ADAM and EVE on Eden Prime
ADAM and EVE on Eden Prime
SSV Normandy SR1
Arcturus System
Arcturus Relay
Destination: Eden Prime, Utopia System
"Board is green, beginning approach run," the pilot of this marvelous ship announced over the intercom. Personally, Alex and Cole were more thrilled to be out of the damn elevator thank to know that they would soon be hitting the relay. Honestly, both superhuman men were capable of advanced parkour in their sleep, and an elevator - on the most advanced vess in the galaxy no less - taking over a minute to mone nine feet was the only way to get from the hangar and engineering deck to the rest of the ship. The "genius" who came up with that little idea needed to die. Slowly.
The pair was joined by Ryan as they passed him next to the CIC. Chief had been content to wait by the sleeper pods on the crew deck. Those things didn't fit him, but he couldn't help but feel nostalgic. If he weren't on this ship, he'd be sleeping in one of these things back on his own territory. Just as the trio reached the helm, they noticed it was already occupied with the pilot, Joker, a lieutenant they didn't know well named Alenko, and that mysterious turian Spectre, Nihlus, who seriously had no reason to be on the ship. They knew enough about the organization to realize if a Spectre was involved, shit was on the verge of getting very, very real. Eden Prime was nothing if not peaceful, so there was something strange about the guy. Plus, every time Ryan turned around, the turian seemed to be sizing him up.
"Hitting the relay in 3... 2... 1..." The pilot's announcement shook everyone out of their thoughts, and just plain shook the ship, as the mass relay sent them hurtling across the space-time continuum, and the relay's counterpart in the Utopia System spit them back out. The pilot began running diagnostics immediately.
"Thrusters, check. Navigation, check. Internal emissions sink engaged. Drift... just under 1500k." Cole didn't have a damn clue what the man was saying, but Alex and Ryan were versed enough in the spaceflight department to know that his last statement was a sign of either extreme luck, or even more extreme talent. Only a slipspace jump could have been more accurate, and that's because it borderline cheated!
Apparently the Spectre agreed, "1500 is good. Your captain will be pleased." With that said, Nihlus - whos name and facial structure both brought back memories of a brutal fight Cole once had with a Sith Lord - left the helm.
Once Joker was sure the alien was out of earshot, he outright stated, "I hate that guy." Ryan rasied an eyebrow at the flight lieuntenant's blunetess, while Alex and Cole tried not to laugh.
Lieutenant Alenko chose this as a good time to speak up. "Nihlus gave you a compliment. So... you hate him?" All three of the Supernovas froze at the sound of Alenko's voice, instantly associating it with an old ally from Unique Revan's territory, Carth Onasi. They took a look and saw that Alenko looked just like the Ebon Hawk's old pilot. They were in shock. To be honest, seeing a man this similar to Carth sitting right there in front of them was a little freaky. They all were hoping that the Lieutenant Alenko didn't share Carth's trust issues too. That would be a pain in the ass.
Their gaping had gone unnoticed to Alenko and Joker, so the pilot just continued to his rant. "You remember to zip up your jumpsuit on the way out of the bathroom, that's good. I just jumped us half way across the galaxy and hit a target the size of a pinhead, so that's incredible."
Disregarding the fact that they had barely jumped a fifth of the way across the galaxy, it was still an impressive feat, and the pilot had earned the right to bitch for the moment. "Besides, Spectre are trouble. Call me paranoid."
"You're paranoid," hearing the Carth look-alike vouch for somebody was music to the Supernovas' ears. If Alenko didn't have trust issues, it made their lives so much easier. Getting Carth to believe that Alex wasn't a Sith monster had been harder than actually fighting Darth Malak. "The council helped fund this project, so they have the right to keep an eye on their investment."
Joker scoffed, "Yeah that is the 'offical' story. But only an idiot believes the official story."
"Damn straight," Alex and Cole said ferfect unison. They knew the government had lied its ass off on both of their territories. Know that their pilot was smart enough not to trust anyone with a pay grade higher than his own was a refreshing change of pace.
"So there's more going on than the Council is letting on." Ryan had to give the man credit. He was no fool. You don't send a Spectre, armed to the teeth, along with the four most dangerous people in known space, not to mention an officer as decorated as Anderson, on a simple shakedown run at a colony that was basically paradise.
