Son [Y/N]
Power. That's what's life is all about. How much power you have, either political, mental, or physical. Doesn't matter. There was always someone stronger than you.
Then Quirks started appearing, and power took a whole new meaning. Now power is something almost anyone can have, from having super strength to turning your skin into stone or even just a simple Quirk, such as x-ray vision or having perfect aim. Anything was possible with these Quirks.
But with this increase in power came an increase in criminal activity as well. As governments struggled to make new laws for these new powers, villains reeked havoc across the world. There seemed to be no hope for society, until one day a brave few took it upon themselves to use their Quirks to help others and stop criminals. And so a new profession came to be, and a age of heroes was born. These heroes used their powers for good and eventually gained the right to be heroes without having to fight the police and whatnot. Schools, such as UA High School, were opened to even help people grow in their Quirks and help them learn about being a hero.
But there were those without these marvelous abilities, and many were mocked for it. To many, the Quirkless were nothing but worthless and seen as human trash. So many people who were Quirkless wanted to be heroes, but were unable to without a power of sorts.
But this story isn't about a person who was born with power, no. He had to train himself to get it. Even though he was Quirkless he aimed to be a hero, and never allowed anyone to put him down. He made sure that when life changed to be harder, he changed himself to be stronger. This is the story of how a young boy became a great hero along with his best friend. This... is the story of Son [Y/N].
A middle school class is seen, all waiting for school to be over as their teacher rants on about stuff. Three particularly stand out. One was a tall female teen with explosively spike ash blonde hair, white skin, and ruby red eyes. Another was smaller with messy, unkempt green hair, green eyes, and white skin with four freckles on each cheek that made a diamond shape. The last one was just a bit taller than the ash blonde with [H/C], [H/L] hair, [S/C] skin, [E\C] eyes, and a scar under his right eye, coming up from his neck and an inch or so above his chin. They were all in their school uniforms, some a bit messier than the other. Their names are Katsumi Bakugou, Izuku Midoriya, and Son [Y/N] or [Y/N] Aizawa.
Izuku and [Y/N] are best friends, always hanging out with each other and ladder always protecting his friend from Katsumi, even though he was Quirkless. He was strong though, and was very smart. [Y/N] and Katsumi were considered rivals since, when they fought, Katsumi would win some and [Y/N] would win the others. [Y/N] always made sure he protected his friend, no matter how bad he got hurt by Katsumi.
Anyways, let's get back to class...
"So, as third year students, it's time to think about your futures and what you want to do with your lives," the teacher said as he held some papers in his hands before getting a smile on his face. "I could pass out your career aptitude test... but why bother? We all know you all want to go to the hero track!"
The teacher threw the papers in his hands into the air, smiling as everyone is the class start using their Quirks. Well, everyone but Katsumi, Izuku, and [Y/N]. The last two due to being Quirkless.
"Yes, yes you got some very impressive Quirks but no power usage allowed in school," the teacher says. "Get ahold of yourselves!"
"Hey teach, don't let me in with these bunch of losers!" Katsumi says, finally speaking with an arrogant tone in her voice. "I'm the real deal, but these guys will be lucky enough to be a sidekick to some busted d-lister! Ha!"
Katsumi Bakugou
"You think you're better than us, Katsumi?!" the class asks angrily.
"Pfft! Let's go!" Katsumi says. "I can take you all on!"
"Huh. You've got an impressive test result," the teacher states. "Maybe you will get into UA High."
This shocks the class entirely.
"UA? The hero school?" Extra 1 asks.
"Doesn't it have, like, a two percent entrance rate?" Extra 2 asks.
"Yeah! It's impossible to get into!" Extra 3 declares.
"That's exactly why it's the only place worthy of me! I aced all the mock tests! I'm the only one at this school who stands a chance of getting in!" Katsumi declares, her ego growing more and more with each sentence. "I'll end up more popular than All Might himself and be the richest hero of all time! The people all across the world will know who I am, and it all starts with UA High!"
"Y'know, it's amazing how every time you open your mouth, you manage to prove you're an idiot," [Y/N] says, getting tired of this teen's egocentric ranting.
