UA High
[(Y/N)'s POV]
Today was the day for UA to start. I was all ready to go to UA since I was in the uniform and had my backpack with me.
The last thing I needed was my uncle, and he was most likely sleeping still.
-With Aizawa-
-Back w/ You-
I suddenly hear Uncle Shouta shouting something about being a teacher and a bunch of loud noises upstairs. Soon I see my uncle tumbling down the stairs, screaming curses as he does so. He finally tumbles to the floor and looks at me who was smiling like a fool.
"We speak nothing of this," Uncle tells me.
"Sure thing, Uncle," I tell the pro hero and turn to the door. "Now! Let's get to schoo-"
I stop walking when I heard a zipping noise and turned to see Uncle Shouta lying in his sleeping bag.
"Uncle Shouta, what are you doing?" I ask him.
"Sleeping while you fly us to UA," he tells me.
"Seriously?" I ask him and he only nods. "Fine. But it's your fault if you fall."
I grab my uncle's sleeping bag and drag him out of the house, taking off into the sky and flying all the way to UA. I hold my uncle over my shoulder as we make our way to school. As we fly through the sky, I couldn't help chuckle at how my uncle was already snoring.
We soon make it to the outside of the large H-shaped building and I can't help but gaze at the marvel.
"No time to dally! Gotta get to school!" I say, shaking my head and turning to look at my sleeping uncle. "He looks so peaceful. WAKE UP! THERE'S A STORE SELLING FREE SLEEPING BAGS WITH LEGS!"
"WHERE?!" Uncle Shouta asks, snapping awake and looking around only to see no store but the school. "Lier."
"Had to get you up somehow," I say, grinning. "Anyhow, we're at school. Wanna get out or...?"
"Just bring me to the class like this," my uncle tells me, making me give him a questioning look. "What? I wanna scare them."
"Whatever," I say and bring two fingers to my forehead. "Good thing Goku taught me this so we don't have to take forever to get to class."
We instantly disappeared from sight but soon reappeared inside a hallway.
"Oh God, I'm gonna puke," Uncle Shouta states. "I thought I told you not to do that with me."
"Sorry, just thought it be easier than walking," I say sheepishly and dragging my uncle across the ground as be lays in his sleeping bag. "Let's get to class."
"I can't wait to meet everyone!" a female voice declares as me and Uncle Shouta nears the class.
I sigh, already knowing what Uncle Shouta is about to do. We near the classroom and Uncle speaks.
"If you're here to make friends then leave," he told the kids, making them freeze up. "Welcome to UA's hero course."
"Hey guys!" I greet my classmates and see Izuku. "Oh! Hey, Izuku!"
"H-hey, [Y/N]," Izuku greets me back nervously as Uncle gets out of his sleeping bag and stands up.
"It took you all eight seconds to quiet down. You all aren't a rational bunch, are you?" Uncle Shouta asks the class. "Time is precious. Rational students would understand that."
"Hey, no need to mess with them so much, Uncle Shouta," I tell my uncle who only looks at me. "Heh."
"As you can seen, my name is Shouta, just call me Mr. Aizawa. I'm your homeroom teacher," my uncle says and pulls out a gym uniform from his sleeping bag. "Put these on and meet me outside."
"How did you fit all those uniforms in there?" I ask.
"That's unimportant," Uncle Shouta tells me and hands me a uniform. "Now just put this on and meet me outside, like I told you."
I just roll my eyes and take the uniform, making my way to the locker room and changing into the gym uniform.
Once everyone is changed we all head out to the training grounds to learn that we're doing a Quirk Test.
"But what about orientation?" a brunette girl asks. "We're gonna miss it!"
"If you really wanna become a pro you can't worry about pointless ceremonies," Uncle Shouta says. "Here at UA, we're not tethered to traditions. That means I get to run my class the way I want. You've been taking standardized tests most of your lives, but you've never been able to use your Quirks. The country still tries to make people think we're equal by not letting the people with the most power excel. It's not rational. One day the education system will learn. [Y/N], you gained the most points during the entrance exam."
