Tonks did not agree as she clutched the book but did not pass it along, still clearly looking for a discussion on this. "Anyone heard of Flamel?"
When all she got was a bunch of shrugs and muttered no's, she pouted and only then turned the book over. Charlie continued just as confused as her though as he read the chapter title.
"I'm already worried," Remus didn't seem to realize he had an audience to his mutters. "Something I've never heard of near Harry doesn't seem like a good thing of late."
Sirius was shocked with himself when for just a moment a flood of sympathy washed towards Remus. His anger had been redirected, he was now far more focused on his plans of death involving that old hateful Slytherin and had temporarily nudged his anger at Remus out of the way leaving him floundering on something to cling to regarding his old friend. Since he wasn't going to give in to Remus that easily though, he instead pretended as if he hadn't heard a word while Harry glanced up at them curiously.
Harry rolled his eyes at the holiday he'd never once enjoyed in his life, let alone the enthusiasm Charlie read the word with. He was very happy he hadn't gotten this chapter, as he was very sure more of the Dursleys ignoring him was bound to come up.
Everyone snorted in surprised laughter.
"I swear that should be considered torture," Charlie grumbled, thinking of all the times his numbed hands had slipped while slicing his ingredients.
"Just why would he feel sorry for us?" Remus rolled his eyes in disbelief. "It was always my favorite time of year."
Harry blinked up at him in surprise, and Remus smiled down at him as he confirmed, "yep, S- er, I stayed back every Christmas break- um," he stuttered a bit as he realized he'd have to give a reason, and he didn't quite believe his ears when one came.
"His parents traveled every holiday to some relative he hated, and he got out of it by claiming he needed to stay at school for homework. I doubt his parents bought it, but-" Sirius trailed off with a shrug from Remus' past. The lie had clearly come naturally to him as it had in all the years he'd done it for him during school. He was so grateful to see this real life glimpse of the friend from his memory he didn't even care what had driven him to do it.
Sirius had never believed he'd be in the circumstance of lying to Harry, especially with how angry he still was at Remus, but he also never expected to fall under the circumstances where Harry hadn't grown up learning who his Uncle Remus was and known he could trust him. Now though, as much as he was happy to give his old friend the cold shoulder for the past ten years, even now he'd still never wish to see Harry afraid of Remus. He was worried that would be exactly what would happen if Harry found out Remus was a werewolf, and then saw everyone else's reactions to it. Arthur alone could very well flip out and Sirius wouldn't forgive himself if he didn't cover for Moony even while still being pissed at him.
Harry wasn't the only one who noticed the two of them suddenly acting a little off, but it wasn't anymore than they had been this whole time so Charlie didn't stop to consider it.
"A feat I had not imagined possible," Ron rolled his eyes.
Hermione harrumphed at such childish humor that didn't even make sense.
"Which really is just as impressive as your capture of that Snitch," Charlie agreed foolheartedly.
Harry flushed and wished he had actually been wearing one of Dudley's oversized shirts to try and hide his embarrassed face in, though to his relief no one in here gave him as obvious a pitying look as he'd expected. Because he was sitting at their feet, he thankfully missed the worst of them.
"Well I didn't want to see you anyways," Charlie rolled his eyes at his little brother, while his smile was utterly indulgent and fond. He didn't blame him one bit for actually staying behind with his friend.
"Exactly how much help could you give?" Tonks snickered, "that tree's bigger than you."
"Still good of him to offer," Arthur approved.
Everyone in here flushed with anger at that continued crack, this one really needed to get some new material.
"Gah!" Charlie snapped in frustration. "What I would give for someone to give him a detention already!"
"Thank you Hagrid," Arthur breathed that someone was sticking up for his son. He wished he wouldn't resort to violence so fast, but he could hardly tell him off for standing up to that either.
"And I can't wait to hear about it," Harry muttered low enough he thought the two above him hadn't heard, he hated hearing about his new friend being picked on.
Remus and Sirius had heard though, and before Sirius had stopped to consider it he'd exchanged a smirk with Remus before just as quickly looking away.
Dumbledore sighed sadly behind his beard though, wishing he could make the argument Professor Snape had been in his right to do as he'd done, but knew when to pick your battles and arguing this one wasn't worth it.
All of the younger kids went bright eyed with the very idea of that place, Harry most of all as he'd never been able to lay eyes on any Christmas sight that he might actually enjoy.
"I wonder how often they follow that advice," Neville snickered.
