Everybody else came back into the reading room, looking considerably less anxious, a break had given them perspective and they all at least seemed vaguely confident so long as the kids getting caught on the tower was the worst of it, expulsion shouldn't be an option...
Harry took the book from where Ron had left it and dragged an uneasy breath through him, hesitating a few more moments to try and catch Remus and Sirius' eyes before he started. Neither of them were looking at him, or much of anything, they seemed very worried about something indeed, and it wasn't exactly making him feel better, unlike those around him who now had full bellies while he again had barely eaten, far too nervous.
Harry stuttered the chapter title before feeling his stomach clenching so painfully he was very glad indeed now he hadn't eaten.
"Well, that's a good thing!" Neville tried to say, grasping vaguely for anything to stop making Harry look like he was going to be sick all over his lap. "I mean, if you were going to be expelled, you wouldn't be in there, right?"
"Thanks Neville," Harry muttered without really meaning it.
"Don't say that!" Charlie groaned, face buried in his fingers for just how many ways this could all go horribly wrong, he could get arrested for one! He didn't think his brother would rat him out, but the point still stood! "Things can always get worse!"
Harry agreed, the possibilities of it all flying through his mind. Maybe he tried to make a run from the school before they put him on the train and he ran in there, maybe Hagrid did take him on as an assistant and he was doing a favor in there for him and got eaten or-
"Come on Harry," Ron pinched him to get his attention, unraveling his mind. "Let's at least hear it before bed."
Harry tried to catch Remus and Sirius' eye one more time, but still found nothing. Dumbledore though did catch his eye with a light enough smile, and surely if the headmaster of the school didn't seem worried it would all be okay...
"Good to know you have a vivid imagination, rather than just freezing up like some," Tonks offered with a smirk at Charlie.
"You're no better," Charlie huffed back, "nobody believed that story about a leprechaun and tooth floss!"
"Well, at least we won't the second time," Ron pointed out, fidgeting with his trainers and looking completely relaxed, but then, he wasn't the one in trouble this time.
"What do you mean the second time?" Arthur asked shrewdly, and Ron quickly snapped to attention at that.
"Oh, good point, I guess you'll stop Hagrid from doing this huh?" He asked in disappointment. Arthur frowned, as that hadn't been what he meant and his son knew it, but Harry kept going regardless.
"Nah," Harry looked up to see Sirius finally was looking at him again, and he seemed to be forcing himself to relax a bit. "If after all the mad stuff we did didn't get us kicked out, a little wandering around will give you house points deducted, a detention at most." The longer he was away from the dementors, the more memories were stirring in him, several of which now centered around Moony now that he'd been really trying to think of it. Of course, McGonagall nor anyone had ever found out about that, but his point still stood.
Harry tried to smile and breathe easier, but as Sirius didn't continue with any story about his dad, he also wondered if Sirius was trying to set him up for disappointment by underplaying this. It made far more sense to him than the notion of even realizing Sirius was trying to comfort him.
Neville squeaked in surprise, and now with Arthur still eyeing his son and thinking about just how much of this he was going to be telling Molly about Ron's continued nighttime wanderings with a cloak, all four kids looked thoroughly chastised before Harry even read it out.
"Well that makes sense," Charlie said passively, "as Norbert was too young to start doing that, they don't manage such a thing until they're a year old. Of course, Norbert seemed particularly vicious," he finished as an afterthought, "you would think a male would be far calmer-"
Tonks had to pinch him again to get him to stop. Even with the dragon gone and his brother in trouble it still seemed he was stuck on that.
They were getting a pretty good replica of that in here, even with no professor hovering over here, it seemed as if she feared breathing too much would bring that on her now.
"A bit, yeah," Remus muttered under his breath, it was certainly of the most mild of pranks imaginable, but one he could imagine James and Sirius doing all the same in their school years.
Sirius heard him, and gave him the briefest of smiles even if he still didn't know how to respond to that anymore.
Neville wasn't looking as much so now, but still deeply upset at the idea of his Gran getting sent a letter about this. It was a small miracle she hadn't been brought in for this to chastise him in person and see how much of an idiot he was in comparison to Harry Potter.
