The Suicide Squad: Rats In The Cold
A big thank you to QueenZain3 for making such an amazing cover!
(Task Force X is currently pinned down by the Corto Maltese army where Flag dispatches "The Detachable Kid" to his two o'clock.)
(Flag & Harley watch this...)
(Task Force X is completely decimated by the Corto Maltese army except for Weasel who "drowned" & Savant who had his blown up by Waller for following the agreement. All of the members are killed except for Rick Flag who is seemingly captured by militia, Harley Quinn who is captured by the army & is taken somewhere, and finally TDK, who is last seen coughing up blood on the beach, without his arms.)
Waller: How's team 2 holding up?
Flo: Team 2 checkpoint Bravo.
Emilia: All troops on the south beach are engaged. Team 2 is clear to go on the north beach.
Waller: Congratulations, Bloodsport.
(Cut to Bloodsport walking up the beach.)
Bloodsport: [sighs] How'd you do it, Waller? There's no soldiers out here on patrol at all.
Waller: (OVER RADIO) Let's just say they were distracted.
(Imagine Y/N is his Captain Cold suit, between Bloodsport & Ratcatcher 2.)
(King Shark, Peacemaker, Ratcather 2, Y/N aka Captain Cold, & Polka-Dot Man walking up the beach behind him. Y/N looks over at Cleo in her Ratcatcher suit.)
Captain Cold: Hmm...
3 Days Earlier
(Waller is introducing Bloodsport to his team after he agrees to join because if he didn't, Waller was gonna send his daughter to Belle Reve.)
Waller: Each member of the team was chosen for his or her completely unique set of abilities. This...
(They stop beside an open cell.)
Waller: Christopher Smith. Known as Peacemaker. In his hands, anything is a deadly weapon. His father was a soldier who trained his son to kill from the moment he was born.
DuBois: Are you havin' a laugh?
Waller: What?
DuBois: You just said "each member of the team was chosen for their unique abilities." He does exactly what I do.
(Smith walks out of his cell, between DuBois & Waller.)
Smith: But better.
(The two follow Waller.)
DuBois: I always hit my targets dead center.
Smith: I hit them more in the center.
DuBois: No, you can't hit something more in the center.
Smith: I use smaller bullets.
DuBois: What?
Smith: They go inside your bullet holes without even touching the sides.
(The three walk up to another open cell.)
Waller: Say hello to (Y/N) Snart.
(Smith & DuBois look at Y/N as he lifts his head & looks back at them.)
(Y/N): Morning.
Waller: Known as Captain Cold. A world-class thief who's escaped every prison he's been in.
(Y/N): Such high praise.
Waller: He's in here for freezing the Flash's legs and almost shattering them.
(This shocks Dubois & Smith.)
Smith: So, he has ice powers?
(Y/N): [scoffs] I use a cold gun.
DuBois: You're telling me you almost crippled the Flash with a cold gun?
(Y/N): He pissed me off. Anyway, I know why you're here, Waller. I don't play with others.
Waller: Your history says otherwise. You'll be on board once you see who else is on the team.
(Y/N): Yeah, right. Wait, who else is going to be on the team?
(Cut to Waller taking them to meet the next team member.)
Waller: Next up...
(Waller opens a door using a keycard.)
Waller: King Shark.
(All three of them are taken back at the sight of King Shark.)
Smith: Holy shit!
DuBois: What the fuck?
(Y/N): Damn!
(King Shark is shown reading "The Varieties of Religious Experience" by William James.)
Waller: Some people claim that the Nanaue is a descendant from an ancient shark God. Whatever the case, he's strong and deadly.
Dubois: Does it talk?
Nanaue: Book read.
(Nanaue stands up & follows Waller as does everyone else.)
DuBois: Wow.
Smith: [chuckles] Book's upside down. You see that? He's pretending to read a book.
Nanaue: So smart me.
(Y/N): Hey, Kenny. You might wanna try flipping the book over.
Nanaue: Enjoy book so much.
(Y/N): That's good to hear.
Waller: You might want to be careful as he's developed a taste for human meat.
(They walk into the women's wing of Belle Reve.)
Waller: Next we have Cleo Cazo.
(Y/N): What?!
Waller: Told you that you'd change your mind. Ratcatcher 2.
(The women inmates whistle at them.)
Waller: Settle down!
(They walk up to Cleo's cell.)
Smith: What, we couldn't afford Ratcatcher 1?
(Y/N): [groans]
Waller: He's dead. This is his daughter.
(Waller knocks on Cleo's cell wall which wakes her up.)
Waller: Cazo, will you be joining us?
Cleo: I just woke up. I don't function well early in the morning.
Waller: My deepest apologies for disturbing you.
Cleo: [softly] It's all right.
Waller: I brought someone.
Cleo: Hmm?
(Cleo slightly lifts her head up to see Y/N.)
Cleo: Oh, (Y/N). Hop in, there's plenty of room. It'll be like when we were younger.
(Y/N): [sighs] No, Cleo...
(Waller slams the wall hard.)
Waller: Get your ass out here.
(Cleo begrudgingly gets out of bed.)
Cleo: [groans]
Smith: Millennials.
(Cleo walks out of her cell with a rat on her shoulder.)
Cleo: [groaning]
DuBois: Oh, no way. That's not coming with us.
(Waller starts moving onto the next team member.)
Waller: She controls rats.
DuBois: Now, that is what I call a disgusting superpower.
(Y/N): Trust me, pal. I've seen worse.
Cleo: This is Sebastian. Say hello, Sebastian.
(Sebastian offers his hand for a handshake.)
DuBois: I'm not shaking the rat's hand.
Sebastian: [squeaks sadly]
(Y/N): I'll shake your hand, Sebastian.
(Y/N shakes Sebastian's hand.)
Sebastian: [squeaks happily]
(Y/N): [chuckles] I missed you too, Sebastian.
DuBois: You can talk to that thing?!
(Y/N): A little bit. My rat is rusty.
(Cut to Waller taking them to meet the last team member.)
Waller: Finally, we have Abner Krill.
DuBois: What's that around his neck?
Waller: A power dampener. They call him the Polka-Dot Man.
Smith: [scoffs] "Polka-Dot Man." What's he do, throw polka-dots at people?
(Smith looks at Waller.)
Smith: He does. He throws polka-dots at people.
(Y/N): [groans] Everyone has to have a superpower.
(Krill walks out of his cell.)
Calendar Man: Hey, Polka-Dot Man? I was hoping you'd entertain at my kids' birthday party. You fucking pussy! [laughs]
(Y/N): Who the fuck does Calendar Man think he is to be talking shit?
DuBois: These are soldiers?
Waller: They need to debrief.
(Everyone follows Waller except for DuBois who watches Weasel...)
