The sweet and the bitter- ch. 1
Lucy's pov:
Today was my last day hanging out with my friends at Sabertooth high. I walk into school and see Sting, Rogue, and Yukino. I run up to them and jump on Yukino. "Hey Yukino-Chan! I've missed you!" I say and cry into her chest. She hugs me back and smiles "Lucy we saw each other yesterday" she says sweetly and I cry harder "but now I won't be able to see you at all!" I sob and she pats my head "it will be fine. You're only the next town over so we can come visit you." Yukino says. Sting and Rogue agreed and we all hugged. We had the same classes which made me happy because we could spend more time together. Today was a half day, we have winter break and I have to start my second semester at Fairy Tail high. I can't wait to see Erza, Mira, Levy, Wendy, Juvia, Lisanna, Gray, Jallal, Laxus, Romeo, Bixlow, and Gajeel. The funny thing about it is that Gajeel is my brother and all my guys friends are dating my girlfriends. When I do hang out with them I feel left out but I know they love me! I will be so happy to see Gajeel and everyone else, but I will be sad when I leave Sting, Rogue, Yukino, Rufus, and Orga. But like Yukino said we can meet up anywhere since I'm only a town over.
(Time skip)
School ended at twelve so I run to my locker and all of my friends right behind me. "Lucyyyyy! Please don't leave me!" Sting whines and Yukino hits his arm "I mean us!" He yelps and hides behind Orga.
Orga moves out of the way so we could visibly see Sting. Orga hugs me "Lucy your better be careful up there! I still don't get why you won't just live with Gajeel! Why are you living by yourself! ITS NOT RIGHT WHAT IF SOMEONE HURTS YOU!?" He cries out and I laugh "don't worry cuz, I'm going to be living in an apartment on the third floor... Gajeel lives at the same apartment on the first floor." I say with a poker face and he wipes away his tears "I still don't like the idea" he mumbles and I just laugh it off. I turn my attention to the others and was about to hug Rufus when Sting jumps in the middle of us and steals the hug. "No Lucy your mine! I won't let anyone have you!!" Sting yells and I roll my eyes "Sting I already told you that I'm not interested in you!" I say trying to get from his grasp. Orga hits him over the head "DON'T TOUCH MY BABY CUSIN!" Sting falls to the floor dramatically and we all sweat drop. I feel my phone buzzing and take it out of my purse. The caller ID says Gajeel. I answer it and he starts to ask me where I am. "Did you forget I was supposed to be picking you up since I didn't have school today!?" He yells over the phone and my face pales. "N-no! Why would I forget t-that!" I hang up quickly and start to pack my stuff up. Everyone helps me. Me and Orga run out of the school and meet up with Gajeel. "Put the stuff in the back seat" Gajeel says and I nod.
Everyone comes running out of the school and hugs me except for Sting because Orga grabbed the back of his shirt "you already had your hug" he said and Sting whines. I hug Yukino, Rufus, and Rogue individually "I'm going to miss you guys. Please take good care of yourselfs! Oh and Rogue remember to-" "hit Sting over the head when he flirts with girls and being pervy towards them, I got it" Rogue finishes my sentence and I smile. I get in the car and glance back at them. I close the door and wave goodbye and of course Sting would chase the car. While Rogue and Orga chase after him. I look straight ahead and smile.
(Time skip)
Natsu's pov:
I walk to my apartment from the school which is just across the street and get my keys ready. I get to the third floor and unlock my door. I was about to walk inside when I heard a car pull up. I turn around to see a blond and the metal head from school get out of the car. "Tch, bet it's one of his girl toy-" I was cut off by her saying something that sparked my interest "Come on big bro! I want to go throw my school stuff in my apartment!" big brother huh? Pfft pathetic. I bet she is as self absorbed and shallow as him.
I see her running to the stairs so I start to open my door but then I hear Gajeel yell something else "Lucy! Come on slow down!" "Can't I'm on the third floor and I want to check it out now! Since your still down there remember my room is X777 next to C777!" I see... so she lives right next to me. I'm in C777.
I see the top of her head coming up the stairs and I walk inside quickly and shut the door.
Lucy's pov:
When I was at the top of the third floor staircase I see someone walk into the room next to mine. It looked like he had salmon colored hair. That's odd? Oh well I should introduce myself! I knock on the door but there was no answer "Hello? I know I saw someone go into this room unless I saw a ghost?" I say and giggle a bit. There was still no answer so I knock again but still no response "ok, I'm sorry if I bothered you. Have a great day!" I say cheerfully and run up to my door. I unlocked it and my eyes widen "oh my God! THIS PLACE IS HUGE!"
I have a guest bedroom which is pretty cool and I decided that I would take the bedroom with the balcony. (Author's Note: ok pretend that it has cuter... everything. I just seriously loved the layout)
I hear a knock on the door and run to it and open it to see Gajeel "COME ON BIG BRO!" I drag him in and he groans "also thanks for bringing all of my stuff here and unpacking it. You did such an amazing job at decorating." I smile at him and he just laughs "Thanks Lucy. But remember don't tell anyone. I don't want to seem girly." He says and ruffles my hair. I am only one year younger then him but he is seriously tall. I nod and run to my room. I look inside my walk in closet and see everything was already hung up. This is too funny. He actually organized and color coded everything. He organized it from dresses, to pants, short sleeve, T-Shirts, elbow length sleeve shirts, long sleeves, jackets. And then to hoodies. "GAJEEL! This is amazing!" I yell and he walks into the closet and looks around and then nods "yep I know! I also bought you knew everything like shampoo and conditioner, razors, soap, and I also brought your makeup. Everything from home is already here" I smile. I turn to him and hug him "thank you so much Gajeel!" He pushes me away and has a faint smile plastered on his face "gah, but don't tell anyone!" He says and I tilt my head to the side "tell them what?" We laugh and walk out to go eat.
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