Son [Y/N]/[Y/N] Aizawa
"What did you just say, [Y/N]?!" Katsumi asks. "I'll blow you to pieces!"
"C'mon then, bomber girl!" [Y/N] says with a cheeky grin. "I'll take you on any day!"
"Oh yeah," the teacher says, looking through more papers. "Aizawa and Midoriya, you guys want to go to UA too, right?"
The class became silent, completely amazed at what the teacher said and [Y/N] became pissed off at how the teacher just made the situation worse. Then...
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" the entire class laughs as Katsuki just lowers his head in disappointment and [Y/N] is literally fuming.
"Easy, [Y/N]," a tall man with white skin, wide brown eyes, spiky black hair, and wearing an orange gi tells [Y/N], appearing from nowhere. "Don't want ya hurting anyone right now, do we?"
"Oh, shut up Kakarot," another man said, appearing from thin air as well. "I say we kill the fools."
This man was shorter than the other, with tall, spiky black hair and black eyes. He wore an armor of sorts with gloves and boots.
"Vegeta, no!" the man in the orang gi says.
"Goku, Vegeta, both of you just shut up please," [Y/N] orders the phantoms as he rubs his temples. "You're giving me a headache."
The two shut up and then Katsumi suddenly appears in front of Izuku, slamming her palm on the desk and blowing it up which sent Izuku flying back into the wall.
"Listen up, Deku. You're even worse than these damn rejects, you Quirkless wannabe! Hell, even [Y/N] is better than you and he's in the same boat!" Katsumi states. "You really think they'll let someone like you in when they can have me?!"
"Huh?! No way, you got it all wrong, really! I'm not trying to compete against you! You gotta believe me!" Izuku says. "It's just... I wanted to be a hero since I was little. And plus, [Y/N] promised to train me! I may not have a quirk but I can still try my hardest, can I?"
"You'll never be able to hang with the best of the best. You'll die in the exams!" Katsumi states as [Y/N] grips his desk in anger. "Defenseless Izuku! The school's already crappy! You really want to embarrass it more by failing so hard?!"
"Okay, NOW you can hurt him!" Goku tells [Y/N] and said teen smirks devilishly.
"Wonderful," the teen said as as he got up from his chair, making his way to is rival.
The students that surrounded Katsumi and Izuku took notice of [Y/N] approaching them and felt his menacing aura, quickly moving out of his way in fear of getting hurt. They may have Quirks, but [Y/N] can handle any of them. In fact, he has before and beat them to a pulp.
Once out of his way, the students all took out their phones to record the fight that was about to happen. [Y/N] grew closer to the explosive teen who was still yelling at Izuku. Once there, [Y/N] placed his hand on Katsumi's shoulder turning her to face the teen.
"What the hell do you wa-?!" Katsumi starts to ask, only for a fist that connects to her cheek to cut her off.
Katsumi recoils to the side and falls to the ground, her cheek bruised and she spits out some blood from her mouth. She turns to glare at [Y/N], her eyes full of anger and hatred. But before the teens could go any further...
"You two! Stand down!" the teacher orders. "I am not having another lawsuit on my hands!"
"Where the hell was he when that Super Saiyan ripoff was attacking a defenseless boy?!" Vegeta asks angrily. "I swear, if I had a physical body right now I'd rip his head off!!!"
"Tch!" both Katsumi and [Y/N] click their tongues and both stand down. "Hai, Sensei."
[Y/N] goes over to Izuku and offers him his hand. The Quirkless teen smiles and takes it, being brought back up to his feet easily by [Y/N]. The two smile at each other and [Y/N] nods, going back to his seat and class resumes.
School is now over, and everyone is talking to each other about what they should do. [Y/N] himself was already done packing and was waiting for Izuku who was still packing up his stuff.
"Man, that fight from this morning is all over the news!" Izuku says, looking at his phone.
"There was a fight this morning?" [Y/N] asks.
"Yeah. You didn't hear about it?" Izuku asks his best friend. "Y'know what? Never mind. Better writes some notes down before I forget anything."