Almost as if on cue, Captain Aderson called up to the helm. "Joker, status report!"
"Just cleared the mass relay. Stealth systems are engaged. Everything is solid." Joker couldn't help but feel a bit of pride in that last statement. He had told Anderson he was the best in the Alliance, and he meant it.
Ryan listened as Joker warned the captain about Nihlus' approach, only to be informed the turian was already there. This, Alex and Cole were cracking up. "Send the Commander, the Master Chief and their skydiving friends up to the comm. room. I need a word with them."
"You get that Commander? Super-freaks?" Joker asked with zero concern. They couldn't do much to him while he was flying the ship... he hoped. He turned around to see they had left without making a sound. "I wish they'd actually make some damn noise when they walked."
"You're just afraid because you never know when they're actually behind you." Alenko chuckled.
Walking through the CIC, Cole snorted, "We're still 'skydivers' huh? Are we ever gonna live down that stunt on Torfan?"
Alex laughed, "I hope not! Did you not see the hangar deck on this ship? Replace that Mako with one of us, and we could do it even better!"
"Of course you could do better." Ryan said with complete sincerity, and a hint of amusement. "It's a Mako. The genius who designed that thing-"
"-is just as bad as the guy who made the damn elevators on this ship." Cole interjected. They all shared a genuine laugh that seemed to carry a simple message: Elevators in Shepard's territory sucked.
Ryan held back for a minute to talk with Navigator Pressly, having not seen the man in quite some time. Alex and Cole pushed forward and were met with Dr. Chakwas discussing "Spectre justice" with the rash but promising, Corporal Jenkins. The boy was green as grass, but with time and experience, he could make at least gunnery sergeant. Once done listening to the marine's enthusiasm and the doctor's attempts to rationalize said enthusiasm, the two powerhouses regrouped with Ryan and met the Chief just outside the comm. room. They were less than ecstatic to see that the only occupant was the turian Spectre that had everyone on the ship buzzing with gossip and rumor.
"Ah, the heroes of humanity," Nihlus said, "I'm well enough informed to know which of you is which. Tell me though, what do you know about this planet we're going to, Eden Prime?"
Cole took the initiative, "Don't make small talk, Nihlus. What are you here for? And more importantly, how does it affect Ryan and me? You've been shadowing us since the beginning of this little voyage, and you can tell us why, or Alex," he gestured at the apex hunter, "will be forced to get blood all over this shiny new ship."
Caught off guard by Cole's blutness, Nihlus didn't know what to say right away. He had thought he was being discreet in his observations. These humans (or whatever they were) had serious skill. Clearing his throat, Nihlus began again, "And you wonder why human are called bullies. There's no need to threaten me with violence, MacGrath. But think about it. Is the Alliance truly ready for this? Are you and Ryan in particular ready for this?"
Alex had begun to lose his patience, so Ryan intervened, "Nihlus, it would be best for everyone if tell us what the hell you're even talking about because once Alex decides to cut loose, the Normandy will become state-of-the-art slag before you have time to draw your gun. And there won't be a damn thing we could have done to stop him. So, answers, now."
Anderson thankfully chose this moment to walk in. "That's quite enough, Commander. I've trusted you so far to let your associate walk around freely," Alex snorted at the word "let" but said nothing, "but killing a Spectre would seriously damage the chance for you and MacGrath to join their ranks as humanity's representatives."
"Us?" Cole and Ryan both asked in shock.
"Yes, you're humanity's best. At least your humanity's best that look like humans." Nihlus let his gaze drift at Alex and the Chief at that last bit. "You were also the ones to begin and end the war with the batarians in Citadel space. No easy task. That's what the Spectres need these days: people who can get the job done. Plus, you two have a certain... rivalry. It's been noted to make each of you better and stronger when on the same assignment, like Torfan. You're drive to outdo eachother creates some kind of synergy that clearly produces stellar results. I'm no xenopsychologist. Frankly, I don't care if you beat one another into the ground, as long as you can complete any mission the Council would give you."
Alec crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, now satisfied with the knowledge they had been given. "So, what, this is some kind of Spectre assessment gig? You watch them operate, and then see if they can make the cut?"
Nihlus nodded in the affirmative, "Precisely. And the mission isn't really to test the Normandy's stealth system." He saw they all were looking at him with an expression of "No shit, Captain Obvious!" so he gave the floor to Captain Anderson.
