a caretaker?
A teen slowly opens the door to the daycare, looking around to see that no one was really around, a few kids here and there but it was mostly empty. The teen sighed, they were holding a small worn out Freddy plushie, it had rips and tears that were stitched back up.
The teen made their way to the slide, looking down it fearfully before slowly sitting down in front of it. They inhaled slowly holding their plushie close to their chest before slowly pushing themselves down the slide.
They let out a yelp when they hit the ball pit, quickly standing up they looked around, not seeing the daycare assistant anywhere they slowly walked over to the exit of the ball pit.
Once they were halfway to the exit they looked up to see the Daycare assistant up on the balcony, the Robot gave a joyful laugh before jumping off of the balcony and into the ball pit.
The teen held onto their Stuffed animal tight as the Robot jumped up from the ball pit, making his way to the teen.
"Hello hello hello!!!" the robot said cheerfully. "Are you here to play?!" the teen giggled softly at the joyful tone of the robot. "I am here to play...." the teen said shyly, hugging their stuffy tight.
The robot giggled cheerfully, carefully picking the teen up like a toddler, bringing the teen out of the ball pit and towards the middle of the daycare.
"Oh lets see lets see, we can build some towers or or we can play with glitter glue!" The robot continued to ramble as the teen slowly became less tense, their hold on their stuffy was less tight but not loose enough to let it slip through their grasp.
The teen giggled as the robot brought the blocks to them, liking how they skipped around. "I almost forgot! What's your name little one?" the robot asked softly. "my n-names Chaz...." the teen said softly, bringing their plushie closer to them.
The Robot smiled brightly "well I'm sun! Sunrise little one! Now come on, let's build!" Sun said happily. Chaz giggles as they feel them self slowly slipping younger and younger.
Chaz started to build as tall of a tower as they could. After they ran out of blocks they stared at it for a while. "Well done little sun!" Sun said cheerfully but as soon as he said that Chaz knocked over the tower, giggling as they did it.
Sun quickly stood up "oh no no no! clean up clean up!" the robot said quickly moving to re-stack the blocks. Chaz tilted their head, confused as the robot cleaned up. they pouted as Sun wasn't playing with them anymore and as the robot cleaned up they ran away. running up a slide that was near them.
When Sun finished cleaning he turned back to find Chaz gone, he quickly started to look around. "Little one! where are you?!" he yelled out, he heard some shuffling around one of the play site towers. He quickly ran over and started to search the castle.
He heard some giggles and he followed them, he moved quickly as he called out "little one it's not safe to wander by yourself!!" The little giggled some more as they slid down a slide. The robot followed the hollow sound of the slide being used and slid down the same slide.
Chaz slid down the twisty slide, they giggled and 'weeeee'd' the whole way down, giggling as they reached the end of the slide. They quickly ran across to the other playground, when they got there they looked around but Sun was nowhere in sight.
They shrugged it off and giggled as they ran towards another slide, but was stopped when cold hands wrapped around them, shrieking as they were picked up.
They looked up to see Sun with as much relief on his face as he could make. "don't do that again little one!" the Sun said worry in his voice. Chaz pouted and crossed their arms, holding in a yawn.
Sun sighed and slowly made his way to a small corner of the daycare, it was a cozy looking place, with soft blankets and small pillows.
Chaz started to wiggle when they saw it, but they weren't strong enough to get out of the robot's hold. The robot put them down on a soft pad. "Now it's getting late little sun, I think it's time for a nap."
Chaz pouted and shook their head, they weren't tired yet and just wanted to run around. Sun hummed softly as he grabbed a blanket and put it over Chaz. "I'll read you a book, ok?" Chaz slowly nodded, sighing as they laid down fully.
Sun smiled and grabbed a book about three little bears. Sun slowly started to read, making sure his words were soft. After he finished the book he looked and saw that Chaz was fast asleep. He put the book away and slowly made his way over to a light switch. He sighed and turned over to Chaz to make sure they were still asleep before turning the light off.
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