What's Mental Health??
You all seemed obsessed with this story and today was a slow day for me. Thank Theobsessedmushroom
For this update. I hope you all enjoy it!!
And let me know what you think of the story so far. You all seem to love it and I wanna know why!
Jimmy's Perspective-
Jimmy walked into the kitchen and yawned.
He opened the fridge to grab peanut butter to make his lunch and was surprised to see that his lunch box was in the fridge.
Did I make my lunch?
He thought for a second before shaking his head.
I swear I didn't. Did I just put my lunchbox in?
He shrugged and took it out.
He opened it up and saw that it was already packed.
As he looked through, he saw a Ziploc bag full of pretzels, a sandwich, and a brownie.
There was also a folded-up note.
Hey bro! I know times are really hard for you right now and trust me if I ever see Scott, I am going to kill him for hurting you like this. I know you don't wanna go to school today, but I hope you do. Grian and all of your other great friends will help you. I know you want to help Scott and if he lets you help him, then do it. I know you also love him but just try and help him as friends. It'll work out.
With much love,
Jimmy read his sister's note and a small smile formed on his face.
He zipped up his lunchbox (which had an axolotl and a cod fish on it) and put it in his bag.
"Oh, good morning, James!" Jimmy's mother said when she saw him.
"How are you feeling?" She asked.
"Are you sure?"
His mother didn't look convinced but when Jimmy opened up his book and started eating a bagel, she didn't question him any further.
Jimmy walked into his ELA class and saw Scott.
He was at Katherine's desk.
They were both talking, Katherine looking worried and concerned as Scott looked as though he was about to cry.
Jimmy grabbed his notebook and sat down.
The bell rang and Scott sat down next to him.
"Hey Jim." Scott smiled.
Jimmy nodded, "Hi."
Jimmy continued to look straight at the board.
"Alright class." Mr. Brinson said, "Today we're going to be taking a pop quiz."
Some kids groaned but Jimmy just shrugged.
He didn't mind.
At least he didn't have to talk to Scott.
Jimmy and Scott were walking to lunch.
It seemed as though Scott was trying to get away from everyone he knew.
He was speed walking ahead of Katherine and Jimmy.
Something's up.
Jimmy remembered what his sister tells him whenever times are hard.
'Just one step at a time.'
That's what she always told him.
Jimmy took a deep breath,
"Hey Scott?"
Scott looked behind him and made eye contact with Jimmy.
Jimmy walked up to Scott so now they were walking next to each other.
"So, er- do you wanna sit with me and my friends today?"
Scott's face lit up, "That would be perfect."
Jimmy looked a bit confused, and Scott added,
"Sorry I just..." He scratched is wrists, "I've been dealing with a lot and your friends are really nice and funny, and I feel like it would take my mind off...things."
"Well, you're always welcome at my table." Jimmy smiled as he sat down next to Grian.
Scott looked awkwardly at them before sitting down.
Grian and Scott made eye contact.
"Sorry! Do you not want me to sit here?" Scott asked, blushing a bit from embarrassment.
"Er- no it's fine." Grian said.
Just then, Mumbo, Oli, and Pix sat down.
Pix was laughing at something Oli had said and Oli was smiling and blushing a bit.
"Hey G!" Mumbo smiled as he sat down next to Grian.
Mumbo and Scott made eye contact and Scott looked really embarrassed.
"Hey look..." Scott said, "I'm really sorry for breaking down and crying to you at the party I was just- "
"Hey." Mumbo smiled, "It's fine. It happens. That day just wasn't your day and you needed someone to talk to."
"Yeah...just you might not wanna pick us later. I suck at giving advice." Pix smiled.
Oli laughed, "And I'll just be cracking jokes."
Scott laughed softly.
"Yeah, I was going to talk to you, Jim," He said, making eye contact with Jimmy, "But you had left with Grian."
"Sorry." Jimmy said.
"No, it's fine!" Scott smiled, though it did not look like he was okay.
Mumbo then changed the subject to chess club that was tomorrow.
Scott had agreed to going as he had nothing else to do and it would be fun.
He started to feel better.
Like he had friends who didn't just talk about his terrible mental health.
Scott's Perspective-
Katherine pulled Scott aside at the end of the day as they were waiting for their parents to pick them up.
She made sure no one was looking and pulled up the sleeves of his jacket.
Scott reluctantly showed her his wrists.
"You told me you would stop!" She hissed worriedly.
"I'm sorry, alright!" Scott whispered, his voice getting shaky.
Katherine sighed, "Scott, I'm sorry, I just- I'm worried about you. This weekend sucked for you, and I don't know how to help you."
"It's fine, really." Scott said, pulling his wrists back.
"But it's not."
"It is. You don't have to be so worried about me."
"I'm worried about you killing yourself!" Katherine said and Scott saw tears in her eyes.
"Yeah well... I am too! I can't stop it! You know I can't!"
"Scott, what I know is that you're in a tough spot right now and I know that you can stop."
"I can't!" Scott said, his hands pulling his hair as he shook his head, "You don't understand! I can't stop! I just can't!"
"Yes, you can- "
"I CAN'T!" Scott shouted, now crying, "You don't get it! You don't know what it's like going home and not being accepted for who you are! You don't know what it's like to hate yourself and feel like the only solution is to kill yourself!"
Scott balled his hands into fists, "You've never gotten to the point where pain...pain doesn't bother you."
Katherine took a deep breath, "Scott, I'm sorry. I don't mean to set you off. It just... I don't ever want to see you hurt yourself."
Scott scoffed and chuckled lightly, "It's funny when people think that we enjoy hurting ourselves. You don't get it. You don't hear that other voice that takes over and leaves us out of control."
Scott shook his head and spotted his father's car, "You just don't get it."
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