Dorm life is a right a passage, and a staple piece to the college experience. As rewarding as it can be there are also many challenges along the way. Here are a few tips and tricks that I wish someone told me! I hope you all pick up a few helpful things, and that your dorm experience is amazing!! :D
1. Most dorms are tiny, so invest in some storage bins and try to not pack your entire life. 😂
2. Each time you take a trip home bring a few things back with you. It'll make move out day a lot easier.👍
3. Your dorm will kind of look like a prison cell if you don't decorate it😂. If it doesn't bother you then don't worry about it, but after a while it may xD You don't have to go all "tumblr-y", but it's nice to add a few pictures/ posters. It gives a nice home- vibe. ☺
4. There are random inspections, so follow the rules!👍
5. There are also random fire alarm drills, so don't sleep with too little clothes on. You really don't have a lot of time to get out, so things can get a bit embarrassing xD 😅😂😂
6. If you have bunk beds go for the bottom bunk. Climbing up and down can get really annoying, but maybe I'm just really lazy? 😂😂😂
7. You don't have to talk color coordination with your roommate to be, but at least talk about who's bringing the fridge, mirror, microwave, etc. It'll save money, and save a lot of headache of having to return things. 😊👍
8. Also make your roommate is ok with sharing appliances...some people aren't, so you may have to buy your own.
9. You're gonna want a power strip. My roommate and I each got 3 outlets, which is doable, but very inconvenient if you have an alarm clock, computer &phone charge, hair straightener &blow dryer, microwave, fridge, lamp, etc. Save yourself the headache and get a power strip xD 😂
10. Invest in some cleaning products, especially for the bathroom. It can get quite messy. 😕😬😷
11. Coordinate who cleans the bathroom, sweeps, takes out the trash etc. It can very quickly get annoying for whomever is always doing the cleaning.
12. Whether you're in a suit style or community style dorm invest in a show caddy AND WEAR SHOWER SHOES. 👍👊
13. Your roommate could become your next bff, or just someone you live prepared for both.✌
14. Don't try to force a friendship with your roommate(s). By simply living together you're going to have a special bond.👌👍
15. You don't have to be bffs, but try to make conversation each day. Even if it's just asking about their day, it'll make things a lot less awkward as time goes on, and it really does build friendship.😊
16. If your roommate does something you don't like just tell them. Chances are they don't know they're bothering you, and therefore won't stop unless you fill them in.😊👍
17. Buy a flashlight. If your roommate is sleeping be considerate, and use a flashlight instead of turning on the main light. 🔦😊
18. The meal plan is quite expensive, but considering you won't have a kitchen maybe you should consider it. It's also a staple piece of freshman year, and you'll be surprised at the people you meet there. 😊🍕🍗🍔🍛🍝🍚
19. The dining hall isn't opened 24/7 and you're not always going to want to cook something, so keep some easy go to snacks in your room.🍍🍎🍌🍇
20. You probably won't have a kitchen in your room, but there probably will be one or two in your building, so invest in some pots and pans.👍
21. Roommate nightmares are legit. Your roommate could smoke, party hard/ come back at 3 am drunk, and/ or bring people over. 😴
22. If your roommate does come back drunk don't judge or chastise them. Be a friend and just help them out. I'll tell you first hand that these acts of kindness go a long way, and don't go unforgotten.😊👍
23. Living in such close quarters makes the spread of colds oddly fast. Be sure to have some medicine in your dorm, use Lysol wipes, and wash your hands frequently. 👍
24. You or your roommate will lose your key at least once. It's just kind of inevitable lol. Be kind, and available to help them out.😊👍
25. Take out the trash before a long break, because if you don't you'll be welcomed back by roaches...😱😩
26. Most people don't care that 11 pm is when quiet hours start, so invest in earplugs lol. Your roommate may also have some loud habits (singing, blasting music, etc.), so earplugs may be nice.😊👍
27. Always lock your door. Even if you're only gonna be gone for a few minutes.
28. Most dorms have a rec room, and a number of study rooms. Check them out 😊
29. You don't need a TV. There are so many things happening in your dorm and on campus, get out and explore! Dorm life is a very unique experience, don't trade it for that show you can catch anytime. 😄👍
30. Go to the dorm events! They're such a huge part of dorm life, and make it so much more interesting. It'll be fun, you'll make friends, and there's almost always free food involved so why not! Your floor especially can truly become a second family to you. The friendships formed are honestly the best part of dorm life. You never know the amazing friendships you're missing out on, and it makes elevator conversations a lot less awkward. xD😂😂😂
31. Keeping your door open (when you're in there of course) is actually a really nice way to get to know people, and make friends. You'll be surprised with how many people pop in just to say hello.😊👍
32. Having a white board on your door is a nice way for people to leave you messages. You'll be surprised at the nice messages people on your hall will leave you 😊👍
33. It's ok to go up to random doors on your floor, introduce yourself, and even ask them to head to the dining hall with you. It sounds cheesy, but this is how legit friendships are formed (along with #31-32).😊🚸👪👭
34. People are ruthless in the laundry room!😱😤 If you're a few minutes late on taking your clothes out of the washer/ dryer (and there's a long line) don't be surprised if your clothes end up on the floor. It's best to just wait in the laundry room lol 😂😂😂. Also pay attention to when the laundry room is most full and empty. 👍
35. Get to know your RA. They're also usually really cool people, and are there to help. Take time to get to know them. 😊 They're also upperclassman and therefore have a lot more experience with the whole college thing, and can give some pretty great advice. 😊✌
36. Invest in an Ethernet cord! Dorm wifi is usually not the best wifi lol. Ours was known for going in and out, and sometimes shutting down completely...which was unfortunate if you had an assignment due soon. 😭😂😂😂
37. Take your roommate agreement seriously. The roommate agreement is basically a contract where you outline what your roommate can and can't get away with. So if your roommate brings people over after a certain hour, and you're not ok with it, but in the agreement you said it was ok then there's not much that can be done.
38. A mattress topper is actually really nice. It's not needed, but it will definitely make your bed much more comfy. If you're only gonna be living in the dorm for a year then you probably shouldn't buy the most expensive bedding. 💲💰💸
39. Living with someone else can be a bit uncomfortable at first...especially if you've had your own room for a while. You both have different preferences so it's gonna take some adjusting, compromising, and TIME. So be patient. Eventually you'll learn how to accommodate each other. You may even be surprised with how well you two work together. 😊👍
40. As an introvert it was really draining to be so physically close to my very extroverted roommate for most of the day, so taking time to myself was crucial in keeping my sanity. If you're in that situation then be sure to take time for yourself. 😊✌
41. The first person to move in gets top picks in top or bottom bunk, side of room, window desk, etc. The last person to move out gets stuck with all the extra cleaning. Keep that in mind. 😂😂😂
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