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Reese's POV
The next day I was on my way to Marcus's to hang out because really, what the hell else was I supposed to do? I didn't have that many friends because I wasn't generally well liked in this area, I got into fights quite often with other guys. I guess the fact that I slept with and dumped most of the female population here didn't help my case either but it wasn't my fault, I warned each girl what they were getting into each and every time but they always seemed to catch feelings.
In fact my only close friend here besides Marcus was Kimora Hyung. We met freshman year and have been friends ever since. She was one of the few girls I hadn't slept with because I didn't see her like that. She was more like the annoying sister I never had. Also I wasn't attracted to her like that.
Too bad she was in Asia for the summer.
She had a best friend, Cheyenne, but we were only friends by association. Meaning if Kimora wasn't there I wouldn't really talk to her.
The sound of a female voice yelling snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Hey! No cutting!" Krystal Parker yelled at a little kid in front of her. She was standing in line at a park vendor selling slushes. The boy turned around and stuck his tongue out.
I watched amused. Krystal Parker. The one girl I could not get.
You could say I had a thing for her, but it wasn't like I had a stupid crush or anything, she was fücking hot and I wanted to see what she was hiding under all those clothes.
Krystal had endless long red hair and baby blue eyes framed by doll like lashes. Her face was cut like a supermodels and she had a smattering of freckles across her nose. Her height was pretty average, not too tall but not super short either. I'm pretty sure she was like 5'3.
She was known as the Queen Bee because of her reigning status at school. Seriously I've heard people call her that. Her and her minions Alexis and Rosie ran that school with an iron fist. Even the upperclassmen kissed up to her.
It was no secret that Krystal Parker was a mega bitch. She's made girls literally run sobbing from her and didn't even blink an eyelash. But I didn't care.
I just wanted to smash.
The guy at the window gave the kid his slushy. When it was her turn he said, "Sorry we're out."
"You're out!?" She screeched. "I just stood in this heat for almost an hour and you're out?!"
He shrugged unapologetically and shut the window. People dispersed muttering and her gaze swung to the kid who had cut.
"You snooze you lose!" He laughed and took a slow sip of the ice cold drink.
I watched as her face morphed from pissed off to pure rage.
"Eat dirt you brat!" Krystal spat and smacked the plastic cup right out of his hands. His drink spilled onto the hot ground and immediately started to evaporate.
"Bitch!" The kid screamed and ran off.
Got damn. I knew she could be vicious but her bitchiness really knew no bounds.
"Wow. What a bully," I said smirking. She whipped around.
"Mind your own business." Krystal snapped at me and started to walk away. I followed.
"Seriously that was like, the meanest thing ever. I knew you were a bitch but damn."
"If you're just going to insult me then buzz off!"
"How do you do it?" I continued to tease her. "Be so evil all the time?"
She spun around and I came to a abrupt stop. "You wanna know how I do it? Like this!" Then she shoved me and I stumbled back tripping over a fallen stick. Luckily I managed to catch myself before I completely fell.
"Why don't you go fuck some whore and leave me alone!" Then Krystal stormed off.
I stared after her a grin on my lips.
Krystal's POV
This day could not get any worse.
First I see Josh off this morning. I already miss him so much and it hasn't even been twenty four hours.
Then I stand in line for almost two hours to get a slushy and some brat cuts me taking the last fücking drink. Just thinking about it makes me want to scream and throw something. Then he had the nerve to call me a bitch!
Oh but wait! There's more! Reese Mendez the school player witnessed my hissy fit and called me a bully, bitch, and evil all in under four sentences.
I am so not evil nor a bully! Bitch sometimes, maybe, but not evil!
I do my breathing exercises to calm down. I can't be getting angry so much. I could get frown lines from frowning too much. Or even worse, wrinkles!
I stare at my reflection in my vanity. I am beautiful. Rich. Popular. I am beautiful. Rich. Popular.
I repeat this mantra in my head until my breathing is back to normal. I even manage a small smile. Then my my mind drifts back to Reese Mendez.
Ugh. Reese Mendez. He thinks he's God's gift to earth. I'm not gonna lie he's ridiculously sexy but his personality is shït. He's cocky and a notorious trouble maker. He'll smoke weed right in the school building without caring about getting caught. He sleeps with anything in a skirt and then dumps them afterwards like trash. How dare he insult me and act like he's some saint.
Just because he's good looking doesn't mean he can get away with a lot of the shït he does.
I push him out of my mind and reach for my phone to text Rosie. She's still here until next week.
Me: u busy?
Rosie: nope. what's up?
Me: wanna come over? We can just chill by the pool
Rosie: sounds like fun! I'll be over soon
I change into a hot pink bikini and use my diamond studded headband to push my hair back. Then I put on a mesh slip and my juicy flip flops before heading downstairs. My mom is lounging in the parlor eating green grapes and having her feet rubbed by our masseuse.
"Darling," she says when I enter. "What are you up to?"
"Rosie is coming over."
"Oh the pretty one with pink hair," she giggles.
"Yes that one," I roll my eyes. "We're just going to hang out but the pool."
"Alright doll have fun," she closes her eyes and dips another string of grapes into her mouth.
I head out to the pool. One of the maids will let Rosie in.
Sure enough she comes bouncing out fifteen minutes later.
"Hey girly!" She says.
Even though Rosie isn't the sharpest she's sweet, fun to be around, and the most caring person I've even met. I smile at her.
Then Rosie cannonballs into the pool sending a spray of water in my direction.
"Rosie!" I yell. She pops back up from under the water.
"Come on in, its great!"
I bite my lip. Oh what the heck.
After taking off my slippers, mesh slip, and headband I jump in. The water does feel pretty good.
It reminds me of the time I spent with Josh at that pool party.
"What's wrong?" Rosie asks sensing my mood change.
"Just missing Josh," I wipe away a lone tear. "And I've had a really shïtty day."
"Aw don't cry!" She pulls me in for a hug. "He'll be back before you can blink!"
I pull back. "I hate crying. Enough of that sad crap."
Rosie grins. "You're right," then she splashes me in the face.
Oh it's so on.
Hi guys!
Just in case you guys have any questions or anything you want to send message me on insta @bubbles5151_wattpad or email me at [email protected]. If you want to send me stuff like pictures I'd recommend emailing me because instagram crops photos. But videos can be sent via email or Instagram. You can PM on here as well. Love you guys so much and thanks for reading💗
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