Exit Sign Iida and The USJ
[(Y/N)'s POV]
"Young man! What is it like having All Might teach you?!" a female reporter asks me, thrusting a microphone in my face. "Wait, aren't you that kid that helped take down that sludge villain?"
Now I know why Uncle Shouta hates the press.
"Buzz off," I tell her, pressing two fingers against my temple. "I have class."
I instantly teleported to Class 1A, scaring Iida since I appeared from nowhere.
"Whoops! Sorry, Iida," I apologize to the speedster. "Didn't mean to spook ya."
"It's fine, [Y/N]," Iida said, his arms and hands going in their usual robotic movements. "No harm done."
I smile at the teen and take my seat. As I wait for class to start, I ponder about the media. They've been here two days since All Might was announced to be a teacher and it took the nation by surprise. It was really annoying having to deal with them almost all the time since my parents were heroes, but now this is just getting out of hand. I bet they'll even try to force their way in. It won't work, though, because of the UA Barrier. I can only chuckle at their reaction when they get cutoff from our school.
Anyways, Uncle Shouta is here. That means time for homeroom to start.
"Good morning class," he greets us. "I saw the video feeds and went over each team's results. Bakugou, you have talent so don't waste it. Midoriya, I saw that the only way you could win was breaking yourself again. Work harder, and don't give me the excuse that you can't control your Quirk. That line's getting old."
"Yes, sir!" Izuku says.
"Now, let's get to homeroom business," Uncle Shouta says. "You'll be picking a class representative."
After that, the entire class started to volunteer themselves for class representative. They were so loud. Okay, I was wanting to be class representative, too, but this doesn't seem the best way to pick one.
"EVERYONE QUIET!" Iida orders, getting everyone's attention. "The class representatives duty is to lead others. That's not something anyone can do. They must first have the trust of the others in the classroom. Logically, the best plan of action is to hold an election!"
"Is that the best idea?" Kaminari asks.
"Yeah. We've only known each other for a few days!" Tsuyu states.
"Besides, everyone will just vote for themselves," Kirishima states.
"Most people will! But that means the one with the most votes will be the best choice for class representative," Iida says. "Will you allow this, Mr. Aizawa?"
"Sure. Just finish before the end of my nap," Uncle Shouta says, zipping up his sleeping bag and falling to the floor for a nap.
"Thank you for your trust!" Iida says and we begin to vote.
I didn't know who to vote for to be honest. I could vote for myself, but that feels selfish.
"How about Izuku?" Goku suggests.
"He's a good choice, true, but he doesn't exactly have the confidence to do something like this," I tell Goku quietly.
"Then how about Iida?" Goku suggests again.
"Hmmm... he does seem like a good option," I say. "He's definitely smart. And he just has the whole "leader aura" going for him. Y'know what? Sure. Let's go with him."
I vote for Iida, writing his name on a piece of paper and turning it in. Soon everyone else does the same and the results come in, resulting in Izuku to become class representative and Yaoyorozu to become deputy.
"Wait, how did I get three votes?!" Izuku asks.
"Okay, who voted for Deku?!" Katsumi asks in anger as she stood to her feet.
"What? You actually thought someone would vote for you?" Sero asks the girl as I notice Uraraka whistling "innocently".
It also seemed that I was the only one to vote for Iida. Also, someone voted for me as well. Guess someone thought I was a good choice. I wonder who.
"Alright, the class rep is Midoriya and our deputy is Yaoyorozu," Uncle Shouta says.
"Wait, y-you sure this isn't a mistake?" Izuku asks.
"How'd this happen?" Yaoyorozu asks herself.
"This might not actually be so bad!" Tsuyu states.
"Yeah! I can get behind Midoriya!" Kirishima says.
Soon it was lunch time and I was eating with Izuku, Uraraka, and Iida. I noticed Katumi glancing at me as she passed our table, but I ignored it since I was too busy eating my food.
Iida was telling Uraraka and Izuku about how his brother was the Turbo Hero: Ingenium and telling why he voted for Izuku instead of himself. Too bad. I wanted him to be class rep, but oh well.
