(8 Just a touch
A/N: I dedicate this to CarlaFranz because you voted and it made me happy and I love how I get one voter more per chapter<3
This might be the longest chapter I've ever written (except for oneshots). But it's also one of my favourites so I hope you'll enjoy;)
The last day went pretty smooth, Harry thought when he left the last meeting at quarter to five o'clock. He grinned when he realized that he could see Louis again now. He walked to their usual spot with long strides, pulling out his phone and clicking Mr. Payne's contact.
"Hello Mr. Styles. How is it going? Did you talk to Mr. Gardeer?" Mr. Payne answered.
"Straight to the point." Harry chuckled.
A small silence followed before Liam remarked, "You seem happy. Are you that eager to get home?"
No, that wasn't it.
Harry stopped humming under his breath. He hadn't even noticed he was doing it, but it was something he had always done when he was happy. But, without knowing it, Liam had just dragged down his mood immensely. Of course, Harry was aware that he would leave tomorrow, he just didn't want a reminder. But he also didn't want to talk to his boss about what really made him happy so he just answered, "Yeah, yeah... that's it."
"Mmmh?" Liam said, probably confused about his mood change but deciding not to question it, "Well, what about Mr. Gardeer?"
"I think it's fine. The investment will depend on the sales but I'm sure the marketing strategies are supporting." Harry rounded a corner and the ice cream shop that wasn't far from Louis' spot came into view. "Listen. I can send you the proceedings. I'm gonna meet up with someone now. Is that okay?"
"Someone from work?"
"No... " Harry hestistated a for moment, "Someone I met here."
"Oh... Well, have fun, I guess." Liam said in a tone that Harry couldn't quite figure out.
"You guess?" Harry teased. It might seem strange that he could just tease his boss, but Mr. Payne was an easy going person if it wasn't about business.
"Yeah, I mean, enjoy it. I'm sure he is very special."
Harry was stunned, "Uuh... what-..."
"Bye Harry. See you tomorrow." And then the line was dead. Harry stared at the black display for a few seconds. How did Mr. Payne catch on so quickly? What exactly was he even thinking Harry was doing?
His eyes broke away from his display when he crashed into another person, sending his phone to the ground, "Shit." Harry muttered, "Sorry." He told the other person before bending down to pick up his phone.
He froze for a second when the person he ran into snapped with an italian accent, "Yeah, look where you're going, fag."
Harry's head snapped up and he straightened again, hand clutching his fortunately still working phone. The display just had a crack. "Well," Harry cleared his throat, unsure what to say to the homophobic woman who yesterday made them get thrown out of the shop.
Before he could say anything else though a girl with a german or dutch accent, Harry wasn't sure, took a step closer, "What the fuck? Are you serious? Don't insult people for their preferences just because you where born in the stone age."
The elder woman huffed, "Youth. Don't know what's good for themselves." Then she stomped away. Just like yesterday. A small smile made its way onto his lips as he thought about yesterday. And Louis. Mostly Louis. Suddenly he couldn't get to Louis fast enough.
He turned to the girl, maybe about sixteen years old, smiling brightly, "Thank you. You didn't have to do that."
"Oh, no problem. She deserved so much more." She glared at the retreating figure of the woman.
Harry laughed, "Well, she has her opinion, I guess. We should respect that."
She shrugged, "Still..."
"I know." Harry said, "Listen, I need to, erm..." He felt a bit rude for not chatting up with the girl who defended him, but he just wanted to see Louis.
"Your boyfriend?" The girl asked, a teasing tone but also noisy curiousity colouring her question, not that it bothered Harry.
"No." He laughed, "Well, not yet."
"Aww, that's so cute." The girl squealed.
Harry scratched his neck awkwardly, "Well, thanks. Umm... I've gotta go. Thanks again."
The girl laughed, "Yeah, have fun with your boyfriend."
Harry shook his head and grinned, waving the girl goodbye and leaving, maybe walking a bit faster than before.
When Harry finally arrived, Louis was just finished with his song and for once, he noticed Harry on his own, without Harry having to get his attention. "Hey." Louis just said, starting to take apart his clarinet.
Harry frowned a bit. He didn't know what he expected. A hug? A kiss? A song? Or maybe just a little more enthusiasm? Harry couldn't tell, but it was his last day, after all. And after yesterday...
He pushed the feeling away. Louis was probably just tired, "So today I didn't come unprepared." Harry said, a bit proud of himself and it probably was audible.