DuBois: [sighs] Fuck.
(Cut to Waller telling the team the plan.)
Waller: This is Corto Maltese. A small island nation off the coast of South America.
(Pan to the Suicide Squad, wearing their suits, listening to Waller, & watching the slides. Y/N is sitting next to Cleo.)
Waller: Over the past hundred years the country has been ruled with an iron fist by the Herra family.
(Waller shows them a slide of the Herra family.)
Waller: But, a week ago, this guy...
(Waller shows them a slide of...)
Waller: General Silivo Luna.
(Smith is shown taking notes.)
Waller: Along with his right hand man, Mayor General Mateo Suarez.
(Waller shows them a slide of him.)
Waller: Took control of the Corto Maltese government in a violent military coup. The entire Herra family were hanged in a public execution.
(Cleo & Y/N are shocked as a slide of the family hanging is shown.)
Waller: Although the United States did not condone the excesses of the Herra regime, they were none antagonistic toward the U.S. Luna, however, is virility anti-American.
Smith: So you want us to kill Luna?
Waller: No. This is Jotunheim.
(Waller shows them a slide of Jotunheim.)
Waller: This is Jotunheim. A scientific experimentation facility containing something only known as Project Starfish. Our intelligence sources tell us that starfish is extraterrestrial in origin. In the hands of the Luna regime, it is potentially cataclysmic for Americans and the world. Your mission-
(Y/N): Should you choose to accept it?
(Waller looks at Y/N.)
(Y/N): No? Nothing? Sorry.
Waller: Is to infiltrate Jotunheim and destroy every trace of Project Starfish.
DuBois: How are we supposed to get in?
(Waller shows them a slide of...)
Waller: Guyus Grieves. The Thinker. Is a genettis in charge of Project Starfish. After hours he hangs out at a gentlemen's club known as La Taqita Al Malbray. Get Grieves to help you by whatever means necessary. And he can get you into Jotunheim.
(The presentation ends.)
Waller: Any questions?
(Cleo raises her hand.)
Cleo: What is that?
(Pan over to a...)
Waller: That is an overhead projector.
(Y/N): [sighs] Oh, my God.
Cleo: Do you ever use it anymore?
Waller: No, not really.
Cleo: So why don't you just throw it away?
(Y/N): Is that really what you need to be asking right now, Cleo?
Cleo: I think it is, (Y/N). I mean, why have something out that you never use if you have something way better?
(Smith raises his hand.)
Waller: Peacemaker.
Smith: Starfish is a slang term for a butthole. Think there's any connection?
(Dubois & Y/N look at Smith.)
(Y/N): [chuckles] What?
Waller: No.
(Nanaue raises his hand.)
Waller: Nanaue.
(Cleo looks back at him.)
Waller: Yes. That is your hand, Nanaue. Very good.
DuBois: We're all gonna die.
(Krill looks at DuBois.)
Krill: I hope so.
DuBois: Oh, for fuck's sake.
(Cut back to them on the beach as there's an explosion near them so DuBois aims a gun at it.)
Bloodsport: Control, we have a disturbance south of here.
Waller: (OVER RADIO) It's just a diversion, Bloodsport.
Bloodsport: All right. We cover the jungle to get to Valley DeMa.
(They continue walking.)
Peacemaker: Don't they have blockades at the city limits?
Bloodsport: That's the word.
Peacemaker: How're we getting in? Especially with Charlie the Tuna here?
Bloodsport: How am I supposed to know?
Peacemaker: You're the leader. You're supposed to be decisive.
Bloodsport: And I've decided that you should eat a big bag of dicks. How's that?
Peacemaker: You're being facetious. But if this whole beach was covered in dicks and somebody said that I had to eat every dick clean in the name of Liberty, I would say no problemo.
Ratcatcher 2: Why would someone put penises all over the beach?
Peacemaker: Who knows why madmen do what they do?
Captain Cold: You sound way too willing to eat a bunch of penises.
Peacemaker: Shut up, Shawshank. I'm trying to make a point.
Bloodsport: You know what I think? I think Liberty is just your excuse to whatever you want. Whether that's eating a beach full of dicks or killing folk.
Peacemaker: Oh, yeah? At least I don't kill men for money like you.
Bloodsport: Oh, here we go.
(Cleo notices colorful bumps on Krill's face.)
Ratcatcher 2: There's something wrong with your skin.
Polka-Dot Man: It's just a rash.
Peacemaker: That's a rash?
(Y/N sticks his finger out & is about to touch one of the bumps.)
Polka-Dot Man: Please don't touch it.
(Cleo smacks his arm.)
Ratcatcher 2: (Y/N)!
Captain Cold: Okay, Okay. Relax. I wasn't going to touch it.
(He was. Cut to Harley being surrounded by the Corto Maltese army & Flag being surrounded by freedom fighters.)
Bloodsport: All right, we'll camp here. And tomorrow we'll go straight through the city, get to La Taqita Al Malbray by nightfall.
(Cut to Y/N laying down, looking up at the night sky.)
(Y/N): [deep breath]
(Y/N kills a mosquito.)
(Y/N): Damn jungle. Why am I even here?
(Pictures pictures Cleo in his head.)
(Y/N): is good seeing her again.
Krill: [soft wheezing]
(Y/N & DuBois watch as Krill slinks off into some bushes & throws up a bunch of colorful dots. Krill walks back from the bushes & notices they just saw everything he did.)
(Y/N): What the actual fu...
(Y/N looks down at Sebastian.)
Sebastian: [squeaking frantically]
Captain Cold: Crap! It's not like I'm actively looking for rats to practice with.
Sebastian: [squeaking frantically]
DuBois: What's he saying?
(Y/N): Weren't you listening? Ugh!
Sebastian: [squeaking frantically]
(Y/N): What about Cleo?
(DuBois & Y/N look over to see Nanaue about to eat a sleeping Cleo.)
(Y/N): Oh, shit!
(Y/N aims his cold gun at Nanaue. He fires but ice doesn't come out due to the gun jamming.)
(Y/N): [groans] Come on!
(DuBois on the other hand, fires his gun that hits Nanaue resulting in him dropping Cleo.)
Cleo: What...?
(DuBois is able to push Nanaue back against a tree thanks to the shots from his gun.)
(Y/N gets his cold gun working & freezes Nanaue to the tree.)
Nanaue: [panting] Cold!
(Y/N): [sighs] Well, no shit.
(Everyone else walks up beside them & for some reason Smith is only wearing his underwear.)
DuBois: How deep of a sleeper are you?
Cleo: I was having the most wonderful dream. You were in it, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Of course I was.
Smith: If your dream was you about to be eaten by King Shark, then you're a psychic.
Cleo: I don't believe he would do that. He has very kind eyes.
(Sebastian tells her that he was about to eat her.)