"Boys, a research team on Eden Prime found a Prothean beacon." As Anderson continued to explain the situation, Cortana began to detect... something. She had no idea what it was, but it reminded her of the Gravemind. She again felt like some unnatural force was pressing down from all sides, its mind infinite, and its power vast. She felt like she needed to breathe, which wasn't necessary, because she wasn't organic. She needed to let the Chief know-
"Captain!" All attention was focused on Joker, and the moment passed, letting Cortana calm down. She quickly began to reapply all the anti-Gravemind defenses she had made after Chief had freed her from High Charity. Joker was still speaking, "I think you wanna see this!"
All business now, Anderson told Joker to put it up on the comm. room screen. The image was... less than pleasant.
Bullets were flying everywhere, but only Alliance personnel seemed to be getting hit. A woman in Sirta Phoenix medium armor ran over to the one with the active helmet-cam and yelled, "Get down!" before bringing her Hahne-Kedar Lancer to bear on an unseen enemy, opening fire with perfect discipline.
"Hot damn. Lady with a gun." Ryan remarked, almost instinctively. He had many layers of walls and coping mechanisms that kept all of the Supernovas from seeing just how much the Splicer King hated his own existence. Wisecracking and mild womanizing were but two of his defenses. Luckily nobody paid him any attention. The horror on the screen was all that mattered.
Suddenly amidst the chaos, a man faced the camera and began to yell in hysterics. "We are under attack by unknown contacts taking heavy casualties! Repeat: heavy casualties! We can't- arrgh! [static] Need evac! They came outta nowhere! We need-"
Every soldier left just stopped and stared after that unholy noise filled the air. The camera turned to the source.
The four Supernovas had seen plenty of unnatural shit in their time: the Flood, the Blacklight Virus, Malachor V, the G-virus, Metroids, the X-parasite, the list went on. But nothing could have prepared them for what had made that matallic warbling sound:
There within the planet's atmosphere was a dreadnought that greatly resembled a metallic squid or cuttlefish. It was huge. And it certainly had not come in peace. [end transmission].
Anderson ordered Joker to rewind and freeze on the image of the... thing they saw near the end. The reactions were all across the board. Anderson was carrying a grim expression to hide his confusion. Nihlus' mandibles flared outward in what was likely the turian equivalent of gawing. Cole grinned, satisfied that he had probably found the true reason Unique Shepard wanted four Supernovas on his territory. Alex simply stood there, having long since grown numb to almost any horror that could be imagined. He himself was borderline Eldritch, so he was in no position to accuse other shit of being "unnatural". Ryan was itching for a fight with whoever - or whatever - was killing the Alliance soldiers groundside. He would worry about big galactic mysteries later. Chief, unsurprisingly, stood stock still. Inside the suit, however John was fit to be tied. The worst sense of déjà vu was shaking him to the core, and he knew Cortana's noticing the similarities, she couldn't be in good shape at all. Cortana actually was having an AI equivalent to a nervous breakdown inside John's head. She was on the verge of just curling up and whimpering, when Chief, by some kind of intuition, chose that moment to turn to Anderson, saying, "Sir, with your permission, I'll be heading down to the hangar deck."
Ryan caught on to what he was saying instantly, "Me too, Captain. We have a multi-objective mission now. If there are two candidates, one of us should be going to the beacon with Nihlus from Drop point A, and I recommend MacGrath for that. Alex, Jenkins, Alenko, and I will provide the muscle from Drop point B. Chief can cover the remainder of the colony that isn't between either of our drop points and the beacon. We can't afford to leave colonists to die when we have more than enough manpower for a full-colony rescue operation."
Nihlus, surprisingly, spoke up. "I like your thinking, Ryan. We'll make a Spectre out of you two yet."
Utopia System
Eden Prime
Drop Point A
"It's not that I don't approve of the plan," Nihlus shouted to the hanger deck's occupants. "I just move faster on my own."
Cole shook his head in frustration. This scarly bird was among the galaxy's finest? "And if you're on your own, how the hell are you gonna assess our potential as Spectre candidates? Telepathy? Besides, that transmission didn't even get a view of what we're facing. We've got jack shit in the way of intel, so like it or not, we travel in groups."
