Chapter Thirty-Six
{addressing your feelings}
Faces illuminated by the burning glow of the fire, the squad watched from the cracked window as the flames roared to life in the building across from them. Namjoon had reassured everyone that the flames wouldn't spread, noticing beforehand that the walls of the buildings were damp with water that had previously flooded through the broken windows. The fire would simply simmer down to nothing but a smoulder.
After the squad had regained their composure, they were quick to head downstairs, immediately noticing that this building wasn't nearly as damaged as the one that leant dangerously against it. Leading the group to the lowest level, Hoseok stood in front of the entrance, eyes cast out the windows as he peered out into the uncertainty of the night. Shaking his head, the orange haired male turned back to face the rest of the squad, "We've been through way too much today. I don't think we should travel any further tonight."
"I agree." Jimin spoke up, brushing his fingers painfully along the light bruises that littered his skin, "I kinda just wanna sleep, you know?" he spoke truthfully, gesturing towards the staircase. "We've thoroughly checked every level and there's no sign of infected anywhere."
Jimin was right. This building was very much untouched, suggesting that the residents that lived in this building were quick to leave on day zero, leaving no signs of infected in the closed off building. Grazing a hand through his hair, Hoseok turned back towards the window. Slight speckles of water were beginning to land over the glass, the soft pitter patter of rain beginning to fill the abandoned streets of the city.
Face illuminated by the moonlight, Hoseok turned back towards the squad, "We'll all settle on the same floor, a few stories up for safe keeping." he explained, "To be extra careful, lets shut off the stairways that lead to the floor we choose to stay on. Everyone cool with that?" he asked, waiting for the squads decision.
"Sounds fine by me." Taehyung piped up, cold hands shoved into the side pockets of his lab coat as an attempt to keep himself warm. Jungkook cocked his head a little when he realised Taehyung had kept his lab coat this entire time, even now that it was slightly torn from the car accident a few days ago.
"Then it's decided." Daisy spoke, clapping her hands together and accidentally stirring the dust in the air, "Let's head back up!"
It didn't take long for the group to find a suitable level for them to take shelter in. Blocking off the staircases and checking the apartment again for good measure, the squad found themselves divided amongst the four bedrooms in the house. Daisy and Hoseok were given the luxury of a king sized bed, immediately diving into its comfort and cuddling up to one another for warmth. Hoseok's hand moved its way around Daisies middle, warm and soft as he pulled the smaller girl into his chest, dozing off within seconds of pulling the girl into his open arms. Namjoon and Tessa also took a kingsized bed, awkwardly separating themselves on either side.
Yoongi and Jimin were fine with sharing a queen sized bed together, not caring about any kind of awkwardness as they immediately collapsed against the mattress, exhausted forms falling asleep with no issues at all. Jin decided to take the lounge, allowing everyone to get their well earnt rest. He was new to the squad and felt it would be rude of him to start pushing ahead of others.
In contrast to the rest of the squad, Taehyung and Jungkook were left sharing a room, finding it difficult to fall asleep with the lack of bedding that remained on the bed. Noting but a simple woollen blanket was tossed over the two males, backs facing one another as they began to shiver. Jungkook felt the cold beginning to bite at his skin, lips turning blue as he curled his grazed knees to his chest, wrapping his arms around himself for warmth. He hadn't slept in a long time, and could feel himself growing more annoyed with each minute he stayed awake.
"Kook?" Taehyung's raspy voice broke the silence, mattress slightly shifting underneath himself as the older male turned his body to face Jungkook's back. "Maybe we should sleep closer? It'll help with the cold-"
At Taehyung's suggestion, Jungkook had blown a fuse, scrambling to his feet as his built up questions and emotions exploded all at once. "I don't get you Taehyung!" Jungkook shout, obviously drunk on sleeplessness as he let everything roll off his tongue. "One minute you're pushing everyone away, one minute your kind!?" Jungkook was completely fed up with this weeks bullshit, so much so that he began ranting, taking Taehyung aback. It was unlike Jungkook to ever loose his cool, but who would blame him? It was literally just under two weeks ago Jungkook had found out he was immune to the virus.