Nanaue: Hungry.
Cleo: You bastard!
(Cleo takes out something that calls a bunch of rats that hiss at Nanaue.)
(Y/N): You still have that thing, huh?
DuBois: All right, calm down with the rats!
Cleo: What?
DuBois: I have a thing with rats.
Cleo: You have a thing with rats?
DuBois: Yes.
Smith: [chuckles]
Cleo: And you're on a team with me?
DuBois: It's not something I asked for!
(Y/N): Hey, man. It's cool. We all have our phobias.
Smith: [laughs]
DuBois: It's not cool and what are you laughing at me for? And why the fuck are you in underwear? Tidy Whities. Really?
Smith: Now, that's just racist.
(Y/N): Why are you only in your underwear?
Smith: Why aren't you?
(Cut to the control center.)
Emilia: Come the fuck on. Bloodsport's got a rat phobia.
Waller: What?
(Cut back to the beach.)
Waller: (OVER RADIO) You didn't tell me that you have a fear of rats, DuBois.
DuBois: I'm an assassin! Why would I share my liabilities? [screams]
(DuBois looks down at Sebastian holding a leaf.)
Cleo: Aw, he's offering you a pretty leaf to show you he means no harm.
DuBois: Why the fuck would I want a leaf?
(Y/N): At least he's trying.
Smith: [laughs]
DuBois: Just tell your girlfriend to get the rats out of here!
(Y/N): She's not my girlfriend.
(Cleo calls the rats off.)
DuBois: Oh, for fuck's sake.
Smith: Cool. Hey, can we kill Megladouche now or what?
(Y/N): Anyone up for some shark sashimi?
Waller: (OVER RADIO) Nanaue's the strongest member of your team. You need him to get into Jotunheim.
DuBois: Yeah, well, we can't function as a team if we have to watch our back from one of our own tryin' to eat our bullocks.
(Cleo walks up to Nanaue.)
Cleo: Nanaue...
(Cleo kneels down to Nanaue.)
Cleo: Would you eat your friends?
Nanaue: I no friends.
Cleo: You have no friends?
Nanaue: *shakes his head no*
Cleo: If you did, would you eat them?
DuBois: Yes.
(Nanaue looks at everyone & then back at Cleo.)
Nanaue: No...?
Cleo: Then can we be your friends?
DuBois: [sighs]
Smith: Come on. He's obviously lying.
(Y/N): I don't think he's smart enough to lie.
Cleo: If I died because I gambled on love...
(Cleo looks at Y/N.)
(Y/N): I don't love you.
Cleo: Sure ya don't. It would be a worthy death. Now, if you don't mind?
(Y/N): Unbelievable.
(Y/N takes an ice pick out of his gun & chips away enough ice for Nanaue's arm to be free.)
(Nanaue & Cleo shake hands.)
Cleo: [laughs]
DuBois: You are a little idiot.
(DuBois walks away.)
Cleo: Aren't you going to pick the rest of the ice off?
(Y/N): He'll thaw out by morning...hopefully.
(Cut to the Sucide Squad walking amongst the jungle.)
Waller: (OVER RADIO) We've located Colonel Rick Flag. He's been taken by the enemy.
Bloodsport: Rick Flag?
Waller: (OVER RADIO) I know. You both served on special forces. Flag was the one who initially recommended you.
Captain Cold: The more you know.
Bloodsport: You had other operatives in Corto Maltese and didn't tell us?
Waller: (OVER RADIO) There was no tactical advantage and now there is. I've uploaded the location on your MTS. Terminate his captors with extreme prejudice.
(Cut to them arriving at the camp.)
Waller: (OVER RADIO) Kill anyone you see. These are dangerous people. Recover Flag before moving onto the city.
(DuBois looks down at his MTS, showing him the location of Flag.)
Bloodsport: That's where they're holding Flag.
Peacemaker: Nothing like a bloodbath to start the day.
Ratcatcher 2: They call you Peacemaker.
Peacemaker: I cherish peace with all my heart. I don't care how many men, women, and children I need to kill to get it.
(Cleo looks at Krill.)
Ratcatcher 2: I thought you were the crazy one?
Polka-Dot Man: I am.
Captain Cold: I'd say we're all crazy for just being here.
Bloodsport: All right. Let's get it.
(Cut to DuBois & Smith in the midst of their competition of killing the people in the camp.)
Bloodsport: Non-lethal. You lose.
Peacemaker: Exploding compression bullets.
(The man Smith shot with the bullet explodes.)
(The rest of the squad walk up behind them. Krill takes out a watchpost with two men on it. Everyone looks at him.)
Peacemaker: He does throw polka-dots at people.
(They walk up to where Flag is.)
Polka-Dot Man: Sorry it's so flamboyant.
Ratcatcher 2: It looks cool. I think.
Captain Cold: Kinda overpowered if you ask me.
(The men try to get their bearings but before they can...)
(Y/N freezes them with his cold gun.)
Polka-Dot Man: I don't like to kill people but if I pretend they're my mom, it's easy.
Bloodsport: TMI, mate.
(DuBois pulls back the cloth with everyone preparing for a fight to see Flag perfectly fine. Nanaue pokes his head out a cloth next to them.)
Flag: DuBois?
Bloodsport: Hey, Flag.
Flag: What the hell are you doing here?
Bloodsport: Waller told us that, you were, uh...are you drinking tea?
Flag: This is Sol Soria. She's the leader of the freedom fighter. The resistance trying to take down the current government. They saved my life.
Bloodsport: Oh. Wow.
(Smith, DuBois, and Y/N lower their guns.)
Soria: Why didn't my people alert me of your arrival?
Bloodsport: We didn't see any people.
Peacemaker: I didn't see anybody.
Captain Cold: What do they look like?
Ratcatcher 2: They weren't here when we got here.
Polka-Dot Man: I turned them into my mother in my head and I killed them.
(Nanaue coughs up a finger of the man he ate. Cut to Soria & Flag talking among the freedom fighter bodies.)
Soria: Is that rat waving at me?
(Flag looks back as we pan to Sebastian waving at Soria.)
Captain Cold: Sebastian, stop waving...
Flag: It appears it is.
Soria: Why?
Flag: Because it's friendly.
(Soria tells Flag that they will have their help. We see Grieves take Luna & Mateo to Project Starfish where Luna realizes with this, it will put them in the "Big Leagues". Meanwhile, Harley gets cleaned up, spends the day with Luna, & makes love to him after he proposes that she be his wife. Harley ends up killing Luna after hearing his plans do with Project Starfish. Mateo becomes the new President. He's on his way to extract information from Harley. But he doubts she is the only soldier sent by the Americans. He tells a soldier to search for any Americans in town and...)
