chapter eighteen!
018. magical hearts
THE MARKETS were the love of the week. Everyone went down to spend their day chatting, wandering past exotic delicacies, artistry delights and everything a merchant, traveller or a worker from Camelot had to offer. Peasants, Lords, Ladies and royalty all mingled together for a day, caring little of who walked the streets with them. There were games in the streets where the children played▬trying to see who could land their ring around the wooden poles dug into the ground; trying to see how many pins they could knock down with their balls. Odette loved playing Kayles. They used to give the pins names; it made it more fun to knock them down. They might name them notable figures they fought a war against, ancient evil sorcerers, the ancient High Kings of the Five Kingdoms▬Odette often christened her's Arthur and Ronyn (just to see the looks on their faces whenever she played a game against them as a child).
When travelling through the markets with Gwen and Morgana, Odette couldn't stop herself when she saw a came of Kayles just by the side of the street. A group of children were setting up their third game of the morning, laughing and taunting each other with their balls and wooden sticks. She glanced at Morgana and Gwen, who both held already a basket full of fabric, jewellery and other trinkets they found at the stalls. Odette clutched her own basket, desperate to try and join the game▬even at her age.
"Have you played?" she asked them amongst the chatter of Market Day.
Morgana frowned, glancing over her shoulder at the children. "Kayles?"
Odette nodded, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Kayles," she said in a dramatic matter-of-fact tone. Then, without even asking permission, Odette passed her basket over to Gwen and raced around the people towards the street side where the children were setting up their game.
She giggled a little, stepping up onto the wooden plank set across the muddy trenches on the side of the street from last night's rain. "Hello!" she greeted as she walked across the plank with mocking arms set out to balance her. "Good day!"
The children glanced back as she made her way over. They shared glances. One of them held their Kayles ball protectively to their chest.
"Sorry," Odette landed on the other side, realising she must look so strange to alert herself to them. "Sorry▬hello, how are you? Is that Kayles you're playing?"
The eldest child would be no older than twelve. She tossed her ball in her hands, dressed in a tunic that didn't go past her shins baked with mud▬most definitely from earlier morning playful activities. "Yes, what is it to you?" she asked.
Odette grinned shyly, "I love Kayles. Can I play a game with you?"
The children shared another glance. They were rather unsure. But then the youngest▬a boy of six, stepped forward and handed her his ball himself. Odette's grin broadened and she took it, "Thank you," she told the little boy.
"I'm Arthur," said the young boy proudly. "I was named after the Prince himself!"
Odette gasped with delight, wanting to make it sound quite shocking that he would be named such. "My▬you must be very strong then. Do you win all of the games?"
"No, you do not!" said a boy of nine. "You lose them all, Art."
"I do not!" defended Arthur. "I'm the best player!"
Odette crouched down to his height, her skirts dirtying in the mud. She set her elbows on her knees, gazing at the other children before sharing a mischievous, all knowing look with the six-year-old who pouted, rather annoyed and upset. "I believe you," she told him.
His eyes widened. He turned to her, "You do?"
She nodded, "Yes. Anyone with the name Arthur is bound to be the greatest at Kayles. Though, a secret between you and me▬" she leaned in to whisper into his ear. The young boy, Arthur quickly ushered in, excited to hear and know something his friends wouldn't. "The older Prince Arthur is terrible at Kayles."
The little boy stepped back, mouth agape and Odette quickly placed a finger to her lips, chuckling through her smile. Arthur giggled, covering his mouth with his hand to be sure he wouldn't expose their little secret. "How do you know that?" he asked her in a whisper, eyeing the others suspiciously. "Are you from the castle?"
"She's a servant," said the eldest. "She's the Lady Morgana's maid▬my mother works in the kitchens, she's seen you."
"Well, being the Lady Morgana's second handmaiden," Odette told little Arthur and he nodded, listening very intently, "I often see the Prince▬and I know for certain what games he succeeds at and what games he very much fails."
"I'm great at this game!" Little Arthur assured her.
"Well," Odette nudged him and went back to whispering a secret to him. "You will be sure to teach me?"
He thought about it, glancing at his friends before nodding. "I will teach you everything!"
Odette nodded, happy. She stood back up and held out her hand dramatically for Arthur to take. He grinned and clasped her palm in his small one and dragged her further towards the Kayles game. The eldest child rolled her eyes, but looked as if she was eager to finally manage to beat someone older than her.
"Now! You must stand here," the young boy showed her and she followed, as if she didn't know a thing at all about Kayles. "You put your feet like this!"
She purposefully did it the wrong way. "Like this?"
"No!" Little Arthur let out, disappointed with her. Odette bit back chuckles, glancing up to where Morgana and Gwen were watching, pleasantly surprised by her antics. Guinevere laughed, waving at her while Morgana shook her head with a smile upon her face. The little boy grabbed her arms and tried to move her himself. He kicked her feet lightly into position, and Odette moved them as if he was the strongest person in the world. He seemed satisfied with this▬proud of himself. "You have to put your feet like this!"
