Hero Names
[(Y/N)'s POV]
It's finally the day that school starts back up again and I walked with Katsumi to school. I would've slept in and went with Uncle Shouta, but she kinda forced me to go with her which I did enjoy in the end. Man, this is gonna be a whole new experience for me. Having a girlfriend for the first time sure is nerve-racking, but Katsumi is a great girl so I know we'll be great together.
At school everyone was talking about the Sports Festival and how everyone was being noticed by the publice for it. I understand, though and I'm used to it. Being able to hang out with other pros on a daily basis because my uncle is one kinda got me used to the publicity the media brings forth.
"It's so weird that people recognize us from TV!" Ashido stated. "Everyone wanted to talk to me on my way here."
"Yeah! Me too!" Kirishima exclaimed.
"People on the street were staring at me!" Hagakure chimes in. "It was kinda embarrassing."
"Aren't you used to that, though?" Ojiro asks the invisible girl.
"You won't believe what a bunch of elementary school brats yelled at me!" Sero tells Kirishima.
"Nice try?" Tsuyu guesses, making Sero groan in annoyance.
"What about you guys?" Ahsido asks me and Katsumi. "Did you guys getting any attention from the public?"
"Of course we did, especially with the media on our way here," Katsumi states and places her chin on my head while wrapping her arms around my neck. "But they couldn't do much to hinder us, and it was all thanks to Teddy Bear here."
"TEDDY BEAR?!" the class questions. "WHEN WAS THIS A THING?!"
"Yesterday, when I found out he was a great cuddler," Katsumi says bluntly.
"Katsumi..." I say in embarrassment, my cheeks flushing red.
"It's true, though," Katsumi stated. "And you're adorable when you blush."
"You damn right I'm adorable!" I exclaim with pride.
"Wait, so you two are dating now?" Kirishima asks us.
"Yep!" me and Katsumi say at the same time.
"Lucky..." I hear Mineta mumble since he was near us.
Before anymore questions could be asked the door suddenly swings open, revealing Uncle Shouta and we all quickly rush to our seats before he could even speak.
"Good morning, class," he greets us as he enters the class.
"Good morning, Mr. Aizawa!" me and the entire class greet back as he walks up to his podium, revealing he was no longer in bandages.
"Ribbit. Mr. Aizawa, you don't have any bandages anymore!" Tsuyu observes. "That's good news!"
"Recovery Girl kinda went a bit overboard on his healing yesterday," I inform my classmates.
"Yes, but that's not exactly important at the moment," Uncle Shouta states. "Today we have a very important class on Hero Imformatics."
I notice the entire class get stiff and become nervous, but I know my uncle was about to pull something in 3... 2... 1...
"You need codenames," he says, making me smile. "Time to pick your hero identities."
"THIS IS GONNA TOTALLY BE AWESOME!" the class exclaims in unison, making Uncle Shouta activate his Quirk and everyone sits back down.
"This is related to the pro hero draft picks I talked to you about before the Festival. Normally students don't have to worry about being drafted, yet. Not until the second or third year actually but your class is different," Uncle tells us. "In fact, extending drafts to you allows pros to essentially help with your potential. Any offers can be resended if interest in you dies down before graduation, though."
"Stupid, selfish adults!" Mineta exclaims, hitting his desk.
"Mr. Aizawa, so what you're saying is that we still have to prove ourselves even after we're recruited?" Hagakure asks.
"Precisly," Uncle Shouta says and clicks a button a remote. "Now, here are the students who got offers."
The board behind my uncle starts showing results of offers, starting with me at the top and going down to Sero.
"In past years it's been more spread out, but there's a pretty big gap this time," Uncle Shouta tells us.
"Gah! That's no fair," Kaminari states in annoyance seeing that he got no offers.
"But what about the real star? Moi?" Aoyama asks.
"[Y/N] got the most," Jiro observes.
"Yeah, not all too surprising, though," Kirishima states.
"Yeah. I bet every pro hero out there wants [Y/N] as a sidekick now after seeing the level of power he showed at the Festival," Sero agrees.
"Guys, you're only gonna feed his pride," Izuku tells our classmates.
