The sweet and the bitter- ch. 4
Natsu's pov:
I am so confused! WHY THE HELL IS SHE BEING SO NICE TO ME!? I just stare at her then speak up "why?" She looked at me confused "Why are you being nice to me? What kinda game are you playing? Are you trying to get me to open up to you, to make me fall for you? Then what after that? Are you going to 'expose' me in front of the whole school? I know that you must be hiding behind a mask and just acting sweet because I know your brother. He's not that nice of a guy to people like me, he's not fond of people who are weird!" I yell the last part and I could tell it startled Lucy. She started to tear up and then before I knew it she ran out crying.
Lucy's pov:
What he just said... it hurt.. it hurt a lot! I run out crying, my vision completely blurry and I can't see anything. I started to just run randomly somewhere. I find myself on the football field. I look around to see no one around. I fall to the ground and start to cry even more. "W-why.. why would h-he say such a t-thing!? I.. I was only trying to be nice!" I yell.
"Hey? Are you ok?" I hear a voice that does not sound familiar. I look up and see a blurry figure. All I do is just nod and stand up. I was walking away when this stranger grabs my wrist and hugs me. They pat my head and for some odd reason I feel as if I should feel safe but I feel really uneasy. I pull myself away and bow "thank you for being so kind and helpful, but I have to go." As I turn around I then feel something hit my head.
Natsu's pov:
I was walking out of the gym and look to my right to see Lucy being hugged by someone. I get a bit closer and then see.. no way! Cobra!
I was about to walk over there and get her away from him when she pulled away from him and bows. She turns around and then I see him hit her head hard, making her fall unconscious. He catches her and drags her off somewhere.
I stand there, frozen and paralyzed. What should I do? Should I go and help her? I shake my head violently and run as fast as I could in the last direction I saw Lucy. I stop and look around. "What the... where did they go?" I start to focus on Lucy's sweet strawberry smell. (No there is no magic in this. Just Natsu having a freakishly good nose like a dog) Once I got a small whiff of it I ran as fast as I could in that direction. I noticed that I had already left school grounds and far away from my apartment. Her smell got stronger and stronger until...
I stop dead in my tracks at the sight I see. Lucy was laying there crying with duck tape on her mouth, wrist, and ankles. I then see Cobra on top of her kissing her neck. Lucy then noticed me and there was so my pain in her eyes.
I did this... I hurt her and she ran off only for this to happen to her.... she doesn't deserve this! I run up to Cobra and kick him away from her. "STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM HER!" I yell. Pure anger was on my face. I was pissed! Pissed at him for hurting Lucy and myself for letting this happen! He got up and wiped some blood away from his cheek. He looks at me and smirked. "Well this is a surprise. If it isn't Dragneel. What brings you here?" He asks in just such a casual tone. "DON'T YOU DARE ACT ALL CASUAL WITH ME! YOU HURT HER! YOU HURT LUCY! I will make you pay!" I yell out as loud as I could. He slightly puts his hands up and lightly laughs "if I'm correct Dragneel, you are the one who hurt her first.. am I wrong?" I grit my teeth and then relax my body "no.. your right... but you had no reason as to going around and touching things that aren't yours." I looked at him seriously "get far way from here as possible and I'll let you live." He was startled then backed away slowly "tch whatever, this is a waist of time anyway."
I look at Lucy who was still on the ground crying. She looked pale. I help her sit up and take all of the duck tape off "WHATEVER YOUR GOING TO SAY... SAY IT NOW!" She yelled and I looked at her with a guilty expression "Lucy... look what I said.. what I said was unnecessary and was wrong. I hurt you when you were only trying to be nice to me.. I.. I'm really sorry Luce" she looked at me for a few seconds then hugged me. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" She cries into my chest and I hug her back lightly "for what?" "For being clingy, for being to happy, and for running away. All you did was waist your time coming after me... I know that..." I stiff up at the words that came out of her mouth. I pull away and hold her by her shoulders. "Listen to me! Your not a waist of my time! I'm happy I ran after you! I'm sorry for making you cry, you have no reason to be sorry or feel bad for anything. You were trying to be my friend and I really appreciate that... you'd be my first friend really. I was a jerk to you, I made you cry, I hurt you, pushed you away, didn't even try to talk to you, that's all my fault." I look at her and smile "if you want or if you wouldn't mind, can we start over?" I ask and I see her eyes light up and she smiled. She jumped on me and hugged me "YES! I would love that!"
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