Nihlus bristled at being told what to do. He had killed people for less out in the Terminus Systems. "I don't see anyone traveling with the Master Chief." He noted at last, feeling some satisfaction at pointing hole in their logic.
Alex was the one to answer this time. "That's becasue he's going in the opposite direction from us. We're all meeting up at the beacon. He's saving the rest of Eden Prime. Besides, by the time the Normandy doubles back to Drop Point C in the residential sector, either our team or yours will have hopefully identified the hostiles. Then we send any mission critical information his way, and he takes it from there. Chief's really good at killing things, but he's even better once he knows what he's killing."
Out of time (and viable arguments), Nihlus simply nodded.
Over the comm. Joker reported in. "Now approaching drop point A."
Before anyone could continue the discussion, Cole simply somersaulted straight out of the open hanger door... landing forty meters below on solid granite. Nihlus sighed, and he leapt out of the Normandy once it had descended to a safer height. "Perhaps you can tell me what that little stunt was about?" Nihlus asked with displeasure.
Cole just smirked. "You said that you moved faster on your own. Yet I had to wait for you to safely exit the ship. I'm not bound by normal laws of physics and safety. You can't keep up with me unless I allow it. Remember that."
Nihlus was about to chew out the living lighting rod for insubordination, but then Cole held up a hand, as if he was seeing near and far at the same time. "We have company, and it's not organic. I wouldn't be sensing so much electronic gear on the move unless it's got legs."
Nihlus' mandibles pressed together in thought. "Eden Prime doesn't have a large drone answer supply, and security mechs wouldn't be here at all. What does that leave us?"
Cole closed his eyes, breathed deeply, and then opened them. Having found some kind answer, he looked at Nihlus and said, "They're fifty meters ahead, and while they're not organic, they've got neural activity by the truckload. I've read enough history to know the one species that meets that description." He was no Cortana, but he could detect and decipher energy readings with his radar pulse. Usually it was meant to find electrical sources for a recharge, but it also let him read nervous systems. The mentality belonging to the inorganic signatures up ahead was totally bizarre. They had animal intelligence that got smarter - and better - with proximity, and they were sharing data at the speed of light. Cole felt a headache coming on, both from his discovery and what it implied.
Nihlus' subharmonics practically took over his entire voice as he spoke. "All teams, be advised, we have geth on Eden Prime!"
Eden Prime
Drop Point B
Anderson couldn't stifle his swear, and he was pretty sure he heard Alex switch his swearing between three different human languages mid-rant. Ryan and Chief stayed relatively calm, but Anderson had been told enough to know that it was a hell of a party inside the Spartan's head at the moment.
Ryan spoke up. "This changes nothing. If anything, it makes our job easier, now that we know what's waiting for us." He turned to the Spartan. "We all good?" After a brief pause, during which only knew that Chief was speaking privately with Cortana, the supersoldier nodded. "Everyone, prep for anti-synthetic tactics. You've all fought military drones, and maybe even mechs, in basic training. Those may only be VI compared to the geth's AI, but that's what happens when nobody's heard from the geth in 300 years. We make our way to meet Team 1 at the beacon, and hopefully rendezvous with any local soldiers en route. Let's go!"
By this time, Alex had long-since jumped out of the Normandy, hoping for some action, and he was waiting for them when Joker released Team 2 at the actual Drop Point B. He took in the view as the Normandy flew Chief off to kick ass and save as many lives as possible. Alex had to admit, even after all the destruction he had witnessed, the once-beautiful colony of Eden Prime looked like shit. Then the virus grinned, and turning to Ryan he said, "So what's it like to have brought ADAM and EVE back to Eden Prime?"
Ryan's response was to put a bullet between his hooded associate's eyes. "Asshole. Move out team."
"What the hell was that?" Jenkins cried out, obviously in shock. Behind him, Lieutenant Alenko didn't look to happy at all. Ryan quickly deduced that while most of the galaxy knew of Torfan, the specifics of Alex Mercer's true nature - not to mention Cole's and his own - were probably much less well known (or believed). Not at all ready to come clean about who and what they were, Ryan lied through his teeth. "I missed on purpose, Alex. Get your ass up.'
Alex made a note to get Ryan back later as he stitched his brain back together with his freshly healed skull. Getting off the ground, he shot Ryan a look of clear fury. Ryan returned the gaze with an expression that said, 'we're even, so get over it.'