Arthur blinked bemusedly as he thought Hermione really was a good friend for his son if she actually got him to admit doing his homework was right.
Causing all of the older people to laugh and the kids to only watch the book more closely with excitement for this answer.
"There's a lost cause already," Remus shook his head with amusement at Harry at his feet clearly already brimming with curiosity about this answer.
Dumbledore tried to hide his amusement behind his beard that he knew quite well where Harry had come across this name, and was curious to see how long it would take him to get hold of that again.
Ron was over there giggling at Hermione, "so you don't know everything. Honestly it's a relief, I was starting to think you didn't even have a need for school."
Hermione hesitated for a moment, unclear how much was friendly teasing or if he was picking on her again, but then she just decided to roll her eyes at him which he took with a smile so clearly it was meant to be played off.
"That sounds insane," Charlie laughed at the very idea. "You'd be better off trying to find Nargles."
"Do what now?" Ron asked.
"Nothing," Charlie waved him off, "just something one of the Lovegoods mentioned once, nice bloke who's chatted with me once or twice about hard to find creatures, I'll explain the rest later."
Dumbledore was having to try very hard now to keep his laughter stifled, no, his old friend wouldn't be in any of those.
Neville was now laughing hardest of all, feeling as if that had just perfectly described all three of them in their searching manners.
"I'd sure hope you didn't find Flamel's name in there," Arthur gave a worried frown, "then I'd be even more concerned as to what's being kept in that school."
Dumbledore did not like seeing someone like Arthur in such worry, so he soothed, "I do promise nothing I ever keep in that castle could bring harm to a student. No, this has nothing to do with the Dark Arts."
Arthur actually did smile and relax at that.
"Not a story could be made that was plausible," Remus snorted, "she'd think you were lying or still kick you out."
"How come none of you asked Pince?" Neville asked. "She doesn't sound friendly, but it would be easier than searching book by book."
"Don't want teachers to know what we're up to I'm sure," Ron shrugged.
Hermione blinked in surprise as she couldn't imagine trying to hide something from a teacher now, but she could also see the logic in it, and it was very confusing for her.
"I understand why you don't want that," Charlie agreed, "but what about McGonagall? You could ask another teacher for help with this."
"Hagrid made it clear we're not supposed to know about this," Ron rebutted in a 'duh' voice, "why would we ask any teacher?"
Charlie sighed but agreed.
Harry and Ron were already exchanging a sheepish look. No matter how pressing the question, they could both already guess it wasn't likely to be their top priority while on vacation.
"What's a dentist?" Ron asked curiously.
"I know it's some muggle profession to do with teeth," Arthur answered while looking at Hermione curiously in hopes for more details.
She seemed to think he was only making sure he was correct though, as she only silently nodded and questioned to herself how wizards took care of their teeth without dentist?
"No one's surprised by that," Tonks laughed.
Harry and Ron were exchanging wide child like grins at the prospect of this to come while everyone else was giggling as they remembered their own childhood holidays.
For once Ron didn't even flush at the mention of this though, instead he was smirking and nodding eagerly to Neville's mouthing surprise. Ron quickly explained to Harry that this was one of his most treasured possessions since the older the chess set the more easily they'd listen to the person giving orders, and he hadn't had a problem getting his to listen to him in ages already.
Charlie wasn't bothering to hide a laugh of his own, thinking about how Bill was already teaching Ron, the only brother who'd ever had interest in being taught, and he was already a pro by the age of eight. Even Percy had never taken much to the game as he preferred to read alone in his room, so it was usually their thing and if Harry knew that he'd know how much it would mean to the boy Ron was playing this with him and teaching him.
"Sadly getting a brand new set wouldn't have been much better," Remus sighed, "then they'd question every move you make. It really takes time to build a bond of trust with them."
Even though no one was surprised by this point, it still felt like a crushing blow to hear about a kid thinking like that around the holidays. Thankfully he had Ron and Hermione as friends now, so they could count on him getting at least something!
Sirius truly couldn't help the beam that lit up his face like a new man again as he watched that shock and absolute happiness light up Harry.
Harry looked up at him just in time to see it, and flickered right off again to be replaced with that calm mask, but for just one second Harry saw that fleeting moment where he looked as happy as he'd felt.
Ron chuckled at Harry's surprise, both then and now, as he demanded, "well what did you expect, parsnips?"
Everyone laughed at Ron not changing much in the next year.