"Oh!" let out Odette with loud realisation. "Like this?"
She purposefully got it wrong again and the child threw his hands up, utterly frustrated with her. "How can I teach you if you are really dumb?!" he cried out and Odette gawked, wheezing in with sudden laughter that turned into a short squeal of surprise back at Morgana and Gwen who had heard it all the way across the street. The two of them were laughing.
"You put your feet like this!" let out Arthur, planting his feet properly in front of her. "It is easy▬look!"
"All right! All right!" giggled Odette, feeling much like a child herself as she jumped into position beside the six-year-old properly. "I think I get it now."
"Okay!" he said slowly, eyeing her out of the corner of his eye as if expecting her to switch her feet around last second. "Now▬you got to aim at the pins and try and knock them down. The more you knock down, the more points you get. So ... you have to throw it."
"The ball?" she held up the one he gave her. "This one?"
Odette smiled, "All right▬I'll throw."
She bent her knees and threw the ball to roll across the ground. Odette gasped and cheered, jumping up and down when she hit three pins. Arthur cheered for her, and the children laughed, having started to find Odette rather amusing. They let her continue playing, and she continued to play under the little boy's instruction, and it warmed her heart that each win she got, was a win for him▬and he was delighted with beaming happiness each time she knocked a pin over.
By the end of the morning, Morgana and Guinevere finished their trip through the markets and came back around to grab Odette who was still playing with the children like she was still one herself. When she said goodbye, she was met with many hugs and pleads for her to stay▬and asking whether she could play Kayles with them next time.
She was exuberant in explaining the game in great detail to her mistress and friend, determined to drag them into playing next time. Not only would it be great fun, but Odette knew that the more Morgana spent her time with the people of Camelot, they'll grow to love her even more▬and would bode well if she was to someday become Queen. She who was Queen was not just a pretty face on a pretty throne; she was the embodiment of love, care and kindness. She was the King's wife, she would be the mother of his heir and further children, but she was also mother of a kingdom. She must be wise, she must be strong, she must be thoughtful and understanding▬all of which Morgana already was. But if Odette showed her how great she'd be, and show her how much the children of Camelot admired her▬they'd tell her and make her believe more than Odette ever could.
Arthur will be King someday, and Odette was sure that he'll be a better King; a great King▬even if he was frustrating and sometimes inconsiderate. But if he had an even better Queen at his side, like Morgana, then the hope for a better future was more than a hope, it was a sure promise.
Besides, they both deserved to marry someone they did care for and know, rather than some far away Princess or Knight that wouldn't make them happy.
Odette filtered through what little was in her basket as they returned to the castle later in the morning just as the sun travelled over to Noon. She still smiled to herself even when they made it to Morgana's chambers, thinking of the children who cheered her on with each throw and hit. As the maids prepared the King's Ward into another dress for the rest of the day before luncheon, someone knocked on the door.
Behind the screen, Morgana called over the intricate wooden designs: "Open it, would you, Gwen?"
Guinevere left the fabric she was sorting through to do as she was asked, gently tugging open the door so it was ajar. Once she did, she froze. As she always seemed to do▬freeze in a mixture of breathless annoyance and confusion whenever Ronyn was on the other end of her gaze.
He was on the road to a full recovery. His arm now free from its sling and moving well. There was still discomfort whenever he did▬a slight wince on his face that he tried to hide or a clench of his jaw to which he would turn away and mutter something to they who accompanied him to make it seem as if it was nothing. Guinevere noticed whenever they were in the same room, or whenever she might glance him across the courtyard. She could not stop herself. That day in the courtyard, when the Griffin came down with its vicious talons▬how Ronyn threw himself into danger; ran towards something rather than running away ... she found it hard to look at him and think of anything else.
It had made her run and help him. It had made her want to sneak up towards him to ask how he was fairing▬it made her furiously fight the urge to not bite her tongue whenever he visited her father's forge. More frequently now that his blade needed only a mere polish before it was finished. Even though he didn't need to be there, he still came▬laughing and chatting with her father that was different than he first came; a genuine side to him that held no need to be locked away. There was no honour in him still coming to her father's forge; but a want, an enjoyment.
She hated him. Guinevere hated him.
She had to keep reminding herself.
Even if he laughed at her father's forge, and mustered small, amused smile at Merlin's faces after a conversation with Arthur. Even if he asked for her forgiveness and tried to be honest with her. Even if he gave her a weed he thought was a flower and placed himself in danger to protect those children without a second thought of honour and bravery. Even if he awkwardly smiled at her now, not quite sure how she'll react to him in this moment.
Guinevere swallowed it all down. She should hate him for making her want to forget everything he's done to Odette and herself▬how arrogant he can be. How faux his words still constantly were▬like he was transcribing a liar's epic.
She will hate him for it.
But then he seemed to wince again as he moved and her hatred simmered.
"My Lord?" she greeted him softly.
