10 years later
"..." Mrunal was standing with her folded hands and flaring eyes, being calmed by the equally angry Sanjay.
But the teenager knew the reason behind the unkempt hair and mishap clothes of the pouty bruised lips of the naughty Meera.
(11-year-old Meera)
"...what?...what was that noise, huh?...Buji!...what happened?!!..." Reena came running towards the living room where she saw the scenario and pursed her lips knowing the never-ending saga between the strict mother and incorrigible daughter.
As Sonia and Reena saw the broken vase and shattered glass pieces of the table, Rahul helped them to stand at a safe distance.
"...Leave it, Buji!...I don't think she meant to hit the child...forgive her this time..." Sonia pleaded for her favourite grandchild who was not taking her glaring eyes from her angry mother.
"...Seriously Amma?...you are telling me this!...the one who raised such gentle and well-behaved children...and I...compared to this...riot!!...I don't understand where I went wrong?!!" Mrunal explained to her mother-in-law about the ongoing mischief making tales being achieved by the heavily pampered Meera from her school.
"..." Meera was tight lipped even after hearing her mother who rubbed her forehead. It was true Rajeev did pamper Meera to the brim with bending to all her whines and cries.
But Mrunal disliked his unnecessary babying to their growing daughter. Meera's anger and abrupt mischief can be credited to Rajeev.
It was only once that Meera expressed her desire to train with her dad in the gym. And that was the start of the over confident no-one-can-harm-me attitude of Meera.
Her brother Mithun was his mother's shadow – calm and strict, for a 7-year-old boy. Mithun saw the way his elder was not straying her eyes from their strict mother.
"...Chech...apologise!!...please!!" his words only made Meera shift her glare to him who gave up at his elder sister's stubbornness.
The kids had come home after taking the fighting sprint of a Meera from the school. It was only after Preethi had convinced the head mistress of their school that the parents would come and resolve the issue; was Meera permitted to leave.
Well. The case was simple – one of the bullies in their school eve teased Saesha and Nimya to which Meera argued with the hefty boys. Before Rahul and Sanjay could interfere, one of the bullies ended up with a broken nose bridge given by their Meera.
The boy's parents wanted an explanation for the arrogant and rude behaviour of the prestigious hotelier's daughter towards their calm son.
"...Just you wait, Missy!...boarding school!...that's it!!...no arguments...no discussion...I have been only giving false threats to you!...but now.... no!...pack your things!...you are moving in a week!!..." Mrunal stated her final decision to make her stubborn daughter understand the real struggle of life and finally make her understand the value of family and their love.
"...No!!..." replied the child and marched to her room ignoring the angry call from her mother.
Mrunal slumped on the couch with tears in her eyes, on not able to raise a well-groomed child.
Nimya saw the way her aunt was again in a dilemma. As the children knew the advent of this situation. Rajeev will never let his daughter away from his sight, even for a second.
"...Buji?!..." Reena caressed her hairs to which Preethi called her mother to make Meera understand the dynamics of the situation. As Meera would only accept the words of her special agent aunt – Prisha Menon aka Ameila.
The Police HQ
"..." Sanal saw the way his wife was staring at the Commissioner when he passed the statement – helping the Redfox.
Redfox – A newly formed special CIA group to wipe off the law offenders in the society and giving them the apt penalty for their crimes.
The Redfox was formed when the feline mafia just doubted that there was still one remnant of Papi hiding in plain sight. The police officials were not satisfied with the workings of the feline group as they had not kept their promise to wipe off the entire clan of Papi.
Making it evident for Prisha's anger on the officials. She didn't understand why they had to insult them by introducing a new group who would be eventually assisted by the feline group itself.
It was a waste of time, energy and money by the hyenas on the expense of the feline group. But they needed toendure it, as the new reformed CIA posed as a threat to them with planning to expose their mafia justice killings.
"...So, Mrs. Menon...I hope we can have your valuable intake on assisting our new entrants...hm?" the police Commissioner, Gowda smirked at the helplessness of the feline group advisor.
The Commissioner was newly promoted replacing Mr. Kapoor – the well-wisher of the feline group. Mr. Kapoor retired from his post last week wherein the Nairs gave a heartwarming farewell party to their old friend.
Gowda hated the feline group as they would take up the applause quotient of the department surpassing the hyenas. It was pricking the new Commissioner as he had seen his valuable work being sidelined because of the felines.
So, when he got the opportunity to boss over them, Mr. Gowda didn't back out. On the contrary, he thought to let them assist his highly trained officers, just to mock the feline's old form fighting skills.
"...thank you, Tigris and Panthera...we will meet next time...for the review...bye for now...um...Spring?!!" the Commissioner concluded the meeting with his final verdict not before.