Harry was practically bouncing in place as he realized even Hagrid had given him something! He was acting more childlike and giddy now than his whole time he'd been in here.
Harry let out a giggle at the thought, practically vibrating in place as he tried to envision the moment, hardly wanting to wait around for it to come true and he received his first ever real presents, both birthday and Christmas, from the same man.
"That's friendly," Harry said in surprise, thinking money was probably the kindest gift they'd ever given him. Must be because of how long he'd been gone, and they were being extra nice.
Ron gave a laugh he wasn't the only one mimicking himself.
"What's it look like?" Ron asked as he realized he'd never seen any before.
"I can show you some, I've got a collection of a few muggle coins at home," Arthur said eagerly.
Hermione had a small smile on her face as she watched, and dug around in her pocket until she found a pence of her own and offered to them, "here, you can add this one if you like."
All of the purebloods took a chance to look at the coin with fascination before Ron carefully pocketed it.
Ron was smiling all the harder now as he realized both of his friends had offered him this as a gift.
Ron was flushed with embarrassment that he'd subjected his friend to something like that, while Hermione was frowning disapprovingly at someone putting into a letter he didn't expect someone to be getting presents. She supposed it was very kind of his mother though to still send something along to a boy she'd only met for five minutes.
Sirius had been feeling the loss of his best friend for ten years now, but the impact of losing Lily suddenly struck him. He could just imagine her doing something like that for her son, and knowing she'd never get the chance made a cold bitterness entrench his heart even in the warmth of the idea.
Harry grinned over at her in thanks, hoping he got more frogs to add to his collection. Something tickled in his memory about Chocolate Frog cards, something he should be remembering- but the idea was cut off as Charlie kept going.
Remus and Sirius felt their jaws drop, exchanging a wide eyed look and for once neither broke the moment. There was just no way certainly wasn't...
That it was an invisibility cloak neither had really questioned, but what were the odds? Surely it was James' but if it had ever crossed their mind what had happened to it beyond, they would have thought it would have been destroyed just like their house! What, how on earth had it ended up there?!
"He what?" Remus asked faintly.
Sirius was blinking around the room as well, like he expected someone to pop up and give a perfectly reasonable explanation. Who could have sent that note? The only people who knew that cloak existed were the Marauders, and absolutely none of them were a candidate at this time to be sending any such thing to Harry like this! The only even vague possibility was Remus, but there was just no way he'd do it in this light, and the look on his face made it perfectly clear he had no more knowledge of the cloak than him.
The idea was baffling to the both of them, and honestly offensive. James should have been the one to pass that down to him at his choosing, or Merlin even one of them. Who was this person doing this for Harry?
Aside from that, they were both considering the phrasing of that. If James had lent the cloak to someone else, surely he would have told them? Unless...unless they hadn't been the only ones keeping secrets...
Harry noticed nothing of the reactions above him, he was too busy inspecting this brand new feeling of euphoria. He was actually going to inherit something of his father's! A real life possession! This was better than any picture or word of description that could be offered!
"Of course not, because that would be too easy!" Tonks groaned at this poor kid, and them by extension, never getting a straight answer.
Dumbledore kept himself as impassive as it was possible to be. Even if someone had looked to him for an answer, there wasn't a trace of him showing he had one. Internally Dumbledore was thinking what a good idea this could be, supposing the boy put it to better uses than his father.
"We'd all like to know that," Ron agreed.
It clicked then who may have an answer to that, and Harry snapped his head up to look at his father's friends eagerly for some kind of expression, hopefully recognition, but mainly he saw hurt and confusion, so Harry turned back away in disappointment without either of them having even realized it.
"No one can blame you for that," Neville chuckled. Arthur agreed it may even be a long term good idea, as if he needed his boys to find any extra ways to cause trouble like that would help them do.
Charlie quickly broke whatever tension the cloak had caused by bursting out laughing and informing all, "last year Mum accidentally switched George and Ginny's sweater. So George opened his first and pulled it on, which was bright pink and three sizes too small, but he refused to take it off. So Ginny spent the rest of the day in George's and followed Fred around as his 'twin.' It was fantastic."
The others got a good laugh in as well, nearly everyone back to a nice mood again except for two who still couldn't quite erase their lingering questions.
Arthur rolled his eyes at his sons picking, they just couldn't resist making that joke. They'd successfully found a way to say this for all of their siblings so far, though he found it entirely warming they'd drawn Harry into this already.
