🌴 Opening 🌴
🎶 Da-da! 🎶
🎶 Da-da-da! 🎶
🎶 Da-da-da! 🎶
🎶 Da-da-da! 🎶
~ ~ ~ ~
~At the Troll Arena~
ANNOUNCER: And now BroZone will perform their last song of the night!
The BroZone brothers did a pose as the crowd was pumped up and excited for them, screaming and squealing, holding out posters, jumping around. Many were shouting, "WE LOVE YOU BROZONE!!!!" and "ENCORE, ENCORE!" and "BE MINE FOREVER!!!".
Spruce, "The Heartthrob", took a deep breath and faced the crowd, smiling in a charming way. As the music played, Spruce took the lead of dancing before he started to sing.
🎶 I've been around the world in the pourin' rain 🎶
🎶 Feelin' out of place, I'm feelin' strange 🎶
🎶 Take me to a place where they know my name 🎶
🎶 Where everyone knows my name 🎶
Spruce stopped dancing, facing his brothers. They smiled at him as they all nodded at one another. They danced in unison, singing together.
🎶 Check it check it out I'm about to do my thing 🎶
🎶 King of the floor King of the swing 🎶
🎶 Play a little beat, I'll be your dancin' machine 🎶
🎶 Play a little jam, I'll come alive, alive, alive 🎶
Spruce and John Dory did a few hair flips, Clay did some robot moves, and Baby Branch and Floyd danced in unison. Then they each took turns dancing, being in the center as the crowd went wild, clapping and cheering.
Soon, Spruce took center stage as he showed off his dance moves while his brothers sang and danced in the background.
🎶 They got jungle fever, show 'em some love, some love 🎶
Spruce did a hair trick, spun around as if he was moving in slow motion, extending his hair to make it longer, winking at the crowd. The girls squealed and chanted his name. Spruce spun around multiple times, flipped backwards, facing behind the crowd.
Floyd, John Dory, Clay and Baby Branch sang and danced in the background while Spruce whipped his hair multiple times, straightening his purple, puffy jacket.
🎶 This is my home, this is my home 🎶
🎶 King of the throne 🎶
Spruce faced the crowd, putting his hands behind his head, making cute faces while doing the hip roll, showing off his shiny abs. Now this definitely made the girls in the crowd scream, squeal, faint, cry—they pretty much found him so attractive.
While he was dancing, he found a toddler girl Troll, who was wearing a cute bow and a pink tutu, copying his moves. To Spruce, he found this adorable.
"Oh, hi there," Spruce spoke to her in a cute way.
"Hi! I'm Blossom. I'm your biggest fan," she said.
"Aww, really? Do you want to dance with me?" Spruce said.
Blossom squealed. "Yeessss!"
Spruce faced her, smiling. "Let's dance."
She squealed as he twirled her around. Blossom giggled, spinning around. Spruce smiled, twirling around with her. The two of them danced, doing every move in unison. Clay, Floyd, Baby Branch, and John Dory danced around them. The crowd clapped and cheered.
🎶 See I've been travelin' 🎶
🎶 'Been travelin' forever 🎶
🎶 But now that I'm finally home, feels like I'm in heaven 🎶
🎶 See I've been travelin' 🎶
🎶 'Been travelin' forever 🎶
🎶 But now that I'm home, it's like I'm in heaven 🎶
Spruce tossed Blossom in the air.
"WHEEE!!!" She said, twirling in the air, ballerina style.
Spruce did a front flip, catching the giggling, ballerina Troll in his arms, twirling her for the last time. He did a pose, showing off his shiny abs, pursing his lips while his brothers did their own poses. Blossom did her ballerina pose, standing on her tippy toes.
"BROZONE FOR LIFE!!!" She shouted.
Now this got the crowd awwing, clapping, cheering, and chanting "BroZone" multiple times.
"WE LOVE YOU, SPRUCE!" The fangirls shouted.
Spruce blew them a kiss as these girls squealed and fainted.
John Dory smiled at his brothers. "Great job, bros! Everyone loved us!"
"As always!" Baby Branch said, waving and winking at the crowd.
