The sweet and the bitter- ch. 18
Lucy's pov:
We get done checking out my books and we head to the office "Good morning Mrs. Tsubaki" She looked at me and smiled "Good morning Lucy! You may put them on the shelf and come back for them after school." She smiled brightly and I smile back "thank you" Natsu and I put them on the self behind her and head to class.
We get to class and Leo perks up "Hello mistress!! How is your day so far!?" I smile at him "Leo it's first period" he nods "yes but are you happy how the day started so far?" A flash back of this morning went threw my mind of me waking up in Natsu's embrace. My face reddened "oh mistress! Your face is really red! Do you have a fever?" He touched my head "Mistress you're burning up! Natsu-San!" No shut up Leo! Natsu looked over to us "Mistress is burning up" Natsu walked over to my desk and felt my head "ya your right.. let's take you to the nurse Luce" he was about to help me up when the teacher walked in. Natsu turned to him "teacher May I take Lucy to the nurse? She's burning up" he just nodded.
Natsu helps me to the nurse and Leo follows. We get to the nurse and I sign in. She checks my temperature "oh dear.. Lucy.. you have a really high fever" HOW!? I WAS ONLY BLUSHING!! ...well maybe.. my head does really hurt. "Well Lucy, I'm sending you home. Also maybe go to the hospital just Incase.. your fever is 110. That's not good" I nod and she signed me out along with Natsu and Leo after they begged and begged.
We left school and we all went to my apartment. I changed into different clothes. Meaning I changed into a baggy T-Shirt, baggy sweatpants, I slip on my UGG boots, and throw my hair into a messy bun. We left for the hospital. Natsu offered to give me a piggyback ride. I accepted and thanked him. "Mistress? Are we almost there yet?" Leo Asia and I look straight ahead "hai! It's just up ahead" he perks up and runs for it. "I'LL SIGN YOU IN MISTRESS!" He yells and I nod "he can be very useful huh?" Natsu asks and I nod "ya but I kinda feel bad.. he shouldn't be acting like a dog or a servant... I thought he wouldn't drag it on another day.. I kinda feel bad." Natsu looked at Leo "he seems happy though" I hum "yes your right, but we are not in the anime 'The Rising Of The Shield Hero' this isn't some magical world." I say and he looks at me and chuckles "come on Luce, you know I don't understand any of that stuff right?" I groan "you need to start understanding!"
Natsu's pov:
We get to the hospital and Leo was there waiting and smiling with a doctor. Lucy only looked away from Leo with a guilty expression. Leo's smile faded "Mistress? Is there something wrong? No wait.. did I do something wrong?" Lucy jumped off my back and ran to Leo "N-No! Nothing like that!" She looked at the doctor "just thank you for getting me a doctor before we got here" she smiled and he nodded. The doctor brought us into a room and he checked Lucy. After about 20 minutes he just stepped away and smiled "nothing is wrong with you Miss Heartfilia. You just have a high temperature... nothing too deadly you just need to be more hydrated and I'll prescribe you some pills to take."
Lucy nodded and the doctor left to get the prescription pills. Leo was talking to Lucy as we waited. I only sit there and smile as they laugh. Lucy looked at me and smiled "Natsu, come join the conversation!" I blush and nod. We all laugh for at least a good 17 minutes.
The doctor walked in handed me the bottle of pills. Lucy got out of the bed and walks to me. "Thank you doctor" She says and he smiles "any time Miss Heartfilia." We walk out of the hospital and Lucy was looking a little pale "Mistress?" Lucy hummed and Leo continued "are you sure your feeling alright?" She nodded "I'll be fine Leo.. also just call me Lucy. We are friends. I'm not your master and your not my pet." He looks stunned at first but then nods "thank you mis- I mean Lucy.. ya Lucy!" She smiled. I love her smile.
Lucy's pov:
Leo has parted ways with us about a few minutes ago. We get to my apartment and I unlocked the door "Natsu do you want anything to eat?" I look at him and his eyes lit up "YES PLEASE!" I laugh and go to the kitchen and start to make some miso soup. Once I'm done I bring it to the table where Natsu was already sitting down.
I put his bowl in front of him along with chopsticks. I sit down as well and began to eat my soup slowly while of course.. Natsu was hogging his. "Natsu please slow down! Your going to make yourself sick.." I say with obvious concern in my voice. He looks at me and slouches "fine.. what ever you say Luce" I smile and we continue to eat.
We get done and I told Natsu I might just go in my room and watch a movie or something. He nods "can I pick out a movie!" He ask and I nod "ya sure.." we head to my room and he looks threw my shelves that hold the movies. "Umm.. Lucy.. I know I don't like anime and all.. but I was wondering can we watch this?" He shows me the movie he was holding up "The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya? Are you sure?" I ask and he nods "yes! I am very sure! It sounds good honestly!" I nod and he put the movie in.
I sit gently on my bed and pull out a book while Natsu jumped in my Totoro beanbag and made himself comfortable. I continue to read my book as for Natsu.. well he's way into this movie! It's kinda funny. The movie soon ends and he jumps up and grabs another anime one. "What are you watching now?" I ask and he looked at the cover "When Marnie Was There" he said and I nod "have fun with that one." Again he puts the movie in and jumps on my Totoro beanbag chair. This repeats about 7 more times.
I sigh and look at the clock "Natsu it's pretty late don't you think?" I look over my bed to see Natsu asleep. I smile and grab my Re:Zero blanket and throw it over him. I go and turn off my light and head back into my bed. I get under the covers and curl up into a ball. "Goodnight.. Natsu.." I say before I fall asleep... but then something processes in my head
10 seconds
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