Chapter Thirteen
{camp beta}
Jungkook stared out at the morning sky. Mellow blues and pinks blurred together in a mist to create another gorgeous scene as the sun rose like any other day. Its rays, golden and strong kissed his skin, radiating their warmth. Even when the world was drowning in grief and hardship, the sky remained beautiful. That was the one thing that had kept Jungkook's hopes up- if the sky remained vivid, then so could humanity.
With a tried yawn, Hoseok wound down the front windows of the van, allowing for the crisp morning air to flood through the vehicle. Hoseok let out a lengthy sigh as he kept his eyes trailed on the road ahead. It wasn't too long until they would reach the camp.
The three major camps consisted of Alpha, Beta and Delta. Jungkook was originally the commander from camp Delta making him one of the biggest higher ups in the district. Camp Delta was known for their challenging missions and incredible combat skills so it was no wonder Jungkook was so well rounded. Even if they hadn't seen him fully in action yet.
Camp Alpha was known for their skilled devices and research facilities. It was probably the largest camp out of all three as it was located far from the city, further then camp Delta. It's true when they say that the further you are from the city, the safer.
Which is why camp Beta is so small.
Camp Beta is located a mere ten kilometres from the base of the city making it prone to many attacks from hordes. Despite the tricky location they are full of skilled researchers and tacticians and are known to be home to the most knowledgeable individuals, which is probably why the the famous scientist they were in search for was currently rumoured to be staying there. Hoseok could only pray that he was there.
As the sun peaked over the distant skyscrapers, the tress rustled gently in the morning breeze. It was almost autumn, meaning the air was becoming more frigid of a morning.
Yoongi brought his arms around his form as he began to slightly shiver. Unlike the other males, he was more prone to the effects of the cold. Noticing the blue haired male, Jungkook sat up from his position by the window, taking a spare hoodie into his hands as he passed it over to Yoongi.
They exchanged neutral glances before Yoongi smiled sheepishly, "Thanks Jungkook. I'm really sorry about last night."
Jungkook shook his head, "It's fine- really. You had every right to act that way." Jungkook returned to his position by the window, "After all, we're all just surviving in a dangerous world." Jungkook couldn't call it 'living' in a dangerous world. They were merely all surviving, holding onto strings of hope that their old lives might someday return.
"I'll say." Jimin commented, cross legged on the floor as he began polishing his daggers, "I can never get a break these days." he sighed, head dropping.
"Why's that?" Yoongi spoke in question, pulling the hoodie over his head and engulfing himself in the fabrics warmth.
"I don't hang around in camps, but I'm not a soloist like you Yoongi either." Jimin calmly spoke, "I tend to travel one place to another. But recently within the last few months I joined a squad as a close combat expert." He explained, eyes drifting out the front window, "You could say it was good while it lasted."
Jungkook noticed how distant Jimin looked, so drawing his gaze away from the outside, Jungkook questioned, "...While it lasted?"
Jimin paused polishing his knifes, "Last night actually, my squad faced that horde."
There was a pain behind Jimin's voice, Jungkook could tell. He watched Jimin's eyes fall. Then he knew. It would have been the squadron van he had stumbled into last night.
Flashes of blood stained walls and torn flesh swarmed Jungkook's mind but all he could seem to think of was, how the hell did Jimin even make it out of that massacre unscathed?
Now wasn't the time to pry any further though. Jungkook could tell it was already becoming a touchy subject, so he dropped it.
"In other news..." Jimin spoke, shaking himself out of his trance, "Yoongi, you've gotta eat."
The blue haired male simply rolled his eyes and let out a groan of annoyance, "Geeze I get it, no need to nag me." he spoke, standing to his feet as he stumbled towards the food supply box. bringing his hands to the cardboard he pulled open the flaps revealing the contents inside.
"Tins of vegetables, soup, spaghetti, honey, peanut butter... ANZAC biscuits?" Yoongi questioned, turning his head towards Hoseok and Daisy in the front seats.
Hoseok chuckled, "Oh, I found a recipe for them a while back. They're Australian biscuits made with a bunch of un-spoilable ingredients so they'll last a while."
Yoongi nod in acknowledgment as he reached in and grabbed out two tins of spaghetti. He really needed to get back up to health as soon as possible. He wanted to show his full worth to the squad, not just the shell of himself.
"How long have you guys been travelling around anyway?" Jimin questioned Hoseok as Yoongi took a seat beside him, cracking open the first tin of food.
Hoseok's eyes trailed up to the revision mirror, "Me and Daisy have been travelling for a while, but as for taking in Jungkook and finding out about this whole immunity thing... we've only known about it for about 24 hours."
Yoongi chocked on his meal, "WOAH, Woah, woah- hold up." he spoke, lowing the tin, "You're telling me that within 24 hours all of this has happened!?" He asked, gesturing to everyone in the room.
