Chapter Thirty-Eight
"It's Delta." Jungkook breathed, a feeling of nausea overwhelming him as he stared at the van pulling up at the very end of the tunnel. Grabbing him harshly by the wrist, Hoseok tugged Jungkook away from the exit, back towards the submerged school bus still standing in the deep waters. The old yellow school bus was rusting at the edges, decaying under the water that rose to almost the very top of the windows.
"Everyone get in, now!" Hoseok whisper shouted, gesturing for the entire squad to swim inside the open backdoors of the bus. After everyone was securely inside Hoseok swam inside himself, cold biting at his shivering form as he was quick to realise just how deep and deadly the water was inside the vehicle. It was impossible for even Namjoon to land a solid foot on the floor, heads bobbing above surface as their arms flailed beside themselves in an attempt to stay afloat.
Through the front window a dim light shone, radiating from the van outside the exit, headlights on and pointed directly at the school bus they were hidden inside. Jungkook couldn't believe it. But camp Delta had caught onto them. Jungkook knew he was scared the moment those old memories ran through his head, when he could hear the taunting voices of scientists back when he almost became a test subject of camp Delta. The bad memories cut loose their chains and invaded his confidence, eroding the strong person he had become.
"Kook?" Taehyung sounded from behind, a soft voice of reassurance. With water trailing over his skin, Jungkook spun himself in the water a hand placed against the side of the bus as he tried to steady himself. And suddenly, all he saw was Taehyung, literally. Everything else fell away. He could no longer hear the faint voices of camp Delta officials, he couldn't even notice the cold water against his skin. Every natural body movement went on hold, until his vision began to blur.
The cold was slowly getting to him.
As black began to prick at the sides of his vision, his body went seemingly numb. "Dammit," Hoseok called from upfront, gesturing out the window where the light was growing seemingly brighter, "They're looking through car windows." he spoke with absolute fear plastered across his face.
"Everyone duck!" Daisy whisper yelled, warning the squad as she grabbed a hold of her boyfriends head, pushing him underwater before a beam of light began to cross through the fogged over windows of the bus.
Taehyung knew Jungkook was beginning to clock out, but decided it was best for the male to be hidden, so taking a firm hold of Jungkook's shivering form Taehyung gave an apologetic look before pushing the brunette below the surface of the water.
Jungkook fell below the water's surface; cold water, no breath, pain. The light that was so strong just seconds ago was a blur. His arms began to flail against the icy water that stole heat from every part of his skin. Bubbles brushed against his cheek as he felt the air being forced from his constricting lungs and then, he felt himself fall numb to the effects of the water.
As he felt himself slipping into the dark abyss, a hand clasped his, and seconds later he felt himself being ripped from the water. Taehyung pulled the brunette from the icy water the moment the camp Delta officials had left, not even checking the coast was clear before he swum the male out of the school bus and quickly to the exit where dry land awaited them. Jungkook felt his back land against the cold cement road, feet still dipped in the water as Taehyung stood worriedly over his shaking form. He brushed Jungkook's bangs from his eyes, hands pressed over his cheeks as he brought his face to the brunettes making sure that Jungkook was in fact awake and not just unconscious with his eyes open. Nose brushed along Jungkook's and warm breath against his chilled skin, Taehyung confirmed that Jungkook was still conscious.
Jungkook's lungs drank the air in noisy rasps and all he could seemingly make out was urgent voices and instructions... the squad was standing over him.
Realising that the squad was wasting time on him, Jungkook felt the finest of smiles creep its way to his lips, "Thanks guys..." he rasped out, vision slowly returning, "but I'll be fine, just shock." Jungkook reassured earning a sigh of relief from Taehyung who was now laying beside him, hand over his eyes as he tried to regain his normal breathing pattern. It wasn't easy carrying a person through deep water.
"Thank god." Yoongi spoke up, letting out a deep sigh of relief as his eyes fell over Jungkook's recovering form, "Lets just sit here for a bit."
"I agree." Jimin added, running a cold hand through his saturated blonde hair as he plopped himself down on the dry road at the end of the tunnel, "That was unexpected, I don't think my heart's recovered yet." he spoke, clutching a hand against his heart as he further proved his point.
"that was way to close." Hoseok added, arms wrapped around his shivering form as his teeth began to chatter, "I think they might've been looking in this area much longer then we've been in the city. It would explain how they made it through in a squad van with no troubles."
Feeling a little dizzy, Jungkook placed his palms against the road, slowly propping himself into a sitting position, "There's more from camp Delta here, I know it." Jungkook said grimly, eyes trailed on the floor.
Taehyung rose a brow, "Do they send multiple squads?"
Jungkook nod, "Yeah, we used to send between two to four squad vans on any given mission, it was our city travel secret." he explained, bringing his hands to his hoodie as he began to wring out the water, "The'll be prepared for our arrival, I know it." he stated, and Taehyung swore he saw a glimmer of absolute hate in Jungkook's unusually stern eyes.
"Well then." Jin piped up, grabbing the squads attention, "I guess we've gotta make it down to the lab before them."
Sucking in a breath of air, Jungkook stumbled painfully to his feet. His footing was a little off at first, almost tripping over his own shoes, but a comforting hand from Taehyung placed itself on Jungkook's shoulder steadying the male in his tracks. "We need to move now, they've got vans and there's no telling how fast they can get there in vehicles." Jungkook spoke, water from his saturated hair dripping at intervals down his now pale skin, touching upon his purple lips.
With a worrying gaze, Hoseok gave a nod of approval towards Jungkook. "Lets get going."
After the unlikely encounter, the squad struck the road once again heading westwards as they left the flooded zone of the city. The road only bent up from here on out, they scrambled steeply up and they plodded slowly one behind the other until at last, in the golden rays of the late afternoon sun, they came to a stop at the top of the hill and saw the winter sun going downwards towards the west. Jungkook traveled the road in the right here and now feeling how the souls of his shoes pushed back softly, always supporting his tired feet. And in that moment, his gaze fell over the view before them.
The edge of the city.
{Author Note}
Sadly for many Army's, we never got a chance to see the Love Yourself/Speak yourself tours. As an Aussie army, I feel devastated that I've lost my chance to ever see them, but I know there must be a good reason why they can't travel to the country. At least they're getting a well earnt rest from tours and promotions in the next few weeks!
I guess that wraps up all the artists that I'm seeing this year then! Even though I wasn't able to see BTS, I'm honestly so privileged to have been able to see: Billie Eilish, Aurora, MØ, TØP and Haiku hands!
I remember going to a music festival earlier this year and waiting three hours in a mosh pit just to get to stand at the front for Billie which lead to; almost passing out, my friends and I getting harassed by drunk guys twice and almost getting crushed. But hey... on the bright side, Billie Eilish pointed at me in the crowd whilst I was on someones shoulders, we made eye contact and she said she liked what I was doing ahaha!
Lesson learnt this year that even if things don't work out, it's not the end of the world. I've had plenty of other amazing experiences this year that account for not being able to see our boys.
Update tomorrow! xox
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