When I woke up I realized I was alone. I looked around for Draco but he wasn't in here.
So I got up and went to take a shower. I took my time in there thinking I was in no hurry.
I heard a sudden knock on the door and thinking it was Draco wanting to get in, I wrapped myself in a towel and opened it without looking through the peep hole.
"Victoria?" My mouth fell open.
"Thomas? What are you doing here?"
"I told you id show you my town. But I see you aren't ready."
"I overheard you. Talking to Beck or whatever her name was." I say to him watching his expression.
His face goes sour for a moment then back to normal.
"Beck is nothing to me. Just someone I keep around for fun."
I grip the door tightly. He probably said the same about me.
"I'm not going to be another one of your puppets. Now leave." I try to close the door but he was stronger.
"I said go."
"No. I don't think I want to do that. You're a special girl." He comes closer to me and I back away from him hitting the wall.
"Leave her alone Thomas." He turns around to see Alice standing in the door way.
"Why do you care Alice? Jealous that she's better than you?"
Alice looked ready to spit fire.
"No because youre a prick and she deserves better. Now leave."
"What's going on here?" James and Draco appear in the door way beside Alice.
"Hes being a prick James. Make him leave." Alice comes and stands by me.
What's her deal? Thomas might be big but James is bigger. All he doea is stare at Thomas until he feels uncomfortable and walks away. But before he gets out the door Draco punches him in the face.
"Leave my girl alone got it?" Draco says in his face.
Thomas moves to hit Draco back but James got in his way. He pushes Thomas against the wall and then grabs him by the shirt and throws him out the room, slamming the door behind him.
Then they all turn to stare at me. Realizing I was still in a towel, I blushed.
"Um let me go change." I stumble into the bathroom and kneel on the sink. I was shaking. Not from the fight but from what Draco said.
Leave my girl alone. He called me his girl. His.
Then why was he acting like this?
I hurry and put on a pair of jeans and a long sleeved tshirt.
I walk back out to them and sit down beside Alice.
"Don't expect me to always cover for you. Come on James." She gets up and walks away.
"You go. Il stay. I need to talk to Victoria." She gives him a weird look and walks away.
Draco gets up and walks into the bathroom while James sits beside me.
"Sorry bought her. She has mood swings."
"Yeah I noticed." I said faintly.
"Want to go get breakfast?"
I shrug. Guess I got nothing to lose eh? I get up and pull James along with me.
Sorry short chapter! I'm at a cheese festival and gotta concentrate but I figured id update while I wait!
Hope you like..what do yall think about Alice? Or Thomas? Jerk ain't he?
Update soon lovelies!!
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