"Eh. Not a bid deal," I say. "I just want a master that can keep up with me, then I'll be happy."
"Dispite these results you'll all be interning with pros, got it?" Uncle Shouta asks us. "Even those of you who didn't get offers."
"So we're all interning?" Izuku asks.
"Yes," Uncle says. "You already got to experience combat with real villains at the USJ facility, but it'll still be helpful to watch pros at work. Up close and personal, in the field, first-hand."
"And for that we need hero names!" Sato declares.
"Things are certainly looking at lot more fun!" Uraraka exclaims excitedly.
"These hero names will likely be temporary, but take them seriously or--"
"You'll have hell to pay later!" a familiar female voice says, cutting Uncle Shouta off as the door opens again revealing Midnight. "What you pick today could be your codename for life. You better be careful or you'll be stuck with something inconsiderably indecent."
"Yeah, she's got a good point," Uncle Shouta says as Midnight stands next to him. "Midnight is gonna have final approval over your names. It's not my forte."
I laugh because I remember how Uncle Shouta got his name from Present Mic picking it for him and he didn't care in the least.
"The name you give yourself is important. It helps reinforce your image and shows what you stand for," Uncle says. "Take All Might for example."
And with that we started passing back some dry erase boards and markers as we all started to think up our hero names. As it all started, Uncle Shouta was napping while I still tried to figure out a name.
"Now, who outta all of you will like to go first?" Midnight asks us, shocking some of us.
Aoyama then walks up to the podium and places his board on it.
"Hold your breathe," he tells us. "The Shining Hero. My name is I Can Not Stop Twinkling! Monami, you can't deny my sparkle."
"It'll be better this way," Midnight tells Aoyama, taking his board and starts editing his name. "Take out the "I" and shorten "Can Not" to "Cannot"."
"It's stunning, mademoiselle," Aoyama says.
Well that's a weird name, but then Ashido goes up to reveal her name to he "Alien Queen". Midnight kinda freaks out about it and rejects it, making Ashido sulk as she walks back to her desk.
"Ribbit. I have one. May I go up next?" Tsuyu asks Midnight.
"Come on up!" the R-Rated Hero tells the frog girl.
She walks up to the podium and places her board on it.
"I've had this name made up since gradeschool," Tsuyu says and shows us her name. "Rainy Season Hero: Froppy!"
"That's delightful!" Midnight exclaims. "It makes you sound approachable! What a great name everyone will love!"
This makes everyone get excited and happy, shouting out Froppy to show Tsuyu how they like her name.
Soon more and more showed their names. Kirishima called himself the Sturdy Hero: Red Riot, a homage to his hero Crimson Riot. Jiro called herself the Hearing Hero: Earphone Jack, Shoji called himself the Tentacle Hero: Tentacole, Sero was the Taping Hero: Cellophane, Ojiro called himself the Martial Arts Hero: Tailman and Sato called himself the Sweets Hero: Sugar Man, and Ashido went up again and declared herself Pinky. Kaminari went up and said he was the Stun Gun Herov Charge Bolt, Hagakure called herself the Stealth Hero: Invisible Girl, Yaoyorozu called herself the Everything Hero: Creati, and Todoroki went a simple route and called himself just Shoto. Seems he isn't either creative or doesn't really care about the names. Tokoyami declared himself to be the Jet-Black Hero: Tsukuyomi, Mineta doesn't deserve to be recognized, Koda called himself the Petting Hero: Anima, and Katsumi was...
"Queen Explosion Murder," she declared.
"I'm gonna say that one's a little too violent," Midnight tells my girlfriend.
"Huh?! What do you mean?!" Katsumi asks.
"How about you be Explosion Girl?" Kirishima jokes.
"Shut it, Shitty Hair!" my explosive girlfriend retorts. "How about we go outside and show you why "Murder" should be in my name?!"
I manage to calm her down and get her back to her seat.
"How about Ground Zero?" I suggest to her as Uraraka goes up, showing her name to be Uravity.
"What?" my girlfriend questions.
"For your hero name. What do you think about Ground Zero?" I ask Katsumi.
"That... may not be such a bad idea, really," Katsumi says as she writes it down. "How about you. Have your hero name, yet?"
