Chapt. 30
Cartoonz POV
I got barely any sleep last night hearing and thinking about what Smitty and Kryoz were doing. I shook my head trying to get the mental picture out of my mind. They had been so loud and so had Moo and Terrorizer. My room was in between there's so I heard every moan, groan, and scream. I walked to the kitchen where everyone but the 'lovers' were. I had only gotten a few hours of sleep from all of last night. I walked into the kitchen tired as can be. I first got a cup of coffee and then got some food. I sat down in the living room and closed my eyes about to fall asleep when the gang started to laugh obnoxiously. I opened my eyes and the gang seemed to laugh harder. I was starting to get angry by the day so far.
"What?!" I asked angry and they all went silent. I rolled my eyes and sat up eating my food and drinking my coffee. "What seems to be so funny?"
"It's just that you look so tired and it was probably the lovers fault," Panda said in a calm voice. I started to laugh at that thought. They think it's because of the lovers. I know it's because of the lovers.
"You know what? I want a new room. Far away from anyone that's going to find love and be super loud at night," I said smiling at that thought. I chuckled wishing it could come true. And the gang started laughing as well at what I said. I went back to eating and watching the news that was playing. Soon the two sets of lovers walked in hand in hand. There was a wolf whistle and the guys just rolled their eyes and sat down to eat.
"So I heard from a little demon that you guys were getting it," Delirious teased them and their faces went red, especially Smitty's. He looked like someone had just told his life long secret to a random stranger. That made the gang laugh even harder. I just shook my head and went back to eating. Soon Vanoss' phone rang and he picked it up immediately. He talked for a little bit and then hung up. He had a shocked face on.
"What's the matter?" I asked curious as to why he would be so shocked from a call.
"You know that small boy from Chilled's and Nanners' gang, Satt, he used to be a slave with Swag and Gorilla? Yeah well he's been captured by Peter a man that was kicked out of the gang for harassing him. Chilled called and asked us to help get him back," Vanoss said urgently.
"When are we leaving?" I asked getting up to put my stuff away.
"He asked us to get there as fast as possible so please get ready." The gang nodded and went to get ready. I walked to my room and got some clothes and changed. When I walked back to the living room I was the only one there. I sat down and waited for the others to get done. Soon everyone was in the room waiting for instructions.
"Okay let's go in groups of four to get to Chilled's," Vanoss said looking serious. "The guys are joining us for this mission, Okay? Terrorizer, Moo, Wildcat, And Mini you're group one head out now and we'll meet you there. Group two Kryoz, Smitty, Lui, And Daithi start heading out and when you get there start trying to track down where Satt is. Group three 407, Basically, Delirious and me we'll head out soon and get supplies. Finally group four Bryce, Ohm, Cartoonz, And Panda you'll be back up for Chilled's men. Okay let's go out." We went outside and got into the cars. We started down the road with Panda driving. I so hope Satt is Okay, I thought to myself. Don't worry about him so much. Oh where have you been? I've been around. Okay fine but I just want Satt to be okay.
I'm going to add some csgo you tubers to this story. Smitty and Kryoz play with them some times. 'Till next time, Scott out
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