"SO YOU'RE THE BASTARD WHO TOOK MY FIRST PLACE!" Katsumi shouted at me in anger.
"That's right... Second Place," I tell Katsumi, making her turn red as steam comes from her ears.
I don't know if she was turning red from blushing or from anger, but I don't care. It's adorable seeing her act like that.
"Anyway, since your score in middle school was 57 meters, try it with your Quirk this time," Uncle Shouta tells me, tossing me a ball and I catch it. "Do whatever, just don't leave the circle."
"You got it, Uncle," I say, loosening up my throwing arm as I walk to the middle of the circle.
I don't wanna show my full power just yet, so how about I give them a sneak peek at what they're dealing with, I tell myself as I get into a pitcher's position. Let's knock their socks off!
I then cover the ball in ki and toss it into the air, sending it sailing like a boat in the water. I then notice that the ball was falling to the ground, so I smirk and snap my fingers which makes the ki surrounding the ball explode and further pushes the ball forward before it hits the ground. The ball later lands on the ground and a beeping sound comes from my uncle's score reading device.
"You were holding back, [Y/N]," Uncle Shouta tells me. "This test is supposed to show your limits, which ment you were supposed to go all out."
"Sorry, but I didn't want to give everything away," I tell my uncle.
"Oh well. Here's your score," Uncle tells me and shows the device in his hand, showing a score of...
"ALMOST 2000 METERS?!" a pink skinned girl with pink hair and yellow horns questions on awe.
"Are you kidding me?" a guy with yellow hair says.
"I wanna go!" a black haired guy with weird elbows states.
"Seems like fun!" a redhead with shark teeth exclaims.
"So this "seems fun", huh?" Uncle Shouta questions. "You have three years here to become a hero, and you think this'll be fun? Idiots! Today, you'll compete in eight physical tests to determine your potential. Whoever comes in last has none, and will be expelled immediately."
"He can't be serious!" I hear Krillen shout in my head.
"He looks like he is," Trunks comments.
"No matter what, if he is or isn't bluffing, you're gonna win this, aren't you, [Y/N]?" Vegeta asks me.
"Of course!" I tell them mentally. "Let's see how real Uncle Shouta gets."
"Like I said, I decide how this class runs, understand?" Uncle asks the class. "If you have a problem with that then you can head home right now."
"You can't send one of us home! We just got here!" the brunette from earlier declares. "Even if it isn't the first day, it's still unfair!"
"Don't test my uncle," I tell the girl. "Last year, he expelled a whole class of first year's because he saw fit. Even if he's bluffing, don't think he won't."
"Fair.... you think natural disasters are fair? Or power hungry villains?" Uncle Shouta asks the girl. "Catastrophic events that wipe out whole cities? No. Life is full of unfairness. It's a hero's job to correct that and make it more fair. If you want to be a pro you'll have to push yourself to the brink. For the next three years UA will throw one thing after another at you. So go beyond, plus ultra style. Tell me it's not a mistake that you're here."
"Now then, we're just wasting time talking," Uncle Shouta continues. "Let the games begin."
Test 1: 50-Meter Dash
I was paired with a rather big guy with spiky brown hair and big, puffy lips. We both get into a running position as the other guy takes some sugar cubes from his pocket and eats them whole, his muscles bulging and he grows a determined look on his face.
"Ready?" the robot asks us. "GO!"
A gunshot is heard and, before the sugar could take a few steps, I seemingly appear pass the robot.
"1.03 seconds!"
"One second? That's insane!"
"Tch! Show off."
"His Quirk is amazing."
The other guy soon runs pass the robot and gets a time of basically three seconds.
"Man! You're really fast!" he tells me. "I'm Rikido Sato! Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too, Sato," I tell him.
Test 2: Grip Strength
I took a look at my gripping machine and sigh, knowing I might break it.
"Oh, well. Might as well," I say and grip with all my might, soon hearing a snapping sound and look to see that I indeed broke the machine. "Well, Uncle Shouta did tell me not to hold back."
