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Krystal's POV
Rosie is gone.
She left yesterday and now I have absolutely no one to hang out with.
A part of me feels mad at her, she could've asked to stay here with me. But then again if I was going to Bora Bora for the summer I wouldn't stay either.
Ugh. This sucks.
I decide to go to the beach since I have nothing else to do. So I pack a bag, put on my sexiest bikini, and head out.
When I finally reach my destination I notice how many people there are. Why is it so crowded? It's like everyone had nothing else to do but come here. I park and find a relatively quiet area to relax. Spreading out my chair, towel, and drink I lay down and pull my shades over my eyes. Despite the hot sun a cool breeze passes over me. I doze off.
Sometime later I feel something wet drip onto my stomach. My eyes shoot open.
Reese is standing over me, his hair dripping wet. He's shirtless and wearing a pair of swimming shorts that hang low on his hips.
"Are you stalking me now?" I frown up at him.
"If you haven't noticed the beach is public place. It seems like you're stalking me. First at the mall and now here."
"What are you doing?" I sit up.
"Swimming. And what are you doing?" He looks around me. "By yourself if I may add?"
"None of your business," I snap.
"Wait let me guess everyone left for summer vacation except you!" He laughs. "What happened, I thought you were rich and could afford to go anywhere."
I feel like strangling him. "Like I said it's none of your business."
"Okay," he replies sarcastically. "Well since you have no one to hang out with I guess I could hang with you."
"I don't need you to hang out with me," I bite out.
"Come on it'll be fun," he sits next to me. "I can show you the world," he sings.
"Are you quoting Aladdin?"
"Yep," he grins. "So let's play truth or dare."
I roll my eyes. "What are we in grade school?"
"Try not to suck the fun out of this one activity Krystal," he says. "So, truth or dare?"
No way am I picking dare. Knowing him he'll dare me to do something stupid, dangerous, or illegal.
"Truth," I choose.
"Somehow I knew you would pick that. But don't think you're going to get it easy," he thinks for a moment before a mischievous grin lights up his face.
"So," he starts. "Have you even given head before?"
If I had liquid in my mouth I would spit it out on him. What the hell!
"What kind of question is that?!" I screech, my face burning. "First of all its none of your business!"
"Why, is Josh's dick too small?" He smirks.
"I am not talking about any of that with you!"
"Fine," he sighs. "Such a prude."
"Sorry I don't go gallivanting around telling everyone I meet about my sexual life, unlike you."
"Contrary to what you believe I don't go around telling about my sexual life either," he shrugs. "But shït gets out."
I scoff. Yeah right.
"Well now that I know you won't do or answer anything fun I guess there's no point in playing this game," Reese stands.
"It's your fault for asking such an inappropriate question," I cross my arms.
"Sorry if I don't want to be boring," he looks out to the water. "Wanna go for a swim?"
"No thanks," I lay back down.
"Oh my bad, did I make it seem like I was asking, because I wasn't," he scoops me up bridal style and starts running toward the water.
"Put me down!" I scream kicking my feet furiously. "At least let me take off my glasses and shoes!"
He removes my shoes and glasses for me and throws them down onto the sand. I'm horrified.
"Those glasses were Gucci! And my slippers Versace! Do you know how much they cost?!"
He ignores me and runs out into the ocean. I squeal at the coldness of the water.
"Don't drop me!" I wrap my arms around his neck.
He laughs and spins around.
Then he promptly drops me. I swallow about a mouthful of seawater.
Reese is laughing so hard he's wheezing for breath. I get up and slosh over to him, pushing him in the face. He falls backward into the water.
"That's what you get asshole," I push away wet strands of hair from my eyes.
He sits up laughing. "Ok maybe I deserved that. But come on you have to admit that was funny."
I feel my mouth twitch and bite my lip. "It was not."
"Come on you know you wanna laugh," he says teasingly.
"I do not," I kick water in his face and turn to make my way out of the water.
I don't know until it's too late that he's running up to me and pushes me from behind causing me to fall again. Then he sticks his tongue out and takes off.
I'm going to kill him.
I sprint after him kicking up a flurry of water. "You're so dead!" I shout at him. He turns around and starts running backward making faces. I push myself to run faster and end up tackling him. We both go down.
I realize I'm laughing. What the heck?
"There's that smile," Reese says grinning.
"Whatever," I turn his face away and toward the wet sand. That's when I realize how close we are. His arms are around my waist touching my bare skin and I'm practically laying on him. Quickly I scramble up.
Why is my heart pounding?
He sits up with a knowing smile on his face. "What's the rush?"
"I realized I have things to do," I search the area for my glasses and slippers. Luckily they're still where Reese threw them down. Then I speed walk back to my chair and start packing up.
Reese comes up behind me. "You busy tonight?"
"Why?" I whip around and glare at him, putting my defenses back up. I can't let my guard down around him.
"Just answer the question."
"Maybe, maybe not."
"I'll take that as a no. Cool, I'll pick you up at nine."
"Wait what?"
"Be ready," he calls out walking away.
I cross my arms and scowl at his retreating figure.
