- 13 -
Krystal's POV
I feel warm.
Something warm is around me.
A persons warmth.
It's like I'm waking up from a coma when I blink my eyes open. Sunlight is filtering in through the window and for a moment, everything is this blurry haze.
Reese's arm is wrapped tightly around me and our legs intertwined. His eyes are closed and he snores softly. I just stare at him because it feels like a dream waking up next to him and I'm afraid if I move I'll wake up.
He's so cute sleeping, so innocent looking. A curl falls in his face and I brush it back.
After a while I start to get too hot and try to peel myself away from. First I untangle our legs. He doesn't stir. Then I gently pry his arm off me. He shifts but is still asleep.
I swing my legs over the bed and reach for my silk robe. Just as I tie the knot an arm wraps around my wait and pulls me back down. A gasp falls from my lips.
"Good morning," Reese mumbles sleepily. "And just where do you think you're going?"
"Nowhere," I giggle as he kisses my neck.
"That's what I thought," he's talking but his eyes are still closed.
"You have bed head," I point out. One eye pops open.
"So do you."
"Psh I go to sleep and wake up flawless."
This time he cracks a smile. "Of course. It's the beauty sleep right?"
He yawns and rolls over. "What time is it?"
I glance at the clock on my bedside table. "Nine thirty."
He seems satisfied and nods.
"I'm going to go take a shower," I stand.
"Hold up I'm coming with you," he too gets off the bed. "To preserve water and all that jazz."
Preserve water my ass.
"Why are there so many knobs?" Reese asks. "I don't see why they're all necessary. You either want hot or cold."
I laugh. "Some knobs are to adjust the pressure."
He finally turns it on and steps aside to let me get inside first. Then he follows.
There's nothing like a nice, hot shower with a sexy guy to wake you up.
At first it's all just innocent touching while we take turns washing each other and splashing soap suds at each other. Then it gets heated and soon we're against the shower wall making out. The combination of the hot water and Reese's lips makes my toes curl with pleasure.
I can feel his hard on right against my thigh and it sucks we can't do anything because he doesn't have a condom. I want him so badly.
He carries me out of the shower and we're dripping water everywhere but I don't care. All I care about is him inside me as soon as possible.
He goes to get a condom and reappears ten second later. Then he puts it on, lifts me right up against the wall and slams into me.
"Ohmygosh fück!" I cry out. I drape my arms around his neck and bite down on his shoulder. He groans and starts thrusting harder and faster, a flurry of Spanish words coming out of his mouth.
"Joder, sí, ven por mí," Reese growls and whatever he says is my undoing because I come, rather loudly and he has to put a hand over my mouth.
Yes. What a beautiful way to wake up.
I smile at myself in the bathroom mirror as I blow dry my hair. Reese is in the room changing while I've only managed to put on a clean pair of underwear and a bra. I don't like to dry my hair with clothes on because then they could get wet.
Reese sticks his head in. "Someone's knocking."
Oh crap. I switch off my blow dryer and rush out of the bathroom.
"Who is it?" I call out.
"Krystal," comes my fathers voice.
"Yeah? I'm changing!"
"Of course," comes his disapproving voice. "You probably just got up. Were you expecting breakfast in bed? It's nearly ten and you're not even out of your room."
He always has to find something to pick on, always. Everytime I'm in a good mood he sends it crashing down.
"Stop being a lazy brat and do something. My God. Sometimes I wish we'd never had you."
I hear his footsteps disappear down the hall and I just stare at my closed door. I knew he always thought that, all the time he would say sly comments hinting how he wished I'd ever been born.
But never had he said it so directly.
It's funny. Out of all the verbal abuse I've endured from him this one hurt the most.
I'd forgotten Reese was still there until he touches my shoulder. I turn around.
"Well that's my dad," I try to laugh but it falls flat and I blink trying not to cry. I'm tired of crying over that douchebag.
He doesn't say anything, just pulls me in for a hug that I so desperately need.
Reese's POV
I make it home at exactly eleven. A minute later my parents pull into the driveway.
When they come in I'm lounging on the couch flipping through the channels on tv.
"Did you guys have fun?" I turn to smile at them.
"Yes it was maravilloso," my mother gushes.
"It was," my father smiles and he leans down to kiss her.
Okay. Gross. Parents and PDA do not go together, especially in front of their kids.
I switch off the tv and stand. "I'll be in my room if you need me," of course they don't hear but whatever. I'm not sticking around for their love fest. Just as I reach the stairs my cell phone rings. It's Marcus.
"Yo I'm bored. Drop by."
"Alright I'll be there in about fifteen."
He hangs up and I quickly go upstairs to change out of yesterday's clothes.
"Going out I'll be back soon!" I yell out slamming the door behind me.
I take my bike for some much needed exercise and pedal over to his place.
"Hey Reese," Alicia greets me as I step inside.
"Sup. Where have you been?"
She rolls her eyes. "My aunt had me locked up like some prisoner. I'm really at my wits end."
"Well only one more year until you're eighteen," Marcus says entering the living room. "Then you can pull a Cara and run away."
I go to the kitchen for a drink then sit down on the single couch.
Marcus takes one look at me and grins. "You got laid didn't you?"
"What gave it away?" I smirk.
"First of all you come skipping in like we're in a fücking Disney movie and second you've had that stupid smile on your face since you came in."
Yep. He caught me.
Alicia shakes her head. "Boys. I'll never understand you creatures."
"That's because you've grouped us all into the same loser category as your trash ass ex T-"
"Don't," she warns Marcus. "Just don't."
Alicia doesn't talk about thou who shall not be named and neither do we. It's practically a sin to even say his name.
"And besides," she smiles. "I don't think you two are losers. Most of the time."
"Gee thanks," I say wryly.
Marcus puts on a movie, Avatar I think, and sits back down next to Alicia. I stare at the screen but I'm not really paying attention, instead my thoughts wander to Krystal.
And her son of a bïtch dad.
It's one thing for Krystal to tell me how verbally abusive he is to her, but to actually hear it?
Very different.
It makes me appreciate that even though I can't stand my parents sometimes, I know that they genuinely care about me.
Whereas hers don't care at all.
So quick question guys. I actually have all the chapters for The Summer of our Lives written. Really, all that's left to do is to go back and edit them.
So my question is: would you like me to post all the chapters despite some of the small errors they may have? Or do you want me to continue posting them one by one? I've thought about it and decided to leave it up to you guys, the readers :)
Let me know in the comments!
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