"Wow! You hit 540kg?!" the weird elbow guy asked a guy with multiple arms. "You're a beast!"
"Yeah! Like a musclely octopus!" a small kid with round, purple hair says. "Sexy!"
I chuckle at their excitement over a simple number and close my eyes. This is gonna be either a really quick day or a really long one.
Test 3: Standing Long Jump
I ready myself to jump and did just that, not only clearing the field but also landing in one of the battle areas which was a forest.
"Whoops!" I say. "Overshot!'
I place my fingers on my temple and Instant Tranmission back to my uncle, scaring some of my classmates.
"Sorry for scaring ya!" I tell them.
Test 4: Repeated Sidesteps
"GO!" the robot tells me, and I start to move so fast that the machine could barely keep up with me.
I was going for so long that Uncle Shouta had to tell me to stop.
"Just who is this guy?" a guy with dual-colored hair asks himself.
Test 5: Ball Throw
I already did this, so I just sat back and watched everyone else do it. The brunette from earlier got infinity... wow. Katsumi yelled "DIE!" when she threw her ball and got 705 meters. Cool, but why does she always want to kill someone? Maybe she's always on her period or something? Who knows.
Anyways, it was Izuku's turn and he wasn't doing so good. He's bound to be last place if he keeps this up. I know he can't use One For All properly yet, but he has to do something. He'll get kicked out of he doesn't.
"If Midoriya doesn't shape up soon then he'll be going home," the engine leg guy states.
"Of course he will!" Katsumi said. "He's a Quirkless loser! Just like [Y/N] was before ten months ago!"
"Ten months ago?" engine leg guy questions. "Nevermind. Why would you think he's Quirkless? Haven't you heard about what he did during the exam?"
"Huh?" Katsumi questions.
"Just sit back and watch the fireworks, Kacchan," I tell the explosive teen.
"I told you not to call me that!" Katsumi yells at me, blushing like a madwoman.
I laugh and watch as Izuku throw his ball... only to get 47 METERS?! WHAT THE FUCK?!
"But, my Quirk... I was trying to use it just now," Izuku states. "What happened?"
"I erased your Quirk," Uncle Shouta tells Izuku, using his "Erasure" Quirk while his hair and scarf float in the air. "The judges for the entrance exam weren't rational enough. Someone like you should never be allowed at this school."
"You did what?" Izuku asks before realizing who he was talking to. "Wait! I know those goggles! You can look at someone and cancel their powers! The Erasure Hero: Erasure Head! [Y/N], WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOUR UNCLE WAS A PRO HERO?!"
"Sorry, kinda slipped my mind, I guess," I say sheepishly, rubbing the back of my neck.
"You're not ready. You don't have control over your power," Uncle tells Izuku. "Were you planning to break yourself again? Counting on someone else to save your useless body? [Y/N] told me that you'd surprise me, but really, I don't see anything in you that'll make a good hero."
I started to get upset with how my uncle was talking to my friend. I was about to go up to him and give me a piece of my mind, but before I could he spoke again.
"That's all," Uncle Shouta tells Izuku, his hair falling back down on his face. "I returned your impractical Quirk. Take your final through and let's get this over with."
Izuku stood there, seemingly mumbling to himself. I wanted to go up to him and cheer him on, but I knew he had to do this on his own. I can't always be there to pick him up when he falls. Besides, he's got All Might in his corner. He'll pull through.
Izuku then cooked back his arm and I could sense his power rising, knowing that he was about to use his Quirk.
"That's it, Izuku," I say to myself. "Show them that you're more than just a liability."
"SMMMMAAAAAAAAAASH!!!!" Izuku shouts, chucking the ball into the air and making powerful wind pressures as the ball flies through the air.
The ball drops to the ground, a beeping noise coming from Uncle Shouta's device as he stairs at it in shock.
"Mr. Aizawa..." Izuku says, turning to my uncle to show his now broken finger. "... I can still stand!"
"Alright! Good job, Izuku!" I tell the greenette with a proud smile on my face.