Ronyn frowned at her gentle tone, but made no comment of it, "Guinevere," he replied.
They said nothing more▬long enough to make it quite uncomfortable. Gwen twisted her grip on the door handle and looked away from his striking gaze, suddenly very aware of the guards in the hallway. She quickly bowed her head, "How may I help you?"
Ronyn stared for a second longer▬then, he stammered and cleared his throat. "Er▬well▬um▬The King; he requests the Lady Morgana for a court summoning. Arthur's returned from his hunt."
"Oh," was all Guinevere could find herself able to say.
"I heard what he's brought back is quite interesting..."
"Is that so, My Lord?"
"Quite, it would seem."
She hummed. Guinevere knew she was stalling this conversation▬though she wasn't sure why. There was little that would come out of it, standing here in a corridor with guards positioned at the doors and Morgana just behind the screen. Though she wanted more▬wanted him to say something else ... she realised she didn't care whether it would anger her or not; whether they'll quarrel and she'd want to storm off ... she just wanted to have the chance to tell him what he did in the courtyard was▬what? Admirable? Surprising? Nothing quite seemed to project how she felt.
On the matter. Not in regards to him every other day, of course.
Guinevere had to move along, even if she didn't want to. She took a deep breath and nodded▬Ronyn understood and followed, clearing his throat and straightening his posture. "Odette and I shall prepare her▬she won't be too long."
Ronyn nodded as well, "Wonderful," he smiled at her. "I will be glad to see you then, Guinevere."
She hummed, bidding him goodbye before closing the door again. Once she did, she turned around to set her back on the wood, closing her eyes with frustrated embarrassment. She scoffed a sigh through her teeth, shaking her head at herself. Then, it struck her what he said and her shoulders slumped in surprise▬Guinevere furrowed her brows, incredulous.
On the other side of the door, Ronyn Vecentia clenched his eyes shut as well, cursing softly past his lips. "Idiot," he muttered to himself. "Why would you say that▬I will be glad to see you then, Guinevere? What is wrong with you...?" he slowly turned to find the guard positioned at the door watching him strangely (and albeit curiously). They shared an awkward, estranged silence.
Ronyn cleared his throat; wanting to shrink into a very small and dark hole all of the sudden. "Erm▬good day, sir▬" He tried to keep most of his dignity, walking backwards to the staircase until the guard couldn't see him▬once then, he took off at a very childish (and un-dignified) run.
"MY NAME is Aulfric, heir of Tír Mòr. This is my daughter, Sophia."
The court room was intrigued by the two travellers. They stood, in their expensive garbs within the centre of the chamber▬rescued from bandits during Arthur's hunt. Odette has only ever heard of Tír Mòr; she's seen it on a map towards the very far East, past Cenred's Kingdom and into depths to which Odette would need another map. They were an ally of Camelot, she knew this much▬but the splendours of the Far East closer to the borders of England was a mystery to Odette. Anything past Mercia and Ascetir she had barely any knowledge of, mostly because of the ongoing tension between Cenred and Camelot.
It intrigued her as to why they had travelled such a treacherous journey through enemy lands to Camelot on the other side. Odette eyed the father and daughter. The heir of the Tír Mòr Kingdom was gowned in a regal robe of deep blue; reaching his latter days with greying hair and a pointed, grey beard. His daughter beside him was soft and delicate in comparison▬her features round and plump, her nose small and her eyes virtuous. Long, golden waves washed down past a golden dress. She was draped in a silk cloak just as golden. Both grasped long, twisted root staffs with a glistening, sapphire gem centred at the top▬not travelling clothes at all. Odette muttered this to Gwen who jabbed her side to tell her to stay quiet and keep herself out of trouble.
"It's impractical," complained Odette back in a whisper.
"Is that really the most important thing as of now?" Guinevere muttered back pointedly.
It wasn't, but Odette was incredulous by the fact. She would have to mention it to Merlin, who she was sure would share her pedantic thought.
The King sat back in his wooden throne, frowning in curiosity at the two travellers. "You're a long way from home," he acknowledged. "What brings you to Camelot?"
Odette wondered whether she could quickly whisper her thought to Morgana until she noticed the look on her mistress's face. All pedantic, childish judgements passed Odette and all she felt was worry as she noticed the pale, white ghastly hitch of breath Morgana held at the very sight of Sophia and her father.
She had no time, nor the chance in the quiet court to ask her what was wrong. So, she decided to subtly brush her hand against Morgana's arm in her best attempt to let her know she was here.
"Our home was sacked by raiders," said Aulfric Tír Mòr, "we barely escaped with what few possessions we could carry."
The King nodded, grim, "Yes. These are dangerous times..."
Odette moved her glance from Morgana to Merlin's across the room, wondering if he noticed▬but before she made it to him, her gaze fixed purely on Arthur. The young handmaiden frowned, confused to see his eyes wandering; he wasn't concentrating, he wasn't even listening. All he could focus on was the heir of Tír Mòr's beautiful young daughter.
