The sweet and the bitter- ch. 10
Lucy's pov:
'Lucy.. she only has a month or so to live'
That... that sentence kept ringing threw out my head all the way to the hospital. I didn't know what to say I was just in complete shock.
We get to the hospital and I was still in shock but I was completely aware of my surroundings, I just couldn't move my body.. like I'm paralyzed. Sting comes around and opens my door and I can since he's taking to me but when I slowly look at him it's like I can't hear him but I can see his mouth moving. "Sting? ... I.. I don't feel so good" he helps me out of the car and into the hospital "Lucy what's wrong?" I shake my head slowly "I.. i feel like I need to... to throw up" he nods and brings me into a bathroom with only one toilet in there and a sink with a mirror. (A/N: what are those called? Like family bathrooms or handicapped bathrooms? Something like that.) He helps me to my knees by the toilet. He holds my head back as I threw up multiple times. He also rubbed my back and held one of my hands. He just kept telling me he was there and I would be ok, but at the moment I felt lonely and like shit.
After about 13 minuets of throwing up he helped me get cleaned up and we walked out. He told the lady at the front desk that we are here to see Yukino and she told us what floor and what room. We thank her and walk off. Sting had to help me stay standing up straight. Then he sighed and stopped me. He got in front of me and crouched a bit "get on Lucy, I know you feel weak about this whole situation and your not stable to walk" I hesitated at first but then just nodded "ok" I climb onto his back and he just started to walk. Before I knew it I was passed out.
Sting's pov:
Damn Lucy is petty light and she is already past out. I just smile lightly. Natsu.. you've fucked up. So where are you come and get your girl when she needs you the most. I know they aren't together but they should be.. I've seen the way they look at each other. They've fallen for each other and it's obvious. I know at one point I made moves on Lucy, but I knew I never stood a chance because she didn't feel the same way about me but when she looks at him... he's definitely the one that will make her truly happy.
We get to Yukino's room and I already see Rogue, Kagura, Rufus, and Orga around Yukino's bed. They all look at me and practically scream when they see Lucy. I quickly stop them since she was asleep and they all nod. "How'd you find Lucy?" Rogue asked "when I was at the mall I bumped into her" I say calmly and quietly. They all nod "well is she ok?" Yukino asked and I shrug "I don't know. After I told her about you only having a month or so to live, she started to throw up basically non stop for 13 minuets. She really does care for all of us and I know that.. if she could I know she would take a bullet for us too."
Yukino's pov:
Ya... she really would. "I don't want her to feel sad.. I want her to be happy. Happy I'm here now and won't be gone for awhile. She can't get rid of me that easily" I smile and everyone looked at me with forced smiles on here faces. I look down at my hands in my lap "guys.. please don't force your smiles... I get it.. it's hard on you guys.. it's hard on me too. I have to sit here and watch you guys feel in pain." No one talked so I spoke again "well.. they said there was a chance.." they all looked at me instantly "they said there is a type of surgery they could give me.. but there is a very slight chance of it going ok.. 97% chance of me dying though.. but hey look on the bright side at least I have a 3% chance.."
"For how long?" Sting asked and I shrug "they said there is no way of telling" I replied and all went silent again until we heard Lucy mumbling to herself in her sleep "dumbass... n-natsu... I ha...hate you now... it's all.. y-your fault.. your f-fault" we look to Sting and he explained "so... Lucy and Natsu.. Natsu and Lucy.. hm.. NaLu?" "Hmm.. ya that sounds good" Kagura and I were discussing their ship name. While the boys looked at us confused. "Do you have a picture of this Natsu?" I ask and Sting nodded "there are a few pictures we took at the mall just swipe threw"
(A/N: Ignore all of the change in clothing for them 😂😂)
We all laugh and Sting looked proud at the ones he took of Natsu and Lucy "Guys, I can not even tell you how short Lucy looks to Natsu. Like on the last picture she had to get on a STOOL to put the cat ears on. Like it's so cute! I'm also so thankful they never noticed I took them because then I'd be dead" (A/N: Sting is a NaLu shipper ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) he says and we all laugh again "well he is pretty cute and would be perfect for Lucy" I say and we all nod our heads in agreement.
I give Sting his phone back and look down then back at them. "Guys, before I die-" they all stopped me "YOUR NOT GONNA DIE YUKINO!" Sting and Rogue yell and I throw stuffed animals at their faces that were given to me by the hospital "shut up you guys. Lucy is asleep!" I whisper and they all nod so I continue "before I die I want them to get together. Is that understood? I want to see Lucy happy" they all nod and I smile. "I'm not leaving Lucy alone like that.. I know she'd be heartbroken and I can't do it." "But Sting said that they were fighting" Kagura said and I look at her "yes, but knowing our Lucy, she doesn't hold a grudge. There is a likely chance she will ignore him for awhile but not forever so when you think she is talking to him again do something ok?" I ask of them and they nod "we will, we all promise, but Yuki your not gonna die" Sting says with teary eyes "Sting I swear if you cry the next thing I'm going to throw at you is this flower vase. You know if you cry I cry" I say with a pout and they all laugh.
I know.. I know I will not make it threw the surgery but I'm still clinging onto that last bit of hope just in case.. I'm not giving up without a fight but I also know if it's my time to go then so be it... they will be fine without me.. I know it, but right now.. right now is where I am and I'm going to make it last. Especially with Lucy because she's like my precious and to sweet, to kind little cinnamon roll.
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