Chapter 10~Realization Always Results in Running Away
Selina knew that as soon as she woke up, this day wasn't going to be good.
It's not like everything was going wrong or something like that. It was basically normal.
But it was like this sixth sense thing she had going on, that something wasn't going to go right. Something bad would happen.
And her instincts never let her down.
The weather was cooling down again, causing Selina to zip up her leather jacket nearly to her neck to keep warm. It didn't help that her stomach was twisting, the urge that something was wrong screaming inside of her.
But she didn't know what was it. What was going wrong.
So she walked, walked far to clear her head. She spotted a small lake nearby, huffing quietly that she didn't see it earlier and decide to take advantage of it during the summer since it was the first week into October.
Well, maybe next summer would have to do. The lake would start freezing over by next month, maybe within the next few weeks even.
As she walked closer, Selina spotted three figures by the lake. She frowned and moved faster when she realized that they looked familiar.
Her heart lurched into her throat.
It was the Breyer brothers, pushing a much smaller kid into the freezing lake water as the kid let out a cry of pain. She couldn't hear the words they were saying but could hear their laughter before one of them took the crutch from the boy and broke it in half over his knee.
Selina saw red.
She scrambled for a moment before grabbing a rock nearby and throwing it as hard as she could.
It hit one of the brother's, she supposed it was Brett, head and he stumbled and fell into the lake.
She didn't hesitate before there was another rock in her and and it connected to Burke's head, moving quick as she approached them and was shaking with rage.
She hadn't felt this angry in years. The last time she was this angry, the man who tried touching her had his throat ripped out by her hands.
She was murderous.
"When your mother was pushing you out of her herpes filled vagina, did the doctors drop you two on your heads when you were born?! Or were you just born fucking stupid?!" Selina yelled at them and would've ravished in the look of fears in their eyes of it weren't for how angry she was.
"Because I remember clearly telling you two to leave Freddy alone. Maybe this will help remind you." She pulled out her switchblade and popped it open, her green eyes going dark as they struggled for a moment to get to their feet and ran off.
She wanted to go after them so badly because she knew what she needed to do.
Selina was gonna kill them.
She was gonna rip them to shreds slowly and painfully.
She was going to have them begging for mercy, mercy she would not give them.
But right now, that would have to wait.
She needed to help Freddy first.
That's what mattered first.
Selina forced herself to calm down before edging toward the corner of the lake, her boots touching the water as a look of concern was evident on her face. "Freds, you okay?"
He was visibly trembling, a bruise on his cheek as water soaked into his clothes and completely drenched him. He wiped his face quickly before looking at her, his pained brown eyes rimmed with red and still glossy with tears.
She wasn't good with people crying, not used to it. She felt almost uncomfortable but she pushed her true feelings aside and stepped closer, ignoring the water seeped into her pant leg and held her hand out to him. "Let me help you."
Her eyes were soft and careful, feeling almost as if she was approaching a wild and wounded animal. Much like a stray cat she helped back in Gotham, his tiny paw bleeding. But this was an actual human being, something that wasn't the thief's forte.
"B-but my-my crutch..." he looked over at the crutch that was broken near them, causing her to take another deep breath to prevent herself from stealing a monster truck and running over those boys.
"It's okay, I've got you. I promise." She said softly, a reassuring smile on her face before he slowly took her hand. She carefully pulled him up, wrapping her other arm around his waist. He whimpered in pain and she had to move slow as she led him out of the lake.
At this pace, it would be dark by the time she got Freddy to his house. They needed to be faster, especially since he was soaking wet and could probably get sick from this.
"Freds, I'm gonna have to carry you, okay?" She said softly, looking at him as he was once again wiping his eyes. He was trying to hide the fact that he was crying. And that hurt her shriveled up black heart.
"I-are-are you sure?" He asked with hesitance, looking at her with teary eyes.
She wanted so badly to make the Breyer Brothers suffer by her hand.