Neville winced, missing Harry's apologetic look as he only seemed to hear agreement in that.
Sirius couldn't stop a snort of mirth at that, had she gone senile? He tried to smile at Harry and hoped he shared in the laugh, but he was looking more miserable by the word of how much he'd clearly messed up.
"Ouch," Charlie and Tonks winced, that was a hefty blow, getting both.
"Wow," even Arthur looked stunned now by this level. "They weren't even near the forbidden corridor, and as far as she knows, there wasn't a dragon involved."
"I think she's trying to nip this in the bud so there won't be a repeat performance," Remus offered with a tired smile. If McGonagall had caught James and Sirius this early in their school life it might have curbed them. He caught Sirius' eye roll, and mentally corrected probably not.
This was miserable to watch, Harry hadn't even looked this upset while mention of the Dursleys had been going on, and Neville seemed as if he were fighting back tears now. No one could think of much comfort for them though, because it was important they get this through their head now, what they'd done had been dangerous.
Remus had been wrong, Sirius had been thinking the opposite, he did wish McGonagall had put a stop to him and James sooner. Maybe they wouldn't have made friends with that rat if they hadn't wanted him around so much for his sneaky ways, maybe Harry would have a much safer school life out of detentions than he ever did if he did more actively try to keep out of trouble. He wouldn't trade his years with James away for anything, but now because of how his life had turned out, he couldn't even remember most of those. If Harry learning now how to keep out of trouble meant he was saved from even a glimmer of this, he'd take the kids being upset now rather than anymore panic attacks later like he'd already gotten.
Ron straightened his back, he alone looked rather proud of himself that of course he'd stick by Harry through this mess. He'd been waiting his whole life to get to Hogwarts and make friends, he wasn't just going to abandon them at the first hard catch.
"They might try now though," Charlie offered with a small laugh. "They don't like being out done."
"That would be something to see," Tonks agreed with a small laugh.
A very small part of Sirius recognized how much he had changed, as he could easily imagine James having a melt down at the notion of that news and Sirius joining in, but now he just nodded to himself. Despite his pride in Harry getting the position in the first place, it had so far been nothing but more worry for him. If it made him less of a target, Sirius was all for it. He'd still buy him a Nimbus, but let him fly it where somebody didn't want him dead.
Harry was sinking lower into his seat every few moments like he hoped the couch would swallow him whole again. He hadn't been expelled though, he reminded himself. It could still be worse. It seemed this was going to be the lowest he could feel at Hogwarts, but it was still better than a lifetime back at the Dursleys.
"Is that all it took to get you to stop showing off?" Ron laughed.
She frowned and bit her lip, and Ron suddenly remembered her crying jag and quickly corrected, "but um, I bet you're still smartest in that class."
She sighed rather than look at him, for the first time in her life that didn't feel good enough. She'd been smartest in her class all through growing up, but now it seemed when she'd finally made friends, she was the worst at doing that.
Sirius groaned internally. 'Not another beast,' he pleaded with the book, 'he's trying to be good! Unlike me!'
There wasn't an untense set of shoulders in the room, and every one of them, including Harry himself, wished he'd back away from that door rather than towards it.
Harry's breath of relief was loudest of all, he had not been looking forward to seeing Snape or anyone that had threatened Quirrell anymore than anyone else.
Dumbledore's frown was the most pronounced yet, nobody could miss it, beard or no beard. He had no misgivings about Severus being involved though, no, what troubled him was what had Quirrell just gone through then. Had Severus made Quirinius crack and tell all he knew, it hadn't sounded like that, but then who besides his trusted Potions Master had been threatening Quirrell? There was something he was missing.
Harry looked up in surprise for the first time to see Ron and Hermione looking to him for the answer. Neville as well, but with much more reluctance. He had not a clue what to make of it, nobody ever looked to him for an answer before.
Harry nodded to himself, that made perfect sense to him.
"That's the best option I've heard yet," Arthur agreed in relief, he wished one of the kids had done this long before now.
