Chapter Thirty-Seven
"Hoseok, it's time to go!" Daisy whined for the fifth time, standing at the door frame as she pouted at her sleeping boyfriend.
"Five more minutes..." Hoseok yawned, head still buried in his pillow as he remained under the warmth of the covers. At this stage Daisy was fed up, rolling her eyes as she moved away from the door, dropping her bag from her back as she climbed into the bed beside Hoseok.
Daisy wrapped her arms around Hoseok's torso, laying by his side before hugging him close. "If you don't get up now, there'll be no more cuddling for a week!" Daisy warned, earning a deep husky chuckle from the male beside her.
At Daisies words, Hoseok turned to face her, orange hair sprawled over his pillow as his arms encircled themselves around her small waist, head lolling into her shoulder. "You and me both know that'll never happen." he giggled.
"I guess." Daisy murmured with a tiny sigh, lip puckering. "But I can on the other hand refuse another thing." Curious as to what Daisy meant, Hoseok removed his head from Daisies shoulder, cocking his head to the side in question. Daisy smirked, "You need my consent to do..." she chuckled, "You know what."
Hoseok found the heat rise to his cheeks, leaving him flustered the minute he knew exactly what Daisy had meant, "Okay, okay..." Hoseok cried, kicking the covers off of himself before swinging his legs to the side of the bed, "I'm awake." he yawned, tired eyes still adjusting to the morning rays of the sun as Daisy leaned over, ruffling his tousled hair before standing to her feet.
The squad had taken a good fifteen minutes to collect themselves, struggling to leave the warmth of the beds they oh so craved during their tiresome journey across the city. Rounding everyone up in hallway, the squad was quick to unblock the staircase, making sure to check the cost was clear before they made their way downstairs, back down to street level.
Unfortunately for the squad however, it seemed that during those fifteen minutes of lounging around, the sun had been snuffed out by a thick layer of grey clouds. Above, the sky was dominated by tumbling greys, smoky and silver as water cascaded from the heavens. The road had become alive with more splashes than Hoseok's eyes could appreciate. Standing at the open entrance, Hoseok stood on the doorstep, arms folded around himself in the best hug he could muster up to keep himself warm.
Daisy began to chuckle at the squad's reaction to the weather. Not one of them seemed to budge at the sight of the rain falling heavily outside. "Geeze guys," she giggled, rolling her eyes. Taking an elastic band from her wrist Daisy combed her fingers through her chestnut hair, pulling her long curls into a loose ponytail, a few stray strands framing her doll-like face. "You're not scared of a horde, but you're scared of the rain!?" she laughed, freckles crinkling as she smiled.
Hoseok found his lips creeping into a small smile as Daisy pushed past him, standing on the edge of the entrance as her gaze fell upon the sight before her. With a bright smile, Daisy held her bare arm outside the entrance. The droplets splattered onto her outstretched fingers, large and soft. Tilting her fingers upwards, Daisy watched as the remnants of the drops ran downwards like tiny rivers. With a half smile she retreated, leaving the door open and allowing everyone to hear the steady drumming of the rain all the louder.
"Come on guys, we've got somewhere to be!" she exclaimed, pointing a finger outside, "If we wait around too long, another camp might catch onto us again. We've gotta leave now."
Letting out a sigh Jungkook stepped forwards, sweeping his black hoodie over his face before shuffling up beside Daisies smaller form, "You're right." he sounded, "Lets get a move on." As squadron leader, Jungkook found himself stepping out into the cold first. Kissed by the rain and glistening, the wet ground was cold underfoot. Stepping out onto the pavement, the water splashed under his combat boots, water spraying onto the hems of his jeans.
Following along beside him Taehyung felt each splash that touched his tanned skin, watching as his lab coat became a deeper, more rocky hue. His clothing had given up on keeping him dry a while ago and was now as wet as his boots. "I'm sooo going to catch a cold." Taehyung groaned, giving up on keeping his hair dry as small droplets of water trailed down his face.
"You and me both." Jimin spoke up from behind, raising a shaky finger at the road that lay before them. "We're all gonna get seriously drenched."
Wondering what the blonde haired male was referring too, Taehyung narrowed his eyes, looking further down the rain-washed road until his gaze fell upon the sight. Not to far away were puddles of rain... big puddles of rain. It honestly wasn't surprising, after all, the lack of maintenance on the drainage system in the city would've caused the pipes to have been overrun by plant roots a few years ago. Water had no where to flow resulting in flash-flooding, masses upon masses of water being built up before them. At this stage the puddles were only ankle deep, the soft rain rippling over its reflective surface as the squad easily trudged through. But Taehyung could see that ahead of them was more of a challenge, the road dipping into a rugged slope allowing for the water to build up to about waist height.
"This sucks." Namjoon complained, rolling his eyes as his eyes fell upon the mass of water before them. "We're gonna be soaked."
