Lucas nervously shifted in his seat. It was the next day, Lunch time. He hasn't seen Adonis all day. Was he played? Did Adonis lie? Fuck, he'd better show up. If he didn't, Lucas would personally go to his house and kick his ass. He deserved it after all; for every perverted thing he's done to Lucas.
"Are you okay?" Lucas glanced up to see Diamond looking at him with worry in her eyes. Ever since that first day of school, where she had helped him find his locker, she's been more than friendly with Lucas. She talks to him when she sees him in the hallways, as if they were old friends. Lucas doesn't particularly have a probably with her friendliness, Diamond is considered one of the more popular girls at this school, so it benefited him to befriend her. It's her clinginess that bothers him. Without Adonis here, she took the seat beside him. She sat as close to him as possible, leaning on the table so her chest was on full display. She innocently batted her eyelids at Lucas, a slight pink tinge to her cheeks. Lucas was uncomfortable. She continued, "You look tense."
"I-I'm fine." Lucas muttered, looking anywhere but at Diamond as she pulled out lip balm and very slowly, sensually, applied lip balm to her plump lips. Lucas cringed. Was she trying to... seduce him? Would this work with other boys? Because all it was doing for Lucas was creep him the hell out. Maybe he really was gay after all.
Lucas pulled out his phone and looked at his from under the table, he checked his messages. All the messages that he's sent to Adonis have been read, but he's not responded. Lucas was starting to get angry, more than anxious. He was getting ready to call the bastard when the door to the cafeteria very loudly slammed open. The cafeteria went silent, and everyone looked in the direction of the noise. There Adonis stood, in all his asshole glory. He locked eyes with Lucas and smirked, Lucas just glared in response. Instead of walking over to his usual table, Adonis walked towards an empty table and stepped up to stand on top of the table. Everyone was focused on him, confused and quiet, waiting for something to happen. Even the lunch monitors did nothing, they too were interested in what he had to say. Lucas watched him intently, his undivided attention on the boy, waiting for him to speak. Say it, damn it.
He suddenly clapped his hands together, smiling brightly. His eyes glazed over the room as he spoke, with a loud and determined voice, "Hello everybody! For those of you don't know, my name is Miles." No one said anything, they already knew who he was. Some pulled out their phones to record him, anticipating his next words.
"I have something to say..." Adonis glanced over at Lucas, and Lucas raised his brows expectantly. Adonis kept his intense gaze on Lucas as he continued, "I lied about what happened with Charlie Marks three years ago. He didn't kiss me. He didn't do anything. I lied because I, myself... am gay." Gasps, chatter fill the space. Adonis simply bows as if he's just received applause and hops down the table, leaving the cafeteria. Lucas smirked triumphantly as his table engulfs itself in gossip. He actually went through with it. Thank god.
Diamond turned back to Lucas, stunned. She shook her head in disbelief, "To think Miles has been lying about Charlie this whole time. Poor Charlie... he didn't deserve any of this. I feel horrible for believing the rumors."
Lucas nodded along, feigning surprise, "Yeah, I can't believe it either."
Diamond frowns, putting her hand on Lucas's, "I'm sorry, I know you two were like, best friends."
Lucas didn't say anything, nor did he pull his hand back. He had to pretend he was just as upset about this as Diamond was. Even when internally he was jumping with joy. So he accepted her sympathy, pretending to look upset about it. She petted his hand, looking across the cafeteria, "We should invite him over, to make up for it. I want to apologize for treating him so harshly."
Lucas followed her gaze, landing on Charlie. He was sitting beside Ben, as usual. He seemed to be in a state of shock, whereas his brother was looking directly at Lucas, nodding discreetly, as a way to say thanks. Lucas nodded back. Everyone seemed to be looking in their direction, whispering. Lucas stood up, "I'll go talk to him."
Diamond nodded and allowed him to leave, watching him as he walked across the cafeteria with stride. He slipped into the seat across from Charlie, feeling everyone's eyes on him now as well. Lucas tapped the table to get Charlie's attention, and Charlie's eyes snapped up to his. He still looked shocked, his brows furrowed in confusion. His mouth opened and closed as he failed to comprehend the situation.