Arthur looked around at Ron in surprise, he'd never said anything about this to his parents, but Ron was quickly turning the color of his future sweater and clearly wasn't going to respond right now.
Arthur theatrically clapped his hand to his forehead as he gasped, "ah, why didn't we realize sooner?" While everyone else was laughing at both exchanges.
Charlie shook his head sadly for his brother. They were just laughing and having some fun, why was he always telling the youngers off?
"Do the prefects have their own table?" Harry asked in confusion, thinking that would have been mentioned at the beginning.
"Nah," Charlie shrugged, "I'm sure they just mean his other friends who they think are stuffy or some such."
Arthur was still chuckling at his twins' antics, and hoped Percy was laughing along as well, which he continued to do less of as the years went on.
They all got some light laughter for that, while Dumbledore's smile increased as he envisioned the idea and was hoping another one would appear so he could do this again, he loved flower patterns.
"I love watching the teachers let loose!" Charlie roared with laughter just a smidge louder than everyone else.
Ron gave Harry a happy laugh for that, saying now the two could practice even more and he was sure Harry would learn the game in no time.
"It really is nice even the cat gets some joy," Charlie chuckled.
"Credit for trying?" Charlie chuckled lightly.
"That doesn't sound very full and sleepy to me," Neville said in amusement.
"Trust me, for them not to be setting off some celebratory fireworks for the holiday, this was their chill time," Ron laughed.
Harry honestly found it sounded like the best day ever period. Even trumping the day Hagrid had told him he was a wizard, because he was still new and scary. By that point he'd have adapted to this new world of his, it even sounded as if he'd found a place in it!
Harry had to swallow hard as he looked back hopefully to Remus and Sirius. If that cloak had been his father's, surely they would know? All he saw on their faces though was that they were as filled as he was with questions about this, so he still turned away with disappointment again.
"Sort of a lost cause the moment you realize what that cloak can do honestly," Tonks chuckled as a few mischievous possibilities already came to her mind.
Sirius felt a smile flit across his face for that at least. He hoped Harry didn't get too cocky too quickly, or they were going to hear about a detention before any real adventures.
Ron nodded as if this made absolute sense to him.
Remus managed to hide the majority of his feelings with a deep throated laugh for that, and it only took a moment for not just Sirius but everyone to join in. Of all the places for Harry to go on his first night out, he chose the library for his first adventure? Remus gave him this credit, James had certainly never done that!
"Surely there's not just a bit of rope keeping students out of there," Hermione said at once.
"Oh, there's not," Tonks chuckled, but then pursed her lips not to share more.
Charlie's shoulders were now shaking with silent laughter as well, he and Tonks had once snuck into the Restricted Section on a dare, and they couldn't wait for Harry to experience the same.
Harry's mouth flopped open in shock, finally causing the whole room to burst with laughter, some with surprise, the others simply for Harry's reaction.
"I think panicking is fair after something like that," Hermione grinned even as she rubbed at her chest in shock, she'd never imagined something so frightening, though to be honest the troll was still worse.
"How does he get around so quickly?" Ron groaned for his friend.
"He knows every passageway in the school too well," Charlie groaned, while Tonks still reassured, "but at least he's still got that cloak, so he's still less likely to be caught."
Charlie tisked in disapproval of this, telling Harry, "you really need to learn that school better, make a map of it or something."
Sirius couldn't help but be caught off guard by the comment and give a light chuckle as he watched Harry's face, and before he even realized he'd done it he'd caught Remus' eye and the two shared a real grin before Sirius just as quickly looked away again, leaving Tonks and everyone none the wiser of what just happened.
"That makes sense logically," Hermione began with sympathy-
"but my brothers told me there's armor all over the castle," Ron finished, then the two glanced at each other in surprise for doing so.
Harry had no answer for this and shrugged.
"Gah, of all the rotten luck!" Arthur groaned, causing his two boys to laugh.
Remus had a sour expression on his face as he demanded, "why would Snape be asking about this? Why would Filch go to him instead of handling it on his own like always?"
No one really had an answer for that, except for Ron's mutter of what a nosy git they both there. Dumbledore did not add in his idea that perhaps Severus was keeping an eye on this particular subject for him. After all, if he was keeping track of Harry's investigation into this, he would know the boy had been searching the library for clues. Therefore when he'd sent along the cloak, he would guess this would be a stop for Harry.
A collective breath escaped the room, no one bothering to deny they were pleased Harry had gotten away with this.