She made a face to herself, having to look away. She decided to find Ronyn in the court room instead, her attention drifting from Morgana to think nothing more except the dazed look in Arthur's eyes and she tried to subtly tell her childhood friend what the Prince was doing. The Lord Vecentia made a face back, dubious at her▬and he was confused as to why he hasn't seen Arthur's scolding face until he, too, noticed and Ronyn did everything possible to hide his surprise that was quickly turning into mirthful amusement.
(Oh, how he will torture his close friend for this).
Odette expected Ronyn to look as confused and dubious as her. She grew frustrated when she only saw boyish excitement for all the jokes he could come up with. She huffed out a soft sigh and turned back to the travellers, knowing she wasn't behaving as she should.
"What will you do?" the King, meanwhile, asked the father and daughter.
Aulfric twisted his staff in his hand thoughtfully, "We travel West to Caerleon where we have family and▬I hope▬a new life."
Sophia presented with a soft and sweet smile.
The King flexed his fingers in his glove, shuffling in his seat once more as he made his decision. He mustered a small smile, as well, "You must stay here a while," he said, "break your journey."
Odette briefly eyed Arthur once more; she noticed he tried to hide how happy he was with this. She made another face. She's never seen him so suddenly smitten▬she didn't know he could have enough emotions to be smitten. It was unnerving. She didn't like it.
"A noble family like yours is always welcome at Camelot." Uther gestured for the scribe to pass, placing an end to the council. Both Aulfric and Sophia bowed their heads. Morgana stiffened as if she expected fangs to appear from their lips as they stood back up.
As they left, Sophia risked a shy glance over her shoulder at Arthur who watched her go, his gaze never once leaving her once.
When Odette could be dismissed, she felt bad for not attending to Morgana's strange, fearful persona first and rushed straight for Merlin before he disappeared off after the Prince. She ignored all of the disappointed, annoyed gazes from the lords, ladies and the King. She noticed Ronyn shake his head out of the corner of her eye, but she knew he wanted to do the same.
Once she made it out, she reached out an arm for the manservant, whisper-shouting: "Merlin▬Merlin. Merlin!"
She latched around his wrist and he glanced back over his shoulder, incredulous, "What?"
Odette peered over his shoulder at Arthur who hadn't noticed yet, his attention wandering to the corridor Sophia and Aulfric were lead towards. "What's wrong with Arthur?"
Merlin arched a brow at her, "What's wrong with Arthur?"
She nodded, confused as to why he found those choice of words so strange. "Yes▬wrong with him." Odette dropped her voice to even a softer whisper, eyeing the Prince from Merlin's side down the hallway. "He looks besotted▬Arthur doesn't have the capability for that emotion."
Merlin's eyes widened. A grin slowly tugged onto his lips. "Are▬" he cleared his throat to stop his laughter, "▬Are you calling Arthur emotionless?"
"No..." argued Odette weakly, "He just ... doesn't do feelings."
The warlock shook his head, scoffing out an incredulous snort. "That's the same thing! Of course, you must know I agree with you, but usually I'm the one who says those things."
"I'm just saying he doesn't▬" Odette grew flustered, shrugging and pursing her lips as she tried to find the right word to describe what she was thinking, "▬he hasn't▬I mean, I haven't known him to▬not that he hasn't, of course, just▬well▬"
"He isn't capable of love," Merlin played the word out mockingly on his tongue.
Odette stared at him, horrified, "I▬I didn't say he was in love! I'm not▬he is not in love."
The servant frowned at her, "Why ... why would you care, anyhow?"
And like that, the Lady Morgana's second handmaiden stood as stiff as a board. Words were lost off her tongue, his accusation startling her into silence. Finally, she managed a, "I▬I don't care." Merlin continued to eye her suspiciously. "Why▬why would I care? I do not care about whatever he might do." At the look on his face she gaped and had to add: "I do not!"
Arthur finally noticed his servant was behind him and he spun around, searching like a lost child in the centre of the markets. When he finally found him, all besotted looks fell away and what replaced it was exasperation. "Merlin!"
He stormed over to the two servants and both of them spun to face him, wide-eyed. Odette let go of Merlin's wrist▬trying to look as innocent as possible. Arthur eyed the two friends with an accusing frown. He stopped right in front of them, silent as he tried to figure out whatever they were chatting about. "What are you two up to?"
Merlin immediately blurted out, "Why would we be up to anything?"
Arthur just arched a brow, "Because whenever the two of you are together, something always seems to happen..."
The warlock and handmaiden shared a glance. Even though the Prince was far from being wrong; they got in their fair share amount of trouble whenever placed in the same room together since Merlin first arrived▬they would never admit to it. Synchronised, the two young friends turned back to the Prince and shook their heads.
"No," said Merlin slowly and thoughtfully, "I really don't think they do."
"We're just having a conversation," spoke up Odette helpfully.
"Yes," nodded the warlock, "about ... armour."
Arthur didn't believe them. "Armour?" he said.