They all proceeded forward, and on a hunch, activated his thermal vision. Staring at the ground, he saw faint traces of heat and energy moving beneath the surface. The movement was far too clean and angular to be natural, and Alex smirked. "I knew finding that beacon here wasn't just luck. There's a whole damn Prothean city underneath these rocks!"
Ryan snorted, "Alex, you're a scientist, and I respect that, but a lack of thing to kill doesn't change anything for the moment. I'll be sure to let the brass know that - Jenkins, stay sharp - that there may be a secret Prothean city underneath our feet, and the geth were willing to attack us for it. Jenkins! Stay the hell in formation!"
Jenkins turned around and grinned, "No worries, Commander! I know Eden Prime like the back of my hand. I'm itching to get the damn geth off my homewo-aaaagghhh!"
That was all Richard Jenkins managed to say as six geth recon drones flew out of the wood on the other side of the cliff and pounded him with pulse rounds that tore straight through his shields, his armor, and his entire body. Ryan swore, having known full well that he could have protected Jenkins if the fool hadn't wandered so far ahead on his own. Jenkins had wanted real action, and now he got it. Summoning a gravity well plasmid, Ryan launched the orb with a sonic boom plasmid rather than simply throwing it. This caused the sphere to burst in midair, resulting in the plasmid-based equivalent of biotic's singularity. Being gravity based, rather than mass based, the plasmid actually captured all of the drones, tossing them around in a chaotic circle. A flash of blue from Ryan's left, followed by a massive explosion from his gravity well, alerted Ryan to two new factors that softened the blow of losing a good man. First, biotic combinations worked with some of his plasmids, and it was likely the same for tech attacks as well.
Second, Lieutenant Alenko, a man who looked and sounded so much like Carth Onasi, was a biotic, the clostest thing this territory had to the Force-user. He would have laughed if he wasn't so pissed. Alex did laugh, but only because he was pissed.
The idea of Carth Onasi moving shit with his mind was just so damn ironic. Of course a real Jedi would have sensed the geth before anyone on the planet had been attacked, let alone Jenkins. "Alex, what's his status?" Ryan yelled as he ran toward the downed, but barely breathing, soldier. He was already getting out a special mixture of medi-gel and biofoam that he and Cortana had worked on. He only had one of these, and he needed to know if it was even going to make a difference.
"Damnit Jack," Alex retorted. "I'm a geneticist, not a doctor!" (A/N: Please somebody get the reference!)
Ryan said nothing for a few seconds, but he stopped performing field medicine just long enough to briefly fire an electro bolt at his fellow Supernova. It wasn't much, but one of Alex Mercer's few vulnerabilities was electricity, as his fight with Specialist Cross back New York had proven. It was why Alex was never sent to a territory without Cole watching his back.
This wasn't Cole though. It was Ryan, and Alex felt the need to put the Splicer King in his place with a few choice words. "Shit, Ryan, I'm not kidding! How many field medics do you think they sent to New York with Blackwatch? The slighest scratch from an infected was a death sentence, and I don't tend to leave many survivors for treatment. There were no doctors meant to heal. They only knew how to study the virus and make it worse. I am an expert geneticist, mathematician, virologist, hell it's easier to name the fields of study that I don't have a doctorate in." He paused for a moment as he watched Ryan apply the customized treatment, and in a whisper that Alenko couldn't hear, said, "One of the few types of professionals that I haven't consumed is the physician, Ryan. I may be a sociopath, but I have some standards. During my early, and most violent, days, a man who took the Hippocratic Oath saved my life from a parasite on my back simply because I was his patient." Alex's eyes were blazing now, and Ryan could only look back in quiet regret for assuming that he had consumed a regular doctor. Alex continued, "The real Alexander J. Mercer was a son of a bitch who sold his standards for prestige and a paycheck. I won't sink that low. My purpose is to hunt, kill, and consume. Nowhere in my creation was I ever meant to heal people. Doctors take an oath that says 'first, do no harm', and I will be damned before I consume any one of those good men or women, because my sole purpose in life is to break it every single day!"
Ryan was about to say he didn't expect something so deep out of Alex, but that was when Jenkins began coughing. "What the hell just happened?" He managed to gasp out.
