Chapter 2
The next morning she wakes up by one of her dorm mates yelling at another to get out of the bathroom so she can shower before breakfast. Artemis rolls her eyes and gets up and grabs her uniform and very quickly changes and grabs her bag that she pre-packed the night before and heads into the common room to get to the Great Hall for breakfast. She is about two feet from the door when she hears someone calling out for her.
"Artie Mcfartie!" She turns to see her twin sister jogging towards her. Artemis rolls her eyes but waits for her sister.
"Good morning Hope," Artemis says, greeting her sister normally.
"Can't wait to beat you in Quidditch next year!" Hope says in a joking tone. Artemis scoffs.
"As if Hopey! Slytherin is going to wipe the floor with Gryffindor!" Then Henry's dad and the Astronomy teacher, Prof. Sirius Black walk up to hear this entertaining argument between the twins.
"I disagree, Artemis. Gryffindor is going to win and it is going to be great!" Artemis chuckles and rolls her eyes and walks to the Slytherin table to eat some breakfast before classes and to get her schedule. She had barely started to eat her oatmeal when she overheard a conversation between two Slytherins in the third year.
"Did you hear? Aidan Lynch's nephew is here at school!!!!" One of the girl's says, causing Artemis to roll her eyes so hard she can practically see her brain, something those girls are obviously lacking.
"Did you see the way Artemis Wealsey stood up for him? She is obviously crushing on him and they just met so gross!" The other one says. Before Artemis can respond, her new friend Aelia walks up and sits across from her.
"Good morning Artemis! Have a good sleep?" She says reaching for some eggs and bacon.
"It was alright. Weird that I was not sharing a room with my twin sis. What about you?"
"Weird that I am not in a room alone. Your sister has tons of energy but was out like a light the second her head hit the pillow."
"Sounds like Hope alright. She was always energetic. Hey Aidan and Sammy." Artemis greets her other two friends as they join them at the table. They both nod their heads in greeting.
"How did you two sleep?" Aelia says asking the boys as Sammy sits next to her and Aidan sits next to Artemis.
"It was alright." Sammy says and Aidan nods his head in agreement.
"So Artemis, how do you know the scary looking woman from last night?" Sammy asks.
"Scary looking woman?" Artemis asks with a small laugh.
"Yeah the woman who greeted us at the door last night."
"Oh you mean Nixie." All three of them gasp.
"You said our professor's first name?" Aidan said shocked.
"I grew up with her so I guess I just got used to saying her name. She teaches Transfiguration." Artemis says. The three nod their heads as Remus comes walking over.
"Good morning dear." He says greeting his granddaughter.
"Hey Grandpa. These are my new friends Aelia Patterson, Aidan Lockchester, and Sammy Taverner. You three, this is my grandfather on my mum's side and our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Remus Lupin."
"Good morning, Ms. Patterson, Mr. Lockchester, and Mr. Taverner. I look forward to teaching you three. I shall see you this afternoon Artemis." Remus quickly presses a kiss to his granddaughter's forehead and heads to the teacher's table.
"You have a grandfather who is a teacher here?" Sammy says with a raised eyebrow.
"Yup. Oh and I also know our Astronomy teacher. Just laugh at his jokes. He thinks he is funny when he really isn't." Artemis says as she accepts her schedule from Professor Welsh the potions teacher. The four friends compare schedules and learn that Artemis and Aelia have Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, and Potions together. Aidan and Sammy have Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, and Potions together. Sammy and Artemis have Herbology, Astronomy, and Charms together. Aidan and Aelia have Herbology, Astronomy, and Charms together. Aidan and Artemis have flying classes and History of Magic together and Aelia and Sammy have flying classes and History of Magic.
"Shall we head to Charms, Artemis?" Sammy asks with a little bow. Artemis chuckles and stands up and walks with Sammy to Charms class. The two friends are greeted by the Charms teacher, Professor Filtwick.
"Good morning Mr. Taverner and Ms. Weasley. Say Ms. Weasley how are your parents? You know, your father was one of my brighter students." Artemis gives a small smile.
"They are good Prof. Flitwirk. Dad always told me that your class was one of the most enjoyable classes he attended here at Hogwarts." The Charms professor smiles as the two find a seat in the middle of the room.
Charms class passes pretty fast and after that Artemis sits next to Aidan in History of Magic and true to every rumor she ever heard it was super boring. Aidan and Artemis played hangman the entire time out of boredom.
"You think if I bring my pillow in, will he notice?" Artemis whispers to Aidan who stifles a laugh. The two friends are shaking with laughter as they exit class and head to the Great Hall for lunch and they end up bumping into Artemis' older cousin Eliza who raises an eyebrow at the two.
"Did you already pull a prank Artie?" Eliza questions her younger cousin with her hands on her hips staring her down.
"Anyone ever tell you that you have Nana Molly's look down pat?" Artemis says right back.
"You didn't answer my question." Eliza says.
"No I haven't. I have been in class all morning. When would I have time to pull a prank?" Eliza opens and closes her mouth several times.
"Hey lil cuz, young boy standing with my cuz, and my sis who is apparently a fish now?" Stella says as she approaches the two Ravenclaws and the Slytherin.
