Chapter One
{4 years after day zero}
As the fog began to clear, Jungkook's eyes widened to the spectacular view that stood before him.
Skyscrapers standing over hundreds of feet were covered in plant life. Some were crumbling away due to age and neglect, while others had completely toppled over one another, gaping holes where windows were once covered in glass. Once particular skyscraper caught Jungkook's upmost attention though due to the wondrous waterfall that cascaded from the smashed windows.
At this moment Jungkook really understood how long it had been since the outbreak. 'Day zero' they liked to call it. It had been a total of four years yet mother nature was already taking back what rightfully belonged to her. It was a beautifully horrifying sight to see how quickly humanity's existence could be swallowed.
Jungkook clutched his handgun tightly in his grasp as he began walking further into the abandoned city of Seoul. His squad was spread out among the city searching for supplies for their base camp, camp Delta. Jungkook may have been the youngest, but he was the most skilled. Deadly almost. His skills easily earned him the title of 'squadron leader' for his camp.
Jungkook's gaze travelled to the side to the clear crystal waters that lay idol in the city. Pushing random locks of brown hair out of his face he analysed what he saw. In the distance, lying close to the foot of a skyscraper was a mass of rusted cars. The bodies that lay idol inside weren't his problem.
Looking a little closer to the bridge a head of him he saw the obvious remains of six train carriages, windows blown out as weeds grew around the rusted metal.
"This could be a problem." Jungkook sighed to himself. The train lay across the bridge that led into the centre of the city. The place where the most valuable supplies would be. He would have to pass through the train to make it across.
Taking a deep breath, Jungkook walked his way cautiously over to the train, slipping his flashlight out of his pocket to illuminate the inside of the carriage. Peering his head inside, the train was damp, an easy place to harvest plant life.
The smell of rotting flesh was amplified by the small confinement of the carriage, there was runners in here for sure.
That's what humanity decided to call them.
Walkers and runners.
Walkers were the zombies who were newly infected. They were confused corpses who generally staggered slowly after there victims. Runners on the other had were a little more difficult. They were bodies who had harboured the virus for much longer. The virus had complete control over the hosts body and there senses were high. They could run the speed of an average human and could sense people's presence as if it were second nature.
Jungkook cursed to himself as soon as he heard the familiar low moan of a zombie in the carriage in front of him. He hated direct confrontation with runners, but he had to make it to the other side of the train.
Placing a steady hand on the rusted door knob, Jungkook took a second to calm his breathing. The only sound to calm him being the slow dripping of water from inside the carriage.
Jungkook grabbed his gun
He began twisting the handle
Jungkook shoved open the rusted door with full strength to face the single runner. The zombie let out a high pitched shriek as it lost no time in running full speed towards Jungkook. But the brunette wasn't phased. In one swift motion, Jungkook raised his gun, firing a single bullet directly at the head of the runner who was mere centimetres away.
The bullet tore through the runners forehead, and the zombie collapsed directly before Jungkook's feet. No blood spilled from the corpse. It had been dead long enough that the blood had left it's rotting body.
Slipping the gun back into his belt Jungkook ran a hand through his tousled hair, climbing his way through the final carriages before he reached the end of the train.
"Too easy." Jungkook spoke, clicking off his flashlight as he shoved it back into his backpack. Jungkook began heading further into the city, making sure to stay as far away from the crumbling buildings as possible. Walkers and runners were usually found cowering in buildings, not usually out in the open unless it was a horde.
Taking a firm hold of his radio, Jungkook brought his communication device to his mouth, pressing down on the button to relay his message.
"I've secured a path into the main city, it's safe to pass through the train located on the east side." Jungkook spoke, releasing his hand from the button to hear a reply.
"Copy that, we're sending over the rest of the squad. Secure the supplies before sunset." Jungkook heard shuffles over the line, "We have half an hour."
