Love is Love
Jimmy never really thought that him liking a boy was weird.
In fact, he thought it was normal!
A couple of years went by and Jimmy was starting 4th grade. His first year at school that Elizabeth wasn't with him.
He had a couple of crushes the past years (some fictional some real) and soon he started to realize that maybe he wasn't normal.
Jimmy walked to the third building and found his class.
The teacher was standing outside, greeting each student that walked in.
"Welcome! I am Mrs. Jane." She smiled at Jimmy who smiled nervously, "What's your name?"
"James." Jimmy said.
Mrs. Jane nodded, "Well you may sit where you like." She gestured to her classroom.
Jimmy walked in and looked around.
It was...different.
There was an American flag and many posters.
But something was...different.
Behind her desk, there was a bookcase.
Above the bookcase there was a rainbow poster that read, 'Love is Love'.
Jimmy looked at it for a minute before shrugging and sitting in the second row.
He looked at the students entering his class and hoped he would see someone he knew.
Carmen walked in and he and Jimmy made eye contact.
"Hey Jim!" Carmen said cheerfully, sitting down next to Jimmy.
"How was your summer?" Carmen asked, getting out his notebook.
"Eh, not much happened."
Carmen nodded, "Sometimes it's better that way, right?"
Jimmy agreed and the teacher walked into the class.
"Welcome class!" She said cheerfully, "As you know, I am Mrs. Jane. I am here to teach you language arts."
Some kids exchanged bored looks.
She laughed, "Don't worry, we're not doing that right now. Today, we're going to do introductions!"
She walked over to her computer and turned on the projector before turning off the lights.
There was a PowerPoint on screen that said in big letters,
'Welcome to 4th Grade!'
Mrs. Jane stood in front of the board with a clicker to move the slides.
"We are going to be working on a project that tells me all about you." She clicked to the next slide.
"This is my husband and son who is in 7th grade." She pointed to two guys on screen.
She talked about her life for a bit and soon they arrived at the last slide.
"Now I would especially like to know this about you." She said, clicking so then the last slide showed.
It had the 'Love is Love' line again.
"Which is a motto. My motto, or something that I live by is 'Love is Love'."
After a couple of minutes of explaining the project she said,
"Any questions?"
A girl raised her hand.
"Your motto, why do you live by it?"
"Well, someone in my family is apart of that community." Mrs. Jane said simply, as if everyone knew what the motto meant.
"Dad, what does 'love is love' mean?"
His father stopped at a red light and looked back at Jimmy, confused.
"Love is love. What does it mean?"
"Where'd you hear that?"
"Huh." His father continued to drive, "It means... that people can love who they want."
"But that's how the world works." Jimmy said, "Anyone can love who they want. Like you love mom."
His father shook his head, "Not... not like that. Here, I'll give you an example, say... you like Grian."
"As in more than a friend." His father said to answer to Jimmy's confused look.
"But I don't. I only like him as a friend."
"I know you do; this is just an example."
Jimmy nodded, wanting his father to continue.
"So say you like Grian more than a friend. Like you want to be with him. That's what 'Love is Love' means."
His father chuckled as he pulled into their driveway.
He parked the car and looked back at Jimmy.
"It means that girls can like girls and boys can like boys. Someone could also like both or neither. And a girl could be a boy if they want."
"But they could already do that!"
They got out of the car and Jimmy's father shook his head, "I wish the world was like how you see it, James, but it's not. Some people think it's wrong for boys to like boys or vice versa."
"Oh... does that mean that girls who like girls are bad?"
"Not at all! It just means that they're different and it doesn't matter who they like. Some people think it's a bad thing for girls to like girls but it's not."
"As long as they're happy." Jimmy said.
"Exactly." His father hugged him.
Sorry that this one is so short but I really wanted a second chapter but I also really need to study for tests that I have starting tomorrow. I won't be posting a lot this week, but I'll try, I hope you enjoyed this one and I think it got a good point across.
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