Is It Too Late?
Scott's Perspective-
Over the past couple of weeks, Jimmy and Scott stayed as friends.
Just friends.
Nothing was ruined.
Nothing was...different.
Well at least on the outside.
In reality, Scott was dealing with feelings for Jimmy.
His mental health was slowly getting better since every time Jimmy did something as little as say Scott's name, Scott's heart rate would pick up and he would get a happy, fluttery feeling.
Jimmy, on the other hand, was...well he was finally seeing Scott as a friend. Sure, he still kind of liked him, but he mostly gave up on it.
Eventually, there was only three days before winter break started.
Katherine was putting on a Christmas party and Scott wanted to invite Jimmy.
But not as a friend.
"I mean, Pix and Oli already got together." Scott was telling Mumbo yesterday at chess club.
"You're gonna invite Grian and of course Grian will say yes but..." Scott sighed, "I don't know if Jim likes me anymore. I feel like I've waited too long to answer."
"Well, you were dealing with a lot." Mumbo said, "I think it was good you waited. You weren't sure and you were dealing with improving your mental health. You've made great progress with that by the way."
Scott smiled, "Thanks."
Mumbo shrugged, "It's true. It seemed everyday you were unhappy but now you seem...well happy. And yourself. Like you've let go of other people's comments about you."
Scott laughed, "I think after my mom kicked my dad out...everything's been getting better."
He looked out the window but then shook his head.
"Stop distracting me. We're here to talk about Jimmy."
"Er- I think we're at chess club to play chess." Mumbo said, earning a light kick from Scott.
"You need to help me out here!" Scott said.
"Alright, alright, I'm sorry." Mumbo laughed.
"I just feel like if I ask him, I'm gonna get rejected again and have a terrible Christmas. I'm sure he doesn't like me anymore." Scott mumbled.
"Do you want me to ask Grian?"
Scott perked up, "You would do that?"
Mumbo shrugged, "Course, this is clearly bothering you. And besides, I feel like if you were in a relationship, it would help your mental health."
Scott smiled sincerely to Mumbo, "Thanks."
Mumbo smiled back and they then heard someone start laughing.
Mumbo looked over and saw Pix.
He was laughing and blushing at something Oli had said.
"Dude, calm down, it wasn't that funny." Mumbo said.
"I'm sorry." Pix said, calming down, "I just- I don't know why I found it so funny."
Oli shrugged and kissed his boyfriend's cheek.
"Ayo!" Mumbo called, "No PDA."
"Oh shush." Oli said, "I know you're gonna be kissing Grian at school when you two are together."
Scott giggled and Mumbo shot him a look.
"He is right." Scott shrugged and Mumbo shook his head, his face red.
"You want to date Jim; you cannot be talking."
Scott kicked Mumbo again.
"Ow! Dammit! I'm sorry, alright, I won't make fun of your boyfriend again!"
Scott was drawing in his sketchbook.
He was planning on making a card for Jim that would have the note asking him out.
It would be easier than risk getting rejected right then and there.
But it did also make Scott nervous.
This is cringe.
He ripped the page out and threw it away.
He restarted.
And again,
He'd just rip it if I give him this.
Page after page.
Hour after hour.
No progress.
Scott crumpled up his page and threw it away.
He sighed and slammed his head against his desk.
He then grabbed his phone and started scrolling through Pinterest to get ideas.
Ugh, their stuff is so much better than mine.
Scott continued to scroll through ideas and then found it.
He perked up and grabbed his pencil.
He knew exactly what to draw.
He just hoped that Jimmy would like it.
The Next Day (Jimmy's Perspective)-
Jimmy yawned as he was talking with Grian.
He didn't sleep well last night, and it was the beginning of the day.
"I'm just excited to get home and sleep in since tomorrow's Winter Break!" Jimmy cheered and Grian laughed.
Scott then appeared, very red.
"Hey Scott!" Jimmy smiled, "Er- are you okay? You look about as red as Grian's sweater."
Scott's hands tightened on the paper in his hand.
"What's that?" Jimmy asked and Grian smiled at Scott.
"Oh! I just remembered I had to talk to Mumbo. I gotta go. See you guys at lunch!" Grian said, practically running away.
Scott death stared Grian.
"Er- am I missing something?" Jimmy asked.
Scott turned to face him.
"Nope!" Scott smiled and Jimmy blushed.
Cod I miss that smile.
He then shook his head.
Friends. Just friends.
" made this for you." Scott stuttered; his face completely red as he handed Jimmy a card.
"Scott..." Jimmy said, looking at the detailed cover, "This is beautiful."
It was a bright red poppy in a flower forest.
In the background Jimmy could see a pond that had stones in it and a little home in a cave.
"You drew this?"
Scott nodded, blushing like mad, "Do you like it?"
Jimmy then noticed that there were words inside the card.
He opened it and Scott turned even redder.
'Dear Jimmy,
Remember a couple of weeks ago when you told me you liked me? Well, I am here to say that I like you back. I really do hope I'm not too late in telling you this as I want us to get together. I understand if you don't like me back anymore, but if you do, would you like to go to Katherine's party as my date?'
"Hey I gotta go- "
Scott started to say but Jimmy cut him off.
Scott froze and blinked.
"I...I wanna go out with you." Jimmy said, "I would love to go to Katherine's party as your date."
Jimmy smiled and Scott smiled as well, both of them blushing.
Scott couldn't wait for the party.
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