"Eliza can't come up with a comeback for something I said and this is Aidan Lockchester a Ravenclaw in my year." Stella nods her hand and opens her mouth to say something when they hear a very creepy voice.
"What are you four doing in the hallway?" They all turn and see a creepy looking man who Artemis recognizes as Mr. Argus Flitch from her dad's description from old stories.
"We were just discussing what the best way to eat pasta is. I think it is with a fork and Aidan here thinks it is with a spoon and the twins think a straw. What is your opinion Mr. Flitch?" Artemis says smiling sweetly. Flitch scowls at her and walks away. Aidan and Artemis start to snicker as the twins give the two first years weirded out looks.
"Eating pasta with a straw?" Stella says.
"Hey you do you Stella but I think I will stick with a fork." They all turn to see Sirius standing there with a smirk.
"Hey Paddington!" Artemis says greeting him the same way her sister does.
"Hello Artemis pretending to be Hope."
"Worth a shot." Artemis says shrugging her shoulders.
"There is another reason that wouldn't work you know that right?" Aidan says with a raised eyebrow.
"What do you mean?" Artemis says asking her new friend.
"You are in Slytherin and she is a Gryffindor. You are currently wearing the school uniform." Aidan says pointing at her tie before walking off for lunch. Artemis rolls her eyes and bids her cousins and Sirius a good day before following the Lockchester to the Great Hall. The two head for Gryffindor table where Aelia and Sammy are sitting.
"Hey you two!" Aelia says as Artemis sits next to her and Aidan sits next to Sammy.
"How was Herbology and flying class Aelia?" Artemis asks with a kind smile and before Aelia can answer, Hope pops into the seat next to her sister.
"Hey sissy!"
"Can you greet me like a normal person?" Artemis asks her sister with a playfully annoyed look causing her group of friends to softly laugh.
"That would imply that she is normal which she is not." Henry pipes up from where he is sitting on the other side of Sammy. Artemis turns just in time for Hope to flail dramatically and knock Artemis' plate to the ground, causing the entire Gryffindor table to laugh. Artemis rolls her eyes at her sister and stands up to grab the plate off the ground when she bumps into Eric Flint for the second time in two days.
"Watch where you are going Weasel!" Flint sneers at her causing her to roll her eyes and chooses not to fight him on this. Unfortunately Hope had other plans.
"Maybe you should watch where you are going, ugly." Hope says glaring at the Flint boy. Flint gets angry and goes to punch Hope and Artemis then stands up and ends up taking the punch for her sister and before Flint can pull another punch, Nixie Dover comes racing over.
"ERIC FLINT! WE DO NOT TOLERATE VIOLENCE OF ANY KIND! DETENTION AND TEN POINTS FROM SLYTHERIN!" Artemis lets out a groan for two reasons. 1. The pain in her jaw is great. 2. Slytherin is now in negative points because of this. Aelia and Hope both help her up.
"Let's get Artie to the Hospital Wing to get her jaw checked out." Hope says and Aelia nods her head. When they get there, they are greeted by the school's Matron, Madam Liddell.
"What on earth happened?" The Matron asks with a shocked look.
"Long story but she got punched." Artemis groans and rubs her jaw as she sits on the bed closest to her.
"Very well. Let's see. Your jaw is broken Ms.?"
"Weasley. Artemis Weasley."
"Take this potion once a day for the next two weeks and you should be fine and try not to get into anymore fights." Artemis nods her head and winces. The three first years head to their class so they are not late. They reach the Defense Against The Dark Arts classroom just as the bell rings causing Remus to look up with a raised eyebrow.
"Ms's Weasley, Ms. Patterson, glad you could join us. Please take your seats." Hope slides into the seat next to Henry and Artemis and Aelia sit in the seats behind the two of them and Henry passes them their bags.
"Thanks." The three mutter to him and take out their stuff for the class.
"Welcome to Defense Against the Dark Arts. My name is Remus Lupin and I will be your teacher for this class." Remus continued his first class talk and Artemis tuned it out. She had taken the potion on the way to class and it started to make her drowsy. Artemis falls asleep and only wakes up when she gets elbowed hard by Aelia. She lifts her head to see her grandfather standing in front of her with an a concerned look and a raised eyebrow.
"Please try to stay awake Ms. Weasley. As I was saying...." When class is over, Artemis very tiredly stands up and Hope links arms with her and gently pulls her from the classroom.
"You alright sis? It is not like you to fall asleep like that." Hope asks in a concerned voice.
"I think the potion is making me drowsy. Maybe I should take it before I go to bed instead so I am not falling asleep in class." Hope nods her head in agreement. Hope, Henry, and Aelia walk in a different direction than Artemis as they don't have the next class with her unfortunately. Artemis heads to Herbology while the Gryffindors head to Charms. Artemis takes a seat next to Sammy who smiles at her. She ends up falling asleep again and Prof. Longbottom just raises an eyebrow chooses to let her sleep. When class is over, Sammy wakes her up and he walks her to her common room where she falls asleep on a couch there. Stella walks in and sees her cousin asleep on the couch and sits on an armchair waiting for her to wake up. When dinner rolls around and she doesn't wake up, Stella takes her cousin up to Artemis' room and lets her sleep.
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