Selina put on a smile and nodded. "Of course. I just wanna help. Now, on the count of three, I need you to push off on your right leg, okay?" She knew his bad leg was the left one and he nodded, looking still both hesitant and nervous.
"Okay, one...two...three." And Freddy pushed himself up on his right leg and quickly Selina managed to wrap her arm under his knees so she was carrying him bridal style.
The sight would've probably been cute if it wasn't for the situation.
Selina started walking easily, a bit faster now that he was in her arms. She just needed to get him home and make sure he was okay. And then destroy Brett and Burke.
She was normally strong, despite her small stature. So carrying the superhero fanatic was easy for her. And her adrenaline was high, making her move faster.
The catlike teenager was so glad she had memorized how to get to Freddy's house. It only took about ten minutes before she finally spotted the house and she let out a quiet sigh of relief. They hadn't spoken as they walked, which wasn't unusual. But she knew why he wasn't talking.
He was embarrassed by what happened, even more so because he was in tears. The brunette wasn't looking at her, keeping his teary brown eyes focused on his house as they walked.
"You know...if you wanted to go swimming, you should've invited me. I like swimming in the middle of fall too." Selina said lightly, just wanting to break the tension and have him be relaxed again.
He looked up at her and the corner of his lips tilted slightly upward. It was small and not much, but it was something she would take for now.
Once they neared his front door, she helped him back to his but kept his arms secure around his waist. "We're almost there, Freds. Almost. Just a little bit more."
Just then, the door open and a man and a woman came out. Selina realized that she didn't know what time it was and that it must've been hours since her friend was supposed to be home. These must've been his foster parents, judging how concerned and worried they seemed.
"Hijo, are you okay?" The woman asked him, gently touching his face before turning to Selina. "What happened?"
She didn't hesitate to speak. "Brett and Burke Breyers. They've been picking on Freddy and broke his crutch. I found him, helped him home." She explained quickly as the bigger man picked up Freddy with ease to lead him into the house.
Her eyes never left his, just wanting to walk in and make sure he was okay. But she couldn't waltz in there. His family didn't know her or anything. They probably just saw her as a kind stranger who decided to help out.
The woman sighed before looking back at her. "Thank you, thank you so much." She touched her shoulder lightly and the young teenager had to use her strength to not flinch and hiss and pull away. "I'm sorry, I'm Rosa. Rosa Vasquez, Freddy's mom. And you are?"
A lie formed in her mouth but she swallowed it down just as quickly as it came. "I'm-I'm Selina Kyle."
The woman, Rosa, seemed almost surprised before a smile grew on her face. "Selina? Freddy's best friend Selina?"
Now it was Selina's turn to pause. They knew her? "Ummm...yeah. Yeah, that's-that's me."
Rosa's smile was so warm and so soft, she felt almost like she was suffocating. "Freddy talks about you a lot. You've made him very happy the last few months. So thank you so much for that."
For a second, it felt like her stomach leapt up to her throat and out of her ass.
Never did Selina think that the younger boy would mention her. But he did. He talked about her. She suddenly felt warm but tried her hardest not to let it show.
"He-he's a really good kid." She said softly, fidgeting with the zipper of her jacket. "I need to head home though. I-I just wanted to make sure that Freddy was okay."
Did she have plans on going 'home'? Nope. She needed to go in through the window and talk to him privately, make sure for herself that he would be alright.
Rosa smiled at her again and nodded. "Of course, sweetie. I'm sure your family needs to see you." She felt a pang in her gut but once again ignored it. "But you're welcome to come here anytime."
She nodded, smiling a little as she stepped back. Maybe someday she'd meet the whole family. But right now, she was fine with just Freddy. "Sure. Thank you." She waved at her before walking away.
She only made it a couple houses, looked back to make sure Rosa was inside before rushing back to the house. The thief went to the other side of the house, climbing on the same tree she had been climbing for months and quickly peered into the window.