"He just threw it over 700 meters!" a classmate observes.
"Now he's showing us his true power!" the brunette states.
"His finger seems broken, just like his arm and legs at the exam," engine legs states. "What an odd Quirk."
Out of everyone that was complimenting Izuku on his throw, I notice Katsumi freaking out and gawking at Izuku. She was probably wondering how he somehow got a Quirk, the same way she did when she found out about the sudden appearance of my "Quirk".
"DEKU, YOU BASTARD! TELL ME HOW YOU DID THAT OR ELSE!" she shouts, rushing at Izuku with her palm reached at him.
Oh shit. She's actually trying to hurt him. Welp, can't let that happen.
I Z-Vanish and appear in front of Katsumi, making her run into me. What I didn't expect was for us to fall over, Katsumi on top of me.
"Um... hey?" I greet her with an awkward tone. "What's up?"
Katsumi didn't respond. All that came from her were only pieces of words as she tried to make a sentence, only to fail in the end.
"[Y/N], Bakugou, stop trying to make out right now," Uncle Shouta tells me and Katsumi. "We have work to do."
"MAKE OUT?!" me and Katsumi question as we look at each other m, our faces bright red.
The explosive teen quickly gets off me as she starts quickly saying things to me that are either curses, apologies, or both. I couldn't tell. She was talking too fast.
"Er, sorry Uncle Shouta!" I say as I get up to my feet. "I was just trying to help Izuku. Guess things didn't go as planned."
"Whatever, just join the rest of the class," my uncle tells me and me and Kastumi did so, blushes on our faces as we head to opposite sides of the group.
Oh God, what's happening to me? My face feels all heated up! Please, just let this be a one-time thing!
After that very embarrassing moment, the rest of the tests were over and done with. My uncle gathered us all up near him as he was about to show the scores.
"Now I'll give you all your results," he tells us. "I've ranked you all from best to worst. You should have a good idea where you're standing now. I'll also pull up the entire list. Now point in wasting time."
Uncle Shouta raised his handheld device and pressed a button, making a holographic image of a leader board appear. These were the results.
1. Son [Y/N]
2. Momo Yaoyorozu
3. Shoto Todoroki
4. Katsumi Bakugou
5. Tenya Iida
6. Fumikage Tokoyami
7. Mezo Shoji
8. Mashirao Ojiro
9. Eijiro Kirishima
10. Mina Ashido
11. Ochaco Uraraka
12. Koji Koda
13. Rikido Sato
14. Tsuyu Asui
15. Yuga Aoyama
16. Hanta Sero
17. Denki Kaminari
18. Kyoka Jiro
19. Toru Hagakure
20. Minoru Mineta
21. Izuku Midoriya
"Huh. So I got first place... again," I say in not a lot of enthusiasm. "But Izuku..."
I turn to him seeing that he looked devastated which broke my heart. He was my best friend, and I'd die for him. I couldn't just let him get kicked. Maybe if I talk to Uncle Shouta then maybe--
"Oh, also, I lied about expelling someone," my uncle says, cutting me from my thoughts.
"WHAT?!" I question. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!"
"I'm surprised the rest of you didn't figure it out," the girl who I assumed to be Momo Yaoyorozu said. "I mean, [Y/N]--you don't mind if I call you [Y/N], right?"
"Go ahead."
"[Y/N] did give us a hint that he wouldn't be expelling us," Yaoyorozu stated. "Guess I shoulda said something, too."
"You think?"
Well, I didn't really give a hint at anything but whatever. I'll let them believe what the wanted.
"That's it, we're done for today," Uncle Shouta says. "Head back to class and pick up your syllabuses. [Y/N], you'll be helping me clean all this up."
"Okay," I say and see my uncle hand Izuku a nurse's pass.
Soon after that, the day was over. Like I said I would do, I helped my uncle clean up the training ground. Well, it was more of me cleaning while he slept in his sleeping bag. Whatever. I should've expected it. Let's just hope tomorrow is better. For all of us.
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