Suddenly the alarm went off. Something about level three being broken and everyone started rushing out of the cafeteria. I stayed because my food was a bit more important. And even if there was a villain attacking or something like that, I could take them out easily. Soon Iida calmed everyone down and told everyone it was just the press that broke into school. Weird how they did that, but oh well.
We then went back to class where the rest of the class officers would be picked.
"Before we do that, though, I have something to say," Izuku said, getting everyone's attention. "I think Iida should be class representative, not me. He was able to get everyone's attention and calm us down, so I believe he should be class rep."
"If Midoriya vouches for him then I'm good with it!" Kirishima said. "Plus he was a bid help. He totally manned-up and took charge, right?"
"Yeah!" Kaminari said. "Plus, did you see how he looked like that exit sign guy?"
"This is a waste of time," Uncle Shouta stated. "I don't care who the rep is, just hurry up."
"If Midoriya is nominating me, then I happily accpet," Iida said.
Huh. Looks like Iida became class rep after all. Good going me.
Class soon ended and I was helping Uncle Shouta clean up the room. Actually, Uncle was sleeping while I cleaned but whatever. It was fine, though. I had more time to talk with the Z-Fighters and I could add in some training as well. Weird? Yes. Effective? Also yes.
As I cleaned I saw the thing that held all the votes for class rep. I decided that it wouldn't hurt to look who voted for me, so I went up to it and started taking out the votes. I eventually found the one that had my name on it.
"Wait a minute, I recognize this handwriting," I tell myself. "Katsumi? Why did she vote for me?"
I decided to think about it more later and finish cleaning. But why? Why would someone who I thought who hated me vote for me to lead her?
[The Next Day...]
"Today's training will be different than most," Uncle Shouta tells us. "You'll have three instructors. Me, All Might, and one other will be keeping tabs on you."
"Sir! What kind of training is this?" Sero asks.
"Rescue Training," Uncle Shouta tells us, holding up a card reading "RESCUE". "You can decide whether or not to wear your costumes, but you most likely haven't gotten used to them yet so they'll most likely hinder you more than help. Also, this site is off campus so we'll be taking a bus. That's all."
We all then went to change into our costumes except Izuku since his was totally busted during our indoor battle training exercise. I'm of course wearing my costume. Why wouldn't I? It's cool.
Man, Iida is really taking this serious. Anyway, we all listen to him and get on the bus like he told us to, but the bus was more open than he imagined so his plan kinda failed.
"Darn! It was this kind of bus!" Iida said in defeat.
"Iida, you really need to chill," Ashido told her class rep.
"If we're pointing out the obvious then there's something I want to say," Tsuyu said and turned to Izuku. "About you actually."
"Me? What is it Asui?" Izuku asks the frog girl.
"I told you to call me Tsu!" Tsuyu told Izuku.
"Oh. Yeah, right."
"Anyway, I think your power is a lot like All Might's," Tsuyu observes.
"What?! Really?!" Izuku says, panicking. "I mean, you can say that, sure, but--"
I decide to help a brother out and speak up.
"That may be true, Tsuyu, but All Might doesn't hurt himself when he uses his Quirk!" I tell the girl. "Makes quite a difference, doesn't it?"
"Oh, yeah," Tsuyu says as Izuku breaths a sigh of relief.
"It's a really cool Quirk, though. Must be cool to have a power like that," Kirishima said and hardened his arm. "It's nothing like my Hardening, though."
"No way! I think your Quirk is pretty cool!" Izuku tells the redhead.
"Yeah," I say, agreeing with my friend. "Definitely pro material."
"Really? I think it'll be easier to he noticed if I had a flashier Quirk," Kirishima states.
"Never underestimate the look of a Quirk," I tell my classmate. "Just because it looks plain doesn't mean it isn't a good Quirk."
"My Quirk is both useful and flashy," Aoyama states.
"But it's kinda lame if it gives you stomach aches," Ashido tells her seat neighbor.