Izuku goes to grab his notebook and starts taking notes as [Y/N] leads him out of the class, passing by Katsumi and her friends and the two share a death glare as they pass each other. Soon the two Quirkless teens make it out of school and make their way to their homes. As they walk, they talk to each other about anything and walked through a dark tunnel. As they make their way through, a very liquid-like sound comes from behind the two friends and [Y/N]'s battle senses go off.
"[Y/N]! DODGE!" a tall, green man with antennae on his bald head orders the Quirkless teen. He wore a purple gi and strange orange shoes.
[Y/N] looks behind him to see a large, sludge-like substance coming out of the sewers behind him and Izuku. He panics and pushes his friend out of the way, allowing himself to be taken hostage by the thing instead of Izuku.
"Y'know, I was gonna go after greeny over there, but you'll make a good skin suit too!" the sludge villain says as [Y/N] does his best to fight back against the villain, but it was no use as he was losing oxygen. "Don't worry, I'm just taking over your body! It'll be easier for both of us if you don't fight back! It will only hurt for a minute. You'll feel better soon."
"[Y/N]!" Izuku says in fright, rushing to help his friend as he claws at the villain's liquid body and [Y/N] just keeps squirming, struggling against the sludge villain.
"Grab all you want, my body's made out of fluid!" the sewer monster said, knocking away Izuku with a single swing.
IZUKU!! [Y/N] shouts on his mind, growing angrier and starts to move around more in hopes of escaping the villain, but it was no use. His grip was like iron.
"Thanks for the help. You're a real hero to me, kid," the sludge villain tells [Y/N]. "I didn't know he was in the city. I gotta get out of here fast before he tracks me down."
No... this can't be the end for me! [Y/N] tells himself. I need to keep going! I... need to help Izuku... see my uncle...
[Y/N]'s vision started to get blurry and his hearing fuzzy, the teen seeing Goku and Vegeta but hearing nothing coming from their moving mouths.
I'm sorry Izuku... Mom... Dad... I'm sorry...
Then, suddenly, the same sewer lid that the sludge villain came from flew up into the air and a tall, muscular man with a smile and blonde hair is seen with a bag in his hand.
"Have no fear for you are safe," the man said. "Now that I am here, that is!"
"Not this time hero!" the sludge villain shouts and attacks the hero.
He dodges easily and cocks his fist back, preparing an attack of his own.
"Texas... SMAAAAAAASH!" the man shouts, throwing his fist forward and creates such a powerful air blast and shockwave that it tears the sludge villain apart and frees [Y/N].
As [Y/N] falls to the floor, fading in and out, he takes one last look at his savior to see...
All... Might?
[(Y/N)'s POV]
"Hey... wake up...HEY!!" I hear a man's voice as I feel like my face is being slapped and I slowly open my eyes to see All Might. "Oh! Though we lost you there!"
My eyes snap fully open in shock and I quickly jump to my feet, gaining some distance from the world's Symbol of Peace.
"Great! Now I'll see to your friend!" All Might states and goes to Izuku, doing the same thing he did to me.
Once Izuku wakes up, he immediately starts to freak out over how his idol is right in front of him.
"Hey, calm down Greeny," I tell my best friend. "Take deep breathes."
"Well, looks like you two are moving around all right. Sorry about that back there. I didn't mean to make you caught up on my justice-ing!" All Might tells us. "Usually, I pay more attention to keeping bystanders safe, but it turns out the city sewer system is pretty difficult to navigate! HAHAHA!!!"
"Hey, um, where did booger-man go?" I ask my hero.
"Oh! He's right here!" All Might declares, showing me and Izuku two soda bottles filled with sludge. "And it was all thanks to you two!"
"Awesome!" [Y/N] says with a smile but then realizes something. "Wait! Izuku, we should get an autograph!"
I start looking around for Izuku's notebook and finally find it. I pick it up to and open it up, only to see All Might's autograph already written down.
"Izuku! He already signed it!" I tell my best friend and show him, making him freak out and bowing rapidly and telling All Might that the notebook would be a family heirloom. "Hey, calm down Izuku. No need to speak so fast! We can barely understand you!"