(Cut to the squad walking along a path with Soria & her freedom fighters but stopping as Krill collapses & Cleo takes a seat on a rock.)
Flag: What the hell are you doing?
Ratcatcher 2: We're tired, Colonel. We need a rest.
Peacemaker: God damn hobbyists.
Captain Cold: What does that even mean?
Soria: We can not stop. We need to hurry if you're going to help my people.
Bloodsport: Hey, we're not here to help your people. But she's right, we need to keep moving.
Nanaue: I carry friend?
(Cleo stands up from the rock she's sitting on.)
Ratcatcher 2: It's okay, Nanaue.
(She looks at Krill.)
Ratcatcher 2: It's happening to his face again.
Polka-Dot Man: It's nothing. I just slipped.
(Smith stops Krill.)
Peacemaker: Hey, Norman Bates. That shit's contagious, we need to know.
Polka-Dot Man: It's not.
Peacemaker: What is it?
Polka-Dot Man: It's an interdimensional virus.
Peacemaker: The fuck is that?
Polka-Dot Man: My mother was a scientist at S.T.A.R. Labs and she was obsessed with turning me and my brothers and my sisters into superheroes. She infected me. And now if I don't expel the dots twice a day...
Bloodsport: Then what?
Polka-Dot Man: They'll eat me alive.
Flag: What happened to your brothers and sisters?
Polka-Dot Man: Some lived...some...died.
Ratcatcher 2: And your mom. Where is she now?
Polka-Dot Man: Everywhere.
(Imagine a mom wearing a Captain Cold suit.)
Captain Cold: That sucks.
(Cut to them meeting Milton after killing the guards around the van.)
Bloodsport: Are you Milton?
Milton: [wimpy] Si.
(Cut to DuBois, Smith, & Y/N putting boxes into his van as Soria tells them the plan.)
Soria: That said, the walking toblerone is going to have to stay out of sight.
Nanaue: I wear disguise.
Ratcatcher 2: Oh, you're going to wear disguise?
Nanaue: Si.
Peacemaker: Hey, he's learning spanish.
Captain Cold: Adorable.
Ratcatcher 2: What kind of disguise?
Nanaue: Fake mustache.
Ratcatcher 2: Oh.
Bloodsport: A fake mustache isn't going to cut it, mate.
(Flag tells Soria that the generals will be left vulnerable once they inflate Jotunheim. Cut back to Smith & Y/N caring boxes back & forth.)
Peacemaker: Hey, Jack Frost?
Captain Cold: [sighs] What?
Peacemaker: You're a world-class thief, right?
Captain Cold: So I've been told.
Peacemaker: You ever steal a kiss from rat girl?
Captain Cold: No. Why would you ask that?
Peacemaker: It looks like you two have a history.
Captain Cold: Let's just finish putting away these boxes.
(Cut to Nanaue "wearing" a fake mustache, sneaking up behind Cleo & DuBois.)
Bloodsport: Still look exactly like yourself.
Peacemaker: Worst fake mustache I've ever seen.
Captain Cold: It's awful.
Bloodsport: If you would've fooled us, we would've killed ya. Shark shaped bloak with a mustache creeping up on us like that.
Nanaue: Fuck!
(Nanaue throws a tantrum & walks off. Sebastian holds up a piece of food to DuBois.)
Ratcatcher 2: Aw, he always wants to be near you. I've only seen him act like that with (Y/N). I think he senses good in you.
Bloodsport: Not sure about Cold but, there's no good in me.
(DuBois closes the door on Sebastian. Cut them in the minibus as comms with Waller start acting up. She makes sure to remind everyone that they can still activate the bombs and what will happen to DuBois' daughter so no funny business.)
DuBois: Copy.
(DuBois flips off the air & Nanaue watches a couple kiss.)
(Y/N): [yawns]
(DuBois catches Cleo staring at him.)
DuBois: What?
Cleo: Why are you so afraid of rats?
DuBois: Why are you so in love with them, Ratcatcher 2?
(DuBois turns to Y/N in the seat behind him.)
DuBois: And why do you keep denying that you're in love with her? Are you that cold hearted, Captain Cold?
(Y/N): I'm just minding my own business.
(DuBois turns back to Cleo.)
DuBois: You know what? I think you have a serious case of daddy issues.
Cleo: I have no issues with how much I love my father.
(Y/N looks over at Cleo worriedly.)
Cleo: Although he was a genius, we lived homeless in the streets of Portugal because of his...burdens.
(DuBois looks at Y/N.)
(Y/N): [sighs] My father was her father's dealer.
Cleo: He built the machines I imply today. He even helped (Y/N) come with early sketches of his cold gun.
(Y/N): *smiles lightly* Yeah.
Cleo: He taught me the secrets of calling the rats. They brought us trinkets to live on and they kept us warm on nights where we would've frozen. But, eventually, my father's burdens...became too heavy to carry. And he was gone. I took his machinery, and with (Y/N), we came to America. That is the dream, right? And the one time I steal without (Y/N), I am arrested by the Flash. For armed bank robbery, can you believe it? The state considered the rats a weapon.
Smith: Wait, you were arrested by the Flash?
Cleo: Yeah?
(Smith puts it together & looks at Y/N.)
Smith: [laughs]
(Y/N): [softly] Son of a bitch.
Cleo: What's so funny?
Smith: Do you know what (Y/N) did to be put in Belle Reve?
Cleo: Huh. No, I don't.
Smith: Go ahead, tell her.
(Y/N): [sighs] I froze the Flash's legs...and almost shattered them.
Cleo: Because he arrested me?
(Y/N): Yes...
Cleo: Aw, (Y/N). That's so sweet.
Smith: Yeah, you love her.
(Y/N): Shut the fuck up, chromedome.
(DuBois stares at Cleo.)
Cleo: What?
DuBois: You remind me of my daughter. The reason I'm here.
Cleo: Why are you so afraid of rats?
DuBois: My old man. When I was a lad, if I didn't finish a task right, he would toll out the punishment. And one day he just locked me in a crate for 24 hours and it was full of starving rats.
Cleo: As imperfect my father was, he loved me. I wish I could give that to you.
DuBois: Don't you worry, ay. I'm gonna get you out of here alive.
Cleo: I'm gonna get you out of here alive.
(Cut to them arriving at the club & sitting at a table.)
Flag: So, when is this Thinker guy supposed to be here?
Cleo: He's supposed to be in the next few hours.
Smith: Looks like we need to do something to pass the time.
(Smith gets a waitresses' attention & orders drinks for the table.)
DuBois: Hey, Pissmaker. We're on a mission.
Smith: Easy, Inspector Gadget. A little drink ain't hurt nobody.
Krill: Except for the thousands of people killed by drunk driving accidents every year.
(They look at Krill.)
(Y/N): You must be fun at parties.
