Hey before this chapter gets a rollen, I need you to do me a favor. Just an easy thing really. For this chapter, I listened to a song while writing it and it really brought out the emotion. I feel like you get the real intensity if you read the chapter while listening to the song. So what I need you to do is go into music and search for the song 'The Right Place, In the Wrong Time' by 'Seycara Orchestral'. Click play and if you want to have it on repeat depending on how fast you read, that's fine. Anyway, tell me what you think of the song and chapter and please enjoy!!
Lizzie's Perspective-
"Hey Riv!" Lizzie smiled at her boyfriend as she sat down next to him at lunch.
River had light blue hair and wore a red hoodie.
He looked over at Lizzie and sighed,
"I wish you'd stop calling me that."
"Why? It's cute."
"Just...stop." River said rudely.
"Oh...sorry." Lizzie trailed off, feeling miserable.
That was until her best friend, Joel, sat down next to her.
"Hey Liz!" Joel greeted, smiling.
Lizzie giggled and waved.
"What?" Joel asked, making Lizzie laugh even harder.
"You've got marker on your face!"
"Do I?" Joel asked, rubbing his cheeks.
"Stop!" Lizzie said, but it was too late.
She tried to hold in her laughs, "You just smudged it all over."
Joel sighed and got up to go use the restroom.
Lizzie laughed as he left, and River sighed and shook his head.
"I don't understand why you two can't be friends." Lizzie said, turning to him.
"I'm telling you; he likes you."
"So what?"
"I want you to stop hanging out with him."
"He's my friend!"
"And I'm your boyfriend!"
"What do you mean so?!"
"I don't understand why you can't let me be with my friends! You were never like this!"
Lizzie shouted, tears forming in her eyes.
"Yeah, well times change!"
"And you did too! You used to be so nice and caring, but now you're...now you're a bitch!"
There was a stinging silence as Lizzie didn't realize what she had done.
River then got up and grabbed his things.
"That's it, Elizabeth. I'm done. This is all your fault."
And he stormed off.
Lizzie sat in her seat and didn't move.
She was breathing as if she had just run a marathon and tears were streaming down her face like a broken faucet.
Joel then walked back, "Did I get it off?"
Lizzie turned to him, and his face turned to absolute concern.
"What happened?"
"It's s-stupid River." Lizzie sobbed, "It's all my fault."
"What did he do?"
"He left me!"
Joel sighed and shook his head, "Listen to me, Lizzie. He was never good for you."
"But I l-loved him."
"You may have loved him, but he didn't love you back. He sucks."
Lizzie shook her head, "I don't w-wanna hear it r-right now."
She hiccupped as she got up and grabbed her things, "I'm gonna t-text my dad to p-pick me up. I'll see you l-later."
She ran out, crying.
Jimmy's Perspective-
"Hey James, dinner's almost ready."
Jimmy looked up from his math homework and saw his mother who looked worriedly at Lizzie's bedroom door.
"Has she come out?"
Jimmy shook his head.
He walked up to it and heard her sobbing.
"She's still crying as well." He told his mother as they walked to the kitchen.
His mother sighed, "Poor thing. She won't let us help her either."
"Maybe she doesn't want help."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean...well maybe she just wants to cry right now. I think she's now noticing how much he sucked."
Jimmy saw his father putting down a bowl of soup.
He looked from Jimmy to his mom and then said,
"I'll go get her."
Five minutes later came Lizzie's screams.
"I will NOT be spoken to with that tone young lady!" His father's booming voice said.
The next minute, Jimmy's father came down and sighed.
Jimmy and his mother exchanged worried looks.
They all started eating and after dinner, Jimmy walked back up to his room.
He stared at his sister's bedroom door and took a deep breath.
He knocked and braced for impact.
"What." Lizzie's voice demanded.
Jimmy winced at the tone and said, "Liz, it's me."
"Come in."
Jimmy opened the door and saw a horrible mess.
Things were scattered around, and it was completely dark.
His sister was huddled on her bed, used tissues were all around her.
"Hey sis." Jimmy said, sitting down on his sister's bed.
"Did dad send you here?"
Jimmy shook his head, "I'm supposed to be doing homework."
Lizzie smiled but then the depressed look returned.
Jimmy stared at her awkwardly, not knowing where to start.
"This is what you wanted, wasn't it?" Lizzie said, "For me to be without River. I don't think you understand how much it hurts though."
Lizzie showed her brother her phone and he nodded silently.
She changed her lock screen.
It used to be a picture of her and River at the park where she was kissing his cheek.
He used to be cool and nice to her.
"It hurts. I never really knew how much I hated him until now. He used to be so...nice and friendly. But now he's a bitch." Lizzie said, taking a shaky breath.
"What about Joel?"
"I don't want to get with anyone now." Lizzie said, sitting up, "I kind of just want to stay shut up in my room. But hey, at least your love life is good."
"Eh... I wouldn't be so sure about that."
"Scott...Scott likes someone else."
Lizzie hugged her brother, "Aw, I'm sorry."
"It's okay." Jimmy hugged back.
"I guess today is no one's chance at love."
Lizzie said, sounding on the verge of tears.
"I guess not."
So that was happy. What do you guys think of it? I'm happy with it. The song adds some intensity to the chapter and I really like that. So yeah! This story is going to take a turn but it'll all work out (at least I hope). Tell me what you think and have a good Wednesday!
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