Chapter 8~Got Ham
It took a week until Selina and Freddy were able to hang out again. But that never stopped her from sneaking into his room through his window.
They were getting closer and closer now and she didn't know what she'd do without him. She had never felt so comfortable as she did now.
But today, they were at the warehouse. Freddy was sitting on a crate while sipping his strawberry milkshake and Selina lied on her stomach, using her leather jacket underneath her and having her black shirt on as she sipped her chocolate milkshake. They had been talking when the topic of where the older teenager was from came up.
"Gotham." Selina told him without looking up from the comic book she was flipping through, taking another long sip of her shake.
Freddy's eyes widened, leaning a little closer to her. "Gotham? Gotham? The place where the criminal rate is fifty times worse than anywhere else in America? And there are dozens of psychotic villains roaming the streets?"
"Is there another Gotham I wasn't aware about?" She asked teasingly, raising a dark eyebrow as she looked at him.
He didn't say anything for a moment before pointing at her and exclaiming. "That's why you hate Batman so much!"
She giggled and pushed herself into a sitting position, rolling her eyes. "I don't /hate/ Batman! I just...extremely dislike him."
"That's basically what hate means, Selina." He said with a deadpanned expression, making her laugh again.
"It's different. I extremely dislike the flying rodent."
"Why do you extremely dislike the 'flying rodent'?" Freddy asked, using air quotes as he took another sip of his shake.
Selina cleared her throat, preparing her rant. "He has the most stupidest rule: no killing. I mean, I guess he has morals, but there are plenty of villains who need to die rather than being thrown into Arkham and breaking out a few days later. Like, Joker! He needs to be dead! But nooooooo! Keep that monster alive!" She rolled her eyes in disdain, but she wasn't finished.
"It's obvious that Batsy's rich, like, billionaire rich, hence why he can afford all those gadgets. But why doesn't he use all that money to help out the homeless street kids living in alleyways near the Narrows? There's dozens of them who need help yet he does nothing!" She raised her hand in annoyance, taking a breath and a long sip of her milkshake to calm herself down.
The superhero fanatic stared at her, an amused smirk on his face before slowly nodding. "Okay. You've got a point. Especially about the street kids thing. No wonder you have a personal vendetta against him."
"It's not a personal vendetta." She rolled her green eyes.
"Sounds like it to me." He stated, the amusement still obvious on his face but he decided to drop the subject for now. "What's Gotham like?"
"Imagine every horrible, terrible, god awful thing you've ever heard about Gotham." She pointed a finger at him. "Now multiply that times fifty and that's Gotham City."
The brunette looked like he was thinking about it, shaking his head slightly. "God, Lina. I don't get it. How the hell did you manage to survive out on those streets alone when you were a kid?"
She didn't say anything for a moment, genuinely thinking the question over. She eventually shrugged her shoulders and gave him a small and sad smile. "I don't know. Sheer luck, I guess. And strong determination to prove everyone wrong."
"And boy, did you prove them all wrong." He said, sounding so proud that it almost made Selina blush. Almost.
"Not yet. I still don't have anything." She shook her head. "I'm gonna get as much money as I can and go back to Gotham to help out those street kids I left behind."
"Wow...that's beautiful." There it was, the fondness in Freddy's eyes that made her heart flutter. He looked at her as if she was a goddess sometimes and she just didn't get it. She was just a homeless street thief. Nothing important.
"I've got, like, one more question if you don't mind me asking." He said and she waved for him to continue. "Why did you decide to come to Philly?"
She shrugged her shoulders again. "I was in a gang that ran into some trouble. I decided it was time for a fresh start. Figured this was the place to go."
Freddy smiled at her, nodding. "You made the right choice." He said before pausing. "Wait...where'd you get the money to get here?"
Selina pointed a finger at him. "Okay, now you're pushing it on the questions."
He held his hands up in mock surrender. "You're right. The less I know, the less I can tell the police if they interrogate me."
"Smart boy." She said and they both laughed together, going back to sipping their milkshakes in comfortable silence.
"Soooooo...we both know Batman's true identity, right?" He asked, making her smirk slightly and nodding. "Let's say it at the same time."
"Okay, one..."
"...three—Bruce Wayne!" They both yelled at the same time before bursting into a fit of laughter.
"It-it makes so much sense!" The younger boy managed to say once he stopped laughing.
"And we have, like, never seen Batman and Bruce Wayne in the same room! It's definitely him!" Selina agreed, resuming her previous position which was lying on her stomach.
That's how there conversations were. Talking about things they liked or didn't and laughing about it. Freddy Freeman somehow made her more comfortable. Whether that was a good or a bad thing was yet to be figured out.
But for now, Selina will take what she can get.
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