Hoseok let out a lengthy sigh, "Yep. Rescuing Jungkook, escaping camp Delta, finding Yoongi, getting attacked by a horde and finding Jimin." Hoseok had to let his own words sink in as he realised what a day it had been.
Jimin on the other hand cocked a brow, "Rescuing Jungkook? What happened?"
Eyes trailing back down to his arm Jungkook frowned, "Lets just say, some people tried to find the cure in a very- well... unethical way."
Yoongi noticed the sadness laced throughout Jungkook's voice, the glint of fright in his eyes. "I'm sorry you had to go through that Kook."
Jungkook's eyes snapped up to meet Yoongi's as he shook his head and softly smiled, "It's alright. We're on the right track now."
"Yep! Camp Beta here we come!" Hoseok grinned.
Hoseok let out a sigh of utter relief as the van approached camp Beta. The wooden fence looked to have stood there through the rain and shine, withstood wind season after season. Behind the fence lay two tall wooden watch towers were the guards had quickly spot them, making there way down from their posts.
Hoseok noted that there was probably two more watch towers on the other side of camp, he was really eager to check out the camp's terrain.
With no signs of the walking dead in sight, the two large wooden gates heaved open, revealing the outer sector of the camp. Hoseok had done some looking into it a while ago, but because of the amount of attacks camp Beta had to face, they built an inner gate and an outer gate for more security.
Edging his foot slowly off the accelerator, the van came to a halt in front of the second gate.
Yoongi perked his head up from the back of the van as he watched Hoseok's actions. He had never visited a camp before, so this was all knew to him.
Slipping his hand into the side pocket of his cargo pants, Hoseok pulled out a navigator ID card. These specific ID's allowed entry into camps for squads. The higher up the navigator, the easier it was to enter.
The guard took the ID card into his grasp, briefly examining it before his eyes lit up in surprise.
Getting impatient, Hoseok let out a huff, "Is there a problem?"
The guard snapped back into reality and was quick to shake his head, "No sir, it's just that I've never seen such a high class navigator."
Hoseok smirked, "Well, thats me for you." he spoke, taking the card back from the guard as he swiftly slipped it back into his pocket, allowing no time for the rest of the male's in the van to see it's colour.
Yoongi watched on as the guards trotted to the sides of the gate, pulling on the ropes at both sides as the wood heavily creaked open. Hoseok switched the gears back into drive as he rolled the van through the gates, looking for a suitable place to park.
Once he had found a suitable position, Hoseok switched off the engine, stretching his fists above his head in victory, "Yesssssssss! We made it!" he celebrated tiredly.
Hoseok wasn't the only one struggling to stay awake. The rest of the squad was also suffering from a lack of sleep. Jungkook was tired as hell, vision blurry; he could easily be described as a zombie, dead on the inside but subconsciously awake on the outside.
Slapping his cheeks with cold hands, Jungkook shocked himself into action, the tingling burning sensation keeping his eyes open as he sat up from the back of the van, "Alright guys, it's time to get to work." Jungkook spoke, "We need to find the camp's leader and explain the situation, hopefully that skilled doctor is here."
Yoongi and Jimin both gave tired thumbs up while Hoseok and Daisy were quick to secure the van, placing things back into their rightful boxes and concealing them from view. Just incase, Jungkook grabbed ahold of his hand gun, slipping it into his belt and covering it with a hoodie to avoid looking hostile.
Once they were all set, they slid the van doors open, jumping out one by one onto the grass. Still being very early in the morning, there wasn't too many people around camp, just the occasional passer-by.
From their position in the village the ground sloped westward, down to the barns and granaries. The slope was a lushes green, grass covered in fresh morning dew. Beyond the farm, at the bottom of the hill was a fast flowing river, with rusty willow bushes growing about it. But the most wondrous sight was when you looked beyond the farm at the skyline.
In the fog the city was blurred like an old painting. Their ghostly figures towered above the camp, almost tormenting them as to how much humanity lost in just a few short years. Without the fumes of the traffic its odour was fresh, as fresh as any meadow.
"Woah.." was all Yoongi could say, while the others were at a complete loss for words.
"It's funny... sometimes the most dangerous places are the most beautiful." An unknown female voice spoke, snapping the five individuals from their trance as their attention turned to the approaching female.
"And you are?" Yoongi questioned
"Oh- sorry." She chuckled, "I'm Tessa, the camps second in command." Against her tight black, long-sleeved shirt the girl's blonde hair was almost white. It fell to a straight line midway down her back, absolutely flat and shining in the spring light. When she turned her head it moved like a liquid and about her sun kissed skin, the shorter strands hung forwards to hide her eyes. She wasn't short and petite like Daisy was, she was taller with more muscle. Her curves stood out like a sore thumb in her camo pants and tight fitting shirt.