Jungkook slipped his radio back into his belt alongside his handgun. The setting of the sun came a sky of fire. The orange hues was a battle cry to the gathering night. Quickly focusing back into the task at hand, Jungkook found himself picking up his pace, trying to locate a shopping strip within the countless skyscrapers around the city.
It was too bad that he couldn't navigate well around the buildings. He came from the rural areas of Seoul, so the city was a new sight for him.
Most camps had dedicated navigators for these kinds of missions, but camp Delta unfortunately lost theirs a few months back in an attack from a passing horde.
Jungkook was snapped out of his trance when the static sounds of his radio began blaring from his belt, Jungkook was quick to take the device into his hand hearing the relayed message.
"ABORT! Get out of there now! Horde approaching the east, roughly 20 to 30 walkers."
Jungkook froze.
Panic was something he felt too often. His feet often rooted themselves to the floor and he lost all ability to think and move. But now was not the time. Jungkook's hand flew to his handgun, nerves shot as he broke into a run for the train between him and his squadron van.
He could already hear the faint moans and groans of the approaching horde, the stagger of corpses gaining ground on him.
Jungkook found his feet carrying him through the carriages of the train, not caring about the ruckus he was stirring up in his tracks. Before Jungkook even had time to process what was happening, a shadow of a hand outstretched in front of him.
Jungkook put pressure on his ankles as he came to a sudden stop, just dodging the runner that had lept from the shadows of the trains carriage. Jungkook rose his leg and in one powerful kick, Jungkook sent the corpse flying into the wall beside him allowing for Jungkook to push further down the carriage.
Exiting the train Jungkook was met by another two runners, advancing at full speed from both sides. Jungkook's legs explode into violent motion, fists raised as he round house kicks the zombie on his right, spinning on his feet before swinging his leg high, taking out the zombie on his left.
Jungkook refrained from using his gun as much as possible.
Bullets were hard to find now a days and he couldn't risk using them all.
Breaking out into a full on sprint Jungkook speeds his way past as many walkers as possible. But the runners weren't so easy. Jungkook could run faster then the runners, but if they were coming at him from side on, that proved to be a difficult challenge.
"God dammit." Jungkook choked out, parched throat as he panted at the amount of running he was forced to do. He was surrounded, all angles were blocked off by runners.
Taking his knife from his back pocket Jungkook twirled the metal in his hand, advancing at full speed. Curling his hand into a fist Jungkook managed to connect his hand with a runners nose. Blood splattered on the ground as Jungkook began charging towards the next zombie.
"3 down, 7 to go." Jungkook breathed, lucky that the entire horde was not yet here. Jungkook was quick to raise his gun aiming precisely at an oncoming runner's head.
*Bang, Bang, Bang!*
4 to go.
Jungkook continued to advance but let out a lace of curses when his foot came into contact with a mossy patch of concrete. Jungkook felt his feet slide out from underneath him. Back colliding harshly with the cold wet floor as he let out a gasp in pain.
Two runners reached him in no time, grabbing at his arms as Jungkook tried desperately to fend them off. Come on Jungkook, get up. Get up! Jungkook let out a cry in pain as one of the runners begun digging their fingers into his scalp.
Mustering up his strength Jungkook raised his leg, slamming his foot directly into the runner's ribs. But it wasn't enough.
One of them was off him,
but the other had just enough time to lean in.
Jungkook begun screaming out in agony as the decaying virus infected teeth of the runner sunk into his forearm. His complexion ashened as his golden skin sunks into something so lifeless. Jungkook's vision begun to blur in and out of focus as he felt his flesh being torn. Tears begun to prick at his eyes but the fight wasn't over yet.
Letting out a yell, Jungkook mustered up his strength to toss the zombie off of him, stumbling to his feet and aiming at the creature.
There was only 2 to go... Jungkook knew he could make it back to the van in one piece, but the question was.
What would he do now that he was bitten?
{Author Note}
How did you all like the first chapter? I hope this book is okay!
Where do you think all the other members are?
Update tomorrow
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