Flag: Come on, DuBois.
(Flag places a hand on his back.)
Flag: This could be our last drink together.
(The waitress comes back with their drinks.)
Cleo: Gracias.
DuBois: Just one.
Smith: You're gonna be that guy?
(Y/N): Buzzkill.
DuBois: I'm gonna be that guy.
Smith: Hey, chica. You forgot the rat.
(Sebastian holds his arms out as Cleo playfully punches Smith's arm. Flag lifts his glass.)
Flag: To being alive in three hours.
DuBois: I'll be alive. Speak for yourself.
(They clink their glasses & drink. A short montage of them bonding is shown. Cleo & Smith are dancing while Flag & Smith are catching up. Cut to Y/N leaning against the bar, watching Cleo dance.)
(Y/N): *smiles*
(Y/N takes a shot.)
(Y/N): [deep breath] She's too precious.
(Cleo notices Y/N watching her.)
Cleo: (Y/N)!
(Y/N): What?
Cleo: Dance with me!
(Y/N): You know I'm not much of a dancer.
Cleo: Please?
(Cleo reaches her hand out to Y/N.)
(Y/N): [sighs]
(Y/N takes another shot, walks up to her, grabs her hand, & twirls her around.)
Cleo: *smiles*
(Y/N): *smiles back at her*
(The would-be couple continues to dance together as we cut to Krill dancing among versions of his mom.)
A Few Hours Later...
(Grieves finally arrives which immediately the entire squad notices him. Unbeknownst to them, some of the Corto Maltese army arrives outside the club. DuBois is leading Grieves out of the club with the squad but some army soldiers barge in looking for some Americans.)
DuBois: All right. [whispers] Take him out the back, all right? Find my coordinates on the pad.
(DuBois hands his gun to Krill.)
DuBois: And meet me in half an hour.
Cleo: What?
DuBois: Hey, did you hear what I said?
Cleo: Yes, but-
DuBois: Go.
(Y/N takes Grieves in front of him as Cleo & Krill follow. DuBois, Flag, & Smith are arrested as Cleo, Y/N, & Krill take Grieves through the ladies' dressing room.)
(Y/N): Sorry, ladies.
(Cut to them in an alley where Cleo sends a rat to go down a soldier's throat. They're now in the street, on their way to the van with Milton.)
Grieves: Your equipment manipulates animal behaviour. Clever. I'm working on something similar with humans.
Cleo: Be quiet, please.
Grieves: You are perceivably panicked. I'm guessing you are not the alpha of this battalion.
Cleo: Do you want a dozen hungry rodents crawling up your ass?
Grieves: My answer may not be what you expect.
(Y/N): How about my cold gun and I freeze you from the inside?
Grieves: Even better.
(Cut to Y/N & Cleo in the van, driving up to DuBois' coordinates.)
(Y/N): That was fun.
Cleo: Yeah, it was. How about after this, we do it again?
(Y/N): Yeah, maybe.
(The van stops close to an overturned vehicle & Cleo walks out. Luckily, DuBois, Smith, & Flag walk out of the overturned vehicle.)
DuBois: All right. Let's go to Jotunheim.
Flag: Nope. There's something we need to take care of first.
DuBois: What?
(We see Harley being tortured as we cut to the squad on their way to rescue them.)
Peacemaker: You've got to be kidding me. You're going to risk the entire mission for a mental defective dressed as a court jester?
Bloodsport: This comin' from a guy with a toilet seat on his head?
Captain Cold: How often do you clean that thing?
Flag: We don't leave one of our own behind.
(Smith looks at DuBois.)
Peacemaker: You okay with this?
Bloodsport: No, but I've been around Flag enough to know when he's got a rag in his mouth, it's best not to tug it.
Peacemaker: Motherfucker!
(Y/N wakes Cleo up.)
Captain Cold: We're here.
(They exit the van.)
Flag: All right. We'll enter through the third floor, go to the inner staircase, and then to the cellar when they usually keep their detainees. Hopefully Harley's still alive.
Peacemaker: It's not a toilet seat, it's a beacon of freedom! And I clean it everyday!
(They get into position as we cut to Harley making her escape.)
(After Harley makes her escape, she enters a cab & watches DuBois, Flag, & Y/N run by.)
Flag: Ratatouille, what do ya got?
Ratcatcher 2: Third floor, hallways clear.
Captain Cold: I like the nickname.
Ratcatcher 2: Of course you do. Abner?
Polka-Dot Man: There doesn't seem to be any incoming traffic.
Nanaue: Bird.
Flag: Nanaue, stay off the comm.
Peacemaker: Colonel, I've got a clean shot on the only one in the office. Just give the word.
DuBois fires a rope up the building & starts climbing up it.)
Flag: Fire on...3...2...
Harley: What are you guys doin'?
Captain Cold: Oh.
Flag:, we're here to save you.
Harley: You were gonna save me?
Flag: It was a really good plan too.
Harley: Well I can go back inside and you can still do it.
Bloodsport: That's patronizing.
(DuBois climbs down as Harley hugs Flag.)
Bloodsport: Uh, what's with the javelin?
Harley: I'm waiting for God to tell me.
Bloodsport: Jesus Christ.
Harley: Yeah. Or him. Or any of them, really.
Captain Cold: At least you aren't picky.
Bloodsport: You two all right, yeah?
Harley: I'm so sorry.
Bloodsport: It's all right.
(They shake hands.)
Harley: Harley Quinn.
Bloodsport: Bloodsport.
(Harley notices Y/N.)
Harley: What happened to you, Victor? You look so young!
Captain Cold: Victor? No, you must have me confused with someone else. Name's Captain Cold.
Harley: Oh, you're a higher rank than Flag.
Flag: Actually, Colonel is higher than Captain. Also, he's not a Captain.
Captain Cold: I didn't pick the name. It just stuck.
(The squad is on top of a roof.)
Flag: Who ate all of the fuckin' empanadas?
Bloodsport: Not me. I had the chicken.
Captain Cold: Sorry, they were pumpkin filled.
Flag: So?
Ratcatcher 2: They're his favorite.
Flag: All right.
(Flag, DuBois, & Harley walk around Grieves.)
Flag: Here's the deal. We fail the mission, you die.
Bloodsport: We find out any of the information you give us is false, you die.
Harley: If we find out if you have personalized license plates, you die.
Flag: What? No?
Harley: If we find out that you mismatch blacks, you die.
Flag: No.
Harley: If you cough without covering your mouth-
Flag: Harley. Those last three aren't things. Although, probably don't need to say this but that isn't an open invitation for you to cough without covering your mouth.
Bloodsport: All right, we're gonna need you to drive the minibus with all of us inside past the guards at the front gate.
Flag: Once through the gate, we'll use you to get past the retinal scanner.