"It does all stack up rather poorly in your favor," Tonks agreed with a sad frown, but her mind was working furiously to try at some alternatives. "However, you could always try-"
"Tonks, please don't encourage them," Charlie sighed, he didn't want his brother in this mess anymore than his friends.
Ron flushed, but looked rather stubborn as Charlie and Arthur both groaned.
Here, Sirius cleared his throat obviously, and when he saw Harry was looking at him, finally smiled. That was exactly what he'd been hoping for, even avoidance of Dumbledore was good in his book for now. Harry blinked in surprise but gave a small smile back, nodding to himself as this all but confirmed to him he'd made the right choice, he couldn't imagine anything that would change his mind now that he knew he had his dad's old friends approval.
"Good luck with that, there are seventy-nine of those!" Remus groaned, trying to change the subject verbally rather than grapple with the fence in his mind more of what Harry should have done. He felt like time was compressing around him, he didn't have long until a decision would have to be made, and he wanted to take this time while he could and enjoy his chance at talking to Harry. He'd always been weak like that, spending his years in school blissfully pretending there was nothing outside of those castle walls until it was far too late.
"How could you have forgotten that part?" Ron gasped. "It's been the best thing so far! Well, except for the Quidditch stuff, that Malfoy-" Arthur cleared his throat before Ron could go with any vulgar things that were clearly on the tip of his tongue, but when his son continued with audible mutters for all the boy had said of him and his family, he couldn't bring himself to scold again.
"Outside?" Charlie and Tonks muttered in confusion, but Harry thought to himself this made sense, that Forbidden Forest still on his mind. That place clearly had a hand to play in his detention, though it wasn't comforting when he looked around and saw this wasn't particularly the usual.
Arthur made an unpleasant face at that. The caretaker in his time had actively used such things and worse, he was glad all Filch could do was posture.
Remus couldn't help the small wince that caused, the moon still weighing heavily on his mind and this setting was only upping the vivid nightmares playing through his mind.
Arthur spluttered in surprise, even Apollyon Pringle had never done this to a student!
He wasn't the only one worried, both Sirius and Remus had first hand experience of what was in that place, and neither wanted Harry doing the same!
Charlie and Tonks looked a bit curious though, they'd never strayed too far in themselves, preferring to stick to the castle when they had their fun.
The four kids exchanged an unhappy look. Hagrid or no, none of them were looking forward to this part of their school.
Ron at least got a smirk out of that.
At least Remus had trained himself long before now not to react to such things, but his skin did prickle uncomfortably when he swore Arthur gave him a side look for that. At least he didn't say anything though.
Harry reached over and gave him a pat on the shoulder, despite the fact he'd done no such thing now. He could understand the sentiment of how terrifying that sounded, he'd hate to meet one of those even out of detention if they were anything like the monster movies he'd heard of.
"Why couldn't Hagrid have just picked them up in the Entrance Hall?" Tonks sighed.
"Got to pay Filch for doing something other than complaining I guess," Charlie huffed.
"At least someone's pleased about this," Hermione's voice was still wobbling with fear. This was the farthest she'd ever been away from home, and she didn't even know where here was.
"We were doing wrong for him though," Ron muttered, though he wasn't too surly on his friends behalf, as Hagrid had obviously been speaking to that Malfoy prat.
"Almost wish he would though," Harry said with a smile. Despite how scary the place sounded, he well knew there was no point complaining of a punishment. Then again, if Dudley had complained, he would have gotten out of it, so it was interesting to note Malfoy hadn't.
Sirius swallowed uncomfortably and shot Dumbledore a glare. He'd been all assuring Harry was safe, now here he was doing something the gamekeeper himself had just admitted was dangerous! France was looking better by the minute.
The Headmaster did not acknowledge this, as he was thinking to himself what an unusual punishment this was indeed. In his tenure this was not in fact usual, and while perhaps Hagrid had felt bad the children were punished on behalf of helping him and stepping in, Dumbledore couldn't help but wonder if this wasn't more to do with Harry. If perhaps he'd gotten wind, or even predicted such punishment would diminish this streak of healthy curiosity he'd be more than happy to nurse, and a place like the Forest and Hagrid's nieve influence could do wonders in stoking that back to life.
