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It's smexy time😉 *grins like creep*
Reese's POV
Krystal: can you climb a tree?
Me: are you kidding? I've been climbing trees since I could walk. I practically live in them
Krystal: 🙄 exaggerate much?
Me: why do I need to climb a tree?
Krystal: I want you to come over tonight. But after my parents are sleep so you'll have to sneak in.
Me: no😱 the great Krystal Parker is inviting me to her mansion?
Krystal: sooooooooo funny. Omg I'm DYING of laughter 😑
Me: your sarcasm knows no bounds. Anyway where am I climbing a tree to?
Krystal: my room
Me: can I get a tour of the house? Please please pleaseeeeee? I wanna see how rich people live
Krystal: you're so annoying
Me: but you love it😉
Krystal: you can have a midnight tour.
Me: yay! *claps like Rosie*
Krystal: stop that😂
Krystal: I'll leave the gates slightly open so you can get in. Just go to the left side to the far back. It's the last window You'll see a tree right next to it
Me: see ya tonight
Krystal: bye fool
I already used the excuse that I was staying over at a friends to be able to go on the road trip with Krystal. I didn't want to use that excuse again and wear it out.
So I'd have to sneak out.
Or not.
"Your papá and I have plans tonight and we'll be gone overnight," my mom says while I'm in the kitchen getting an apple.
"That's cool. Have fun," I close the fridge and start back up to my room.
"You'll be ok by yourself right?"
I laugh. "Mom I'm pretty sure I can handle being home alone. I'll probably just chill and watch some tv."
"Ok. We'll be back in the morning by eleven."
I nod and turn around to go upstairs again.
Well this is convenient. Now I don't have to sneak out.
It's amazing how things fall into place.
Krystal: they've gone to bed
Reese: ok I'll be over soon
I zip up my jacket and flip the hood over my head before exiting the house and closing the door behind me.
I end up riding my bike over to Krystal's house, one that I've had since eighth grade. It's a bit small but if I stand while pedaling it works fine.
I reach the gates to Krystal's house and just as she said she left it open wide enough for me to get through. I manage to squeeze my bike inside as well and hide it in some bushes. Then I follow her directions to the back.
Damn. What a big ass tree. I stare up at it and blow out a breath before putting a leg on the base and gripping the nearest sturdy branch.
I pull myself up and continue the process, bracing my foot on the nearest branch and pulling myself up until finally, finally I reach her window. Then I knock.
She opens the window smiling.
"I've come to steal you away Juliet!" I declare dramatically. "Run away with me and we can live happily ever after!"
"Get inside goof," she laughs and I make the jump from the branch I'm holding to her window before flopping inside. I stand and dust off my hands.
"So graceful," Krystal says dryly.
"All in day work," I look around. "So this is your room. It's so...aesthetic."
And big.
Pretty fücking big.
The carpet is white plush and the walls a deep, velvety purple. There's a vanity, the type of ones you see on movie sets with the big mirror and lights around it. Her bed is queen size and has silk curtains you can close close around it. There's a flat screen tv, a mini fridge, and a purple desk with what I assume is the latest Mac PC. She has lights strewn up and her walls are covered with pictures. Some with her friends, some with her family, some of herself. She also has one of those big, fluffy bean bag chairs in the corner. It's purple as well.
There's also a walk in closet that's filled to the brim with clothes. Honestly I don't understand why one person needs that many clothes but I digress. And her bathroom looks like something from a five star hotel.
All I have to say is....damn.
While I'm looking around Krystal grabs a flashlight. I spot a picture on the wall of her and Josh. It looks like they were on vacation somewhere. My guess would be Hawaii. She has on a lei skirt with a coconut bra and is doing the hula. Josh also has on lei skirt but instead of a coconut bra he has on one of those ugly touristy shirts. They're both laughing.
Does it stir any guilt in me?
Absolutely fücking not.
"Ready to see the rest of the house?" Krystal waves the flashlight.
"If it's anything like your room I'm not sure. I might faint from the sheer brilliance of it."
She rolls her eyes. "Come on. We just have to be quiet."
She opens her room door slowly and peeks outside before gesturing me to follow. We're at the end of a long hallway that has one too many doors.
She puts a finger to her lips and starts down the hall.
"That's where my parents room is," she points down a hall beyond the staircase. We descend the stairs into what I assume is the entryway or if I want to sound fancier, the foyer. Krystal shines her light around.
Overhead is a sparkling crystal chandelier and I'm reminded of that song by Sia. The foyer is spacious and airy, with a fancy plush rug at the front door.
"To the left is the spa," Krystal says. "And to the right the parlor."
"I didn't know anyone actually said parlor," I chuckle. "Welcome, would you like some tea in the parlor?" I say in a posh voice. Krystal giggles.
There's a wide doorway that leads to their master chef kitchen and she walks me down to where their home theater is.
A freaking home theater! It's like an actual movie theater but for home! What. The. Fück.
Next she shows me their backyard but really it's more like a field. There's an Olympic size swimming pool with a slide and diving board, a jacuzzi, oversized lawn chairs, an outdoor grill, and a swing set (wtf).
Of course there's many other rooms but Krystal deems them un-important.
It takes a lot to get a reaction out of me and her house does it. If I lived in a place like this I'd probably never leave!
"It's nothing," she shrugs when I tell her this. I roll my eyes.
"Rich people."
Krystal flips me off. "Come on let's go back upstairs."