Grieves: There are security cameras everywhere.
Ratcatcher 2: They're being dealt with.
(Cut to some rats cutting a security camera's wires.)
Flag: We'll neutralize the soldiers there and enter.
Bloodsport: Once we're inside, we separate into teams.
Harley: I am walking back and forth!
Flag: Okay. You're gonna lead me and Ratcatcher to Project Starfish.
Peacemaker: I'm goin' with you because I don't trust this guy.
Captain Cold: I'm coming too. I ain't leavin' her.
Ratcatcher 2: Aw, you're worried about me.
Bloodsport: No, no. You're both coming with me. I'm sure you've blown your way to get out of a prison before, right, Cold?
Captain Cold: I don't like the way that sounded but yes.
Bloodsport: I'm gonna need your munitions expertise in order to place explosives from the first floor going all the way to the top. Once we're clear, we blow the tits off that thing and go home.
Grieves: This is suicide.
Flag: Well, that's kind of our thing.
Polka-Dot Man: Yeah.
(Cut to them getting past the gate & getting ready as it starts to rain.)
Harley: I love the rain. It's like angels are splooging all over us.
Captain Cold: Thank you for putting that image into my head.
Bloodsport: It's good for cover.
(They walk out of the mini bus & start killing the guards in their way. Y/N even...)
(Freezes four guards in front of him. Nanaue even rips one in half. Cut to Smith shoving Grieves' face into the retinal scanner.)
Grieves: You son of bitch-
(Smith shoves Grieves' eyes into the scanner. They run inside Jotunheim as Smith breaks the scanner. Bloodsport aims a gun at Grieves' head as soldiers make their way to them.)
Bloodsport: Input the emergency code. Now! Go on then!
(Grieves put in the emergency code & the doors close. The soldiers try to use the scanner but realize that they smashed it so they call in the battering ram.)
(Y/N shoots ice from his gun all over the door.)
Captain Cold: That should buy us some more time.
(Flag hands everyone bombs.)
Bloodsport: Harley, Cold and I will meet you on the second floor, yeah?
Polka-Dot Man: *nods his head in agreement*
(The guards inside of Jotunheim are alerted of their presence & the guards outside are using a humvee to smash the door. Smith & Nanaue are placing bombs around as he sees Flag, Grieves, & Cleo enter an elevator so he leaves Nanaue & follows them. Mateo's alerted of Jotunheim's situation & goes to it. Leaving the headquarters unguarded so Soria & the freedoms storm in. Cut to Flag, Cleo, & Grieves at Project Starfish where Grieves tells them that their government sent them here to cover up their part in Project Starfish.)
Flag: You're a Goddamn liar.
Grieves: American Goddamn astronauts found Starro. Yankee fucking doodle dandees! Another cold war was ended. Your government saw the potential in weaponizing such a powerful beast. But Bannister thought, if any such experiments were held on American soil, your people have always been squeamish but the sacrifices necessary for scientific advancement. So, the United States made a secret deal with the Corto Maltese government to conduct their illegal experiments here, in Jotunheim. They hired me to oversee them. And now because of a fucking military coup, you're going to destroy 30 years of efforts!
(Smith makes his appearance & Flag gets his hands on the files to show the press & the people. Smith pulls his gun on Flag.)
Peacemaker: I can't let you do that, Colonel.
Flag: Excuse me?
Peacemaker: I'm truly sorry. Ms. Waller tasked me with making sure that those records don't make it out this building.
Flag: Should've known, Waller's always got a backup.
Peacemaker: Come on, man. This isn't personal.
Flag: Holding a gun on me feels pretty fuckin' personal.
(The building starts to crumble.)
Grieves: What was that?
Peacemaker: I'm gonna need that drive, Colonel.
Grieves: Those idiots set the explosives off too early. Hand over the drive! Come on! Let's go!
Flag: They experimented on children.
Peacemaker: No one is saying what they did was right.
Flag: They experimented on children!
Peacemaker: That information goes out, it causes an international incident! Keeping the peace is worth any price. Including a life of a hero like yours. So please, don't make me do this.
(Flag is about to draw his gun but their floor crumbles. Cut to Cleo watching Starro drag Grieves to him. Cleo & Sebastian make their escape as one of Starro's arms is about to crush them. Starro kills Grieves as we cut to Flag choking Smith with a pipe after the two had been fighting. As he's being choked, Smith grabs a piece of broken tile & stabs Flag in the heart with it which makes him let go og the pipe.)
Flag: Peacemaker...what a joke.
(Flag dies as Smith rolls him over. He looks up to see Cleo looking right at him with the drive in front of her which she takes.)
Peacemaker: Cleo. Give me back the drive.
(Cleo runs & Smith chases after her. She ends up outside about to call for some rats but before she can, Smith catches up with her, smacks her device away, pushes her down, & aims his gun at her.)
Peacemaker: I told you that information can't get out, fuck!
Ratcatcher 2: So okay, okay, destroy the hard drive. Why kill me?
(Smith thinks about it.)
Peacemaker: Because I'm thorough.
(Smith cocks his gun.)
Ratcatcher 2: Please don't.
Peacemaker: Sorry, kid.
Ratcatcher 2: No, no!
(DuBois watches reinforcements arrive.)
Bloodsport: All right, troops are comin'. This floor and the ninth floor are the only floors left. Let's go!
(DuBois, Milton, Y/N, Krill, & Harley enter an office complex as Nanaue walks up some stairs & makes some new dumb friends. Cut back to them walking in the office complex as Krill drops the bombs.)
Polka-Dot Man: Oh, fizzle sticks. Hold on.
(He goes down to pick them just in time for some bullets to miss him but not Milton that end up killing him. In response, Krill throws some polka-dots at the soldiers. Each of them are now hiding in an office cubicle.)
Bloodsport: Has anybody got eyes or eyes anymore?
Polka-Dot Man: They killed Milton!
Bloodsport: Milton was still with us?
Polka-Dot Man: Where do you think he was?
Bloodsport: I don't know! I thought he stayed back with the bus. What was he going to do?
Polka-Dot Man: He was helping us!
Captain Cold: I'm honestly surprised he lasted that long with us.
Polka-Dot Man: How could you say such a thing?
Captain Cold: Okay, sorry.
Harley: Who's Milton?
Polka-Dot Man: What?!
Harley: I don't remember any Milton.
Polka-Dot Man: Fuck! He's been with us the whole time!
Harley: Somebody named Milton has been with us the whole time?
Polka-Dot Man: Yes!
Harley: I don't think so. I think I would've noticed if a guy named Milton's been with us. I mean, it's not a very common name. I don't think I've ever met a Milton.
(Krill stands up.)
