Chapter Ten
{Double Blade pt.2}
Both Jungkook and Hoseok watched on in complete horror as the re-animated flesh of the walkers began leaving the shade of the forest, pouring out onto the highway from all sides. Hoseok shuddered as his ears were filled with the inhuman groans from the drying, stiffened flesh.
The rotting smell that permeated the air wherever they went made him nauseous, and to this day, Hoseok couldn't bare to look at meat without suffering the effects of PTSD. He had flashbacks to the groping hands and gnashing jaws of a zombie hoard, causing night terrors where he would wake up drenched in sweat. Hoseok had encountered a horde once before, and it didn't end well.
The moaning and groaning grew louder as the marching horde left the forest, flesh hanging like tattered rags from their bones, faces dull and grey. What scared Hoseok the most wasn't the fact that a horde had just left the forest, no. It was the fact that the horde was staggering slowly up the highway, and away from himself and Jungkook.
"No- No, no, no, NO!" Hoseok whisper yelled, loading an arrow in his wooden bow and pulling back the string. Jungkook's eyes were quick to flicker over to Hoseok as the male began aiming the arrow at the horde.
"Hoseok no!" Jungkook called quietly, grabbing the orange haired male by the shoulders and pushing his back into the concrete ground below. Jungkook firmly held the male down by the shoulders, knee on his chest.
"Jungkook let go!" Hoseok cried, trying to struggle out of the younger's tight hold, "There heading towards the van! Daisy's still in there!" Hoseok finished, but Jungkook just shook his head in disapproval. The struggle was pointless for the older male, he had a much smaller frame then Jungkook who was so well built.
"Hoseok, if we distract the horde... we'll all die." Jungkook spoke calmly as Hoseok stopped his struggle. "The horde would kill us, then go after the van. They can't escape without fuel." Jungkook explained.
Hoseok let out a shaky breath bringing a hand to his face in realisation.
Yoongi and Daisy were completely on their own.
"I can't believe you were out there by yourself for four years!" Daisy spoke with fascination, "Hoseok and I struggled to survive one week without our full squad, but you- your something else." She beamed, head resting against the back of the front drivers seat as she rested up from the long day of driving.
"It's quite simple actually." Yoongi mumbled from the passenger seat beside her, ruffling his hair, "If you travel solo, your chances of survival are much greater, seeing as the only person to protect is yourself." Yoongi huffed, staring down at the gun wrapped loosely in-between his fingers.
Eyes trailing over to Daisy, he saw a frown make its way to her face. She obviously took Yoongi's words badly. The fact that Yoongi said he would only prefer to look out for himself brought her guilt. Because here he was, looking after her.
Yoongi gave a soft reassuring smile, "I'm not heartless. If I needed to, protect someone, I would do it with my life." Yoongi explained, "That's why I can't risk getting attached to people."
Daisy sat by his side, listening to his words. It was true. Getting too attached to someone these days was dangerous, she had learnt that the hard way with Hoseok.
Letting out a tried sigh, Daisies eyes trailed mindlessly back to the front window. The rain clouds had finally cleared and the sky was visible. Tilting her head, Daisy gazed upwards, eyes more open then they could be in the fullness of day, not looking at one star, yet somehow seeing them all at once.
The sky was magical. Now that the cities had crumbled into nothing but ruins, mother nature was taking back its place.
To focused on the cloudless sky, Daisy failed to notice Yoongi tense in the front seat beside her. His eyes had become wide as he slowly raised from his seat, leaning towards the windscreen as he tried to make out the moving figures before him.
But by the time Yoongi had noticed the figures. It was too late.
"Daisy! Get to the back of the van- NOW!" Yoongi bellowed, not caring that he was rough with the girl as he grabbed her by the forearm, tugging her from the front drivers seat and pushing her further into the back of the van.
She stumbled forwards, golden chestnut hair bouncing as she almost tripped over her own feet, "Yoongi? What-"
"I-It's a horde- A fucking horde!" Yoongi spoke in a mindless state of panic, clicking the gun in his hands as he stared out the front of the van. Daisies skin fell ashen as her eyes trailed past Yoongi's shoulder and through the front window.
The horde of zombies was coming closer and closer. Much to close to hide now. They had deformed bodies and limbs sticking out at odd angles. Their bloodshot eyes darted over the land, looking for food. Reaching arms, flesh peeling, groans and moans wanting human meat.
Daisy felt her rapid heartbeat rising in her throat as she realised that there was no way of escaping this mess without a fight.
Yoongi turned his head in her direction, "Can you use a weapon!?" Yoongi spoke, hoping that she had some kind of special hidden abilities or something. But the words that came out of her mouth were nothing short of disappointing.
"I can shoot a gun, but my aim is terrible."
"Good enough," Yoongi called, pulling out a gun from the front compartment as he tossed it to Daisy in the back.
Daisy caught the handgun with shaking hands, terrified that she would be forced to use the metal object. She hated resorting to violence, but this was the only way.
Yoongi ran his fingers through his hair as he let out a lace of curses, turning to Daisy as he took a hold of her wrist, "Staying in the van is too dangerous, the'll kill us." He explained, "We have to take the fight outside."
