Chapter 26
"Do you think this color would look good on me?" She pulled a red dress from her closet.
"Wendy, you already know the answer. You've worn that dress a billion times."
"I know, I know, but I want to look special tonight. It's my first date."
"I know, this is the hundredth time you told me."
"I'm sorry, I'm just so excited!"
"Woo-hoo..." She said, sarcastically.
"Come on don't be that way Chelia. Aren't you happy for me?"
"I'm bursting in happiness." She flipped through her magazine.
Wendy sighed, "just try to be happy."
"Fine." She closed her magazine and stood up to examine her dress, "Well at least put it on so I can see."
She slipped in the dress and turned so Chelia could have a full view of the dress.
"Hmm." She stepped foward trying to get a closer look, "it looks fine to me."
Wendy cheered, "I can't wait for tonight."
They both turned at the sudden banging outside, "everyone out of your rooms!"
"We have orders to take everyone to Dr. Veena's lab!"
"Who is that?" Chelia asked.
"That sounded like the name my brother was talking about." They both jumped, startled at the banging on their door.
"Come out now or we will use force!"
They both glanced at each other and nodded. They slowly made their way to their closet and stuffed themselves inside with barley any leg room.
"What if he finds us?" Wendy asked.
"Then follow my lead."
He kicked the door with incredible force, making it fly off its hinges. Both girls cringing at the sound of his boots making contact with the broken wood.
He hovered his hand over his weapon, staying alert. Carefully he searched the room, seeking any sign of life.
Wendy had a distorted look on her face making Chelia worry, "what's wrong?" She whispered.
"My leg." She tried freeing it from whatever it was stuck inside of. She kept pulling and pulling making too much noise, alarming the soldier.
"You're making too much noise." Chelia whispered.
"I'm sorry, but my leg is stuck in something." She continued to pull her leg, stuggling to get her leg free.
Chelia eyes widened as she saw what Wendy was causing, "Wen! Stop! You're going to make-" They both stared at the object wobbling from the top shelf. Both girls were pleading for the object to stay still, but it had other plans. Their eyes widened as the glass cup fell off the shelf. Chelia reached her arms out, attempting to catch the cup, but failed. The sound of the cup shattering on the floor alerted the soldier to the closet.
"Do you think he heard it?" Wendy asked.
"Yes, I think he heard it!" Chelia said, raising her voice. She covered her mouth as she saw the shadow outside the door. She glanced back at Wendy, "be still." She mouthed.
Wendy nodded. The soldier hovered his hand over the door handle. Carefully, he grabbed the door knob, slowly turning it. Sweat began dripping from the girls faces, hearing the man opening the door. They grabbed the closest item near them ready to attack the intruder.
They both glanced at each other from the corner of their eyes, nodding in agreement. Chelia kicked the door open making the soldier fall to the ground. Chelia, grabbing her bat, swung at the soldier making contact with his shoulder, "Wendy!"
Wendy jumped out of the closet with a golf club and aimed it for the soldier, "What are you doing in our room?"
The soldier was silent. He knew if he spoke a word about his business Veena would his head.
"Quiet huh?" Chelia said, "lets see if we can make him talk." She smirked, grabbing the duct tape from her drawer, "lets have some fun."
The cold breeze hit her face as she was sticking her head out the window to get a breath of fresh air, "fresh air..."
"Luna! Put your head back in the window, before I roll the window up." Cana said.
She sat back in her seat, and enjoyed the music coming from the radio, swaying her head along with the music, "here." Cana threw a bag on her lap, startling her, "I grabbed you're things before we left."
She searched her bag making sure everything was inside, "thanks Cana. I honestly thought I would never see this stuff again."
"No problem kid." She smiled.
Both Jellal and Natsu were staring out the window having an intense game of I spy, "I spy something red." Natsu said.
"Is it Erza's hair... again!"
"Pick something else man! I'm tired of guessing the same stuff."
"But there's nothing here." Natsu whined.
"There's plenty of things here!"
"Ok fine, how about we play a different game?"
"Oh I got one!" Gajeel said, "how about we play shut up before I throw you both out of the car." He smiled.