"Welp, I gotta take this guy to the police so they can take care of him," Al Might tells us, turning so his back faces me and Izuku. "Stay out of trouble! See you around!"
"Wait! You're leaving?!" Izuku asks. "Already?!"
"A hero not only battles villains but time as well!" All Might states as he starts stretching. "Now stand back! I'm taking off! Thanks for your continuous support!"
And with that, All Might jumps into the air, making my hair blow in the air force he created from his jump.
"Well, that was cool, right Greeny?" I ask Izuku, only to see him nowhere. "Greeny? Izuku?"
Still can't find him. Then I look up at hearing screaming and shouting in the sky and see Izuku holding on to All Might's leg for dear life.
Not only seconds after calling out that name, a golden yellow cloud with a small tail flies down to me and hovers right in front of me.
"C'mon, Nimbus!" I say, hopping on to the yellow cloud. "Follow that broccoli!"
Nimbus quickly followed my orders and we flew right into the air, leaving a yellow trail behind us as we raced after Izuku and All Might.
Soon I found where those two were and went to them. All Might and Izuku were on a rooftop so that's were I went. I soon made it to the rooftop and hopped off Nimbus, marching over to Izuku.
"Dammit, Greeny! You gave me a heart attack! Do you know what your mother could've done to me if she knew I lost you?!" I ask the greenette and notice a skinny, frail All Might. "Oh, hey Skinny Might. Izuku, me and you are going home, no--WAIT, A SKINNY ALL MIGHT?!"
"Shut it, will ya?!" All Might tells me, shushing me. "And how did you know I was All Might?!"
"I mean, it wasn't hard to figure out, really," I say. "You have the same skin color, hair color, your eyes are basically blacked out. Plus your hairstyle is the same, only just drooped down and a bit frizzy."
"Damn you're perceptive!" All Might tells me.
"Oh! This is who I was telling you about, All Might!" Izuku says. "This is [Y/N]! He's, erm... also Quirkless."
"Quirkless?" All Might questions. "Then what's that cloud behind you?"
"Cloud?" Izuku questions and turns to see Nimbus. "Nimbus!"
He rushes to Nimbus and hugs the cloud, snuggling in it to feel its warmth. Izuku does this all the time and it's FUCKING ADORABLE!
I quickly take my phone out and snap a picture of the moment before putting it away again and turning to All Might.
"And to answer your question, sir, I am Quirkless," I say. "This cloud isn't a Quirk, just a sentient cloud that follows me around a lot."
"I see," All Might says. "And you, too, want to be a hero like your friend here?"
"Of course!" I say, a confident grin growing on my face as I raise my hand up a bit, clenching it into a fist. "I want to be just like you! A hero that smiles even in death's eyes!"
"Forget it," All Might tells me and Izuku, making me lose my grin and causing Izuku to stop hugging Nimbus.
"What?" Izuku asks, shaking as he lets go of Nimbus and turns to face All Might.
"Pro heroes are always having to risk their lives. Some villains just can't be beaten without powers," All Might states. "So no, I honestly don't think you can be a hero without a quirk."
"I... I see," Izuku says, starting to cry.
"If you two want to help people, there's plenty of other ways to do it. You can become a police officer," All Might tell us. "They get crap because the heroes capture most of the villains, but it's a fine profession. It's not bad to have a dream you two, just... make sure your dreams are obtainable. Realistic. Understand?"
And with that All Might walked off, heading to the roof door and walking through it, leaving me and Izuku to our thoughts.
"I'm still gonna be a hero," I say.
"Huh?" Izuku questions.
"I don't care what anyone says, and I never have," I say. "I'm not gonna let anyone get in my way!... OUR way to becoming a hero! I don't care what it takes, I'm gonna be a hero and I'll make damn sure you're gonna be one too!"
"B-but All Might said-"
"Fuck All Might!" I shout, brimming with determination. "He's only one man and he can't make your destiny or your choices! Only you can! So tell me Izuku, do you still wanna be a hero?"
"Y-yes!" Izuku says, tears starting to spill from his eyes.