Polka-Dot Man: Are you messing around right now? He was a really nice guy and he sacrificed himself to help us. And now look at him. He's dead.
(Harley pokes her head out to look at Milton's body.)
Harley: Oh, that guy! Milton! Milton. [chuckles lightly]
(DuBois & Y/N walk out of the cubicles they're hiding in.)
Bloodsport: So when did this love affair with Milton start?
Captain Cold: Yeah.
Polka-Dot Man: I liked him from the beginning, okay? Just didn't say anything-
(More soldiers arrive as Bloodsport fires at them as does Y/N with his cold gun. Krill throws some polka-dots at them...)
Harley: No!
(That hits the bombs, causing an explosion. Harley tackles Krill out of the way of the explosion as it pushes DuBois & Y/N back. It also breaks the tank that Nanaue's new dumb friends are in resulting in the office complex to start flooding. The water sends everyone back.)
Captain Cold: [muddling yelling]
(Y/N, Harley, & Krill resurface to see Nanaue's new friends attacking him.)
Nanaue: Ah!
Harley: What are you waiting for?!
Captain Cold: You want me to freeze the water with us still in it? Are you crazy? You know what? Don't answer that.
(The trio swim towards Nanaue. The rest of the bombs go off causing Jotunheim to start to crumble. The water pushes everyone back. Krill, Harley, & Y/N are able to grab onto something but DuBois & Nanaue are sent out of Jotunheim, DuBois hangs on to a rod while Nanaue falls to the ground where's shot by soldiers. The same soldiers shot at DuBois but Harley's able to pull him back up. All their bullets do is piss Nanaue off resulting in him biting a soldier's head off. The top half of Jotunheim begins to slide off causing Krill, Y/N, Harley, & DuBois to run to the other side. They each jump over & avoid obstacles in their way. Krill & Harley jump over to the side successfully & land on some of the remaining pieces. As Y/N is about to jump, the piece of the floor under his foot falls out from under him resulting in him falling down below.)
Captain Cold: [shouting] Shit!
(DuBois' is also falling but he's able to attach a rope to a wall to stop himself from falling instead his face hits the wall, breaking his helmet.)
Bloodsport: [groans]
(The top half of Jotunheim falls to the ground as many soldiers are caught under it & die. Mateo's able to drive away from it. Cut to Y/N falling.)
Captain Cold: Fuck! Think, (Y/N), think!
Captain Cold's thoughts: There has to be something-
Captain Cold: Absolute Zero! I've never tested it before but...
(Y/N looks down to see that he's getting closer to the ground.)
Captain Cold: There's no time like the present!
(He clicks a button on his gun & fires it. Suddenly, the surrounding area is covered in ice & snow. Y/N has no time to admire it as he fires his cold gun again, this time, it creates an icy trail that he uses to slide down to the bottom.)
Captain Cold: Holy shit. I can't believe that worked! [chuckles] Did anybody see that?
Ratcatcher 2: (Y/N)...
Captain Cold: Cleo! Please tell you saw-
(Y/N turns around to see Smith looking at him with his gun pointed down at Cleo.)
Captain Cold: *tightens his grip on the handle of the cold gun*
(Smith turns his gun to him as Y/N points his cold gun at him. But...)
(Smith's able to fire his gun quicker, shooting Y/N in the heart.)
(Y/N falls backwards onto the ground.)
Ratcatcher 2: No!
Peacemaker: Sorry about your boyfriend.
(Smith points his gun back down to Cleo. He's about to shoot her but before he can, DuBois smashes through the floor Smith standing over Cleo with his gun pointed down at her & he looks over to see Y/N's body. The two have a quick staredown then they simultaneously fire at each other.)
(After going through Smith's bullet, DuBois' bullet hits Smith in the throat. Dropping him to his knees. DuBois walks towards Cleo.)
Peacemaker: [strained] How?
Bloodsport: Smaller bullets.
(Smith slumps to the ground & dies. Cleo crawls over to Y/N's body.)
Ratcatcher 2: *teary eyed* (Y/N)...I-
Captain Cold: [groans] Cleo?
Ratcatcher 2: *teary eyed* You're alive!
Captain Cold: Looks like it.
Ratcatcher 2: *teary eyed* How?
Captain Cold: Bulletproof parka.
Ratcather: [chuckles lightly]
(Cleo holds Y/N's hand & he holds her back.)
Bloodsport: I hate to ruin the moment but, what happened?
(Cleo & Y/N stand up.)
Ratcatcher 2: He killed Colonel Flag. He wanted to share this with the press. It's proof the American government was behind Project Starfish the whole time.
(DuBois takes the drive as Harley, Krill, & Nanaue rejoin them. Harley looks over at the icy path Y/N created.)
Harley: Didja slide down that?
Captain Cold: Uh, yes.
Harley: I wanna slide down that thing!
Captain Cold: I don't think we have time for that.
(Mateo & more soldiers wait outside as Jotunheim starts shaking.)
Ratcatcher 2: I think it's trying to get out.
Harley: What?
Ratcatcher 2: Starro the-
(An arm pops through the floor they're on causing them to run out of Jotunheim. Harley stumbles & looks up at one of Starro's arms.)
Harley: Whoa.
(Starro finally breaks out of Jotunheim.)
(Mateo orders the soldiers to fire at Starro causing him to release mini versions of himself that latch onto the soldiers' faces. Cleo puts her mask on just as one is about to latch onto her face but it's unable to.)
Ratcatcher 2: [covered] Cover your faces!
(Harley covers her face, Krill smacks them away, DuBois shoots them, & Y/N freezes them. Mateo looks around at what he's caused as a mini Starro latches itself to his face. As this is happening, Soria & the freedom fighters kill the generals.)
Bloodsport: [panting]
Captain Cold: [sighs] The small ones aren't so tough.
(DuBois notices a small Starro that latched itself to a face's eye move.)
Bloodsport: The fuck's that?
Harley: Uh, hey, guys.
(The soldiers with mini Starros on their faces stand up around them.)
Polka-Dot Man: Oh, shit.
Captain Cold: Could we just chill for a minute?
(DuBois aims his gun at Starro Mateo.)
Starro Mateo: This city is mine.
(Starro & the Starro soldiers march towards the city. Cut to Waller's headquarters where the feed is back. Cut to the squad watching Starro.)
Waller: (OVER RADIO) Task Force X, come in. Are you there?
Bloodsport: Uh-huh.
Waller: Whatever signal jammers were jamming our communications must've been in the building you just demolished.
Bloodsport: Yeah, well, we might have a wee issue over here, Waller.
Ratcatcher 2: It's Project Starfish, Ms. Waller. It's headed towards the city and I think it wants to feed on as many people as it can.
(Starro is destroying everything in his path.)