Pacing backwards and forwards on his feet, Jungkook continued to rant, "I have no time to deal with my own feelings!" he exclaimed, before snapping his attention to Taehyung, eyes locking on the older male's, "I don't have time to deal with the fucking feelings I have for you!"
Jungkook gasped, slapping a hand over his mouth the moment he realised the words that escaped his lips. Completely taken aback, Taehyung remained silent, seated up in bed.
Heat rising to his cheeks, Jungkook quickly turned on his feet, covering his face in once hand as he opened the bedroom door, dashing out and slamming it behind him.
Expecting for Jin to be sound asleep, Jungkook was caught off guard when the brunette stood before him, a raised brow as he watched Jungkook storm out the bedroom door. Jungkook bit his lip in realisation, "Was I that loud?" he spoke.
Jin nod, "Unfortunately." he spoke, slightly chuckling as he noticed Jungkook's flustered state. Jin sat back down on the couch, gently patting the spot beside him, "Come sit." Hesitant at first, Jungkook shuffled over to the lounge, taking a seat beside Seokjin. "You can spill you know. You don't have to bottle everything up." Jin sighed, turning a little so he could face the worked up male beside him.
Finding himself so built up with emotions, Jungkook brought his knees to his chest, burying his face into his knees before he began to speak, "Sorry... It's just that the last couples of weeks have been the most stressful few weeks in my entire life." he spoke, earning a glance of remorse from Jin. "First I found out I was immune, then my camp tried to in-prison me before I became a wanted man. After that I almost died in a battle saving Taehyung's ass before literally getting myself into a car crash the same freaking week. Not to mention I literally fought against a shit tone of rebels yesterday." He ranted, not slowing down once to allow for Jin to have any input, "And now I realise I still have feelings for Kim freaking Taehyung. I have no time for this!" he complained, letting his feet fall to the floor as he shot his gaze to the ceiling.
"Woah, Woah, woah- hold on one second." Jin spoke up, flailing his arms about as he tried to process everything Jungkook had just explained. "... You're immune?"
Eyes widening comically in realisation, Jungkook peeled his eyes away from the ceiling, landing his gaze back on the confused male seated beside him. Sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck, Jungkook bit his lip, "Yeah... I should've mentioned that sooner." he chuckled non-humorously, stretching his forearm in front of Jin as he pulled up the sleeve of his hoodie.
Jin immediately took a hold of Jungkook's arm, fingers running along the small indented teeth marks scared against his skin. "That explains why Taehyung's traveling with you." Jin sighed, almost acting neutrally as he let go of Jungkook's arm.
Raising a brow, Jungkook rolled down his sleeve, "Wait... you're not surprised?" Jungkook questioned, turning towards the taller male seated beside him.
Jin shook his head, "Honestly, no." he paused before he continued to speak, "Taehyung told me once before that he'd never cross through the city to retrieve his fathers notes unless he received a serious breakthrough. So naturally, when I found him in the city, I knew something was definitely up." he explained, gesturing towards Jungkook's arm, "And I guess you explain why." Jin finished, a sad smile making its way to his face.
Jungkook and Seokjin sat beside each other for what felt like hours, talking their problems away as the night progressed onwards. To Jungkook, Jin almost felt like a big brother he never had, someone he could simply trust without needing a specific reason to. Within no time, Jungkook had begun to doze off, head falling heavily against Jin's broad shoulders as his breath slowed into a more peaceful rhythm. Letting out a sigh, Jin turned towards the boy, slipping his arms underneath Jungkook's sleeping form and gently picking him up off the lounge. With slow and steady steps, Jin found his way back to the bedroom door, giving a small knock.
The sound of shuffling footsteps was heard from inside before the wooden door swung open, a messy bed haired Taehyung greeting him at the door. It was safe to say Taehyung's heart skipped a beat at the sight before him, Jungkook sleeping soundly in Jin's arms.
"Do you like him?" Jin asked rather bluntly, catching his cousin off guard as his eyes snapped back to Jin.
Taehyung began to fiddle with the door frame, "I..."
Don't know.