Louis laughed lightly, pulling a rag through a part of his instrument, "What is it then? What are your plans?"
Harry ignored the slight worry colouring Louis' voice and announced, "It's a surprise."
Louis groaned, "Ugh, a surprise? Why would you do that to me?" But a smirk tugged at the corners of his lips so Harry knew he hadn't done anything wrong.
Harry grinned, "You will like it."
"Okay." Louis sipped his clarinet box shut, "What is it?"
Harry turned around, leading they way, "I told you, it's a surprise."
"Harryyyy." Louis whined, falling into step with him. "That's not fair."
Harry grinned. He loved having Louis' full attention. And he loved that he had the control over this. "You'll survive."
Louis huffed, pretending that he hated it. Harry glanced at him from the side, noting his beautiful side profile. He remembered how it looked yesterday in the dark, his features illuminated by the street lights. And he had had that dreamy look on his face, like he was thinking of something far far away, but he had thumped at the back of Harry's hand.
Held his hand. Harry really wanted to hold Louis' hand. He glanced down at their hands, not too far away from each other. All Harry had to do was reach over and...
He hesistated. He had no idea what was allowed. What was the line. But... it was his last day with Louis. His last day for a while, because Harry was determined that this wasn't the end, no matter what Louis said. So why not just go for it.
He reached over, attempting to intertwine their fingers but... Louis lifted his hand, "Hey Harry, do you see that?" He pointed at the fountain on the Plaza they crossed.
Harry glanced at it but then watched Louis' face carefully. He wasn't sure if Louis had done that on purpose to avoid holding his hand or if it was unintentional and Louis was completely clueless.
"I always thought that guy on top looked like... Calum Hood."
Harry raised his eye brows. Louis had hesistated, which meant that he lied. That guy also didn't look like Calum Hood at all. Harry also noted how there was now a bigger gap between them. Harry swallowed. It could be just coincidence, right?
Harry didn't try to take Louis' hand again though, not wanting to risk anything.
After the theatre, which was where Harry had taken Louis, they agreed to go to that bar again where they had been the very first day of their outings. It felt like ages ago when in reality, it only had been four days. Harry didn't want it to end.
Do you know these things that you know will happen, but they just seem so far away that at the same time you don't think they will ever happen? Like when you think of the final tests at the beginning of the year? The next school year at the beginning of the longest holidays? The next period of your life like university, work? Something that's not that far away in time but it seems like a different lifetime?
It was like that for Harry. He just couldn't wrap the thought of leaving around his head. So he didn't think about it.
They ate a pizza on the way and it was like it had been before yesterday. Harry making it awfully obvious that he was interested, and Louis being awfully obvious. Or he just ignored it. Harry wasn't complaining, not really. He was just happy to be in Louis' company and have this carefree bubble around them.
When they arrived at the bar it was already about ten o'clock. They walked all the ways they had to and it wasn't that far, but it still took time. But with Louis, time flew by.
The dance floor was already full and some not too calm music came from a live band. Harry grinned, "Let's dance."
Louis hesistated but he looked at the dance floor and agreed. Harry knew what went through Louis' head. He had caught on on Louis' need for distance between them and nobody was dancing too intimately to the music.
It didn't matter when Louis followed him onto the dance floor. Harry felt a bit awkward because it wasn't club armosphere where you had the feeling you could do whatever you wanted without anyone being bothered. But Harry just smiled at Louis and moved his shoulders and hips a bit. Louis smiled back. Whatever Louis did, it looked graceful.
They went on like that, Louis occasionally leaning closer to comment on the band and the music, but quickly recreating the space between them. That was, until the band stopped playing to talk.
"Thank you. You're an amazing crowd." The singer said into the microphone, causing people to cheer and clap. "So, this next song is to the cute couple over there."
The singer pointed into their direction and Harry suddenly had the feeling that everyone was looking at him. He looked around to see if anyone else was being adressed but before he could fully comprehend what was happening, Louis was in his arms, laughing into his shoulder, "Oh my gosh. They think we're a couple."
The song the band began to play was slow dance material. It made Harry press his smile into Louis' fluffy hair and sway them from side to side gently, tightening his arms around the smaller man. "Well, they think we're cute together. I do too, by the way."
Louis just laughed but let himself be rocked in Harry's arms, pressing his nose to Harry's neck. It was nice, peaceful. And intimate. The kind of intimate that you didn't have when you were just attracted to someone but felt connected to someone in a way that couldn't be shown any other way, not even with sleeping together. Not that Harry didn't want to do that, but this... this was special.