"Yes," Odette went along with it. "Armour ... and polishing armour ... Merlin learnt about this new technique▬I mean, well, I learnt it, I'm just ... letting him know ..."
The Prince stared at them for a moment. The servants gave their best smiles. Until he shook his head, giving up. "Stop distracting her, Merlin."
Merlin watched him start off again, mouth agape, "H▬how is this my fault?"
ARTHUR WAS SMITTEN. Merlin could tell.
He wasn't sure whether smitten was a word he'd ever use to describe the Prince, but he knew he was. He jumped to the opportunity to have Sophia stay in the room beside his. He had Merlin make sure she had good sheets, a fire going and to appoint the best maid to be at her service. The only really good maids Merlin knew were Odette and Gwen, but he managed to get one of the younger serving girls to take on the task▬hoping that maybe it'll get her a better opportunity than scrubbing chamber pots. (Because no one likes scrubbing chamber pots).
While Merlin would say there was something wrong with Arthur (as Odette had so sweetly proclaimed), he couldn't help but find it incredulous the next morning to find him in a very good mood because of it▬even before he ate his breakfast! He didn't complain about Merlin opening up the blinds, he didn't make it an effort to get him out of his bed so Merlin could replace his sheets▬in fact, he was already up and dressed ready for the day. Which was when Merlin started to get on the verge of wondering whether there was something wrong with him.
Once Merlin blessed God that his chamber pot was empty, Arthur followed him around his chamber, watching him change his sheets with the ones he washed early this morning. He feasted on a platter of fruit and meat▬taking his strawberries with him in his venture around his room.
When, finally, he stopped following Merlin and came to a halt by one of his bed posts. Arthur leant against it, watching him stuff his pillows into new covers. Then, he spoke up, "I'm taking Sophia out for a ride today▬you know, show her around."
Merlin set the pillow aside. He frowned up at the Prince, a little confused. While things might be civil between them▬and dare he say it, friendly▬Arthur wasn't one to just randomly tell him what he was going to do for a day to start a conversation unless he wanted something out of it. "And ... where do I come into this?"
Arthur stood up a bit more, uncrossing his arms▬here it comes, Merlin thought to himself. The Prince set aside his plate of strawberries, all finished and stepped closer, "Well, I'm supposed to be on patrol with the guard and my father this morning. So ... I need you to cover for me."
Merlin realised what he was asking almost immediately. He dropped the pillow sleeve he was holding. He hated Arthur▬he really hated the dollophead▬his shoulders dropped, both exasperated and frustrated with what he was asking. "What?" he let out, not at all happy with this decision. "And lie to the King?"
Arthur shrugged and Merlin shook his head. "No." He stated. He stepped away, continuing to shake his head as he grabbed the next pillow. He threw it onto the bed. "No. No way. No▬he'll see right through me!"
His master sighed, disappointed in him and Merlin leaned forward to state▬very clearly▬that lying to his father (the King!) as a servant wasn't as easy as Arthur was making it out to be. "He'll have me in the stocks quicker than you can say 'rotten tomatoes'!"
"Merlin," stressed Arthur, cutting him off. Pursing his lips, he took a gentler approach and leaned forward as well, getting to the young boy's level. "I need you to do this for me."
Merlin was getting hot under his coat at just the very thought of the quest he must undertake▬ "I'm a terrible liar," he tried to say to Arthur, despite the irony of his words. "I▬I▬I start sweating. My▬my vision blurs. My▬my brain stops working▬!"
"Well, no change there then."
Arthur's comment made him stop, incredulous. The Prince fought back a chuckle, amused at his reaction. "Look," he swung around the bed post to meet his gaze better, "I promised Sophia I'd take her out. And if I don't turn up, it'll blow my chances."
Merlin's exasperation fell away when he heard that. A small, playful smile tugged at his lips. He looked down at the pillow, "You like her then?" he asked Arthur hesitantly.
The Prince scoffed, "Yeah," he said without a moment's pause. "What's not to like?!" Merlin breathed a chuckle, shaking his head at him. "I mean▬she's beautiful."
"She does have pretty hair," Merlin treaded carefully, sort of liking chatting with Arthur▬like they weren't a servant and a Prince, but just friends having a good lark about a girl one of them fancies.
The Prince shook his head, his gaze drifting off as he leant back onto the wooden best post. "I don't think I've ever seen a woman that gorgeous before."
"Okay," Merlin chuckled.
Arthur sent him a look, but his gaze was playful. "I want to spend some more time with her, but ... I need to get my father off my back." He continued to watch him fix the pillow up against the others on his bed. Arthur shuffled on his feet and his next words were a mumble, "I ... I can't order you to lie to the King, but ... you'd be a friend for life if you do."
Merlin huffed, glancing back up with a clench of his jaw. Arthur's brows raised, waiting his answer very much on the edge with bated breath. Friend, Arthur had said ... Merlin didn't hate him, not really▬he quite liked being his servant (though he'd never admit it) ... the idea of getting the chance to be friends with Arthur ... he wouldn't mind that either.