Taehyung really didn't know, he had never really stopped to think about it. Did he like Jungkook? Resting his head against the wooden door frame, Taehyung thought back to their first encounter at the gates of camp Beta. He remembered how grateful he felt when Jungkook had saved his life, risking his own safety for the life of Taehyung's. He remembered when Jungkook had accidentally fallen into his arms, how ethereal he looked under the soft candle light, warm coca eyes swallowing him up in the brief moment. He then remembered how Jungkook was planning to give himself up to the rebels and how for some strange reason he had followed along, refusing to let anyone lay a hand on Jungkook's injured form. Why exactly did he care so much? It was unlike him to ever protect another person. So why was Jungkook so different?
Then, the realisation hit him.
Jungkook was the most selfless person he had ever met.
Taehyung's adams apple bobbed in his throat as his eyes drifted back over Jungkook's sleeping form, so peaceful in the soft moonlight that shone through the exposed window. Jungkook always put himself before others, on the scaffolding, the wooden plank, camp Beta, the rebels. Taehyung had never placed so much trust in an individual. Without needing to think it over twice, Taehyung replied.
"Yes." he spoke, eyes not leaving the sleeping male, "I think... I like him."
Jin smiled, "Here you go then."
Slowly and carefully, Taehyung slipped his arms under Jungkook's form, taking the male bridle-style into his arms, holding him close to his form and allowing for Jungkook's head to rest peacefully against his chest.
Soft golden rays of the rising sun shone brightly into the bedroom, casting their warm golden hues against the two males sleeping soundly in bed. Eyes flickering open, Jungkook was surprised to find himself back in bed. Adjusting his eyes to the light, Jungkook found his breathing hitching in his throat the moment his gaze landed upon the male laying peacefully in front of him.
Warm golden rays were cast softly against Taehyung's sleeping figure, his honey like skin glowing all the more in the newly found light of the morning. Jungkook found the close proximity almost daunting, noses almost brushing against one another as he soaked up the male's beauty. Unknowingly, Jungkook found his hand moving on its own, reaching out towards Taehyung's ethereal appearance. But his hand froze the minute Taehyung's eyes fluttered open, "Good morning" he chuckled, voice rough and husky from sleep.
Jungkook's eyes widened in surprise as Taehyung's hands wrapped around his middle, pulling the younger into his chest, "can we talk about last night?" Taehyung asked, eyes closed once again as he focused his attention on the male in his arms. It wasn't like Jungkook had much of a choice. He couldn't go anywhere as long as Taehyung's arms were hung over his form. Taehyung opened his eyes once again, this time brushing a strand of dark brown hair away from Jungkook's face, "since when?" Taehyung asked, causing the younger male to gulp.
Jungkook found himself going silent for a brief moment before he decided to speak, "since high school." he spoke, avoiding eye contact with the male lying in front of him.
Taehyung chuckled, "that's a while." he smiled, heat rising to Jungkook's cheeks. "I'm sorry if I've been giving off different persona's recently." Taehyung began to speak, smile falling from his face as he cast his eyes elsewhere. "I grew up too fast. I didn't like to put my trust in anyone so I decided that distancing myself from people would be the safest bet." he explained, letting out a tired sigh, "I never thought I would've found someone so selfless." he mumbled, recalling the things Jungkook had thrown himself into just for the safety of his squad,
"I trust you Jungkook, and that's hard for me to do."
Jungkook found himself locking eyes with Taehyung, a comfortable silence filling the space as they explored each others orbs, eyes then trailing over every feature. Jungkook smiled, "Do you feel anything for me?"
Taehyung paused for a brief moment, "I do... I think I do have feelings for you, Jeon Jungkook."
Jungkook frowned at Taehyung's moment of silence, "what's wrong?"
"The problem is," Taehyung spoke deeply, leaning in closer until their noses brushed teasingly against one another, "If I kissed you now, I don't think I'd be able to stop."
In that euphoric moment Jungkook felt a surge of confidence run throughout his body. Leaning into Taehyung, Jungkook felt his lips brush softly against the older's. He closed his eyes, just before he-
"Time to go!" Jin called from the hallway, slamming open the wooden door. Jin had to stifle back a laugh when he realised what he had just prevented. "Come on you two love birds," he laughed,
"It's time to get a move on."
{Author Note}
OMG THE BROKEN TENSION AHHHH! It's reaching a stage in the story where the characters are starting to form tighter bonds with one another, so be prepared for the long awaited couples to start taking action!
Update later today!
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