Much too soon the song was over and a faster song started. The beat seemed to switch something inside of Louis because he pulled away from Harry completely, making sure to get enough space between them. It made Harry pinch his hand hard to have something else to concentrate on than the hurt and his empty arms.
"Let's go to a club. I know a good one."
"But why?"
Louis didn't answer, already halfway out of the bar. Harry shrugged. Dance dirty with Louis? Why not?
That's what he thought!
A soon as they arrived at the club Louis went to the bar determinedly, not looking if Harry was following, which he was, but not directly. There were far too many people and Harry lost Louis along the way.
Finding him again, Harry watched in disbelief how Louis was talking to another man. They were flirting, without doubt. He was whispering something into Louis' ear, making him giggle, completely fake and with throwing his head back, showing off the nice line of his throat. Then the slightly bigger man gave Louis a colourful drink and Louis smiled at him, sweetly, so sweetly.
Harry boiled inside, anger, jealousy, confusion. He didn't want that man to touch his Louis. He was disgusting. Harry had claimed Louis long before him. And okay, Louis said he didn't want long distance, but still. He wanted Louis. He wanted to make Louis laugh and giggle, and not fake, but real.
He watched as Louis popped his hip out flirtariously and the stupid guy laid a hand on his hip.
It made something snap inside of Harry and he took long determinded steps towards them. The guy had no right to touch Louis. He wanted to touch Louis like this, like this and in so many other ways. He wanted to touch Louis in any way possible.
He stood beside Louis, wrapping an arm around his waist, and shoved the other guys' shoulder, "Don't touch my boy."
He felt Louis tense under his arm but it didn't matter right now. He continued to glare hard at the guy.
The man raised his hands in surrender, "I'm sorry, man. Take better care of him."
Harry glared even harder at his retreating figure. How dare him to accuse Harry for not being able to take good care of Louis. He could take care of him better than anyone else in this world. And if not, he would give everything to at least try.
Louis pinched his arm, getting Harry's full attention. Harry flinched when he saw Louis glaring at him. It made him swallow hard and retreat his arm from Louis' waist. "Louis-..." Harry tried but he interrupted.
"As hot as you claiming me may be, don't do it! We're not dating. You're gonna leave tomorrow and we're not gonna happen. I can sleep with whoever I want. Get that through your thick skull!"
But he had already disappeared in the crowd again. It didn't sit well with Harry. 'I can sleep with whoever I want!' 'We're not gonna happen.'
Harry had had hopes. He didn't know how since Louis had made it pretty clear that he was not even willing to try. To try to make their relationship work. All of Harry's hopes deflated in that moment.
Defeated, he sat himself onto one of the bar stools and got himself a whiskey. It was only now that Harry noticed that this was a gay bar. Great, the whole bar was full of horny guys that definitely couldn't resist Louis' fine arse if offered to them. In a straight club at least the guys were straight and Louis wasn't into the girls. Louis certainly was taking someone home tonight, and it wasn't Harry.
He got another whiskey.
A guy came up to Harry, asking him for a dance, Harry guessed, because he didn't understand italian. But Harry declined. He wanted to sulk and he didn't think he could get into the guy right now. He wanted Louis.
He got another whiskey.
He didn't even like whiskey that much, but right now it was perfect to make his heart not beat so painfully anymore, made him feel lighter.
Sipping on his whiskey, Harry turned to watch the crowd and immediately wished he hadn't.
There was Louis, in the middle of the dance floor but still visible because he shone out everyone else, at least to Harry. And to all the other men looking at him, which weren't too little. Harry had the feeling the whole club was looking at Louis, his not-his Louis. And Louis was enjoying himself, with another man, breaking Harry's heart, as dramatic as that may sound.
He was ugly, not attractive at all. (Okay, a little. Just a tiny little bit.)
He was not good enough for Louis. Harry was the only one who was nearly good enough for him, and even he wasn't completely good enough. But Harry was the only one who deserved to touch Louis like that, to have his attention like that.
It was probably just the whiskey talking.
Either way, it was enough to encourage Harry into thinking it was a good idea to go up to him.
He made his way through the crowd determinedly. He made no long process of glaring at the guy who was currently dancing with Louis, grabbing the musician's arm and spinning him around. They were now chest to chest, their lips nearly touching and Harry holding his hips tightly, not allowing him to escape. The electricity was going wild between them. Harry felt rage (jealousy) and possessiveness flow through his veins, probably showing in his eyes.