"That sounds a little dangerous." Lucy said.
Gajeel sighed, "just keep it down. People are trying to sleep." Both of their gazes turned to the sleeping trio, Erza, Gray, and Juvia.
"Fine we'll be quiet." Jellal said. Gajeel nodded approvingly of their decision.
They both stared out the window, watching the clouds slowly move and change their shapes.
"Wait a minite." Jellal said, "Natsu, don't you have a sister?"
Everyone's attention turned towards Natsu, "yeah." He continued staring out the window.
"Aren't you worried about her?" Levy asked.
"No not really."
"Why?!" Everyone yelled.
"Because I know Wendy, and I'm positive that she's fine."
"How are you so sure?" Jellal asked.
"She has Dragneel blood running through her veins. Nothing can stop a Dragneel!" He raised his fist.
"He's hopeless!" Lucy thought.
"And besides, she's probably with her friend Chelia right now. Now she's a tough cookie."
"I hope you're right Natsu." Levy said.
"Don't worry, I know I am."
Chelia slapped the soldier, "tell us what you know!"
The soldier spit out the blood, flooding his mouth.
Chelia growled, "Why are you here!?"
He stayed silent. Not a single sound could be heard from him.
She sighed, "Look dude, I'm trying to protect you from my friend back there. She's the one you really need to be afraid of. Now I'll ask again, why are you here?"
He chuckled.
"If you don't tell me now, I'll be forced to bring out my trump card." She came close to his ear, "and you won't like it."
He smirked, "do your worst."
She lifted her hands in defeat, "He's all yours Wendy."
Chelia moved out of the way, revealing the dark red piercing eyes in the background. The soldier became nervous as he saw the eyes walk towards him, "is this some trick?" He said.
"Not at all." Chelia whispered in his ears.
She came out of the shadows, her eyes still sending chills down his spine, "I won't talk. No mater how much you try to torture or scare me!"
She grabbed his throat, brining him and the chair off their feet, "you will tell me why you are here."
He stared into her eyes, "please don't hurt me." It was something about her eyes that reminded him of his boss.
"I won't. As long as you tell me what I need to know."
"I can't." She squeezed his neck harder. He tried pulling her hands from his neck, but her grip was to strong, "Ok! Ok! I'll talk." She loosened her grip and sat him back down on the floor.
"Veena's going to kill me." He whispered.
Chelia slammed her hands on the arms of his chair, "if you don't start talking we'll kill you before this Veena lady does. So start talking!"
He sighed, "do you remember those lights that spread across Tokyo a couple days ago?"
"Yeah, wasn't there like an alien involved in that or something?" Chelia said.
"Yes, we got a tip saying that the alien was here. So Dr. Veena came out here to search for the alien and to take all the Meta humans in this school with her."
"What? What does she want with us?" Chelia asked.
"I don't know." Wendy grabbed his neck again.
"I think you do know." She growled.
"Fine! Fine!" He yelled.
"The next time you lie to us, I will kill you." Wendy let go of his neck.
"I heard that she has a new project. A project to turn meta humans into weapons."
"She's making an army that can wipe out any meta human despite their abilities." He said.
"An army? Why would she need an army?" Chelia said.
"I don't know that's all I know." Wendy growled, raising her fist, "I swear that's all I know! Don't kill me!" He closed his eyes.
"Don't worry we're not going to kill you." Chelia said, patting his shoulder, "but you may have a headache when you wake up."
"What?" The soldier asked confused. He turned and saw Wendy with a bat aimed for his head. She swung knocking him out cold.
"Nice work." Chelia said. She turned toward Wendy and jumped when she saw her glowing red eyes, "take those out of your eyes already. You're giving me the creeps."
She took out the contacts, "Sorry, but hey, I told you these would come in handy one day, and you say my Internet shopping is a waste."
"Whatever." Chelia said glancing down at the soldiers belt.
"So what do we do now?"
She grabbed the keys from his pocket, "first, we can start by going on a little road trip." She said dangling the keys.
"Ooh I like road trips."
"Yeah I know."
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