I need you to listen to 'The Right Place, In the Wrong Time' by 'Seycara Orchestral'. And enjoy!! :D
Joel's Perspective-
Joel walked over to Lizzie's house and knocked on the door.
Lizzie's father answered it.
"Joel? What are you doing here?" He asked.
"I'm here to help Lizzie. Did she not tell you I'm coming over?"
"She hasn't told me anything. The only time I know she walked out of her room was to take a shower."
Joel nodded, "Where is she?"
"Up in her room. Been there for the past four hours; come in, maybe you can help her get some fresh air."
"Thanks." Joel said, walking inside and towards Lizzie's room.
He took a deep breath and knocked.
A minute passed by, and Lizzie didn't answer.
Joel grabbed the handle right as the door swung open.
Lizzie stood there, a Bath & Body Works perfume in hand.
"Oh, hey Joel." She said.
Joel blinked, "I didn't think you would actually clean your room."
Lizzie rolled her eyes, "Gee, thanks."
She walked back into her room and Joel followed.
"Wow." He said, looking around, "It looks good in here."
He then turned to the wall that her desk was in front of and saw that she took all the photos down.
"You made good progress. Did you get rid of every photo you had with...him?"
Lizzie took a shaky breath, "Every photo online and on my wall is taken down."
She turned around and forced a smile, "I've been great, how about you?"
Joel put down his bag near the door.
"Fine, thanks. Etho's been keeping me company."
"I never understood how you two could still be friends even after your relationship."
Joel shrugged and put his hands in his pockets, "I have a feeling we were meant to be buddies and not boyfriends."
"How can you say that?"
"Say what?"
"How can you speak about your relationship so calmly?"
"It was over a year ago."
"But..." Lizzie shook her head and turned to her window, "I remember when he broke up with you, and said that he wanted to just be friends. I remember you telling me how hurt you were but then a week later you were okay with hanging out with him again, but just as friends. How did you do that?"
"Well...I guess I just realized that we weren't meant to be. I also ended up liking someone else."
"Who?" Lizzie asked turning around.
"Oh, er- "
Joel blushed and didn't make eye contact with Lizzie.
"I'm not gonna make fun of you." Lizzie said, "I just want help with getting over...him."
Joel nodded, "Look, he sucked."
"I know that. But I loved him."
"And I loved Etho, yet here we are. You and River- "
Lizzie's grip tightened on the perfume bottle.
"Sorry." Joel said quickly, "Maybe you and...him weren't meant to be."
"I just..." Lizzie sighed, "I wish it wasn't like this. I've never felt pain like this before. A pain where I want to give up. A pain where I never want to give my heart to someone again. And you know? It's funny, everyone told me he sucked, and I never believed them. My father and brother told me constantly that he was going to hurt me. And now he has. They wished for this day, I know they did. After telling me all the time to end it and now it's ended. They wanted me to be hurt."
Joel bit his lip.
It felt...wrong.
He wanted River to break up with Lizzie as well, but he didn't want her to be hurt.
Joel then took a deep breath, "I know you want to clean your room, but come on, let's go outside."
Lizzie took a deep breath and nodded, walking outside with her best friend.
"Did you know he was bad?" She asked as they got outside.
She was sitting on the swing that was hanging from her tree.
She looked exhausted and depressed.
"I mean... kind of. He was really nice at first, but he never seemed to like me." Joel said.
"He hated you."
Her face then turned to look furious.
"I hate you." She said shakily.
"What?" Joel asked, looking up at her.
She started to cry, "I hate you! He left me since I hung out with you!"
"It's not my fault- "
"SHUT THE FUCK UP! WHY IS MY LIFE FUCKING LIKE THIS?!" She shrieked before crying into her hands.
Joel stood shocked before getting hit the feeling of familiarity.
He then walked over and hugged Lizzie.
She gripped onto him as if her life depended on it and cried.
Joel remembered how he treated her when Etho broke up with him.
"I hate this! I hate him! I- I hate you!" Joel shouted at Lizzie.
Lizzie gasped and watched as her friend sobbed into his hands before collapsing onto the ground.
She jumped up from his bed and ran over to sooth him.
"It's going to be- "
Lizzie froze before hugging him.
Joel started crying into her shoulder and hugged her back.
Eventually he caught his breath and calmed down.
"I'm sorry. You d-didn't deserve that. It's n-not your fault. I don't h-hate you. I'm j-just hurt from E-Etho."
Lizzie smiled at him sincerely, "It's okay. I don't really understand how you feel but you'll get through it."
And that's how it started.
Joel's feelings for her.
Lizzie hiccupped, bringing Joel back into reality.
"I'm sorry." She said, rubbing her eyes, "I d-didn't mean to shout. I'm just u-upset about R-River. I don't h-hate you."
"It's okay." Joel smiled at her, and she smiled back, "I understand exactly how you feel."
Lizzie hugged Joel again and he hugged back, planting a kiss on her head.
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