And he knew he could never say no. Even if he tried.
Merlin rolled his eyes, "Go on, then," he grumbled, trying to be mad. But he wasn't. "You don't want to keep her waiting."
Arthur broke out into a grin. He reached out and ruffled his hair lightly▬like an older brother; it took Merlin off guard. "Thanks, Merlin!" He started to leave his chambers with a skip in his step. "I won't forget it!"
As the Prince left, he passed Ronyn and happily slapped his good shoulder. The Lord stopped, incredulous and slowly poked his head into his chamber where Merlin was still standing by the bed. He pointed to where Arthur had left, "Isn't he supposed to be going on patrol?"
Merlin stammered on a lie, "Uh ..." he couldn't think of anything, and so, he just shrugged and smiled.
She woke up in the early hours of that morning to Morgana screaming.
It startled her▬terrified her, even. She was jolted awake with her heart dropping to the pit of her stomach to hear her friend shriek into the early unforgivable hours before the dawn▬where it was so dark she could barely see past her toes. She didn't even grab a candle, rushing out in her nightgown and clutching one of her slippers as a weapon▬thinking Morgana was being attacked.
Until she saw her thrashing and screaming in her own bed, and Odette realised what happened. She dropped her shoe and ran straight for her, leaping onto the bed to wrap her arms around her mistress and hold her tight.
"Morgana!" Odette cried, trying to wake her. She felt a bruise form on her shoulder from Morgana's thrashing. She just held on tighter, burying her head in her shoulder. "Morgana▬My Lady!"
She shook her a little, so startled she was tearful. Odette has seen her friend like this after her nightmares, so frighten she was too scared to see the daylight. But not like this▬never like this.
"Morgana!" Odette didn't mean to shout, but she had no idea how else she would wake her. And when she did, Morgana jumped▬her eyes flashed open with a hitched, startled breath and Odette squeezed her tight. "It's okay▬it's okay▬" she tried to calm her down as her breath quickened. She glanced around, almost as if she couldn't see her. "Morgana, Morgana▬it's okay, it's okay. It's me! It's Odette," she cupped her cheeks, trying to get her to see her. "It's me, it's Odette. It's Odette. You're okay. You're okay▬it was a night terror, Morgana. It was just a bad dream."
Morgana clutched onto her shoulders. Odette was getting scared for her. She was crying▬crying so much she found it hard to speak. But when she did, she spoke a name: "A▬Arthur," she sobbed. "She▬she's going to kill him!"
Odette wiped her tears away, trying very hard to not let her words unsettle her. "It's okay. It's okay▬"
"No!" Morgana struggled against her hold. "She▬she's going to kill him▬she'll kill him▬!"
"Arthur is fine," she urged. "He's fine. He's alive. It was a bad dream Morgana, everything is all right..."
Morgana took a few deep breaths. She seemed to start to calm down before she threw herself into Odette's shoulder. Her young handmaiden held her tight, allowing the unsettled feeling reach her chest▬tightening it as she heard Morgana weep.
It took a long time to calm her down enough for her to tell Odette about her dream. It took so long that Gwen had arrived after the sun rose to see the both of them still in their night dresses on Morgana's bed with Odette doing her best to console the King's Ward who was still in tears. Everything forgotten, Guinevere quickly set aside her things and rushed to join them, sitting down on Morgana's other side and taking her hand.
When she was finally able to explain her horrible dream, Odette was surprised. (And rather terrified). She spoke of seeing a woman▬Sophia▬standing over a body of water, there, she watched as Arthur slowly drowned ... further and further into the depths.
They still discussed it once Morgana felt enough courage to break her fast. She had travelled to the window as the sunrise started to light up the citadel and town▬she watched Arthur ride out with Sophia towards the forest. Odette frowned. He should be on patrol.
Though if Morgana's dream meant anything, that was the least of his problems.
Dreams were dreams. Odette knew this. Gaius once told her that dreams were created from the mind when they weren't truly conscious, thinking over things that had happened in the day and twisting them into images for them to relive▬good or bad; faces, scenarios, memories ... though to say that Morgana dreamt of Sophia killing Arthur before she arrived in Camelot and seeing her there in the court room, it struck Odette as strange.
And it struck Morgana as strange, too.
It wasn't the first time Morgana told Odette of a dream that actually came true.
Some of them were little things. Travellers, little pieces of gossip that turned out to be very much true. Others were more terrifying: premonitions of diseases that plagued the Lower Town only days after, executions and attempted killings that came to pass▬even the day Arthur ventured off to a Druid camp and returned ghostly pale, never the same since.
She had even dreamt the death of Ronyn's father▬exactly in the way he'd clutch his heart and collapse after a severe fit of anger.
Odette had always tried to ignore the coincidences, but every time, she was brought to the same fearful clench of her heart to think what might just happen now.