Ryan smirked, "You got shot to shit by a bunch of geth. I patched you up. You're in no position to keep going though." The commander radioed the group's Spartan. "What's it looking like over there, Master Chief?"
Alex didn't know what Ryan was planning, but he had a feeling the Splicer King wasn't completely winging it. His comm. piece came to life as Cortana began talking to both Supernovas. Chief's a little busy killing insane robots with a networked intelligence at the moment, but we've got absolutly no survivors. Need a hand over there?"
"Not quite, but Jenkins got hit several times in an ambush. He's not fit for combat, and he's probably-" Ryan paused as Jenkins passed out, "Yep, he's out cold from the sedatives in the treatment we made. It will keep him stable, but we need to move forward. How fast can you get here?"
Before Cortana could alert the Chief and make an estimate, Alex cut in, "Hey, I've got a plan. I'll carry the not-quite-dead weight towards the Chief and he can make his way to me. At the same time, you and Alenko can push forward, hopefully making some progress. Once I've got the corporal in Chief's protection, I'll catch up with you two, and Jenkins will be safe until we can get him a casevac." Seeing Ryan's hesitation, Alex added, "You don't really have a say in the matter, I'm just letting you know as a courtesy."
Ryan sighed. "Do it. LT, on my six! We're gonna scrap every geth between this point and the Prothean beacon, oorah?"
"Oorah, Commander! Let's get it done."
With an adjusted plan, the team split in two and each group went in a separate direction with a common goal:
Save Eden Prime from the damn machines, retrieve the Prothean beacon, and shove it up the ass of whoever had just picked a fight with humanity.
New Solara
Station of Nostalgia
Commander Shepard's face lit up in a smile, which did not go unnoticed by Revan. "Something has pleased you my friend?"
The former Alliance officer continued to smile softly, saying, "They've already accomplished more than I had been able to, and it's barely even started. My best choice of all may very well be sending those Supernovas to my territory. Still, even they will be tested by the coming fire."
Revan sighed and nodded. "I know Shepard. I know."
You thought Jenkins was gonna die, didn't you? No way could I be that cruel. One of the technical definitions of a "casualty" is someone who sustains an injury that prevents them from fighting. So I injured him horribly, but with that many badasses on the scene, letting him die would just make them look stupid.
Cole was not doing well. There wasn't any electricity available, and he had already taken more hits than was healthy, even for him. That damn flashlight-faced sniper on the far catwalk wasn't helping either. He couldn't use a lightning storm because it needed a clear view of the sky, and he was crouching beneath a small overhang. By the looks of those shambling biomechanical zombies, his polarity wall wasn't going to keep him safe for much longer either. It only protected him from bullets and pulse rounds, not smacks to the head. Luckil he was largely immune to blunt force trauma...
"Blacklight Virus Strain DX-1118 Variant C, where the hell are you?" He yelled over the comm. at Alex. Not expecting an answer (or any timely aid), Cole dodged away from a geth destoryer that was far too close for his liking. "Personal space, camera-head!" He blew it right off the spaceport with a close-up shockwave blast.
What happened next was pure luck, and if it hadn't been Cole on the receiving end, it would have been fatal. The husks had finally reached him, but instead of trying to eat his face off like regular zombies, these guys began to spark and snap with electricity. Just as they had surrounded the vulnerable conduit, they did the exact wrong thing:
They discharged massive amounts of electricity straight from their bodies and into Cole's. Anybody else would have been killed or hospitalized, but for Cole, this was just what he needed to heal all of his wounds and get back in the fight. He laughed. Zombies had accidentally healed him. He thanked them with a shockwave pulse.
Turning to the small army of geth, all trying to reach a logical conclusion that could be explain his survival and enhanced functionality, Cole cracked his neck and grinned. Not bothering to waste any more one-liners on robots, he spark-stepped to the side of the whole group and raised his arms back behind his head. Gathering energy between them, he borrowed a page from Kessler's book pointed his outstretched hands at his foes launched a torrent of blue lightning in their direction. Spark-stepping right up into the remaining two geth's face Cole grabbed each one by the flashlight and drained them dry. Now with all enemies dead, Cole smirked and said, "Thanks for the boost you freaks."
Hey guys as we are getting close to summer break. I won't be updating because I will need my school computer. Sorry I will try to put these out as much as I can.
Again this is not my Story this story is BlindLuck92 on
Shadow out
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