Waller: (OVER RADIO) Not our problem. If you've destroyed Jotunheim and the records within, you've achieved the objective. Corto Maltese is no longer an U.S. ally. If anything, the White House will consider fermenting the situation in a hostile nation a positive development.
(Starro releases mini versions of himself among the panicking people of Corto Maltese. Cleo looks at DuBois.)
Bloodsport: You heard what she said.
(DuBois walks back & the rest of the squad follows him but he stops.)
Bloodsport: Fuck.
(He turns back around & walks towards Starro. Cut to Waller's HQ where Flo alerts her that DuBois is off mission.)
Ratcatcher 2: She'll kill you, you know?
Bloodsport: That's her business.
(Cleo runs up to him & follows.)
Ratcatcher 2: I knew Sebastian sensed good in you for a reason.
Bloodsport: Just keep that fucking rat away from me.
Captain Cold: Cleo!
Ratcatcher 2: Come on, (Y/N)!
Captain Cold: [groans] This girl's going to get me killed.
(Y/N catches up to them & follows. Cut back to Waller's HQ where Emilia alerts her that Cleo & Y/N are off mission.)
Waller: Bloodsport. Ratcatcher. Captain Cold. Turn around.
Nanaue: Where go friends?
(Nanaue follows them.)
Waller: (OVER RADIO) Nanaue!
(Harley looks at Krill.)
Harley: I know what I'm carrying the javelin for.
(Harley & finally Krill follows them. Waller continues to threaten them. She's about to press DuBois' button but before she can, Flo knocks her out with a golf club. They all decide to help Task Force X take down Starro. The squad runs alongside Starro before stopping as he stops due to a large building. DuBois makes a gun &...)
(Imagine Y/N next to Cleo.)
(The squad separates as DuBois is run in front of Starro's attempt to hit him. They then notice a bunch of Starro civilians headed their way.)
Bloodsport: Harley, take the high ground.
(Harley climbs up a building.)
Bloodsport: Snart, freeze it.
Captain Cold: On it!
(Y/N runs around to get behind Starro.)
Bloodsport: Nanaue, monster is nom nom.
Nanaue: Monster nom nom?
Bloodsport: Yes.
(Nanaue runs & jumps onto Starro. He starts biting pieces off.)
Bloodsport: Abner! You see who that is?
Polka-Dot Man: Huh?
Bloodsport: It's your mom!
(Krill looks at Starro to see a giant version of his mom so he throws polka-dots at her that disintegrate her ankle which the Starro civilians also feel.)
Polka-Dot Man: I'm a superhero!
(Krill looks at DuBois.)
Polka-Dot Man: I'm a motherfucking super-
(Starro crushes Krill with one of his arms. Using his tendrils, he grabs Nanaue off him & throws him into a building. That said building crumbles onto Harley. Cut to Y/N who's behind Starro.)
Captain Cold: Let's see how you handle the cold!
(Y/N fires his cold gun at Starro & ice begins to form over him.)
Starro: [screams]
Captain Cold: I've got to tell Mick about this.
(Suddenly, for some reason, the cold gun stops working & powers down.)
Captain Cold: No, no! Why now?
(As Y/N is busy trying to figure out what's wrong with his cold gun...)
(Starro breaks free from the ice that's on him. Y/N hears this & looks up to see one of Starro's arms coming down towards him.)
Captain Cold: [sighs] I wonder if hell is cold-
(Starro seemingly crushes Y/N as he did Krill. Cut to DuBois fighting the Starro civilians where they hold him. He sees Cleo get on top of a car, about to summon some rats. One of Starro's arms is coming straight for her. DuBois breaks free from the Starro civilians & tackles Cleo out of the way of Starro's arm. They both look around to see a bunch of Starro civilians around them.)
Starro Civilian: This city is mine!
Ratcatcher 2: This city isn't yours. This city isn't ours. This city is theirs.
Bloodsport: Ah, hell.
(Cleo summons a whole city's worth of rats & they crawl onto Starro. Harley is shown crawling onto some building rubble. A flashback is shown of Cleo as a little girl & her father where he tells her that if rats have purpose, then so do we all. Harley runs across the building rubble, leaps towards Starro, & stabs into his eye with the javelin. Harley is shown floating within Starro's eye as rats pour in & start biting away at his insides. Cut to DuBois & Cleo.)
Starro Mateo: I was happy, floating, among the stars.
(Starro falls backwards & dies as does the Starro civilians. Sebastian & Harley crawl out of Starro's eye. Harley gives a thumbs up with DuBois giving her a thumbs up back. Cut to DuBois' daughter watching what he did. Cut to Y/N & Nanaue walking together.)
(Y/N): So, huh, thanks for saving me back there, Jaws.
Nanaue: Anything for friend.
(Y/N): [chuckles] You'd make a good Rogue.
Nanaue: Thank. What Rogue?
(Y/N): I'll tell you later. Okay, here's something I know you'll understand. After this, I'm gonna steal you a crown. Because you can't be a king without a crown.
Nanaue: Shiny!
(Y/N): Close enough.
(Cut to Cleo holding a piece of Krill's suit. DuBois is telling Waller that if she kills them or his daughter ever sees the inside of a prison, the drive goes public. If they all go free, it never has to see the light of day.)
Waller: I told you I'd make you a leader, DuBois. You got a deal.
(DuBois throws the communicator out of his ear as Waller looks at her staff. Nanaue & Y/N walk up to them where Cleo notices both of them.)
Cleo: Nanaue.
(Cleo runs up to Nanaue & hugs him.)
(Y/N): [clears throat]
(Cleo lets go of Nanaue.)
Cleo: Okay, (Y/N). Here's your-
(Y/N kisses her before she can finish her sentence.)
Cleo: So you do love me.
(Y/N): Yeah, I love you.
Harley: [gasps] What's Nora going to say?
Cleo: Who's Nora?
(Y/N): Just ignore her.
(DuBois & Harley walk up to them.)
DuBois: Our rides here.
(They start walking to the aircraft. Nanaue points at a body.)
Nanaue: Nom nom?
DuBois: Really? That's what you're thinkin' about right now?
(Y/N): I could eat.
DuBois: How?
Nanaue: No.
(Nanaue points at another body.)
Nanaue: That nom nom, though.
Cleo: No, it's not nom nom.
(Nanaue points at yet another body.)
DuBois: No!
(Cut to them on the aircraft where Cleo leans her head on Y/N's shoulder & falls asleep.)
(Y/N): [sighs happily]
(DuBois & Harley look at each other as Harley falls asleep. He notices that Sebastian is laying on one of his thighs. He freaks out at first but then calms down & starts slowly petting him.)
After The Credits
(It's revealed that Weasel is alive & walks into the Corto Maltese forest. It's also revealed that Christopher Smith is alive as well & he's going to save the fucking world.)
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