Daisy spoke no words, but simply nodded in acknowledgment and followed his gruelling pace without complaint. Placing a hand against the back of the van, Yoongi let out a grunt as he pushed open the back doors, stepping down into the open.
The cold autumn air surrounded them, tormenting them in their flimsy clothing. Daisy was more concerned for Yoongi however, he was still a sickly pale and could collapse at any given moment. Then she'd have to fight on her own.
Swallowing their fear, Yoongi and Daisy stepped around to the side of the van. Their weapons were drawn, raised in front of them in preparation for battle. There was no way to tell whether they were walkers or runners, but one thing was for sure. They weren't going down without a fight.
Cold biting into Yoongi's skin, the male steadied his breathing eyes flickering to the approaching horde. The leader of the horde started shuffling towards him like a decrepit, decaying old man. As he got closer Yoongi could see that he had a dislocated jaw showing his torn tongue and blood-stained, razor sharp teeth. Unexpectedly, a flame seemed to ignite within the zombie as his eyes fell upon them. He let out a piercing screech and charged towards them with ape-like fury.
"FUCK! IT'S A RUNNER!" Yoongi bellowed, shoving Daisy behind him as he rose his arm, aiming with precision, Yoongi fired two shots in rapid succession. The bullet pierced through the runners skull with absolute accuracy as the corpse fell to the floor in a heap.
Fear had gripped a hold of Daisy when she saw the horde approaching at an even faster speed, a mixture of walkers and runners.
Yoongi saw a hand appear from his right and ducked, keeping Daisy behind him. The twisted figure had lurched unexpectedly out of nowhere and attempted to infect Yoongi with a clumsy swipe, but missed as Yoongi took a hold of the walker's arm, raising his opposite hand and shooting him point blank in the head.
Blood spattered itself onto Yoongi's face, staining his porcelain skin, "Shit!" he cursed, quickly wiping the red from his face only to leave it smeared. He couldn't get any of the zombie's DNA on him, none at all or he would risk infection. It was proving to be a difficult task though. There was no time to stay clean.
The walkers were closing in at every angle.
"Tsk" Yoongi sounded, biting down on his lip as he raised his guns once more at the approaching horde. By this stage the walkers were close, runners closer. There was just too many of them.
Narrowing his eyes at the front runners, Yoongi began firing, each bullet successfully lodging itself in the rotting corpses as they fell to the ground. But by that stage it was too late. The walkers had time to catch up forcing Yoongi to engage in close combat. His weakness.
In the state of chaos, Yoongi didn't even slide his weapons back into his belt, he simply chucked them aside and rose his fists to the enemy, shaking his blue windswept hair from his eyes.
"Daisy!" Yoongi called, swiping his leg out to the side as he swept a walker off its feet. Yoongi was struggling to keep the walkers at bay on his own. His weak condition wasn't helping either, he could already feel a wave of nausea approaching him from overexerting his body, "Shoot at the legs!"
Daisy felt like her breath was stuck deep in her throat as she looked down at the deadly weapon in her hands, "But I-"
"JUST SHOOT!" Yoongi cried, sweat trickling down his forehead as he swung his arm across his body to land another punch on a walker. Yoongi didn't have time to take the gun from Daisies hands, he was too caught up in close combat.
Sucking in her breath, Daisy rose the metal object out in front of her, arms extended as she pointed the gun at a walker approaching Yoongi. She aimed with as much precision as she could, finger tugging against the trigger. The bullet was sent flying into the walker's knee, causing the monster to stumble and fall, resulting to crawling instead.
No matter how hard Yoongi fought, or how many times Daisy shot, they were too outnumbered. Daisy felt tears beginning to prick at her eyes as she came to terms with the situation. This could very well be the end.
Eye's trailing off the horde to Yoongi, Daisy realised that the male's steps were beginning to falter, skin draining more and more of its colour as he grew weaker, and weaker. He was trying his best to fend of as many walkers as he could, but in his current condition. It was almost pointless. At this rate, they were dead meat.
"YOONGI!" Daisy screamed in horror.
Time appeared to slow down as Yoongi tripped over his own feet, strength leaving him as he collapsed to his knees. The male was slipping in and out of consciousness as he tried to push away the approaching walkers, but failed as a zombie pushed its way onto of him. Yoongi found himself holding the walker back by the neck, decaying teeth pushing closer towards his face as the zombie tried to consume him.
Daisy pivoted on her feet to run back to the fallen male, but something else reached him before she could.
Confusion and thankfulness was all Daisy could feel when a hooded figure emerged from the woods, blonde hair poking out from underneath the hood. The unknown male dashed towards Yoongi with a state of urgency, kicking the walker off of the struggling male with force.
The male slipped his hands into his pockets, pulling out two knifes by his side, the polished silver catching in the moonlight emitting a luminous glow. The wind began to wrap itself around the male, blowing his hoodie away from his concealed face.
Daisies eyes widened,
"Need a hand?"
{Author Note}
Super long chapter! I hope it was alright...
Update Tomorrow! x
(SUPERRR Unedited)
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