Chapter 7
After Lily had witnessed Sarah's depression and Mila's recurring nightmares she began to wonder if there was anything else wrong within the team. Lily had gone to college to become a therapist, and had often done the psych evaluations for SHIELD. She decided to talk to each member of the New Avenger's team, and gauge their mental states. Lily knew that most of the kids wouldn't exactly cooperate, but she was confident she could manage. Laughing to herself, Lily imagined a banner outside the door to her bunk 'Avengers: The Therapy Sessions'.
Walking into the mess, Lily cleared her throat loudly and called out for silence. It took a few seconds for everyone to be quiet, kids poking and shushing each other. "All members of the Avengers team please report to the training room in an hour."
"What are the rest of us supposed to do if the A-Team is hogging the training room?," Elektra Murdock called out. She'd inherited her mother's (the previous Elektra) attitude.
"You can all go back to your bunks and think about the meaning of life," Lily snapped, glaring at Elektra.
"Yeah Ells, shut up!," Glider shouted across the room in a friendly tone.
"That reminds me, I have a big announcement to make," Lily said, grateful that Glider had spoken, which had reminded her of the big news she had.
Lily looked out over everyone in the mess hall, "Everyone here is here because they have what it takes to be any Avenger. Some of you are young, some still have training. You've all trained with the members of the Avenger's team." Lily gestured toward the table where Sarah sat with the rest of the Avenger's team. "Every person here is worthy to be an Avenger, and you all will be someday. But Today I am happy to announce the addition of two new members to the Avengers team."
This caused excited whispering to break out among the students. People were guessing who'd been promoted.
Lily cleared her throat and everyone fell silent. "Congratulations to Astra Osborne AKA Glider. You've proven yourself an innovative and valuable member of the team. You were sent on a mission yesterday and Captain America has report that you did well." Sarah nodded from her position at the Avenger's table. "We value your intelligence and creativity and I am proud to announce you as a full member of the Team."
Astra looked like she was about to pass out. But Lily continued before Astra could say anything. "And congratulations to Ambrevina Parker AKA The Red Recluse. You've proven yourself a snarky and valuable member of the team." At the mention of Ambry's extraordinary gift of extreme Sarcasm, everyone in the room began to snicker. Ambrevina stood and took a bow. "You've proven yourself useful on several missions. We value your humor and your ingenuity and I am proud to announce you as a full member of the Team."
Ambrevina and Astra stood up and smiling, walked to the Avenger's table and sat down.
An hour later all of the Avengers were gathered in an awkward line outside the training room.
"Today I'm going to be talking to all of you individually."
This announcement was met with groans and protests.
"Are you kidding me? I had to go through a psych eval when I joined the team in the first place," Liam complained.
"Ma'am may I ask why this is necessary?" Mila asked, running her hand through her hair.
"Because I want a one on one chat with you guys. Mila you'll be first, the rest of you can go. I'll send Mila to bring the next person when we're done."
Everyone looked very relieved to not have to be first. They all raced off before Lily could change her mind, Mila looked like she'd rather be strapped to the front of a runaway train than go into the training room and talk with Lily.
Lily too a deep breath, time for 'Avengers: The Therapy Sessions.'
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