Letting out a drastic sigh, Hoseok groaned as he halted the squad in their position, turning towards the saturated group as they shivered in place. "The terrain only gets steeper from here," Hoseok began to explain, running a hand through his rain washed hair, slicking it back from his eyes, "I know for a fact that this road winds down from here and through a tunnel, before the road curves back up again, meaning it'll be about a 10 minute walk through pretty deep water."
Yoongi rose a brow, drenched blue hair matted to his forehead as water trickled over his lashes, "Do you think any run-ins with an infected is likely?"
The navigator shook his head, "No, I've noticed this once before, but infected tend to avoid water."
Taehyung smirked, "Good, I guess no idiots tried to give them swimming lessons then" he smiled, swinging his metallic case into his arms and holding it tightly to his chest, "Lets hurry up and get this over with." he spoke, taking a few steps forwards as he let himself slowly become one with the water. Taehyung found himself flinching the instant the water reached the hem of his combat boots, immediately pouring into his shoes, soaking up his feet in its icy chill. Hoseok too began to follow, slowly wading his way into the water before extending a hand to his curly haired counterpart. Daisy took a gentle hold of his hand, a feeling of warmth eloping them both as they laced their fingers together and trudged into the water.
The water was like an ice bath. Cold water seeped into their shoes, stealing the heat from their soles just as fast as the wind stole from their face. Jungkook found his skin soaked, the drops coming together to run into his eyes and drip from his chin. He found himself wrapping his arms around his shivering form trying to shelter and hoard the little warmth that remained. For this long road, in this wintry air, the frigid downpour and the icy puddles were his enemy.
As Hoseok led the group onward, the water surged around his skin, rising up his legs until it dangerously crept up his waist. The weight of the water was almost enough to topple him over, but what worried him more was that at this low temperature, his muscles would soon simply give up. Crossing in such cold water was a compromise; fast enough not to become hypothermic and steady enough not to slip and fall over the moss under the surface.
The road only deepened as they halted at the concrete tunnel, cracked and eroded as water fell from the top into the water below. There was a collection of rusted vehicles that littered their paths, only the tops of the car doors visible against the depth of the water. Frigid water tumbled over the rocky bed, briefly turning white. Hoseok trained his eyes right and left for any kind of way around the tunnel, but there was none...
Turning his attention beside him, Hoseok noticed that although the water was mid torso for himself, it was already bordering on Daisies chest, the end of her ponytail dipped in the icy water. Letting out a shaky breath of air, Hoseok turned his attention to the squad, "It's only going to get deeper from here!" he exclaimed, making himself heard over the rush of water pouring from the top of the tunnel, "If you start tiring out, you can rest on one of the car roofs." he explained, gesturing through the tunnel at the submerged cars, a school bus at the very end of the short tunnel.
Feet beginning to feel numb, the squad quickly sent a thumbs up to Hoseok, proceeding to wade their way through the water as it got deeper and deeper the further down the slope they travelled. Noticing Daisies silent struggle, Hoseok called for the female to stand behind him. "I'm gonna duck underwater to get low enough..." he began to explain, earning a look of worry from Daisy, "Once I'm low enough, jump on my shoulders and I'll stand back up."
Daisy gave a hesitant nod, watching as Hoseok was quick to crouch, head falling under the surface. He almost couldn't function underneath the surface of the water, face going numb as the cold pricked at his skin. Once he felt a weight on his back, Hoseok rose his arms, wrapping them tightly around the bottom of Daisies legs as he shot his head back to the surface, breathing heavy as his body tried to warm itself up. "You're crazy sometimes." Daisy commented, shaking her head as she looked down at her completely drenched boyfriend.
Hoseok chuckled, "Only for you."
The group continued into the tunnel, water rising almost to their necks as they slowly waded forwards. An ominous glow was sent throughout the short tunnel, causing shivers to ripple across Hoseok's body. At one point he found himself dragging a hand across the wall, picking up dust and grime. Wind streamed through the entrance as they rounded the final bend, entangling itself in the vines that grew against the cracked concrete walls. All sign of activity had vanished from the tunnel once so full of warmth, the skeletons of submerged broken down vehicles being a reminder of what had destroyed humanity.
Continuing to lead the squad forwards, Hoseok squinted his eyes as the exit came into view. It wasn't very far, but walking through water seemed to slow everyone down. He noticed that at the exit of the tunnel, the road curved up once again leaving the area un-flooded. But before he could make it to the exit, he found himself freezing in his tracks.
The monotonous hiss of tires against the rain-washed road was heard from a distance, sending the entire squad into panic mode as they realised the grave danger they were in. The roar of an engine echoed throughout the tunnel, rebounding off the crumbling walls. The bright headlights followed, casting shadows against the walls of the tunnel as a van pulled up just before their exit.
Eyes widening in realisation, Hoseok turned back to the squad, motioning them backwards,
{Author Note}
Oft, getting close to the end of the city now! Update coming your way tomorrow.
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