Chapter 12~Lovely Starry Night Sky
Selina could barely go to sleep from how she was feeling.
It's not like she was nervous or anything. Well...okay, she was nervous. But who wouldn't be nervous for their first date?
But along with nervousness, she was excited. She never ever thought she'd go on a date before yet here she was, going to set one up with her best friend.
And also, she felt relieved. She had a weight on her shoulders, crushing her, but it was lifted when she finally admitted what was going on. When she cried her eyes out and Freddy didn't judge her or laugh, merely holding her hand while wiping her tears away and stroking her hair.
Could this be the start of something new for them? Something that wouldn't crash and burn and ended in complete heartbreak?
God, the thief hoped so.
But she still managed to get enough sleep to feel refreshed when the morning came.
Selina had started the day by breaking into a random house that was empty and using their shower. What? She wanted to at least smell good and despite being homeless, she cared about proper hygiene.
She wore a plain dark purple shirt that was hidden by her usual black leather jacket and usual ripped black pants. The teenager didn't have much clothes, so hopefully Freddy wouldn't mind her wearing the same crap she always wore. Then again, he constantly wore superhero shirts, even wearing the same one four days in a row.
Her hair wasn't cooperating with her as much as she'd like. Selina considered stealing a straightening iron before remembering the superhero fanatic said her curls were gorgeous.
So she settled for her messy and unruly curls instead.
The day seemed to pass slowly, making her wish that six o'clock would come now rather than later. Her nerves were still there, but she was still not having any bad feelings in her gut. So that was good.
But once Selina was completely dressed, she did something that should've been down nearly two weeks ago.
She found the Breyer Brothers' car and scratched the sides before slashing all four tires with her favorite switchblade.
She would love to stab them both in the eyes, but knew her Freddy wouldn't allow it. So for now, she'd take it out on their prized possession until she got furious again.
It felt almost like the curly-haired girl was running around town trying to make sure she had everything she needed for their date. God, when did she become that kind of girl? It made her feel weird and the urge to run away again grew. But she wouldn't do that. She needed to suck it up and do this.
Soon six o'clock hit and she was already waiting behind Freddy's house. God, her nerves were twisting inside of her and it was a good thing she didn't eat today because she probably would've hurled from his anxious she was feeling.
Selina was pacing before she heard the oh so familiar uneven steps walking toward her, smiling softly before turning around.
He was dressed normally, a clean Superman shirt on and wearing a large blue jacket with his blue jeans. His hair was growing out, starting to curl at the ends which Selina found absolutely adorable.
"You showed up." He said, excitement filling his brown eyes.
She giggled slightly and nodded, brushing aside a strand of curly hair. "Yeah. I said I would. So here I am. You ready?"
He nodded quickly, walking closer and reaching out to hold her hand. "Yeah. I'm ready."
Her heart jumped but she ignored it, deciding to just start walking. Freddy immediately began to ramble about his day and all, even mentioning leaving a store and spotting Brett and Burke's car, completely destroyed, and shot her a knowing look.
She looked away, merely shrugging her shoulders. "Huh. How interesting." Was all she said, playing innocent.
"Very interesting." He said, still looking at her because he obviously didn't believe her. "You didn't have to do that. I mean, it was beautiful, but you didn't have to."
She shrugged, dropping the act. "They hurt you. No one hurts you and gets away with that. Besides, I had another plan but I didn't want to get caught."
"What was the other plan?"
"Hijack the car and run them both over with it before putting it in reverse and running them over again."
"Selina!" Freddy exclaimed and the thief started laughing at his wide eyed expression. "As tempting as that is, I don't want you going to jail for murder."
"I could make it look like an accident!"
"How does running over two teenagers twice look like an accident, Cat?"
"...look, I really don't appreciate the attitude I'm getting from you right now." They both laughed, squeezing the hands they held together.
It was quiet for a moment as they walked, breathing in the cool air before Freddy broke the silence. "So where are you taking me?"
Selina shot him a mysterious smile. "You'll see."
He raised an eyebrow at the slightly taller girl. "You're gonna lead me to my death, aren't you?"
"Oh totally." She joked, both of them smiling and giggling again. "But don't worry, we're almost there."
He nodded and they kept on walking until she stopped in front of a large building. They both looked at it, Freddy whistling under his breath.
"Wow...that's high." He said before looking at her confused. "Why are we here?"
She giggled, patting his shoulder. "It's where we're having our date. C'mon!" She led him to the side where there was a long ladder to get them to the top. "Okay, get on my back."
"Wait, what?!"