Now everyone except the four kids looked rather worried at what was to come. Unicorns did not get hurt often, their blood being cursed and all, and they certainly didn't want whatever had done it around the kids!
"Darn, here I didn't think he could ask a good question, now I'm proven wrong," Tonks pouted, but her cheerful nature didn't seem to catch much attention.
Neville did whimper then, he had no desire to be alone with Malfoy! Harry wished he could apologize, he'd offer to go with Malfoy instead if this did have to happen again.
Sirius felt his innards twisting like spaghetti on a fork. Harry hadn't even come across anything dangerous yet and he was already fearing the worst, his extensive knowledge of that Forest giving him a better idea than anyone else just what his godson could find around any tree in that place! He was already fighting back the urge to go to him again, sit on the arm of the sofa, have him close and safe. He fought it off as long as he could though, forcing himself to watch Dumbledore more than Harry. He was safe, he kept chanting to himself, and Sirius would have to find a way to keep it that way until he could figure out how to get around him.
Remus kept a smile easily off his face, shooing away the memory of Prongs telling him this revelation himself one night. That wasn't a memory he'd likely be sharing with Harry.
Sirius twitched in displeasure, now that they'd started, a flood of memories were starting to creep in all around him, of how many times they'd stopped and played near that, how he'd pushed Peter into that as often as he did the lake- stop he pleaded with his mind, one thing at a time!
Harry did not shout that as loud as Hagrid likely had, but enough he was sure he got the point across as his voice cracked with fear.
Remus and Sirius were of the same mind now, traveling over every inch of the forest that they knew, and not at all comforted they didn't recognize such a noise. That was worse than if they did and knew what was coming!
Remus' mouth opened of its own accord that time, and he had to remind himself to shut it, physically and literally. Asking Harry to stop bringing that up would help nothing right now, but he was quickly losing the fight with his sanity over here!
As did they in here, even with the knowledge now that all magical creatures existed didn't quite put into perspective every new one they came across. Harry's voice came across with genuine awe as he read now, instead of fear, so it was a nice change of pace.
Arthur managed an uneasy laugh, he'd never had first hand experience with a centaur, and wondered if they were all that morbidly plain.
"Wouldn't he be the one to ask about it then?" Tonks pointed out. "He does live out there."
"We live in the school half the year and don't know everything that goes on in there," Charlie reminded.
"There you go," Charlie snorted and waved at the book anyways.
Sirius' already sallow skin looked suddenly tainted. Oh how well he knew that to be true, and he'd do anything to stop it happening to Harry next. Anything.
Ron laughed, and after a moment Harry joined in.
"I don't think I heard that the first few times," Charlie rolled his eyes.
"I'm sure they'll repeat it a few more for you," Tonks sighed.
"You can apparently get a crooked one out of them," Tonks pointed out, Remus couldn't help but laugh.
'Well doesn't that remind me of someone,' Sirius was still glaring at Dumbledore.
"You didn't say it sounded like hooves," Ron reminded.
Neville moaned and sunk low in his seat in fright. Was this why he'd been brought along, to show how he'd die?!
Sirius now sat tense and painfully straight on the edge of his seat, eyes now flickering from Dumbledore to Harry. Great, now his godson was alone in there!
"I won't blame you Harry," Neville promised quietly. He still couldn't bring himself to regret being in there, hearing that he'd at least tried to warn Harry was the bravest thing he could ever imagine himself doing, it was nice to know that was somewhere in him.
Harry was practically bouncing in his seat, he would never forgive himself if something happened to Neville because of him
Everyone sighed in relief for that, Sirius in particular now forcing himself to relax and hoping Hagrid would just call them back to the castle for a night's end already.
Neville sank even lower in his seat, fighting back tears of shame. For every good thing he'd been mentioned doing, he still seemed to find himself as pathetic as ever.
