The sweet and the bitter- ch. 13
Natsu's pov: next morning (school)
I wake up in my bed to the sound of my annoying alarm clock. I look at the time to see it's 6:36 and I growl and go back to sleep.
Lucy's pov:
I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock and look around and yawn. I slip out of bed and stretch. I look at the time to see it's 5:30. I look around and wonder.. what time does Natsu get up again? I shrug and go threw my closet to get to my bathroom. Once I do I strip and step into the shower. I started to wet my body and hair. I put in my shampoo and then put some Cetaphil face wash on. I soon washed my hair out and my face then did conditioner along with washing my body.
Once I'm done I step out and put my towel around my body. I go to the sink and start to brush my teeth and brush out my hair. I blow dry my hair and then brush it out again then straighten it. I sigh and go to the closet. I look threw my clothes and find myself in the dress section. I see a dress I haven't worn since last year and decided to wear it.
As I was putting it on I noticed that it wouldn't zip up the rest of the way. The zipper was in the back and it was really hard. Then I realized... oh shit... MY BOOBS GREW BIGGER AND NOW IT WONT ZIP!!
I look around calmly and see my phone I grab it and call Natsu. He never answered so I had to resort to someone else that is close as well... Gajeel. This is going to be awkward!! I call his number and he answered.
What is it bunny girl?
Hey! Stop calling me that! Also I need you to help me zip up one of my dresses...
Huh? Really!? Why not call Natsu?
I did but he never answered.. please Gajeel..
UGH! Fine be there in 2
YAY! Thanks big bro!!
I sigh in relief and look at it again "maybe I shouldn't wear this... nah it will be fine!" I sit down on my bed and start to put on my new shoes.
Once I'm done I get up and look in my mirror "hmm... I mean I'm a little bit taller for once. I kinda like it" I hear a knock on my door and rush to open it. I see Gajeel and smile "hey big bro!" I yell and he pushes me back inside "ugh just hurry up and show me what I'm working with. I move my long hair and show him the back of the dress. "Oh it's not that bad.. just straighten your back up a bit" I did and with ease Gajeel zipped it up.
"There done." He says and I go to my room and look in the mirror. "Oh! It looks great! Thanks Gajeel!" I yell and he then says something "your boobs are really big. Are you sure you aren't going to rip that dress?" He chuckles and I puff out my cheeks "ok listen here-!" I get cut off from my phone ringing. I look at it to see my second alarm going off. I have 30 minutes to get the rest of my stuff done.
I start to push Gajeel out of the apartment, told him to go do his thing and shut the door. I get back to my room and go to the bathroom "ok! Now just to do my hair and my makeup." I get done with my makeup and hair and take another look in the mirror...
"Ok that's good enough!" I walk into my room and grab my phone, purse, AirPods, etc. and look at the time. It's now 6:59. I walk out and knock on Natsu's door. About 4 minutes of no answering I just decided to use the key that he gave me. Natsu and Gajeel also have a key to my apartment.
I open up his door and look around. All of his lights are off and I almost tripped over something. I turned on his Kitchen light and gasped. "Oh my Mavis!!" I whisper yell and go to find his room. When I finally find it I walk in even more to see Natsu spread out on his bed. I sigh and look around "ok.. I can't do this. This shall take me only... 30 to 35 minutes."
I left his room and started to clean up his whole apartment. Once I was done I headed back to Natsu's room and started to quietly pick up. Once I was done it is now 7:37. I looked around and back to Natsu. I sigh and walk over to his bed "GET UP BAKA!" I yell and slap him in the head.
He jumps up from shock and then looks at me "LUCY!? WHAT THE HE-" I shoved my phone in his face and explained to him that he needed to get ready because we only have 20 minutes to get to school. He looked around and his jaw dropped "m-my room! It's clean!?" I nod "yes I cleaned it. I also cleaned the rest of your apartment. It was filthy!" I yell and he just chuckled.
Natsu's pov: at school
We got to school and met up with all of our friends. "Ooohhh~! Lu-Chan! You look so Kawaii!!" Levy yells and Lucy giggles "thank you Levy-Chan!" I have to admit she is actually really pretty today. All of the girls started to talk in their own little circle and the guys did the same. I was basically out of the circle because I didn't really feel needed so I just didn't bother until Gajeel calls me over.
When I get there Gajeel asked me about Lucy. "So Natsu? When are you going to ask out Lucy?" I blush "what do you mean?" I ask looking away and looking towards Lucy who was also blushing. I wonder why? I snapped out of my trance when I heard Lucy screaming. A scream I've never heard from her before. I see her in Lisanna's arms.. crying? We all run over to the group of girls and asked what is wrong and Erza looked at me "It's Yukino.."
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