've gone ahead and made secret plans with this psychopath? You really don't know what you've gotten yourself into... Cyrus contemplates running away, this situation certainly wouldn't lead to anything pleasant. But he knew running away would only lead to further problems. He stayed put, intently eyeing the pair while listening to their conversation.
"Oh, but you've gone and broke one of my rules, puppy. You let that... vulture... defile him." He suddenly grips her hair with a tight fist, and she yelps in pain.
"W-What? But, I didn't know, I swear! I've done everything you asked!"
"You did. But now you're useless. I have no use of you anymore. Thank you for bringing him to me... now, goodbye." He grabs hold of her throat and begins to choke her. She gasps, struggling to free herself from his grip. But his strength easily outmatches her own.
"This... isn't fair!" She manages, tears streaming down her cheeks, "I haven't... gotten the chance to..."
She gasps again, losing the strength to fight anymore. She casts a desperate glance towards Cyrus, who stands frozen off to the side. The pure terror in her emerald eyes rips Cyrus out of his trance, "S-Stop! Let her go!"
Drake's grip loosens, enough for Carolyn to gather a breath of air, but he doesn't yet release her. He simply blinks towards Cyrus, "Why? You do know she brought you here with the intent you would die? She betrayed you. She's a traitor."
"Still... let her go. You've got me here, okay? Isn't that what you wanted? If you let her go, I won't try and run away."
Drake's black eyes pierce Cyrus's soul. After a long, tense moment - Drake releases Carolyn. She drops to the ground, coughing. Drake takes a step away, barely recognizing the girl's presence as he waves her away, "Shoo."
She struggles to her feet. There are tears in her eyes as she looks at Cyrus. She bites down hard at her lip, conflicted. Then, she sprints into the trees, away from the pair.
Cyrus swallows the lump in his throat. Great, now he was alone with the psychopath. He avoided the gaze staring holes into the side of his face. Why had he brought him here? Just how long had he manipulated Carolyn just to get him here? This was a very bad situation. He had let his guard down when he made no obvious moves towards the pack. He should of known his target was really him, Cyrus. He should of been more cautious of Carolyn. She was a rival, after all. God, he was such an idiot.
Cyrus clears his throat, "Why... why did you want to meet me?"
"Why? Hm, why wouldn't I? You're the mate of my sworn enemy. We didn't get a chance to talk earlier, nor did I get a chance to properly introduce myself. I am Drake Bloodmoon, it's a pleasure to properly meet you, Cyrus."
Cyrus was silent as the pair of prying black eyes stared into his own. Drake smiled kindly, as one would after introducing themselves. But his smile only made Cyrus more on edge. All he could see was Adonis. The same mannerisms, the same eyes, the same manipulative smile. It was a perfect copy of him.
Drake continued, playing with a button on his sleeve, "You're very big leverage if I kidnap you. I'm sure Lance wouldn't be very happy, he would probably do whatever I wanted just to get you back safe and sound. After all, you are mates. He would do anything for you, wouldn't he? That would certainly make my job easier. I could probably even convince him to give up this land for you. This could become Bloodmoon territory in the blink of an eye... just because I kidnapped the Alpha's mate."
Cyrus swallowed the lump in his throat, "Are you? Going to kidnap me?"
"Well, it's rather cliché, don't you think? Besides, I don't see the point anymore. But I'm afraid if I don't follow the script... hm, I've never thought about what would happen," he rubs his jaw, seemingly amused, "Shall we find out?"
"What are you talking about?"
Drake sighs, "Oh, come now, are you going to continue playing dumb? There's no reason to act around me, darling."
So he did know all along Cyrus was actually Ethan. Of course he did. Cyrus grits his teeth, "Adonis."
"Ah," he shudders, wrapping his arms around himself, "How I've longed to hear my name from your mouth. It's been so very long. I've missed you. Have you missed me? Well, I suppose it hasn't been very long for you, has it?"
"Shut up. How did you get in the-"
[Warning: any mention of the System's existence is forbidden and will be punished.]
"How? Well, I was rather angry at you for leaving me so suddenly like that. I mean, really? To take the bullet for that coward? I didn't have time to scold you because back then I believed I had lost you forever. I was so very scared. I simply couldn't live without you. Without you... I was nothing. That's when I met Cara! She saw how unfulfilled I was and gave me a chance to find you again, to be with you again! How could I possibly resist? I've been through thousands of worlds, through trial and error. I've collected so many points... and so many pills. I know everything. I've mastered every possible skill. I've become a god!" He laughs, his eyes dancing with madness, "Soon, I was slaughtering my way through worlds just to find you. But it was all worth it, because here you are! I found you. I finally found you, Ethan."
Cyrus stumbles back. Despite his efforts to stay strong in front of this madman, a part of him still feared him. There was a part of him that wanted to run away, as fast as he possibly could.
Drake laughs at the fear evident in Cyrus's eyes, "Oh, do forgive me. I got a little excited. It's just - it's been so long!" He begins to stalk towards Cyrus, like a predator after his prey, "Can I... hold you?"
Run! A voice within him orders; a natural instinct to ensure his survival. Cyrus turns on his heel, preparing to dash into the woods. He runs into a pair of open arms. How did he-?! Cyrus cries when the pair of arms tighten around him, restricting any movement. Tears prickle at his eyes. It hurts.