He didn't really like that comment.
"Well, if any of our classmates have pro-level Quirks, it's definitely [Y/N], Todoroki, and Bakugou," Kirishima continues.
"Sure, but Bakugou is always angry. She only has a soft spot [Y/N], so she won't really be all that popular," Tsuyu says bluntly.
"Wait, what's that supposed to mean?" I ask.
"We basically just met you, and we can already tell you're basically flaming crap mixed with garbage," Kaminari tells Katsumi.
"HEY! THAT'S NOT HOW YOU TALK TO A GIRL, PIKACHU!" I shout at Kaminari, angry at his comment about Katsumi.
"Why do you care so much?" the blonde asks me. "You like her or something?"
"!!!" both me and Katsumi blushed at this comment and sat down, both shutting up.
"There's another thing I wanna say," Tsuyu says, looking at me. "Your Quirk is very familiar, [Y/N]. Weren't there a hero or two that had it?"
"Hm? Oh! Yeah! My parents had a Quirk like mine, now that I think about it," I say. "They were the pro heroes, Celeron and Gine! They were really cool."
"Wait, what do you mean "Now that I think about it"?" Tsuyu asks me, but before I could speak Uncle Shouta speaks up.
"Hey, hey, we're here," Uncle Shouta tells us. "Everyone shut up."
We all exit the bus as soon as it parks and walk up to a dome shapped building. There, we meet the pro hero Thirteen.
"Hello everyone!" he greets us. "I've been waiting for you!"
"It's the Space Hero: Thirteen!' Izuku fanboys. "He's a chivalrous hero who saved people all over the country!"
"Thirteen is one of my favorite heroes!" Uraraka exclaims.
"Come inside! I can't wait to show you what's here!" Thirteen tells us and we follow him inside.
"Holy crap!" Kirishima says, admiring the place. "It looks like an amusement park!"
"A flood zone, a landslide, a fire, a wind storm, etc! I created this facility to help you deal with unforseen disasters!" Thirteen tells us. "I call it the Unforseen Simulation Joint! But you can call it the USJ!"
"Kinda like Universal Studios Japan!"
Uncle Aizawa and Thirteen started to talk about something, but I didn't pay attention due to admiring this place and all its glory.
"Let's get this started," Uncle said and allowed Thirteen to speak.
He then went on a lecture about how Quirk can be used for both good and evil, and how his own Quirk--Blackhole--is a good example of it. It can be used for rescue purposes as well as killing people without a trace. Soon he ended and Uncle Aizawa walked back up to us.
Before he could speak, though, the lights started to flicker before shutting off, and I started to sense multiple power levels coming our way. Two of them being stronger than any of the others. I then saw a purple spiral forming near the fountain and a hand busted through it, opening up the spiral and making it a portal.
A man with a hand on his face walked through it, followed by multiple other shady looking people and a giant bird-looking creature with its brain exposed.
"That thing's power level is insane!" I shout. "It's... it's even bigger than All Might's!"
"Thirteen! Protect the students! Make sure they don't go near them!" Uncle Shouta tells his fellow pro. "Those are villains!"
"Actual villains?!" Kirishima questioned.
I couldn't hear what everyone else was talking about. Why? Because I suddenly sensed a huge power level. One that was bigger than anything I've ever felt. It hurt my head just by sensing it.
"[Y/N]! We gotta go!" Izuku tells me as he pulls as my arm. "We have to evacuate!"
I didn't respond, so Izuku dragged me with him as we made it to the exit. But before we could escape, a purple mist man appeared before us.
"Greetings. We are the League of Villains," the mist man greeted us. "I know it's rude, but we took it upon ourselves to just join you all in your lesson."
"And besides, isn't this the best place for All Might, the Symbol of Peace, to take his final breathe?" another voice said, sounding male as a figure of average height came walking out of the mist man.
"No... no way!" I said in shock and fear. "It can't be you! It... it can't be!"
"Hello, humans."
"I am Hale."
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