Chapter Fifteen
It had been a good two days since the incident.
Two days since they had arrived at camp Beta.
As for accomodation, Namjoon had set them up well. A room was provided for each of them by the farmlands, yet Hoseok still insisted he would sleep in his van with Daisy for safe keeping purposes. So in the end, that just left Jimin, Yoongi and Jungkook by the stables.
Jimin let out a tired sigh as he lay against the hay bales. Head facing the sky as he let his arms rest peacefully on his stomach. Hay bales laid scattered over the small meadow, their golden hues radiating warmly under the sun. Jimin knew that the bales wouldn't be outside for much longer though. They had to be fetched inside before the autumn rains came and judging by the dampness that was lingering in the air, rain was close at hand.
Jimin's ears perked up at the sound of an approaching horse, trotting heavily against the grass before drinking against the stables.
Jimin heard a small grunt as someone hopped of the horses saddle, "How are you feeling Jimin?"
Jimin was quick to sit up in his place, dusting of the hay that stuck to his back as he faced the blue haired male walking towards him, "Heaps better, thanks Yoongi."
Over the past two days, Jimin and Yoongi had a lot more time to talk with one another. Jimin had been stuck in the medical bay for supervision alongside Yoongi, who ended up being put on a drip for his malnutrition.
Yoongi took a seat beside Jimin on the hay bale, "That was such a close call the other day." Yoongi spoke softly, eyes trailing down to Jimin's bandaged wrist, "I can't believe you were riding on the chance that you'd make it to camp Beta in time for an injection."
Jimin's eyes diverted to the sky once again, "I know" He spoke sincerely, frown spreading across his face as he creased his brows, "and I'm sorry I put you guys at risk"
Yoongi could tell Jimin sounded genuine, "I'm just glad you're okay." Yoongi smiled, turning his eyes to the sky as well, "I hate seeing people turn."
The blue of the sky gave them a sense of clarity, for in that expanse of sweet calm air was a sense of freedom. It was the only thing that remained the same in the troubled world they now lived in.
"It was horrid Yoongi." Jimin spoke, a shudder running coldly down his spine at the thought, "Watching my squad get ripped to pieces."
Yoongi's eyes fell from the sky as he transferred his gaze to Jimin, "It wasn't your fault."
"But it was!" Jimin spoke in panic, head snapping towards Yoongi, "The worst part about being their leader wasn't watching them die, or watching them trust me against all odds. But watching them die because they trusted me." Jimin said, words trailing off as he held back his tears. He began to scrunch his hair in-between his fingers as he lowered his gaze to the floor.
Yoongi, let out a sad sigh, "I can relate you know." he spoke, not waiting for Jimin's attention, "On day zero, I was sent to the government science facility where the outbreak occurred. I had basic information on the infected, but I didn't tell anyone. I blame myself for why all those people died there that day."
Regaining his composure Jimin lifted his head from his hands, wiping away the tears that threatened to fall, "I guess we all screwed up in one way or another."
"You got that right." Both Jimin and Yoongi perked up at the sound of a new voice.
Pacing confidently towards them was Jungkook, axe hauled over his shoulder as the cool autumn breeze tangled itself through his coffee coloured hair. The two males watched on as Jungkook swung the rusted axe from his shoulder and leant it up against a tree stump. It's blade was worn from cutting down several trees, it's wooden handle rough.
Jungkook dusted his hands off on his pants, "Now you guys are in danger because of me." he stated, walking towards the two males as he tiredly plopped himself down on a hay bale across from them, "Are you guys sure you want to find the cure with me? If you guys don't want to risk the trouble, you can always remain here. You two did nothing wrong." he finished, wiping his arm against his forehead to wipe away the sweat.
"Geeze Jungkook," Jimin rolled his eyes and pointed to his bandaged wrist, "It's not like I really have a choice now, do I?" he chuckled.
Jungkook ruffled his wind tousled hair and gave a sheepish smile, "I guess not."
"We'll stick with you kid." Yoongi reassured, "It's not like I've got anywhere else to go."