"..." the feline members were confused on whom was the commissioner addressing, when he pointed to Rajeev. Vinay and Pradeep could only curse inaudibly but saw the way the once Mafia Capo gave a weary look to the snickering Commissioner.
"...its String!..." a baffled Amelia replied with gritted teeth to which the Commissioner tilted his head replying
"...my apologise...would you please spare some time...and train my team with your famous string technique...its seems popular...*laughs*...just kidding...see you..."
The statement bought back the harsh interrogations being done on Rajeev when the forged Dhiraj's body was sent for post mortem. With the evidence of choking being the reason for death.
It was a gruesome week for the feline group. But they gathered themselves to not let their other family members fall prey to the new Commissioner's tricks.
"...this is not good!...why we need to assist those highly trained officials, huh?....to make a complete mockery out of us!...this is not what the Feline group was formed for!!...we fight for the unjust...and not for schooling kids!!..." Gaurav busted out in the car, as Rajeev started the engine with a silence.
Prisha knew his muteness and signalled Gaurav to not trigger the String more.
In the evening
Rajeev was silently typing on his laptop hearing to the line of complaints laid by Mrunal towards his daughter who found solace on his lap.
He caressed his daughter's hair smilingly giving deaf ears to his wife's banter for his loving daughter.
"...Appa?..." Mithun came inside their room, rubbing his eyes and went to his father.
"...What happened...Sleepy?" Rajeev enquired to which Mithun nodded and saw his father keeping the laptop aside.
"...I am not telling it because I can't deal with her tantrums...but...you need to be a little strict with her, Raj!...she is not a baby anymore!...please...for her sake!!...hm?" Rajeev saw the way Mrunal was terrified and smiled to assure her that he would talk to his daughter.
The next day
"...Appa!!...lets go...I am ready!..." Meera came jogging to her father who was also readying himself with the gym equipment in his gym room.
Rajeev nodded and called his ace student who grinned widely.
"...timeout! Timeout?!!..." the shocked child slide back on the ring as the aggressive man gave her a blank look.
Meera twisted her body back when Rajeev tried to hit her stomach with his powerful feet. Meera didn't have time to recover when she felt the powerful punch on her face.
"..." she could just block the punches with her arm which was starting to pain. But that didn't stop Rajeev, who glanced over the fighting stick.
Before the man could grab the stick to march at the child, Meera somersaulted towards the stick rack and grabbed one of them.
Rajeev smirked at her quick reflexes and threw the stick towards her surprised self.
Meera was able to dodge the stick but couldn't understand why her father was being so rough on her, as compared to the soft and caring manner he would teach her.
As she faced her father, she could only block the marching stick with a smirk. As Rajeev intensified the fights, Meera felt exhausted. But no amount of timeout signs would make the Mafia Capo interrupt their training.
"...Appa! Appa! Appa!.... please!...I beg of you!...Please!..." Meera backed suddenly with her timeout signs and pleaded her huffing father who threw the stick away with a tensed look, confusing her.
Rajeev went to drink the water from his sipper without uttering a word.
"..." Meera approached her father who had turned his back on her.
As she tried to grab his shoulders, "...pack your bags...you are going to report to the boarding school *tilting his head* ...in a week..." she pulled her stretched hands back.
"...have you also started to hate me, huh?" Meera felt her tears threatening to leave her doe eyes but her father's next words shocked her.
"...Because I love you...I am sending you away...Kanna?...you need to understand that we love you and want the best for you...especially your mom...why don't you understand that!..." Rajeev grabbed the angry child's shoulders who tilted her head sideways, hearing her strict mom's name.
She shrugged off his hands and walked towards the table replying "...love!...I understand that...but why so far away?...I mean...I can study here too...am I not!...Appa, I am an A+ student with being the President for the sports club!!...what more does Amma want?!"
"...she wants you to not land in trouble...it was only after she convinced the Principal about your good grades and class behaviour...that he didn't suspend you...and knowing for a fact that the boy did tease your sisters...she showed your Head mistress the CCTV footage of the corridor where you hit him and the reason behind your anger!...Kanna she loves you and is scared that you might end up being thrown out of the school for your anger issue!...please Kanna...try to control your anger...it's not what my Mickey is!...right!..." Rajeev called her by her favourite cartoon character name which would always melt the innocent child.
She put her splitting head onto his buff chest and replied "...but sending me to a boarding school is not the solution!..."
Rajeev cupped her face and asked "...then my princess!...tell me what is the solution?!!..." to see Meera twisting her lips.
"...I-I...um...will...behave...and try not to engage in fights...I promise...Appa?!" Rajeev smiled at her words and was about to impart more advice when...
Hello My dear Readers,
Here is the Epilogue as promised...😘😘
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Lots of love ❤️
Take care❤️
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