Louis' eyes were wide in surprise, but fluttered as Harry leaned closer, "I don't know if this is a good idea." Louis whispered, but he already sounded defeated.
"Do you want me to go?" Harry whispered back, brushing their lips together lightly before pulling back a little again, "Because I'm not gonna watch you dance with other men."
Harry didn't know who leaned in first but the next second they were kissing, for real this time. It was full of want and desperation, because they knew. They knew they were perfect for each other if it would had been a different situation.
Louis was clutching at Harry's shirt and his curls and anywhere he could reach. Harry was holding him as close as physically possible but he wanted more, needed more, needed to be closer. With a silent agreement they stumbled out of the club and into the closest cab they could find. It probably took them four times as long as a normal person would take but they refused to let go of each other.
They were also rather careless regarding the cab driver. Although they put on their seatbelts like he had asked them to, they continued to snog and touch and didn't even try to hide it. It was probably clearly audible to the driver even if he didn't look.
He cleared his throat, "Where to?"
Louis giggled into Harry's mouth, realizing that they had forgotten to tell him where to take them. He quickly recited his address before attaching his lips to Harry's neck, making him moan shamelessly. He was too drunk and too happy with Louis' touch to care. He fiddled with the hem of Louis' shirt, carressing his soft hips, before slipping his hands under his shirt completely.
Louis was leaning forward with his back twisted towards the front, so when his lips wandered from his newly created lovebite on Harry's neck to his jaw and finally back to his lips, he was pressing Harry back into the seat with the force of the kiss. Harry let another loud moan escape his throat, getting lost in Louis' feverishly moving mouth.
Catching him off guard, Louis yanked Harry's head back by sharply pulling at his hair. Harry groaned, panting heavily as Louis bit at his jaw, then travelling further down to his adams apple, his collarbones until he found the perfect place at the junction of Harry's neck to suck on. Harry held onto the bare skin of Louis' back under his shirt for dear of life, probably creating bruises. Everything was just so hot and desperate and Harry forgot where they actually were.
That was, until the driver cleared his throat a bit too loudly, his annoyance clear. "Hey!"
Harry was as startled as Louis seemed with him apruptly turning around. "Yeah, sorry." Louis' voice sounded so much more raspy and wrecked than normal. Harry couldn't wait to see how much he could worsen it.
Louis pulled a few loose bills out of his pocket and stood halfway up to lean forward to the driver. His bum was now almost directly infront of Harry's face. "How much?" Harry heard Louis ask faintly, but he was focused on the patch of skin his shirt was exposing now, just above the waistband of his jeans. He leaned forward, nuzzling his nose against it, before latching his lips on the soft skin and creating a hopefully lasting lovebite. Harry heard Louis' breath hitch and he wiggled his hips a bit, probably trying to focus on paying the driver.
When Louis was done he didn't waste any time pulling Harry out of the cap. Harry remembered the run into Louis' flat only briefly. It was forgotten as soon as they had stepped through the treshold because Harry was pushed against the door and their lips were attached again. Louis' tongue entered his mouth wetly. He was dominating the kiss, but only because he had caught Harry off guard.
As soon as he was in control of himself, at least as much as one could be in this situation, he fought back, pushing back against Louis' tongue. But Louis wasn't giving in easily. He was being insistent and difficult and Harry loved it. But he also wanted Louis, like, now. He wanted Louis to get weak in his knees and whimper and give in because of Harry, for Harry.
So Harry gathered all of his strenth and flipped them around, pushing Louis against the wall. It was enough for Harry to take over Louis' mouth, pressing his hips into Louis' insistently. He moaned when he felt the outline of Louis' cock pressing against his.
Louis brought his hands up to Harry's chest, pushing him back, causing them to stumble backwards together. Harry assumed that Louis was leading them to his bedroom, but he didn't bother to check, refusing to detach their mouths, causing them to stumble into serveral things, but neither seemed bothered at the moment.
Harry assumed they were in the right room when Louis stalled, letting himself be pushed into the wall. Harry finally let his lips detach from Louis', paying attention to his neck instead. He started out with soft carresses, trying to find out where Louis was affected the most. When Louis let out a slight shudder, Harry sucked on his sweet spot.