Krystal's POV
"I'm appalled about how nonchalant you are about your castle," Reese flops backward on my bed.
I sit next to him frowning. "It's just that I've lived like this my whole life. You were right. I was born with a silver and gold spoon in my mouth. The thing is...after so long all the riches and glamour...it starts to feel meaningless."
I sigh. "I would give anything, anything to have my parents care about me the way yours do. I'd trade everything I have to have that type of family, the one you see on tv and postcards. And I know it sounds shallow and stupid, poor little rich girl, but money can't replace the love a family gives you. And honestly? I feel like I don't have a family. I just feel like a shiny trophy, something you polish and show off to everyone but other than that is pretty useless. I guess that's why I act the way I do. Bitchy, Queen Bee."
He sits up. "Krystal...."
"My title is the only thing I have, it's my armor," I sniffle and my eyes water. "Without it nobody would care about me. What really sucks is that if I'm not Krystal the Queen Bee, then I don't really know who I am. I don't know who to be."
"Krystal," Reese says gently. "That's not true at all. You're more than that. You're caring, smart, funny, passionate, adventurous, and free spirited. That's the girl I see right now. And that's the girl you really are. That persona you put up doesn't define you. And also," he pauses. "You're wrong. I care about you. A lot."
"I care about you too," I wipe my eyes with my hands then laugh. "Crying sucks."
He chuckles. "Can't argue with you there. I haven't cried since I was thirteen."
I gasp. "What!"
He shrugs. "Nothing really phases me anymore. And like you said crying sucks."
It's hard to believe he hasn't cried in four years. I don't make a habit of crying a lot but still, even I have my moments.
"You're really fücked up you know that?"
He smirks. "So I've been told."
He leans in and kisses me, not touching me at first until I place my hands on his lap. Then he pulls me closer.
Everything time I kiss him, it's like the first time all over again. There's that spark and flame, ignited by the liquid feel of his touch. And suddenly I just have to feel more than just fabric, I want to feel skin and flesh. So I tug up the hem of his shirt and he helps me remove it. We fall backward onto the bed.
His chest is so smooth and sculptured, it's like pure marble. I run my hands down his bare back as we continue to kiss and he slips his tongue into my mouth. He tastes like cinnamon and sugar, a heady combination that makes me feel like I'm high.
"Let's just take this off," he pulls back and slips off my t-shirt. I wiggle out of the now constricting fabric and he tosses it aside. Then he's kissing and biting down my neck and I arch my back in pleasure. He sucks on a sensitive spot right above my collar bone and I moan.
"I love hearing that sound," he whispers biting my earlobe and I squeeze my legs around him.
He sheds his jeans then proceeds to drag my shorts down my legs. Then he kisses the swell of my breast and I feel like I might combust because he's teasing me and he knows it.
"Stop being a tease," I whine.
"But it makes it all the more fun," he grins wickedly.
I pout and use my foot to push him back by his chest. He laughs.
"Are you mad at me?"
"Aww don't be mad. I'll make it up to you," he leans down to kiss my shoulder and reaches under me to unbuckle my bra. Ever so slowly he pulls it off until I'm only in my underwear.
Then he takes a nipple into his mouth.
My thighs clench and I arch off the bed. He looks up grinning.
"Forgive me?"
"Yes," I moan as he works on the other nipple. Then he kisses down my stomach all the way to my panties and kisses the inside of my thighs. I feel that flame igniting, setting me ablaze. He uses his teeth to drag my panties down.
"Estás tan jodidamente mojado," he groans in appreciation and if it's possible I get even more turned on.
First he uses a finger and slips it inside me. I bite my lip and feel a spark shoot down my back. Then another finger goes in follows by his tongue.
"Ohmygosh Reese," I cry out unable to keep quiet anymore. He licks and sucks and I feel this intense pressure building like a pot about to boil over.
The orgasm comes fast and unexpectedly sweeping me right off my feet into oblivion. When I come down I'm breathing heavily and trying to regain some of my equilibrium.
Reese comes back up to kiss me and this time it feels fast and frenzied. I grip the waistband of his boxers and yank them down. He grabs a condom from his jeans pocket and rips it open sliding it on. We're two horny teens who can't get enough of each other.
When he sinks into me my nails dig into the skin of his back.
"Carajo," he hisses. "Mierda."
He starts moving, slow at first then faster and faster and I'm trying so hard not to make too much noise but it's hard. I'm not even sure if the sounds leaving my mouth.
"Te sientes asi que jodidamente bueno," he grunts in between thrusts. "Tan dulce y húmedo."
I have no idea what he's saying nor do I care, he could be saying he likes bunnies and it would still sound sexy.
"Tell me how good I make you feel," he murmurs.
"You make me feel so good," I moan.
I meet him thrust for thrust and my second orgasm builds until I explode, crying out his name. He keeps going until he comes, still speaking in Spanish. I'm pretty sure some of those words were cuss words.
Reese pulls out and discards the used condom in the trash next to my bed. My eyes are closed and my limbs feel like jelly. I'm completely and utterly spent.
I feel his lips on my cheek and I smile.
"Open your eyes," he breathes out.
I slowly peel them open.
Have you ever seen something so beautiful that it's almost hard to look at them?
That's how I feel right now. Reese is this beautiful thing in front of me with his bright green eyes and damp curly hair, and it almost feels painful to look at him.
He gives me a soft kiss and pulls me to his chest until we're wrapped up in each other.
I've never felt more safer in my life.
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