Jungkook gave a smile of gratitude, "Thanks guys."
Namjoon raised a fist to the side of the van, giving a slight knock, "Hoseok? You in there?"
The taller male didn't have to wait long. A series of shuffling and clanging was heard from inside the vehicle as the male made his way to the door, sliding it open with ease. Namjoon had to place a hand over his mouth to stop a chuckle from escaping his lips.
Hoseok's hair was a tangled mess, strands of orange hair poking in every direction. He had a spoon still in his mouth mid meal and his sweater was once again only half secured on his form. Regardless of his appearance, Hoseok still managed to spread a smile across his face,
"Joon! What's up?" Hoseok asked as Daisy trailed over to the van door as well, combing her small fingers through Hoseok's hair in an attempt to tame it.
Namjoon couldn't take it as he let out a laugh, bending over and slapping his knee, "God Hoseok, you haven't changed one bit!" Namjoon chuckled, earning a frown from Hoseok.
Daisy on the other hand raised a hand and gave a slight wave at Namjoon, "Nice to meet you finally, I'm Daisy." she smiled.
Namjoon simply returned the gesture before stepping up into the van, "What have you been up to all this time?" Namjoon asked, watching as Hoseok began to clean up, "You haven't been out of the van in days!"
Hoseok let out a sigh as he took the spoon from his mouth, flattening his hair and pulling his sweater properly over his head. "I've been scoping out the terrain of the city again." he spoke, pointing towards the back of the van.
Namjoon's eyes widened in awe, mouth gaping open at the number of different maps hung on the back of the van, all of them displaying the city's terrain, along with Hoseok's scribbles.
"Why are you mapping it out?" Namjoon questioned, walking towards the papers, "You're the city navigating expert!" Namjoon spoke, finger trailing along a city route Hoseok had mapped out.
Running a hand through his hair, Hoseok let out a lengthy sigh, "I haven't been into the city for a few months. Daisy and I had a close call with a massive horde a few months ago, so I planned on never returning to the city." Hoseok explained as he positioned himself beside Namjoon, "But depending on what we do next, I might have to go back. And let me tell you- the cities structure can change ALOT in a few months. Buildings may have fallen, roads crumbled. So using my memory I've got to try and judge the safest route."
Namjoon cast his gaze to his feet, shoulders slumped in his mournful gaze. Hoseok was never critical like this.
He was the kind of person who took things lightly, singing with the birds and the bees like nothing really mattered. He missed that side of Hoseok, the guy who would tune him out to listen to the autumn breeze, or stop to gaze upon a single flower like it was the most beautiful thing in the world.
Namjoon missed the old times.
"Anyway..." Hoseok spoke, walking away from the map and sitting himself on a pile of boxes, "Have you heard anything about this scientist guy?"
Namjoon shook his head, "Only rumours that he's almost at camp Beta." Namjoon placed his hand on his chin as he began to ponder, "I think his last name was Kim?" he shook his head, "I'm not too sure."
Daisy made her way over to Hoseok's side, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she gestured to the van door, "Shouldn't you get some fresh air Hoseok?"
Namjoon nod in agreement, "Yeah, I agree. You should let loose for a bit, relax while you can."
Hoseok sighed with a puff, redirecting the airflow of his breath to his bangs. For that brief moment his orange hair fanned upwards before resettling just over his eyes. "Alright."
Daisy almost squealed in excitement as she laced her fingers around Hoseok's, pulling the tired male to his feet as they stumbled out of the van. Daisy hated to admit it, but she was starting to get sick of being stuck inside with Hoseok.
The autumn breeze hit her like a tidal wave, threading itself through her golden brown locks and tangling in the air. Hoseok breathed in the fresh air, allowing for the wind to whistle through his ears like a long forgotten melody.
Namjoon smiled,
"Now there's the Hoseok I know."
{Author Note}
Cute filler chapter at camp Beta!
I have a competition for you guys! One more girl will be introduced into this story... if you want that character to be you then tag some people to read this story and explain why you want it to be you! If no one wants themselves in the story then all g, I'll make a character ;)
Update tomorrow x
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