"Harry." Louis moaned. Then, Harry felt him tense under him. "Harry!" His paniced tone made Harry pull back slightly to look into Louis' widened eyes. It was like he was now really realizing what they were doing. "Harry, we- what are we... We can't do th- this."
His voice got weaker, less insistent when Harry started to carress the skin under his shirt softly, leaning closer again. "Lou." Harry said, his voice raspy but the one word said so much. He was pleading, demanding, convincing. For what exactly, Harry didn't know. He just wanted Louis, if it was only for now or forever.
"Harry, I just- I just don't think this is a good ide-..."
"Don't think." Harry countered, nibbling at Louis' earlobe, "Just, let me." He ran his fingertips up Louis' spine softly, making him shudder. "I'll take care of everything." He pressed his fingers into the dimples at the bottom of Louis' spine, "Don't think about anything." He breathed against Louis' lips before attaching them again.
He felt Louis hestistate, wanting to protest for a moment, but then he just gave in, letting himself melt into Harry's hands and under his control. It was probably bad of Harry not to listen to Louis' protests, but he knew what Louis was going to say, what he was worried about, at least he thought he did. And he wanted Louis to stop worrying, to break the wall he had built himself for whatever reason. Even if it was just for tonight.
"Bed." Louis mumbled, pushing Harry back slightly. Harry made quick process of their shirts, leaving them falling over each other shirtless. Harry kissed and nibbled his way down Louis' beautiful body, paying special attention to his nibbles and tummy. Coming down to his waistband, Harry didn't bother with the underwear, pulling it down together with his jeans. They must have lost their shoes somewhere along the path to the bedroom. He couldn't even remember.
It didn't matter anyways. What mattered was the naked, delicious looking beauty, who was getting a bit impatient with Harry staring way too long. He settled between louis' legs, nuzzling into his hipbone. Then he set on work to nibble and suck the skin there and on Louis' thighs. Wow, he loved Louis' thighs. They were so strong and thick in the right places and so, so delicious.
Louis didn't seem too happy with how long Harry was taking to get to the parts where Louis wanted him the most. He tangled his hand in Harry's hair and tried pulling him more to the centre, but Harry wouldn't budge, "Harry." Louis whined.
And gosh, Harry loved that sound. He wanted to pull more of these sounds out of this man. He sunk his teeth into Louis' upper thigh, making Louis let out a high pitched scream. Harry grinned when Louis' breath got even more ragged. Louis saw Harry's smug face, hitting his bare shoulder, "I hate you." But there was no bite behind it. "Get to it now." Streching his upper body to the side, he reached his night stand and pulled a half empty bottle of lube and a condom out of the second drawer.
Harry rolled his eyes, "So demanding." But he didn't listen to Louis, even as he took the items. Instead, he made his way up Louis' body again, sucking a lovebite to the side of his neck where nothing had been. He tried not to read too much into that lube being half empty. Louis could as well just use it for himself. But Harry also knew that Louis was an attractive man and anyone would just get on their knees for him. And Harry hated the image of anyone else touching Louis like this. He had always been possessive of his boyfriends, although he hadn't had many, but it was worse with Louis. Maybe because in the back of his mind Harry knew Louis wasn't really his.
"Harry. Come on." Louis groaned, pulling Harry from his depressing thoughts. He shook his head at himself. He couldn't think about that right now. He had a man to wreck. And he would enjoy it as long as it would last. And he would make this Louis' best experience of his life.
He finally gave in to Louis' wishes and settled between his legs again, slicking his fingers up. Harry saw how Louis' muscles clenched in anticipation, so he carressed his tummy with his dry hand, rubbing his hole with his lubed index finger, "Relax, love." He soothed. He leaned down to lick at Louis' flushed c*ck, then took the head onto the heat of his mouth. Louis moaned, tensing for the first second before relaxing completely. Harry took that moment to slip his finger in slowly, working on losening Louis' hole.
He loved how his ragged breath hitched when Harry rubbed around his walls. It wasn't too long until Louis demanded, "'nother." Harry didn't. He wanted to watch Louis, watch how he reacted, drag it out, "Harry." He whined. There it was. Harry loved hearing Louis say his name so desperately, like it was the last hope to save the world. So Harry gave in, working in another finger carefully, kissing up Louis' c*ck. He knew he found Louis' sweet bundle of nerves when he let out a whine, clenching down on his fingers.
