This story is inspired by the story made by Miragemc. Go ahead and read his story "The Boy of One Thousand Techniques". It's good!
Name: Son [Y/N]
Aliases: Quirkless Loser, Extra, Loser, Muscle Head, Human Trash, [Y/N] Aizawa, Aizawa, Idiot
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Race: Japanese-American Human
Looks: like you. But if you don't want to look like you, then here.
Quirk: None
Quirk Description: None
Drawback: None
Personality: Pure-hearted and strong-willed, [Y/N] is kind and compassionate and loves helping others. He can get very angry, though, and is very prideful when he wants to be.
Likes: Fighting, Food, Manga, A Challenge, Getting Stronger, Cats, His Uncle, Heroes, Family, Friends, and the Z Fighters
Dislikes: Being Called Weak, Someone Insulting His Pride or Family or Friends, Giving Up, Bad Food, Plain Food, and Others Giving Up When There's So Much More To Do
Hand-To-Hand Combat
Son [Y/N] is a natural fighter, knowing how to easily brawl and keep his opponent on their toes.
[Y/N] taught himself multiple martial arts, using them all in any fight to be unpredictable.
[Y/N] can easily climb on and jump, flip, and etc. from many surfaces which gives him an advantage in battle.
Quick Thinking
Son [Y/N] is a quick thinker, allowing him to think up plans quickly and can also recall moves he's learned from others.
When all else fails, [Y/N] goes absolutely wild and improvising every action he takes which is both good and bad.
High-Level Intellect
[Y/N] is very smart. One of the smartest in his class, actually.
This man will do anything to pacify his pride, so anyone insulting it better be prepared to throw down.
Iron Will
Son [Y/N] is very resilient and will stop at nothing to accomplish his task.
[Y/N] is very agile, being able to easily turn and move while he's running or in midair.
Son [Y/N] has trained his body to be extremely flexible, allowing him to bend backwards all the way to where his head will go in between his feet.
Battle Instincts
Whenever in a battle, [Y/N] has a natural sense of how to fight and is always to act in case of danger.
Father- (Deceased)
Mother- (Deceased)
Sibling(s)- None
Other Relatives- Shota Aizawa (Uncle, Alive)
Extra Facts:
[Y/N] is very prideful, going as far to start a fight to prove he's stronger.
[Y/N] can see these "spirits" of people called the "Z Fighters". Mainly two only show up, called Goku and Vegeta.
Life's motto for him is "When life changes and becomes harder, change yourself to be stronger".
He can call upon a yellow, flying cloud called Nimbus which he has a telepathic link to it. Many people that don't know he's Quirkless think that this cloud is his Quirk.
Power comes to a response to a need, not a desire.
When life changes and becomes harder, change yourself to be stronger.
You say you're a hero, but all I see is a greedy, selfish man with fire brimming from his nose hairs.
Don't get so down for losing! All you have to do is get stronger and learn from your mistakes! Besides, there's always gonna be someone stronger than you.
I don't care if you were supposedly "made to destroy" or "be number one" or whatever. The one who created you does not control you. You do that yourself. So, what are you gonna do?
Man! That was such a good fight! I can't wait to spar again!
You say we're the same, but you're wrong. Heroes are supposed to use their powers to help people and make peace while you villains only use your Quirks for your selfish desires. Am I wrong?
Power isn't the thing that separates you and me. It's our will to help others as well as our will to overcome the obstacles in front of you, and I always overcome. That's what makes the difference between me and you. So tell me, can you overcome the obstacle in front of you?
I'm not going easy on you! Prepare to lose!
Did you really think I'd go down that easily?
Hmph. This is what happens when you underestimate me.
A dirty battle? No such thing.
Alright. Who's next?
Fighting you would just waste my time. Right now, my friends need me. See you later.
Please! Leave her alone! You can hurt me, kill me, even strip away my pride! But please!... don't touch her...
If you think you can disrespect me like that and insult my pride, then you got another thing coming.
Let me ask you: does a machine like yourself ever experience fear?
Y'know, it's amazing how every time you open your mouth, you manage to prove you're an idiot.
You're really gonna give up that easily, huh? What a pity. I thought you were more than that.
The power you were born with doesn't define you. It's how you use it that defines you and your actions. Are you gonna act like a child throwing a tantrum? Or are you gonna grow up and use your power? The choice is yours.
Theme Song:
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