"Then let's get to training!" I say, an optimistic smile on my face. "I promise you, we'll be some of the best heroes out there!"
"Yeah!" Izuku says, gaining more optimism as me and smiles.
Suddenly an explosion goes off near Tatooine Station and both of us snap our heads in that direction. It was probably a villain again, reeking havoc at the shopping area over there.
Then Izuku turns to me with an anxious smile on his face, telling me that he wants to check out what's going on.
"*sigh* Okay, Greeny," I say and motioning to Nimbus. "Let's go."
"Yes!" Izuku says, fist pumping and running over to me and Nimbus.
Nimbus gets down to the ground and Izuku hops on it (get it? cuz his hero costume looks like a rabbit? I'm sorry, I'll leave now), sitting down on the golden cloud and crossing his legs. I follow him, getting on Nimbus as well and letting my legs dangle off the edge as the cloud flies off to the explosion, a golden trail behind us.
We soon make it to the center of chaos and hop off Nimbus with me telling it to head out and that I'll call it in case anything goes wrong. Me and Izuku squeeze our way through the crowd but we stop at seeing who the villain was. It was the sewer-boy that tried to hijack my body and nearly killed Izuku. But All Might captured him. How is that thing free and taking another person hostage?
"It's my fault..." Izuku says, looking destroyed.
"Izuku?" I question. "What do you mean by that?"
He ignored me and I can tell that he's now in his own little world, completely blocking basically everything out. Then his eyes snapped wide open in shock and he suddenly rushed forward, charging pass the pro hero Death Arms and making his way to the sludge villain.
"Izuku! No!" I shout, rushing forward as well but only to be caught in Death Arm's clutches. "Let me go!"
"Not gonna happen kid!" the hero tells me.
I struggled in his grasp, wanting to go help my friend as I watch him throw his backpack at the sludge monster and hitting him in the eye, making him somewhat releasing his hostage to show that it's...
I felt a new urge to help, seeing my rival in trouble. Sure, she's rude and a jerk, but she's still technically my friend. I can't let her die!
I grab Death Arm's arms and fling him over my shoulder as a strange white aura surrounds my body. I then see the sludge villain raise his arm(?) to attack Izuku and Katsumi and my eyes widen in fear.
"NO!" I shout as my feet suddenly act on their own, propelling me forward and to Izuku, Katsumi, and booger-man.
I grow closer and closer to the monster in a matter of seconds and raise my arm to block the attack and felt impact, making my ears ring and my vision become fuzzy.
[No One's POV]
A sudden impact makes a small shockwave, making dust erupt everywhere and blinding anyone close. No one could see what was going on, so they had no idea if anyone had died from that attack from the villain. Then the cloud of dust and dirt departed and Izuku is seen okay. He's surprised that he's not dead yet and opens his eyes to see...
Said teen is seen with a raging white aura around him, his arm raised as he held back the villain's attack and was breathing heavily, not used to this newfound power.
"You always seem... to keep me... on my feet, Greeny..." [Y/N] tells his friend with a smile as he raised his head to look at Izuku.
"[Y/N]?!" Izuku questions again in pure shock at how the supposed Quirkless teen is holding back this attack ment to kill Izuku.
"Don't question it right now!" [Y/N] orders his friend and moves from the villain's arm, quickly grabbing both Izuku and Katsumi's arms and jumping into the air. "NOW ALL MIGHT!"
All Might, in his Muscle Form, suddenly appears before the sludge villain, roaring...
Once the air forces let up, [Y/N] suddenly drop to the ground safely and sets Izuku down. Then he realizes he still has an unnatural amount on his other arm and looks to see a blushing Katsumi who is being held close to [Y/N] with a single arm.
"Um... hi?" the teen greets the girl.
"PUT ME DOWN YOU IDIOT!" Katsumi barks at [Y/N], yelling loudly in his ear.
"Okay! Okay!" the teen says before getting a mischievous smirk on his face. "Your wish is my command."
[Y/N] moves his arm from underneath Katsumi's legs, letting her go and dropping her on to her butt on the concrete. This makes the girl very pissed off as she gets back on her feet to yell at [Y/N].