"The Mirror of Erised I presume," Tonks murmured curiously.
"Least it hasn't tried to kill him yet," Charlie shifted anxiously as they all listened to what this thing could be, or indeed what it was doing there.
Charlie's face screwed up in annoyance upon trying to read that, before he shrugged and said, "okay, I have no clue what that means."
"Well it's a mirror right?" Ron pointed out with a shrug. "Why don't you try reading it backwards."
Hermione gaped at him in shock of such a simple explanation, but then Charlie reread the line slowly and said with conviction, "I show not your face but your heart's desire! The Mirror of Desire huh? This is starting to sound kind of cool."
There were murmurs of interest from everyone except Dumbledore, whose face was drawn with tight laced confusion. Why was this not downgrading the Stone? He could think of a few constructive reasons to plant this in front of Harry and have the boy learn its uses, but the timing of this truly was magnificent if it had worked out like he was thinking.
That gave everyone in the room a jolt of concern, Sirius' hand automatically going down to search out his godson's shoulder again, finding that reassuring pressure he was still alive. Visions swarming his head of that mirror somehow finding a way to torture him-
Charlie wasn't waiting around to theorize and let his mind go wild, he pressed on loudly above any discomfort, even his own.
Remus and Sirius both sat up straight in their seats, eyeing the book as if questioning its credibility for the first time. Nothing had ever seen through the cloak, what powers did this mirror hold to be suggesting such a thing? That wasn't even scratching at the question of who all those people-
"That has nothing to do with desire though," Hermione muttered to herself, a look of intense concentration in place to try and understand what was happening here.
"Oh," Hermione suddenly gasped, her hand covering her mouth in shock as she watched Harry nestled in between Remus and Sirius' legs, the two people in the world who had any connection to his dad. She hadn't even known him that long, but she'd watched as he lit up with any information regarding his parents, what he'd most desire to see then...
"Prongs." The word escaped from Sirius' mouth without consciously deciding to. A reflex reaction to someone he'd never truly see again...
No one could even imagine such a thing. Even Neville in seeing the tarnished shells his parents now at least recognized them for who they were, had seen pictures of them when they were full of life. To have to ask a mirror, to see your own parents for the first time in your life at eleven.
Charlie suddenly felt dirty. Like he was reading something invasive, private, as if reading a diary. He glanced up at Harry, intending to apologize and skip this part of his life, but then he saw those green eyes had never been brighter in their life, or so full of longing. Yet he did not seem to want to move, the thought clearly wasn't even going to cross his mind he wanted to experience this alone this time around, he'd never looked so comfortable sitting where he was in between his dad's old friends who clearly needed Harry right now as badly as he needed them, so Charlie flipped the page, and kept going.
Harry was suddenly terrified that was the last mention he was ever going to get, and looked up to Sirius and Remus for anything, any kind of indication they would give him more if he asked.
Both were pale, their eyes too bright, it was very clear they'd only been listening with the most distant part of their being as they were forced to relive old memories they had no desire to revisit for the pain it caused, well aware they both would have seen something very similar in that mirror themselves. Yet they both sensed the eyes on them, ghostly eyes that had haunted their nightmares for ten years now brought back to life in a face they'd both been convinced they'd never see again. Harry was looking at them with a question, and both of them silently promised him an answer.
Ron winced in horror as he realized he'd probably seen Lily and James Potter even before their own son though. His dad had taken him to the statue in Godric's Hollow just like the rest of his siblings when he'd turned ten, and though they had just been statues, it was closer than Harry had ever seen.
Charlie felt like his head was detached from his body he was still so in shock over realizing this little kid had so little to his life that the words that sprung from him hardly registered, "well I'm flattered you wanted to see me so much."
Harry gave back an honest grin though, the most brilliant smile he'd ever given anyone in his life. Everything around him suddenly felt ten times brighter, he couldn't stop imagining it, he was actually going to get to see his parents! Actual images of them he didn't have to conjure up in his head!
Arthur frowned at his son for such a careless comment, prepared to turn to Harry and apologize on behalf of his son for that, but to his surprise Harry hardly looked offended, he seemed to find this a legitimate response and was grinning at Ron.
Charlie rolled his eyes at his brother, but that was just because he was sure Harry was totally wrong about the idea of this mirror, but as he hadn't bothered translating it he obviously didn't know any such thing.
"Is that your answer to everything?" Neville couldn't help but smile at him. "Every time you two have seemed to come across a problem, you seem to wind up eating or offering food at some point."