They were silent for a few minutes. None of them were too sure on what to say. Gwen shared a brief glance with Odette, pursing her lips as she, too, thought of the many dreams Morgana described that had then come true. They had always kept it to themselves▬always denied the possibility of what it might just be.
Guinevere twisted her fingers, watching Morgana carefully at the window. "Are you sure it was her?"
Morgana nodded, stiff and grave▬her voice was quiet and hitched in the back of her throat. "I could never forget that face."
"You should speak to the King."
She glanced back over her shoulder at the two handmaidens sitting together at the foot of her bed, her face dry and blank. "And tell him what? That I can see the future?"
Odette knew it was dangerous. But what could they do? Sit here and wait for another one of her dreams to come true in the worst way possible▬? She couldn't stand by with the thought that Arthur might just die. "But if you think that Arthur's life is in danger▬?"
The King's Ward scoffed, "You know how he'd react."
Gwen frowned at this, "You're his Ward," she said. "He wouldn't harm you."
But Morgana shook her head. "He hates magic more than he cares for me."
"I don't believe that," said Odette.
Morgana tilted her head, for once frustrated with her optimism and naivety. "Would you care to put it to the test?"
"But what else can you do?"
The King's Ward pursed her lips. She turned to stare back out the window where Arthur's and Sophia's figures grew distant down the road. "I'm going to have to try and stop her myself."
Odette frowned to herself. While Morgana brooded through the window, planning a way to change the future, her youngest handmaiden was figuring out her own way to test Fate.
She realised that if Morgana wasn't going to say anything about it, she just might have to. Not to the King▬but if Odette somehow spoke to Arthur ... perhaps she could try and convince him that Sophia's sincerity might not be all it seems.
She was dismissed in the afternoon, letting her take the time to do other jobs she needed for the rest of the week. Preparing dresses, sheets, mending clothes and helping out other servants within the castle (and eating left-over food in the kitchens if she managed to find some). But when Odette heard Arthur was back from Merlin who still had rotten tomatoes stuck in his hair from a day in the pillory (she had no energy to stop and ask what he had done this time), she finished what she was doing and wandered to the Prince's chambers.
She decided to take his dinner instead of Merlin▬looking for an excuse to make her way to his rooms. Odette ignored how the smell of roasted lamb and vegetables made her stomach growl, annoyed with her that all she could find for her own afternoon meal was half a piece of bread. But she wouldn't go and ask Gaius if he had any food for her until she was desperate. She didn't want to bother anybody with her situation▬ever.
When Odette arrived, she knocked on the servants' door and stepped inside once he deemed it okay. When she slipped around the ajar door, Arthur glanced back and immediately frowned.
"You're not Merlin," he told her.
Odette fought the urge to quip back, quite observant of you. She held up his plate of food and said instead: "I'm afraid Merlin is still picking cabbage out of his hair."
Arthur winced, "Did Merlin get thrown into the pillory?"
Her brows shot up, "Why▬is it your doing?"
The Prince sat down at his dining table and Odette made her way over, passing over his plate and starting to pour him a drink▬finding it strange to serve him instead of Morgana in his own chambers. As she did, Arthur looked over his food and said, "He covered for me today▬I suppose he didn't do so well lying to my father."
"You shouldn't have done that," Odette told him quietly.
Arthur dropped his piece of lamb back onto his plate, annoyed at her, "Is this all you've come over to do, Odette? Be angry at me?"
She kept her mouth shut, setting the silver jug back down. When she didn't say anything, Arthur bounced his brows and picked at his lamb▬not even noticing the way she eyed him out of the corner of her gaze. After a short silence, she fiddled with her fingers and spoke up, "So, did you enjoy your day?"
The Prince glanced up with a hum, not sure what she was referring to until she elaborated: "Sophia▬your day out with Sophia?"
He went to answer, and then he frowned at her, taken aback. Odette frowned back, a little confused. Arthur then scoffed a small, amused smile at her and her frown deepened. He brought his goblet to his lips and drank▬he did not answer her question.
"What?" she asked him, not sure what he was doing.
Arthur didn't fight the urge to smile behind his goblet. He set it down and decided to tell her, "Nothing▬you just make it sound like a bad thing."
Odette stared at him, ignorant to his quiet chuckles. "Why are you laughing?"
"I thought maids tend to a Prince's dinner without conversation?"
The young handmaiden set her clenched hands at her side and demanded of him: "Don't just laugh at me▬what is it? What is so funny?"
Arthur continued to eat his dinner, watching her with that infuriating amusement▬he was playing with her. Toying with her and making her frustrated, as he always did, since they were children. She felt like she was banging her fist against the door demanding Arthur and Ronyn to let her out all over again. "Nothing. Did you get me dinner with the excuse just to talk to me, Odette?"
She didn't even realise what he was saying▬completely blind to his teasing. "What?"