"Get on my back and hold onto your crutch. We're going on the roof." Selina instructed with a straight face, crouching down slightly so it'll be easier for him to get on her back.
He hesitated, much like he did when she first carried him bridal style because he was hurt. But he gave in, carefully getting on her back and she waited to make sure he had a good grip on her waist before going up the ladder slowly.
They eventually got on the roof, putting Freddy down and waiting to fully let go once he was being supported by his crutch.
Just a few feet away, was a small picnic that was filled with cheesesteaks and fries with their favorite milkshakes.
He looked at it before looking back at Selina with a soft smile. "A picnic, huh?"
She pushed her curls from her face before nodding. "I thought it'd be nice to eat something while looking at the stars."
"Will ya look at that. Selina Kyle can be romantic." She felt her cheeks heat up when he said that, grabbing her hand as they walked toward the edge of the rooftop to where the food was.
So they sat down, their legs swinging over the edge as Freddy placed his crutch next to him so it wouldn't fall off. Selina handed him a cheesesteak and his favorite strawberry milkshake. He grinned at her, taking a bite of his cheesesteak and leaned a little closer to her.
And that's how they were, eating in silence until the cheesesteaks were gone and they made their way to the fries.
"Ya know, the view is pretty up here. Terrifying, but pretty." Freddy said after he swallowed his first fry, looking at her.
Selina giggled, nodding. "That's what I love about it. As absolutely horrible as Gotham is, I do miss jumping rooftop to rooftop."
"'ve done rooftop jumping?"
"Hell yeah! It's fun, really. The adrenaline and rush is thrilling. And when I'm in the air for that split moment before I hit the next rooftop, feels almost like I'm flying." She reminisced, a soft smile on her face.
He was staring at her with adoration in his eyes, something that constantly made her heart flutter. "Everyday, I realize just how much of a badass you are."
She giggled, feeling flustered before shoving a handful of fries in her mouth, chewing and then swallowing it. "I try. You kinda have to be a badass to survive in Gotham."
They were quiet again, finishing their fries as Selina began to sip quickly from her chocolate milkshake.
"Soooooo you've never been to an actual school, right?" Freddy asked her, sipping his own milkshake when she nodded.
"Yup. I taught myself the basics though. Reading, writing, counting. I don't need to know all the algiebraya shit anyway."
" you mean algebra?"
"Yeah, that too." They both laughed, the brunette leaning closer to her. But she didn't mind. She liked how warm he felt.
"You're so lucky. School sucks. You learn about crap that won't even help you in the future."
"Seriously? Yeah, no. Never going to school. I'm fine with my crappy self taught education, thank ya very much."
He chuckled, taking a longer sip of his milkshake as they stared up at the darkening sky.
"Ya know...I basically don't exist. Like, my mom gave birth to me on the streets. She's never taken me to a hospital, or school or even the dentist. I've never been arrested or anything. I'm practically a ghost." She explained casually to him.
Freddy's eyes widened, looking at her. "Seriously? No hospitals or anything? No records? Nada?" She shook her head. "What the hell was your mom doing?"
"Conning people." Selina replied. "I'm surprised she even kept me around for five years. She promised me she'd come back but...I'm fourteen now. She's never coming back. I know that now."
He frowned, squeezing her hand gently. "She's stupid. A stupid Karen. That's what she is." The curly-haired girl started giggling at this. "She doesn't realize that she let go of an amazing and badass bitch like you."
She finished her milkshake, putting her other hand to her chest. "That's the nicest thing someone has ever said to me!"
He laughed, winking at her before he also finished his drink and their eyes happened to find the sky again. The stars were shining almost down on them, making her feel calm and peaceful.
She was staring up at the sky before noticing that Freddy had been staring at her. More at her lips, really. She looked back at him and he started blushing, stammering over his words before Selina sighed.
"You think too loud." She whispered, leaning in and lightly touched his lips with her own. Freddy kissed her back, still a bit clumsy from inexperience which had the both of them giggling.
"Sorry, I-I don't know what I'm doing." He said when they pulled away, the thief pressing her forehead against his with a soft sigh.
"Neither do I, relax." She whispered and kissed him again. She cupped his face in her hands and his hand found the back of her neck. They slowly began to get the hang of it, kissing for a few more minutes before giggling again.
She kissed his cheek softly before lying down on the rooftop with a sigh. The hero fan lied down next to her, intertwining their fingers together and squeezed her hand lightly.
And so they lied there like that for another few hours with catlike teenager counting out loud to him how many stars were in the sky.
If only she knew that Freddy had been staring at her with soft eyes, falling a little bit more for Selina.
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