"I'll leave you two alone." Ben stated, patting Charlie's head as he left.
Lucas leaned forward, smiling warmly, "See? Told you I had a plan."
Tears welled in Charlie's eyes, and they streamed down his shocked face. Lucas panicked, reaching across the table to hold Charlie's hand, "Hey, what's wrong?"
Charlie's features scrunched together as he sobbed, trying to desperately wipe away his tears with his free hand. He struggled to form the words, "I-I..." Lucas smiled solemnly and released his hand to walk around the other side of the table, sitting next to Charlie. Charlie glanced over at Lucas to see him with his arms opened invitingly. Charlie choked before he threw himself in Lucas's arms, sobbing into his shirt. Lucas rubbed his back reassuringly.
"T-Thank you... so much..." Charlie words were strangled, but they were soaked with love and thankfulness. Charlie didn't know what Lucas did, how he got Miles to confess everything like that. He only knew that he wouldn't have to live every moment at this school in fear anymore. Fear that he would get shoved into lockers, be called gross names, be treated as anything other than a human being. He would finally get to be normal. He would finally be accepted, and it was all thanks to Lucas. It was an understatement for Charlie to think that this was the best day of his life. He would remember this day for the rest of his days. Maybe even Miles would come back around, maybe he would have his old friend back, and everything could finally go back to what it used to be like. Where Charlie was happy, and surrounded by friends. Just like he had always wanted.
Soon, a crowd surrounded Charlie and Lucas. Charlie pulled away to rub at his tears as people he didn't know were apologizing and owning up to their mistakes. His once empty table was now crowded, and Charlie found himself grinning and even mustering up the courage to speak. Lucas's encouraging smile gave him the courage he never knew he had. Charlie rubbed a stray tear from his eye and smiled brightly, "I'm so happy!"
Everyone was taken aback, some even felt their heart skip a beat. It was at that moment that they had realized, Charlie was absolutely adorable.
A group of girls ran over to Charlie and gushed over him, as if he were the cutest thing they had ever seen. They touched his soft hair, marvelling at the softness of his hands, and his bright emerald eyes that looked like glass. Charlie was the center of everyone's attention. Charlie quickly reverted back to his shy nature, stuttering and blushing profusely. He wasn't used to all this attention, it was embarrassing. This only made the girls gush over him even more.
Lucas frowned at the lack of attention. What? He's this popular already? Wait, I almost forgot. Charlie is one of my rivals. Does that mean... Charlie's going to become the most popular in this school now? This wasn't going according to plan. How was Lucas supposed to beat Charlie? One smile and he already won over everyone. Charlie... why did I have to befriend you? That makes this all the more harder. How am I supposed to defeat you without hurting you? Damn it. 'Sai, are you purposely doing this to torment me?'
[Whatever do you mean?]
There was a hint of emotion to Sai's unsual robotic voice. He almost sounded amused. Lucas scoffed, 'Are you enjoying this? Is this how robots get off?'
Lucas was silent as well when the voice in his head didn't answer. What?! Seriously? He was enjoying this? He rolled his eyes, and decided to refocus his attention back to Charlie, who was still being bothered by the small group of girls.
Lucas noticed Charlie's discomfort by how he avoided eye contact and slumped further into his seat. Lucas ran a hand through his hair and sighed, standing up, "C'mon, Charlie. We've got a quiz to make up, remember?"
Charlie looked up at Lucas, confused. He then realized what Lucas had meant and stumbled out the words, "O-Oh, yeah! Sorry guys, I've gotta go."
The girls pouted as Charlie very hurriedly rushed away from them, following Lucas out of the cafeteria. When they were finally out, Charlie felt his shoudlers slump in relief. He wasn't used to that much attention, it was overwhelming. He felt like he couldn't breathe. He was glad for it, but it was just too much for him to handle. Social anxiety at its finest.
"Thanks, Luke." He muttered, walking next to Lucas down the quiet hallway. This was much better.