Sirius gagged like he was choking on his tongue. Harry glanced up at him and tried to offer a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, he was definitely not any happier about these prospects.
Hermione sighed at the idea of getting to see something so beautiful like that for the first time dead.
There was not an untense set of shoulders in the room, not one of them having forgotten this was the noise to fear that night.
Sirius' eyes were now dead set on Harry, as if fearing any moment he was going to vanish from the room the moment that creature pounced.
Harry's hands were shaking, his voice cracked more painfully than ever, could barely hold the book aloft anymore to hide his white face. Rather than let his imagination play out of that horrid monster though, he glanced up to see Sirius and Remus look at him in horror. It was still odd to him, to see them care so much at what happened to him, and he still wasn't quite sure why. Just because they'd once known his dad shouldn't mean that had anything to do with him. They did though, the worry was plain as day to see. He didn't know what he'd done to earn that, but he tried to keep going now in as calm a way as he could in some way to say thanks.
Harry blinked in surprise, his hand reaching up tentatively trace the mark now. That was not a feeling he'd like to imagine anymore than meeting this monster.
Sirius lost his inner fight, he was on his feet.
Then his knees buckled and he fell back into his seat anyways. Everyone was so relieved Harry was alright once more the moment practically went unnoticed.
"Wow," Charlie whispered under his breath, but Tonks still nudged him to keep him quiet until Harry got out of that forest, and he agreed.
"No, he's the one who saved Harry's life," Tonks retorted anyways, deciding she didn't like centaurs much right now that weren't Firenze.
"Sworn by who?" Hermione broke out of her petrified daze to ask.
"No one knows, centaurs have very well kept secrets," Remus answered kindly, but still without taking his eyes off Harry.
Sirius laughed for himself. He definitely needed to go find Firenze and thank him personally.
"We all share that feeling," Ron promised.
Harry understood then, no matter how much he wished he didn't. He felt something kindling inside of him, something new in his voice as he kept reading.
Voldemort was going to come back. His parents had died in vain trying to protect him, for there was no doubt in his mind whom he would come after first. He realized this with a calm, detached sort of clarity, as others around him voiced this same fear, though not in so many words. It was around him, apart from him, as he kept going, issuing silence in a way he never in his life would have believed he could.
'Not safe,' Sirius thought wildly, every moment Harry spent on those school grounds no longer felt safe. He didn't know what to do about any of it though, it was always James who had come up with the plans.
Charlie made a brave attempt at laughing that no one paid a mind to.
He was in here as well, but it was slowing with every word.
Dumbledore sighed, the boy was certainly single minded. That could prove both useful and cumbersome on the journey to come for him.
All Sirius and Remus heard, was that Harry had said his name. Voldemort, he hadn't even stuttered. He wasn't shaking anymore.
"Please," Ron emphasized himself, it was creepy Harry was doing it!
Sirius felt his blood boil, wanting to snap at those centaurs, his mum, and anyone putting any value in stars over his godson's life!
Ron had given up muttering that in here and had switched to covering his ears as well as flinching when Harry did, and still he hardly noticed sitting right next to him. His voice was growing in strength and volume.
Harry looked so much like James in that moment, it was as if Prongs himself was speaking to them.
"No Harry," Sirius spoke with such absolute finality, Harry felt he had no choice but to look up at him. He smiled again, as he thought he noticed pride in his voice once more, and this had nothing to do with Quidditch. Was it possible, Sirius was proud of him for the way he was handling this?
Sirius could no longer believe that, he had faith in no one but himself anymore on how to keep Harry safe, and even then he didn't really have that except sheer determination without a plan. He didn't know how he was going to do it, but there was no doubt in his mind he would if he had to fight every Death Eater in the world and Voldemort himself if he had to.
Harry gazed down at those words for a long time before he could admit he was done. There was still some left to go, but a note of finality rang in his voice as he felt he finally understood his place in this wizarding world, why all of these wizards were so fascinated with him. He would not go running back and hide in his cupboard and refuse to face this. He wasn't afraid of Voldemort anymore, he'd make his parents proud and stand up to him just like they did.
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