He gave her a pitiful look, "Odette," he sat back in his chair. "You speak ill of my day out with Sophia, you come all this way with my dinner just to talk to me▬" Arthur shrugged, the smirk tugging at his lips again, "▬I wouldn't put it past most maids to think things about me▬especially a girl who's been around me for quite some time. I'm older, more experienced ... and I admit, I speak to you more than I do most servants, so it is completely fine you feel this way."
Odette was going red at the cheeks▬she knew, because they felt hot; as did her ears. Though while she grew flustered by the smirk on his face, and his teasing▬feeling as if he was making a fool of her, she did not know what he meant. "I don't▬I don't understand. Feel what way?"
"It's okay to be jealous, Odette," Arthur told her, trying very hard not to chuckle at the look on her face. "And it's okay to admit it▬I hold nothing over you. You know it is something that won't ever happen."
She realised. Odette gaped at him, not sure whether to feel disgusted or infuriated. "What? I don't▬I'm not▬I am not jealous of Sophia▬"
Arthur chuckled at her, shaking his head. He stood back up and took off his jacket, setting it on his bed. Odette continued to stammer over his soft laughter, "Come on," he sat down on his bed. "You can tell me."
"This isn't a joke, Arthur," Odette grew frustrated. "I'm▬she's▬I'm not jealous!" she hated the way he nodded, not believing her at all. "I'm trying to tell you that Sophia is not at all what she seems."
"Why?" he asked her, rather taunting. "What makes you say that?"
Odette went to tell him, but then she hesitated. She didn't know how to say it▬how to tell him when she knew he felt similar about anything that could be magic as his father. He would not take kindly if she were to say Morgana could see the future.
So, she lied. "I just ... I just have this feeling." Slowly, she approached him as he took off his boots. "I ..." He stood up once he did, focusing on undoing the belt around his tunic. "It's sort of difficult to put into words. I had▬well, someone I know had a dream▬or me▬I mean▬well there was a dream ... well ... more sort of a nightmare▬"
And like that, Arthur couldn't help himself. He burst out into laughter. Odette was cut off, and her words fell short as she watched him, surprised. Her brows lifted, unable to stop the hurt that struck her chest. She thought he'd listen to her▬he always seemed to listen to her.
Arthur turned to her, smiling in a way that only made her feel worse, "You really are very sweet, Odette."
She jutted her chin back, rather offended. "What▬what do you mean?"
"You▬" Arthur chuckled to himself, leaning against the table close to her. "You've always been like this. You haven't changed one bit▬you and your feelings! Bad dreams ... Playing dress-ups, hunting ghosts in the middle of the night ..." the Prince arched a brow, still smiling at her. "It's okay, Odette. You can tell me the truth. It's obvious you like me."
She stared at him, unable to form any words in a choked throat. When she could manage it, her voice cracked, "Why▬why aren't you listening to me?"
Arthur's brows furrowed at the tone of her voice, a little incredulous as to why she was so upset, "I am listening to you."
"No, you're not," Odette shook her head. She was growing desperate and so she tried one final thing; taking a step forward, she begged, "Arthur▬please, just listen to me for one moment. What do you know of Sophia? Why are you so taken by her?"
Arthur scoffed, making a face at her words, "I don't have to answer that."
"Just tell me," she demanded, forgetting her place.
The Prince guffawed softly at her abrasiveness. "Well, Odette, she's beautiful. As most girls I tend to spend time with are."
Odette rolled her eyes, "Yes, and?"
His brows furrowed again, "And what?"
She gestured to him, "She's beautiful, that's great▬but what else?"
"What else?" he questioned her, dubious.
"I know you," Odette told him. "You might not like the fact▬but I do know you. I know you do not fall so easily. So tell me, what else do you like about Sophia? Or is beauty all that matters to you?"
Not used to her talking at him with such ferocity and sharpness to her tone, Arthur became at a loss for words▬much like she had before. He tried to laugh it off, looking around them as if there were imaginary people listening▬to see whether they found her as ridiculous as he did in this moment. In the end, he chuckled once more and said: "Well▬what else is there?"
Odette couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe him. She scoffed lightly, stepping back. Hurt washed up inside▬and she didn't even know why his words hurt her so much. But they did.
She didn't pressure him anymore. She didn't try to convince him▬to waste her breath. Odette shook her head a final time and spun on her heel. Arthur noticed, rather confused, "Wait▬where are you going?"
She didn't say anything else▬she only marched right through the servants' door and out of his chambers.
a/n: I had to do the cliche future-queen-playing-with-kids-and-them-loving-her scene. I'm sorry. I just had to. it is a must.
lol the arthur and derek kin moment happened - it hAPPENED.
at this stage this is like one of the only books I care about I'm not even tryna lie about it. I'm stuck at my sisters and I had this episode prewritten and instead of feeling excluded and belittled by my sisters I've edited and decided to publish this. yay!
not a complete identical moment to the movie with odette and arthur , but it works with the plot of merlin and I had planned it to be in this episode from the get-go so - hehe, excitinggggggg.
also i would love to hear more headcannons so have at it in the comments <3:
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