Lucas nodded, "Anytime, buddy."
Charlie grinned at the nickname. "Hey... can I ask you something?" Charlie peered up at Lucas with his big eyes.
"Do you think..." Charlie's eyes gleamed with hope, "Do you think Miles has changed? For the better?"
Lucas was silent. Miles had changed. But Miles wasn't Miles right now. Adonis was in charge. He didn't know when Miles would be able to take control over his body again, but it certainly wouldn't happen with Lucas around. Adonis had told him that he's only able to come around when Lucas is near. The only way Miles would be able to have a chance at fighting his way back would only be possible if Lucas didn't have any contact with him, whatsoever. Lucas glanced down at Charlie, frowning. He didn't want to give him false hope. He knew Adonis didn't like Charlie, and if it were Adonis that met Charlie and not Miles, there was a chance Adonis might do something to hurt him.
So Lucas told the truth, "I don't know."
Charlie's eyes dropped to the floor, his smile disappearing. He looks sad, his voice cracks as he speaks, "I just miss him, you know? I know I should hate him for what he did to me, but I just can't bring myself to. He was my best friend. My first friend. How am I supposed to just forget all the memories we've made together? I don't want to lose him. But I've lost him already, haven't I?"
Lucas sighs heavily, slowing to a stop to place a reassuring hand on Charlie's shoudler. Charlie gazes up at him, tears brimming in his eyes. Lucas looked at him sternly, "You haven't lost him. He'll come around. Just give it some time, okay?"
Charlie sniffles and nods, rubbing at his nose. He then laughs pitifully, "I'm such a crybaby."
Lucas laughs along with him, "Maybe just a little."
Charlie grins, allowing Lucas to throw an arm around his shoulder and walk with him down the hallway. Lucas felt terrible. Charlie was so kind. All he wanted was friends. He just wanted to feel accepted. How could someone like that be a rival? The System was so cruel. If Lucas didn't act, Charlie would ultimately bring him to his demise. He knew he would have to do something, but he really didn't want to right now. Maybe he would wait just a little longer. He wanted to enjoy these fleeting moments of friendship with Charlie. For as long as he possibly could.
After school Lucas half expected Adonis to jump him; but he hasn't seen him since Lunch. Lucas found it strange. He thought he would have to actively avoid Adonis, but it seems it's the other way around. Adonis is avoiding him. For what reason? Adonis used to cling to him like a bee on honey.
Would he show up to school tommorow? Was he still technically his boyfriend? Lucas knows he shouldn't even be second guessing why Adonis has suddenly dropped off the face of the earth, but he just can't help the feeling that something is wrong. He's on edge the whole ride home with his mother. He's on edge when he goes into his house, half expecting to see Adonis when he rounds a corner. He jumps every time his phone vibrates, thinking it's him.
He takes a deep breath, sitting down on his bed. It's after dark now, and he's just gotten out of the shower. He rubs his head with a towel as he reaches for his phone. No new messages. He tosses it back onto the nightstand and turns off the light, snuggling into his covers. He stares blankly up at the dark space above him, his eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness. He wondered what tommorow would be like. It would finally be normal for him and Charlie. It would be a good day for Charlie, he would make sure of that. He would probably have to restrain some of the girls who enjoyed fussing over him at Lunch, act as his bodyguard for the day. He would be getting a lot of attention. But even the good kind of attention can be suffocating at times, it can be too much to be in the spotlight. That was the case for Charlie, so Lucas would make sure he was comfortable.
Lucas frowned, would Adonis show up? He would most likely be a target tomorrow. The tables have turned after all, he would most likely be taking Charlie's place. He was no longer the golden boy, that much has been established. Hopefully Adonis wouldn't bother him at school anymore, he couldn't afford to be seen hanging out him. He also really didn't want to.
He shakes his head and turns on his side, closing his eyes as he burrows his face into his pillow. He really needed to go to sleep. He's been so tired lately. But... things were actually going his way for once. He found comfort in that fact, and drifted into a peaceful sleep.
At least that's what it seemed like.
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