Floyd picked up Baby Branch. "We were amazing out there! And we should celebrate."
"With cupcakes!" Spruce said.
"WHOO!!! CUPCAKES!!!" His four brothers shouted.
"Man, I can't wait for that," Clay said.
Spruce got down to Blossom's level, smiling. "And you. You were...."
Blossom held onto his right leg. A huge smile on her face appeared and her eyes twinkled at this Troll.
"Hug!" She said in a soft way.
He froze. No words came out of his mouth. His eyes still focused on this cute ballerina Troll. She gave him the puppy eyes. He tried to pull himself together, smiling hard. But his mouth quivered as "The Heartthrob" himself couldn't take it any longer...
"AWWWWWWWWW!!!!! Thank you for the sweet hug! Aren't you just the cutest little thing?" Spruce picked her up and hugged her and continued to coo at her. "Don't you look so cute with the pink tutu on? And by the way, your ballet moves were so amazing."
Blossom smiled. "Thank you. I want to be a ballerina one day."
"Oh but you are an amazing one," Spruce replied.
"Thank you," Blossom said. "I-I love your outfit!"
"Awwww, thank you! You are so sweet and such good manners you—"
"I love you!"
He stopped and gasped. "You love me?"
"Yes, I love you, Sprucey," she replied, cuddling him.
Spruce started to sniffle a little. "Awwww, Blossom.....I think I'm going to ugly cry."
"Don't cry, don't cry," Blossom said, holding her hand onto his right cheek.
"AWWWWWWWW!!!!" The crowd replied.
It was too late. Spruce began to cry. No, not like a wailing cry or an ugly cry, but more like a silent cry. He couldn't believe it. This little one, a toddler girl Troll making "The Heartthrob" cry. This not only shocked himself, but everyone, including his brothers who was watching him.
Still in tears, he hugged Blossom in a gentle way. Her tiny, soft hands went across his wet cheeks.
"Don't cry, don't cry." Blossom wiped his wet cheeks with her soft hands.
"AWWWWWW!!! That's so SWEET!!!" Floyd said, crying. Baby Branch used his small hands to wipe Floyd's face.
Clay and John Dory awwed along with the crowd.
Now this was the point where it really got to Spruce as he cried out loud. And it was an ugly cry. This shocked not only the young one but also himself once again. He continued to ugly cry and hug her, rocking her, telling her how sweet she was.
After a few minutes passed, he pulled himself together, wiping his face, sniffling.
"Okay....okay. I'm okay. Okay. Let's go find your...."
"MOMMY!!" Blossom walked towards her Mom who picked her up, hugging her. She then waved her tiny hand at Spruce. "Bye, bye!"
Spruce waved goodbye to her, sniffling, wiping his tears. Someone then wrapped their arms around him. It was Floyd, and soon Baby Branch, Clay, and even John Dory hugged him too, which made he crowd awwed even more.
"I'm okay, I'm okay," Spruce said. "Now, let's go home."
"And eat cupcakes," Baby Branch shouted.
~A Few Minutes Later~
The BroZone Brothers were walking through the tree branches of the Troll Tree to get back to their grandmother's pod.
"You feel better now?" Floyd asked, rubbing Spruce's back.
"Mhm," Spruce said, nodding, wiping his face with a tissue that Floyd gave him.
"Are you sure about that? Because I can see that you're still crying." John Dory said, hugging him on the side. "Hey, it's okay to cry, bro. Because you know what? That was one most adorable moment I ever seen in my life!"
"Mhm, I agree," Floyd replied. "The way you hugged her and the way you cry? That touched me so much!"
"Yeah, like who knew young children can make you feel this way?" Clay questioned.
"They sure do. They are the key to my heart," Spruce said, putting his hands on his chest.
"The Heartthrob's heart," Baby Branch chimed in.
Spruce smiled at his youngest brother, picking him up into his arms, hugging him. Soon, the rest of his brothers held onto each other while walking together. While walking, Spruce was in his head, thinking about what had happened. But one thing that was stuck in his mind was the Ballerina Troll Blossom, the one who touched his heart.
~ ~ ~ ~
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