"Son [Y/N], you're up next," Midnight tells me.
"You're about to see," I say and walk up to the podium. "I thought long and hard about this and this is what I got. I am the hero known as The Golden Fighter!"
"The Goldent Fighter?" Midnight questions. "Is that a reference to that golden haired form you took during the festival?"
"Yep!" I say with a smile. "The Golden Fighter! Or just "Gold" for short."
"I like it!" Midnight says and I walk back to my desk. "Midoriya, you're next!"
"Right!" Izuku says and goes up to the podium. "I use to hate this name, but something changed. I guess someone taught me it could have a different meaning and that had a huge impact on how I felt, so now I really like it! Deku. That has to be my codename."
Uraraka inspired this, huh? I think to myself. Heh heh. Show them you're not some useless kid anymore, Izuku. Show them who "Deku" really is.
Soon class was over and we were handed papers that showed us offers that were made for us, and I didn't really feel like going through all mine. Why? BECAUSE IT'S BASICALLY A WHOLE FUCKING TWENTY-PIECE PACKET!
"Ugh. Why do so many people want me?" I ask as my face falls on my desk.
"Well, I already settled on my choice," Katsumi tells me. "I'm going for the Number Four Hero: Best Jeanist."
"You're just doing that because how popular he is, aren't you?" I ask Katsumi, turning my head to look at her while still on the desk.
"You're know me too well," Katsumi sighs in defeat.
"Heh. Yeah. And your also very predictable when it comes to stuff like this," I tell the girl and hold up my offer packet. "Now I just have to pick mine."
"I'm sure you'll be able to pick one," Katsumi says with a smirk. "Let's just hope they can keep up with power."
"Yeah..." I say and start looking through my offers.
There were plenty of heroes that sent me offers, but none of them really appealed to me that much. Then I came across a name that seemed to catch my attention.
The Surpreme Hero: Kai
Hero Agency Location: Hosu City, Tokyo
[The Weekend... Start of the Internships...]
It was finally the day for the interships to start and me and the rest of Class 1A were at the train station, listening to Uncle Shouta give us some advice.
"Everyone has there costumes, right?" he asks us. "Remember, you're not allowed to wear them in public but don't lose them."
"Gotcha!" Ashido says.
"Speak properly," Uncle tells the girl. "It's "Yes, sir."."
"Yes, sir," Ashido repeats.
"Make sure you mind your manners with the other heroes during your internships," Uncle Shouta tells us. " ow get to it."
And with that we all started on our way to our internships. Me and Iida were both going to Hosu City, so we took the same train and talked a bit on our way there. Once we arrived we spit up again and went our separate ways to go to our internships.
As I neared the place, I notice two similar power levels and notice two familiar girls standing in front of a building.
"Of course we all got the same hero internship," I say as I walk up to the two. "Hey Caulifla, Kale."
"Hm? [Y/N]? What're you doing here?" Caulifla asks me as she turns to face me. "You interning under Kai as well?"
"Yep! He seemed to stand out to me, so I decided to inter under him," I explain to the girls. "You?"
"S-same here," Kale stutters and I nod, turning to look at the building in front of us.
"Let's head in, I guess," I say and the two other Saiyans nod their heads, following me as I walk up to the front door of the hero agency.
I grab the door handle and twisted it, unlocking the door and I push it open to reveal nothing but an old-looking library and whatnot.
"You sure we got the right place?" Caulifla asks me. "It really looks like a--"
We all step inside to see that we weren't in some strange building but somewhere else entirely. Somewhere beautiful.
"--huge dump?..."
"Woah. This place is beautiful," I say as I gaze upon the amazing landscape before us. "Just where are we?"
"You are on my planet," a male voice tells us from our side.
We turn to see a tall man with purple skin, spiky white hair made in a mohawk with a large bang swept downward and wearing a red scarf and dark blue trenchcoat.
"Who are y-you?" Kale asks the man.
"I am the Supreme Kai of Universe 13, but you may know me as the Supreme Hero: Kai," the man tells us. "It's great to finally meet you three in person Kale, Princess Caulifla, and Son [Y/N]."
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