Prequel Chapter 1: How Izuku Midoriya, Katsumi Bakugou, and Son [Y/N] Met
[No One's POV]
A small boy is seen lying in his bed in the dark, clearly awake and not wanting to do anything really. He looked sad about something, but it is unknown what it is. Then his room door opens to reveal a younger Shouta Aizawa standing in the doorway.
"Hey, [Y/N]," the pro hero greets the kid. "How ya doing, kiddo?"
"..." the now named [Y/N], as a child, stays silent, already knowing that his uncle knows the answer.
Aizawa sighs and walks up to [Y/N] and sitting next to him on his bed.
"I know how you feel, [Y/N]," Aizawa tells his nephew. "Your parents were good friends of mine. Hell, your father was my best friend. But they're gone now, and we have to accept that."
"How can I move on, though?" [Y/N] asks his uncle, tracing his fingers across his scar. "I lost my parents... the very thing that brought so much happiness to me. How could I just move on?"
"It won't be easy, I know, but Fuji and Nakano--your parents--would want you to live. To have friends and a life," Aizawa tells [Y/N]. "Wouldn't you want to make them proud and have a good life? Become a hero?"
"Then let's do that," Aizawa says, getting of the bed and turning to his nephew. "Wanna go to the park?"
"... Sure," [Y/N] says and gets out of his bed.
Aizawa smiles as he watches [Y/N] change into a more suitable outfit for the park. The two then left their home and went into their car, driving to the park. They soon made it to the park and left the car, walking around the trees and whatnot.
"Hey, how about you go try to make some friends?" Aizawa asks his nephew. "I'll be slee--I mean sitting over there on that bench, okay?"
"Okay, Uncle Shouta," [Y/N] says. "See you later."
[Y/N] walks away from his uncle while the pro hero goes over to a bench and takes a nap. [Y/N] sees some kids playing together and goes over to them, hoping to play with them.
"Hi there," the boy greets. "I'm Son [Y/N]. Can I--"
The kids walk away from [Y/N], leaving him by himself.
"Erm, okay! S-see ya later!..." [Y/N] says and tries to make some friends with other kids, but only ending up being walked away from. "Why does no one want to be my friend? Is it the scar?"
The young child brings his hand up to his face, touching the scar under his right eye. Then his mind went back to that day. The day he lost his parents. Those screams... the destruction... the figure with the purple spots and piercing purple eyes...
He didn't remember much about that day, nor did he fully see the man who took his parents from him, but all he knew that they were dead and now he lives with Shouta Aizawa.
"Stupid villain... stupid heroes..." [Y/N] mumbled to himself as he wiped away a tear on his cheek. "Why did you have to go and fly into the danger like that? Why didn't you just run, like you told me?"
"[Y/N]! GO! RUN AWAY!"
"Stupid villain..." [Y/N] mumbles again.
"Leave him alone, Kacchan! You already made him cry!" a male voice says. "If you don't, then!... then I-I'll stop you myself!"
[Y/N] looked to see some kids his age all together. One was a boy with green hair and was shaking in fear, standing in front of a boy who was laying on the ground. There was also a girl with spiky ash blonde hair who had some other kids with her. Were they... bullying him?
"Well isn't it Deku, The Quirkless Wonder, himself!" the girl said, punching her palm, making a small explosion. "Still trying to be a hero, huh?"
"He's Quirkless, too?" [Y/N] asks himself. "I can't just let him get hurt. But... I'm Quirkless. What can I do?"
"Just because your powerless doesn't make you weak. Become a hero and show them what strength truly means."
My mom's words echoed through my head.
What strength truly means...
I start to make my way to the kids, keen on helping the kid called Deku.
"Hey! Leave him alone!" [Y/N] shouts as he nears "Kacchan", making the kids look at the boy as he walks up to the girl. "It's not nice to pick on others, y'know?"
"So what? He's a Quirkless loser," Kacchan says. "If you got a problem with that then you can put it up with me!"
"I'm not fighting you," [Y/N] tells Kacchan.
"Then go away," Kacchan says and turns back to Deku.
She tries to go back to what she was doing, but [Y/N] calmly walkq in front of her and blocks Deku from her.
"What are you doing?" Kacchan asks the boy.
"I don't know," [Y/N] says. "What do you think I'm doing?"
"Stopping me from beating up Deku?"
"Stopping you from beating up Deku?"
"Are you?"
"Then get out of my way!" Kacchan barks at [Y/N].
"No." [Y/N] says, standing his ground.
"What?" Kacchan questions.
"You heard me," [Y/N] says. "Now, just leave before things get out of hand."
Kacchan glares at [Y/N] but doesn't speak. [Y/N] returns both back to Kacchan, the glare and silence. Soon the girl clicks her tongue and speaks.
"Whatever," she says and turns around. "Let's go guys."
And with that, Kacchan and her friends walk away and leave [Y/N] and Deku. The former sighs and turns to the greenette.
"You okay?" he asks his fellow kid.
"Y-yeah," Deku says. "Thanks for saving me from Kacchan."
"It's no problem, Deku," [Y/N] says but realizes Deku looking at him in confusion. "What?"
"Did you just call me Deku?" he asks.
"Uh, yeah. Why?" [Y/N] asks. "Is it not your name?"
"No. It's just a mean name Kacchan calls me cuz she thinks I'm useless," the greenette states and brings out his hand for [Y/N]. "I'm Izuku. Izuku Midoriya! And you are?"
[Y/N] looks at Izuku's hand in shock, but shock soon turns to joy. He smiles and shakes his new friend's hand.
"I'm Son [Y/N]," he says. "It's nice to meet you, Izuku."
I hope you all enjoyed this. This chapter is more of a prequel chapter telling how Izuku and Katsumi met [Y/N]. It also gave some background on [Y/N]'s past life and his parents. I hope you all enjoyed and if you enjoyed it then I'll make more of these prequel chapters. Have a good day and, as usual...
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