"Food helps me think," Ron half heartedly defended.
They all threw Harry a concerned look at this rather odd response from what they could tell of him, and the fact that he was frowning in agreement wasn't encouraging. It didn't quite take away his now ultimate desire to see that mirror, to see his parents, but it was starting to make him feel a touch more cautious about running up to the school and finding it.
"The mirror's certainly accurate then," Remus couldn't help but mutter, his throat so tight the words couldn't have come out as more than a whisper if he'd tried. He'd meant to say that to Harry, but had hardly stood saying it once. He didn't even realize Sirius had heard, and was actually trying to catch his eye in sympathy.
Charlie gazed for a long time at his brother's deepest desire before glancing up at him, finding Ron's face contemplative.
He supposed he'd never really thought about it before this moment, but that did make sense he'd want to be all his brothers had all at once. Even now though he wasn't certain he'd see the very same thing, his dads comforting words still nestled tight in his heart. Had his dad ever said anything like that to him in his own future? If he'd never heard Ron's fears of forever being overshadowed by his brothers, he doubted it.
Remus and Sirius both flinched as they felt their hearts break in half. Seeing what had become of each other had been horrid enough, but in some twisted way blaming that on each other pushed it into the bearable category. That though, that was only on themselves, they should have been there for Harry and not waited for whatever magical cosmos had caused these events to occur to find him again.
Neither person who could have had an answer were even paying attention enough to acknowledge themselves if they even had one.
"How come it affects Ron so much less than Harry?" Hermione asked.
Dumbledore took his time thinking about the answer before responding, "I believe young Mr. Potter put it in some way himself, Mr. Ronald Weasley could conjure up that very image in his own head at his own free will. However, Mr. Potter's is something he had no knowledge of even before the mirror showed him. Countless others have wasted away before this object, riveted by what they saw," he finished with a pitiful sight. "I am sure someone will get through to young Harry soon that this mirror holds no more to him than something that should have long been given to him."
Harry wasn't quite sure he agreed. No matter how many pictures he was given, he'd never be in the photo with his parents, never actually be able to do more than imagine the sensation of them even touching him except for what that mirror could show him. It was the first time he really realized he was questioning Dumbledore.
Charlie startled a bit in surprise upon reading that, glancing quickly around the room to find all attention was now directly focused back on him by everyone instead of the mournful contemplation he'd been sensing before.
Tonks actually felt herself laughing in relief as she leaned over Charlie's shoulder to see that one for herself. "Here I was worried about a teacher catching up to you, instead you get the good fortune of the one adult figure there who won't even punish you."
"You say that with such confidence," Neville gave an uneasy laugh.
"Oh she's completely right," Charlie joined in her laughter. "I heard this one time a Ravenclaw tried to smuggle out a bunch of kittens from Transfiguration, was going on about the animal cruelty of practicing magic on them because the little first year had yet to even get to the lesson about how it doesn't have any lasting effects on them. Anyways, McGonagall was all ready to give her a detention for it, but then Dumbledore swooped in and got McGonagall to give her five points instead for acting on her mind and getting as far as she did."
All of the kids were laughing by the end of the tail while Dumbledore smiled serenely. He was indeed happy to always let his pupils act how they saw fit and even encourage such things so long as it brought no harm.
"I do love that he's clearly watched you break the rules at least twice then and merely observed," Arthur couldn't help but chuckle.
Harry felt his mouth go terribly dry all of a sudden. He didn't want to waste away his life wishing for something he was well aware he couldn't have. If a family could only exist in a mirror for him, then so be it. He'd just have to live with the idea of them and never seek out that mirror, no matter how heavy that made his heart.
Hermione couldn't help but frown anxiously, that felt foreboding to her, but no one else seemed to be paying it much mind, simply Dumbledore acting like the teacher he once was in that moment.
Dumbledore felt his face cloud as the true image he knew he'd see swam before his eyes, blocking the rest of the world from sight. The plan he held for Harry, he could hardly admit to himself, was perhaps only doable because of what he'd done in his past.
Arthur continued chuckling, Sirius and Remus rolled their eyes, no one seemed to realize the man himself couldn't find the energy to play along with the joke right now. He found it incredibly heart wrenching that he and Harry saw very similar things in that mirror and had yet to shake this from himself to continue on for the big picture.
"Yes well, not when you consider he already knew yours," Charlie shrugged without remorse as he tossed the book to his dad.
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