On my way home my thoughts are racing. I try not to think about how for the first time I really noticed how hot Reese is.
I try not to think about his smooth tan skin, shirtless chest, and his v-line.
I try not to think about his bright green eyes and curly hair.
I try not to think about his dimples.
And I really try not to think about how my heart skipped a beat when he touched me.
Reese's POV
"Mamá, ¿puedo llevar tu coche esta noche?"
"¿Por qué?" She asks chopping up vegetables.
Better to be just honest.
"I'm going to a party."
She turns and narrows her eyes at me. "A party?"
"Yeah it's just a couple friends hanging out."
"Oh really?"
She thinks for a moment. "Okay. But don't make me regret it. And be home by eleven thirty."
"Gracias!" I kiss her check and head up to my room to get ready. I should probably take a shower since I was at the beach today.
Today has been full of surprises. Like how I was able to form a crack in the Queen Bee's armor.
Man she can be so uptight. It took a lot just to loosen her up but the results were worth it.
I washed my hair in the shower and let it dry naturally. Then I put on jeans and a plain black t-shirt.
"Bye!" I called out grabbing my moms car keys and rushing out the door.
"Remember be home by eleven thirty!"
I'm a little surprised to see Krystal standing outside her mansion gates. I was convinced I would have to kidnap her to get her to go out.
"It's a little creepy how you know where I live," she says getting in.
"Everyone knows where you live Krystal. You brag about it all the time and it's the most expensive house in town."
"Doesn't make it any less creepy," she grumbles. "So where are we going?"
"A party."
"You're taking me to another boring party?"
"Trust me, this is different."
"And how is that?"
I shift the gears to drive. "It's a house party."
There are people streaming out of the house and onto the front lawn. Red solo cups litter the ground along with toilet paper and other questionable items.
"Is this a party or a rave?" Krystal gets out of the car. I notice what she's wearing. Bleached high waisted shorts and a black bralette with flip flops. Who knows what brand they are this time.
"A little bit of both," I answer.
I start toward the entrance and she follows glancing around distastefully. Inside is crowded and there are people on the makeshift dance floor holding drinks and cheering.
"Excuse me!" Krystal shoves aside someone in her way.
I keep going toward the kitchen where I spot Marcus by the drinks.
"Hey man," we clap each other on the back and he lines up shot glasses. "You're just in time. I was just about to pour up the drinks."
Krystal pops up next to me. "It smells like BO in here," she complains.
"You're here too!" Marcus exclaims. "Now it's really a party," he winks at her. "Don't worry I have a drink with your name on it." He pours vodka in several shot glasses.
"No thanks," she shakes her head. "In case you didn't know underage drinking is illegal."
Marcus and I burst out laughing.
"I never took you for a goody two shoes," I knock back my glass. "Besides you drink that fancy alcohol."
"That's different."
"I'm not trying to get wasted."
"Neither am I," I set down my glass. "I am the designated driver for tonight. How irresponsible do you think I am?"
"It's a party Krystal loosen up," Marcus takes another shot. He disappears into the crowd.
"Here," I hand Krystal a cup. "It's rum and coke. I'm not saying get plastered but at least have something. And try to have fun."
I leave her standing there and go see if I can find some weed to smoke. I end up playing a game of beer pong, flip cup, and kings cup before I decide to find Krystal. She's on the dance floor with a bunch of random girls. I go up to her.
"Are you drunk?" I raise a brow.
"Nope," she pops the p. "I only drank the drink you gave to me. Surprised I'm actually having fun?"
"Actually yes I am."
"So am I," She bites her lip and smiles. "Dance with me."
"Going to show off those impressive dance moves to me?" I grin.
"Mhm," she dances closer. They're playing some remix for clarity. It seems like the dance floor got more packed since I got on it. Oh well. I ignore everyone else and focus on Krystal. She drapes her arms across my shoulders and sways her hips.
"Dirty dancing," I pull her closer. "I like it."
She moves seductively against me and I really start to wonder if she's drunk or not because this does not seem like something sober Krystal would do. But I can tell when someone is inebriated or not and she's perfectly sober.
Then she turns around and her ass is right against my crotch area. She slides down on me and comes back up. Damn why isn't she like this all the time? I grab her hips and move along with her.
After a couple songs she pulls away and turns to face me. Her face looks conflicted.
"I have to go to the bathroom," she shouts over the music and then she rushes off.
Marcus pushes his way through the crowd and comes to me. "Get some man! I saw that!"
I'm wondering where the hell she learned to move like that because I'd be lying if I said that wasn't hot as hell.
But sadly it's almost eleven thirty and we'll have to be leaving. To bad. I would've loved to keep dancing with her. When Krystal comes out of the bathroom I tell her it's time to go.
She silent the entire drive back and when I look over her eyes are closed.
"Your stop," I pull up in front of her house. My bad I mean mansion.
"Thanks," she says quietly.
"No problem. Hey can I see your phone real quick?"
She hands me her shiny iPhone and I enter my number into her contacts.
"Text me if you ever get bored."
"Yeah," she nods and gets out. I wait until she's inside before I drive off.
What's going on inside Krystal's head? I'll guess we'll see next chapter!
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