Jungkook was starting to see why they placed a girl in second command. Usually they left that position open to men, but this girl looked like she could seriously kick ass.
Taking a step in front of the rest of the squad, Jungkook held out a hand for her to shake, "Nice to meet you, I'm Jeon Jungkook. Squadron leader."
"Ahhh," Tessa sounded as she shook Jungkook's hand, "I thought you guys looked like a squad. What are your positions? You're a really small group." She asked with a glint of curiosity in her eyes.
Yoongi stepped forwards as he ruffled his bright blue bed hair, "Min Yoongi, gunman." Following in his lead, the rest of the crew introduced themselves,
"Park Jimin, close combat."
"Daisy Lee, Medical."
"Jung Hoseok, navigation."
Tessa was completely taken aback, "Hoseok? As in THE Jung Hoseok!?"
Jungkook, Jimin and Yoongi turned to their navigator in complete confusion, Hoseok on the other hand wasn't fazed, "Yep, the Jung Hoseok."
Tessa practically squealed in excitement, "I can't believe you're here... in OUR camp! Your incredible! You must have some outstanding navigational skills to be able to take regular trips through the cities centre!"
Jungkook's head snapped towards Hoseok, "Wait- your telling me that you're the famous city navigator!?"
Hoseok sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, eyes trailing to the floor, "I mean, do we really have to make such a big deal out of it?"
The squad decided to drop the subject faster then it had been brought up. Tessa simply motioned for them to follow her, "You guys must be exhausted, follow me to the dinning hall."
The five of them sat sleepily in the dinning hall, Tessa included, as they poured themselves a bowl of cereal. They were pretty much the only people in the room, only a few individuals scattered across the empty tables. It was only 7am, and since finding Jimin, they had been awake for roughly 10 hours.
Hoseok was sitting bleary-eyes at the table, munching his way slowly through a mouthful of cereal. Suddenly for no apparent reason, he stopped munching. His jaw went slack. Milk dribbled out of his mouth. His eyes glazed over blankly and his head nodded forward. The next thing- whomp!- his head landed right smack bang in the bowl in front of him causing the people in the dining hall to gasp.
Daisy simply chuckled, rolling her eyes as she lifted Hoseok's head from the bowl of cereal. "It happens more often then you think." she smiled, shaking her head at her overly tired boyfriend's actions as she placed his arm over her shoulder, "I'll take him up to one of the rooms for a rest, thanks again Tessa for the place to stay."
Tessa shook her head and smiled, "It's not a problem, really."
And just like that, Daisy stumbled out of the dinning hall.
Yoongi let out a sigh of annoyance as he clumsily dropped his spoon into the cereal bowl, watching as it was engulfed by the cold milk. It seemed as though everyone was drunk on sleep. At this rate, strong team or not, they were a bunch of idiots who probably couldn't even walk in a straight line.
Running a hand through his hair, Yoongi turned his attention to the male seated beside him, "Yo, Jimin, pass me another spoon would you?" Yoongi spoke bluntly.
Jimin simply gave a nod of understanding as he reached out to grab another spoon from the cutlery tray beside him with a shaking hand. Wait- a shaking hand?
Yoongi narrowed his eyes at the blonde haired male, and come to think of it, why was Jimin's hand so shaky? Jimin's complexion was also a lot more pale, breathing heavier then it should have been.
Yoongi placed a hand on Jimin's shoulder causing the blonde to jump in fright, "Jimin... are you feeling okay?" This wasn't just a case of being overly tired like Hoseok, no- this looked a lot more serious.
"I'm fine... really." Jimin sadly smiled, passing the spoon to Yoongi with a more steady hold.
Yoongi took the metal from Jimin and simply shrugged, "Whatever you say." he spoke, dipping his new spoon into the milk as he tried fishing for is dropped spoon.
Jungkook was quick to finish his breakfast, standing from the table to place his bowl at the front as Jimin followed suit. Yoongi subconsciously watched Jimin stand from the corner of his eye, spoon still dipped slightly in the milk.
Jimin had lost the last ounces of colour from his face. It was as if his heart had suddenly stopped beating and all the blood had run down to his boots. He swayed for just a moment before Yoongi toppled out of his chair grabbing Jimin's arm and swinging the male into his embrace before lowing him to the ground.
"Fuck! MEDIC!- WE NEED A MEDIC!" Yoongi hollered. Jimin's breathing had become increasingly ragged and irregular, he was practically gasping for air as a cold sweat began to form against his forehead, "Dammit, he's overheating." Yoongi spoke, quickly grabbing ahold of the male's hoodie, pulling it off to reveal the t-shirt underneath.
And something else entirely.
Words left Yoongi.
"Oh my God." He breathed out shakily,
"He's been bit."
{Author Note}
Dun dun DUN! Who could've guessed that he was bit last night? It's been 10 hours since the incident so time's ticking!
Update tomorrow x
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