Louis' fingers tugged on Harry's hair, making him pull off and look at Louis, look what he needed. Louis put his other hand on Harry's shoulder, pulling him up to hover over the other man. Then he pulled him down to kiss him messily while Harry's fingers were still working in Louis' hole. Harry loved the intimacy of it. Louis kissed Harry a bit more demanding, pushing his hips down and Harry took it as a signal to slip in another finger along the last two. Louis' mouth went slack under Harry's and Harry bit his bottom lip, pulling it.
He looked down at Louis' blissed out face, the way his eyelashes fluttered against his beautifully sharp, flushed cheekbones. Harry realized that he had hit Louis' sweet spot constantly without even noticing it. He jabbed it purposely hard, watching as Louis wrinkled his nose cutely. So Harry did it again. "Harry." Louis moaned, "You ca- can-..." His voice cracked before giving out completely, since Harry evilly stroked his prostate every time Louis decided to speak. He knew Louis was gonna tell him he was ready but... Harry could wait. He wanted to see how Louis fell apart underneath him, only from his hands, only for Harry to see. Harry would feel bad to withhold such a wonderful view from this world, but, you know, this was Harry's, only Harry's.
Harry finally gave in when Louis whined his name again. Granted, it also got a bit hard to ignore the throbbing of his c*ck. So Harry sat back, taking his fingers out and quickly got it ready with condom and lube, smirking a bit to himself at Louis' whine of loss.
He didn't smirk long because as soon as Harry was ready, he was pushed back and Louis straddled his hips, "Wipe that smirk off your face." He demanded. "You're a fucking tease." Harry grinned proudly but it dissipated when Louis took ahold of his c*ck and sunk down on it without much tease or foreplay. He probably had enough of it. Harry's hands flew to Louis' hips to help him and slow him down. He really didn't want Louis to hurt, even if he knew it was inevitable.
But Louis didn't seem to mind much. He didn't even take that long to adjust, starting out with figure eights to get used to the feeling before placing his hands on Harry's chest and rising up and falling down, experimentally at first, but then quickly settled into a fast rhythm.
And, as amazing as it felt, Louis bouncing on his c*ck, Harry didn't want it like that, not when it was their first and maybe last time together. So he brought his hand up to Louis' neck and pulled him down for a kiss. Louis resisted at first but was quick to give in. They worked their hips together like that for a while and given by the sounds that filled to room it was good, amazing.
But Harry still wanted it differently. He wanted Louis to wither and fall apart, underneath him. He wanted Louis to feel him for days, to remember how he felt, and the weight of him above him.
So he held onto Louis' thigh, pushing his feet into the mattress and flipped them over, not giving him any room to protest. And yeah, this was it. The way they could work seamlessly together, their skin touching on any place possible and the way Harry could go deep and as fast as he pleased. He knew the angle was good for Louis too because he was hitting the spot inside of him dead on. It was so amazing that they couldn't keep kissing like that for long.
Harry buried his face into Louis' neck, relishing the feeling of Louis' legs around his waist tightly, and how he was marking Harry's back with his fingernails. And Harry loved the sounds Louis just couldn't hold in. He loved how they both just seemed to be so loud in bed and together they created a soundtrack that was even more beautiful than any orchestra could do, at least to Harry.
And like that, they were brought closer and closer to the edge. And Harry absolutely couldn't hold out any longer, "Lou- Louis..."
"Y-yeah, I know." Louis rasped out. They didn't say it, but Harry knew that they were both close, just waiting for the other to let go. Harry got his hand on the other man's c*ck and stroked quickly. And from there it didn't take long for Louis to give in, coming all over their stomachs. And Harry came with him as soon as he felt it, burying himself deep inside Louis.
For a few minutes nothing was heard except for the two trying to catch their breaths. Then Harry looked at Louis, smiling when he realized that he was already half asleep. He pulled out carefully, though it didn't stop Louis from making a displeased noise. He found the bathroom quickly, not wanting to be away from Louis for too long. He wetted a bit toilet paper, not sure what he was allowed to use for that purpose.
He got back to Louis, cleaning them up briefly, leaving the papers on the nightstand carelessly before quickly climbing under the sheets and cuddling Louis close.
He looked down at Louis and his chest swelled with affection for this man. The last thing he thought before he fell asleep was, "I won't let this end."
Louis was panicing inside. Ths was much too intimate, too loving and Louis was worried about Harry leaving, knowing this would end the next day.
But then he concentrated on the feeling of Harry's strong arms holding him tightly and his wonderful scent and the peace and bliss, and he decided to just enjoy it. Just for tonight...
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