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FO-" Katsumi starts to ask, only for a raindrop falling on to her nose to cut her off. "Huh?"
Everyone looks up as more and more raindrops start to fall from the sky, the clouds above darkening as it does so.
"It's... raining?" Kastumi questions as she holds her hand up, her palm open.
"Woah..." [Y/N] says as he looks at the sky in awe.
"Hey! You two!" Death Arm's shouts as he nears [Y/N] and the two other teens. "We need to talk to you!"
"Uuuuuuuuuh...." is all [Y/N] says before grabbing Izuku and suddenly running away in a flash.
"What the...?" Katsumi questions as she no longer sees her Quirkless classmates anywhere in sight anymore.
With [Y/N] and Izuku, the former stops suddenly and skids to a stop, smoke forming from his feet.
"You okay, Greeny?" [Y/N] asks his friend as he lets go of him.
"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Izuku asks, piercing his friend's eardrums.
"Hey! Quiet down, okay?" [Y/N] tells the greenette. "And... I don't actually know to be honest."
"What do you mean you don't know?!" Izuku asks. "You literally did all that cool superpower stuff and you don't know how?! HOW?!"
"Like I said: I don't know," [Y/N] says honestly. "I just saw you and Katsumi in danger and reacted. Maybe I finally unlocked my Quirk and I'm just a late bloomer!"
"That could explain why you suddenly got all that strength and speed from nowhere," Izuku says and starts mumbling about [Y/N]'s new "Quirk" and how it may work.
The newly powered teen doesn't even bother to try and stop his best friend, knowing good and well that not many things can stop him when he's like this. Only something BIG can knock him out of this state.
"I AM HERE!" All Might declares, appearing from nowhere.
"ALL MIGHT?!" Izuku questions, no longer mumbling.
Yeah, that works too.
[(Y/N)'s POV]
"ALL MIGHT?!" Izuku questions as All Might seemingly appeared from nowhere.
"I thought you would be surrounded by reporters by now," I tell the hero.
"I was!" All Might informs. "But getting away from them is easy! After all, I am All Mi-
Me and Izuku scream in shock as All Might spits out blood from his hollow mouth. Once he's done he wipes his mouth and looks at me and Izuku.
"First of all, I heard everything. I know you now have a Quirk, young man," All Might tells me.
"What gave it away?" I ask.
"Secondly, I have come to say sorry to you two... as well as give a proposition to you," All Might says, pointing at Izuku.
"Yes," All Might says. "Without you... if I hadn't heard your story... I'd be nothing but insincerity and fake muscles right now! So thank you!"
"That... No. It was my fault from the start," Izuku says. "I got in your way, and even though I'm Quirkless I dared to ask if-"
"EXACTLY!" All Might shouts, cutting Izuku off. "Out of everyone who was at the scene, you and your friend, both Quirkless, are the ones who acted! You not only spurred me to action but also helped your friend discover his Quirk!"
As All Might spoke, I remembered all that power I felt and that strange aura around me, giving me power.
"When they were young, many heroes claimed that their bodies seemingly acted on their own when in a dangerous situation!" All Might informs us as Izuku starts to cry and slowly falls to his knees. "That's what happened back there to you, right?"
"Y-yes!" Izuku said, choking on his words as he cried.
"Then, young men, I am proud to say that you can become heroes!" All Might tells us, making me smile as tears leak from my eyes. "Young man, I deem you worthy of inheriting my Quirk!"
Both me and Izuku looked up at All Might in confusion.
Hey guys! It's me! [Y/N]!
Man, what a interesting day it was, huh? First me and Izuku find out about All Might's little secret, then I finally get my Quirk, and All Might is now saying he can give his Quirk to Greeny? *sigh* I'll never understand what's going on, will I?
Anyways! What IS All Might talking about? And can I learn how to use my new power in time for the UA Entrance Exam? Find out next time on The Strongest Hero!
Shallot! You can't just write almost 5000 words on this chapter!
HaHa! WoRdS gO bRr!
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