"Why are you so afraid, darling? You created me. You brought me to life. Even if it was through this stupid little System, it was still by your hands, was it not? Your perfect delicate hands," he raises Cyrus's hands and puts them on his cheeks, staring down at Cyrus's tear stained cheeks with an obsession surmounted over love, "I want to cut them off so I can hold on to them forever. Ah... forever. It's such a lovely word. We'll be together forever. In this world and the next... and for a million worlds after this one. I'll find you in each one, and we'll live as gods."
Drake's maddening laughter echoes around the prison of Cyrus's mind. The grip on his hands sends sharp pains down his arms. It seemed as if he held them just a little bit tighter, they would snap right off. His wolfs presence was no where to be found, and so was his strength. Cyrus was alone. He whimpered helplessly.
"Now that I've found you, all I have to do is follow you until your final world. I won't interfere in any of your missions, in fact I'm happy to assist you so you can move on to your next world as fast as possible. I'm quite adept at clearing worlds. Oh, I can't help you in your final world, though. I'll have to stop you from completing your mission, it's the only way we'll be able to live here forever, you and I. Your failure equals our eternity. Ah, talking about it gets me all excited! I just can't wait."
"NO!" Cyrus interrupts, "Leave me alone! I don't want your help, with anything! Why couldn't you just let me go?!"
"Let you go? What are you saying, my love? Please don't say such hurtful things," a hand clamps down around Cyrus's throat, beginning to cut off his airway. Cyrus begins to struggle, gasping for air. A voice whispers dangerously in his ear, "I really didn't want to hurt you... but it doesn't mean I won't. Your pain is only temporary in this world, after all. I could rip off all of your limbs right now, and in the next you'd be reborn with new ones. Don't worry, I'd complete your mission for you so you wouldn't fail. I don't need you to complete your mission. You need me."
Cyrus digs at the fingers around his neck. His feet lift off the ground as Adonis continues to choke him with a steel grip. Cyrus's vision blurs as he looks down at Drake. His dark eyes are void of emotion, void of everything. He was different... more dangerous. Had he really been turned into a killing machine? How many has he killed just to achieve his goal? How many has he killed... to find me? Ah, I suppose this is my fault. I created him. I turned him into this. This is how I die, isn't it? At the hands of my own mistake. I just wish... Cyrus's vision darkens and his arms fall limp at his side. Lance... a stray tear slips down his cheek.
Suddenly, the grip on his neck is released, and Cyrus falls to the ground. He coughs viciously, gasping for air. Drake bends down to his side, "Did you really think I was going to kill you? If you die before your mission, it's the end for the both of us. Consider this punishment."
Cyrus grips a patch of grass, breathing heavily. He continued to cry, despite his efforts to stop. Fingers slipped under his chin, gripping his face and yanking it upwards. Drake stares down at him with a malicious grin,
"Look at you, so helpless. Aren't you in the body of some legendary wolf? Actually, where is your wolf right now? That's right, cowering in fear. Even your wolf knows to obey. You could learn a thing or two from him." Cyrus glares at Drake, his features twisting with hatred underneath a coat of tears. Drake laughs, "Such a passionate gaze. You used to look at me like that, when you were Lucas. In fact, you only look at me like that. Such fiery hatred, it still gets me so excited. Look." Cyrus's eyes widen at the sight of the bulge underneath Drake's pants, not very far from his own face, "I haven't had urges like this since I last saw you. I've been very loyal. But... it's been building up for a long time, Ethan. It's proving very hard to control myself."
Cyrus manages to release himself from Drake's grip, scrambling away from him.
Drake's smile disappears, the aura around him darkens, "Just thinking of that brat fucking touching you... I want to kill him. You're mine. Maybe I should fuck you, huh? I'll fuck you so hard you won't even think of him. I'll fuck you until you're convulsing on the ground, twitching... your ass begging for more. Until the only dick your body will ever be satisfied with is mine."
Cyrus continues to crawl away, keeping his wide eyes on Drake, who watches him with a dead look in his eyes. Cyrus's arms were trembling, barely able to keep his own body upright.
"Oh, relax, would you? I'm not going to rape you. Only in here," he taps the side of his head, smirking devilishly, "We'll have all the time in the world soon, and I can assure you anything I do to you will be consensual. Now, get up," Drake stands, "We'll have to clean my scent off of you, otherwise your precious little mate will be suspicious when you go back."
"Go... back?" Cyrus swallows, "You're going to let me go?"
"For now, yes. I just wanted to say hi. Unfortunately, I can't keep you by my side all the time in this world. To complete your mission you have to stay by those Greywolfs. Just continue as you were."
"But... that means I have to kill you. You'll lose."
"Didn't I tell you? I've already accomplished everything I've wanted to. I don't care what this vessel wants, I never have." Cyrus hesitantly stands to his feet. He watches Drake cautiously from where he stands, "Now, I'm afraid I have to leave you. Be careful not to do anything to piss me off, darling. I'll be watching your every move from now on."
Cyrus watches him with a cautious gaze as he strides into the woods, not allowing his eyes to leave his back until he has disappeared completely. He sighs a breath of relief when he is finally gone. He rubs his throat, wincing at the pain. How long would it take for this to heal? He couldn't go back until every trace of Adonis was gone. He couldn't let Lance find out about this meeting. Cyrus stood up, turning to head towards the pond, the only source of water he could think of that was close to where he was.
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