The curly-haired girl didn't see anyone else inside and figured Freddy must've been lying in his bed. She reached out and opened the window, feeling a bit relieved it was unlocked again, before sliding her tiny body inside.
She straightened up, adjusting her jacket before looking at Freddy. He was wiping his eyes again before looking at her as he stayed in his lying down position on his bed.
"I-I thought you would've left by now.." he said quietly, making her heart clench.
She shook her head, stepping closer. "Nah. I'm not going anywhere. Just wanted to see if you're okay." She looked at him, serious but gentle. "Are you okay?"
His response was automatic, nodding quickly so she knew that he was lying. "I'm f-fine."
She sighed, rocking on the balls of her feet for a moment. "Look, I don't know what those assholes were saying but whatever it was, it wasn't true—!"
"Yes it was." He interrupted her, sitting up and wincing in pain from his leg. She stepped forward instinctively, noticing there was some sort of heating pad on his left leg. "It was true. I-I can't defend myself. I can't. I constantly need someone to protect me. Like you."
Selina blinked in surprise before grabbing a chair and sitting down on it in front of him. "That's because I want to protect you. I want to help you. You don't deserve to be treated like this just because you're disabled." She said strongly and he looked away from her as more tears welled up in his dark eyes.
"Freds..." she said softly as she reached out and grabbed his hand for the first time, "you might not be able to defend yourself, but you have the biggest heart I've ever seen. You've helped me in so many ways, by helping me steal comic books to getting me food or just keeping me company." She smiled softly at him and his lips tilted upward again, cracking a small smile.
"I-I'm sorry..." he whispered as he tried to wipe away his tears with his other hand.
She shook her head. "You shouldn't be apologizing. Those douchebags should. Not you."
"I hate f-feeling so fucking pathetic.." he muttered and she gently squeezed his hand, leaning forward so he could look at her.
"You. Are. Not. Fucking. Pathetic." Selina said slowly. "Who gives a shit if you're not strong physically? You're kind and caring, a giver. You're an amazing human being, that's what matters. The Breyer Brothers are pathetic, not you. I promise."
Freddy continued crying silently, but there was a little smile on his face and she could tell he was calming down. She lightly ran her thumb across his knuckles as she held his hand, noticing his eyes start to droop. The events of the day were tiring him out.
"Go to sleep, okay? You'll feel better when you wake up." She reassured him, starting to stand up before his grip on her hand tightened.
"Can-can you stay? Just a-a little bit longer? Please?" He all but begged her and how could she say no to him?
She adjusted herself and nodded, still holding his hand as he slowly drifted off into sleep.
As she watched Freddy for a few minutes, she couldn't help but to find herself almost admiring him. He was such a great person and didn't deserve this horrible bullying. She was so caught up in her thinking that she reached out with her other hand to touch his face before she paused.
What the hell was she doing? Why would she...the teenager's gaze fell on his lips. They looked so soft...
Selina slowly pried her hand away from his, standing up and putting her own hand against her mouth.
She couldn't-couldn't be having these feelings for him! Oh god, what was she thinking?!
She blocked those feelings, feelings of admiration and adoration and love away to keep herself stronger. But here she was, considering kissing him.
What had she done?
She knew she was softening but this much? How could she have been so stupid to let this boy in, into what was left of her heart?
People like Selina didn't get happy endings. They were reserved for people like Freddy.
She couldn't stay here. She needed to run. She couldn't do this. She needed to make these feelings go away, no matter what.
The dirty blonde-haired girl opened the window, taking one last look at him. So beautiful, so kind...her darkness would tarnish his light.
One day, Freddy would thank her for this.
"I'm sorry..." she whispered before jumping out of the window. She landed on her feet and ran, never looking back.
All Selina needed to do was completely avoid Freddy and everything would go back to the way it was before she left Gotham. She would be all normal again. Everything would be okay now.
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